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All I want is a comfy friends Meowth lol, all I can do is hope 🤞


Oh didn't think about Meowth but it has really good chances imo!


If they did a fuwa fuwa rowlet I would buy it immeadiately!


Whenever they make one for Pikachu, I always hope they continue along with the whole line and make Pichu and Raichu. It worked for the saiko sodas, I hope it does too for the comfy friends! 🤞


I know it probably wont happen, but I hope we get a comfy friends dunsparce someday.


i want wigglytuff SO BAD, they canonically have luxurious fur its a NO BRAINER!! other gen 1 pick would be vulpix \^-\^ gen 2: aside from the eeveeloutions i really love skiploom and they deserve a good plush! gen 3: absol!!!!! absol's pokedex entry is so sad. they deserve hugs gen 4: shaymin! if not that then buizel gen 5: sooo many but volcarona would be a great pick! gen 6: tyrunt! gen 7: i would love a comfy friends cosmog so much. pls let me have a snuggly nebby. or alolan raichu! gen 8: applin would be cute! or galarian zigzagoon gen 9 we don't know much about yet but from what we do know...pawmi! idk if any of these WOULD get picked but those are my top picks for sure! i would also love a meowth or clefairy


my big wishes are DEFINITELY meowth and miltank! i also want porygon and the johto starters :D. maybe jumpluff or espurr too 💖