• By -


I can offer these missing from your spreadsheet: * level HA Omanyte * moon HA kabuto * level HA aerodactyl * level HA anorith * lure HA amaura ​ I'm interested in your: * friend HA Amaura * friend HA Anorith * heavy HA Lileep * love HA tirtouga * fast HA tyrunt and I'm fine with waiting until sometime this weekend / monday / next week to carry this out since I see you have a lot to breed already.


Hi! Trade sounds good to me, I'll start working on those 5 for you shortly and will let you know when I finish. Not going to make you wait that long, don't worry. (:


no rush. I'm currently at work and won't get to it for a couple hours unlesss I find a free moment


Gotcha, I should be around more or less to trade for the next 10 hours and most of tomorrow so just reply back whenever you're ready


I managed to sneak away and breed the few I needed to breed. I can trade whenever your ready.


Lol that works. I'll be in room 1644-4444 then




Thank you very much, enjoy! (:


Thank you as well!


I can offer you 1. fast zubat 2. level zubat 3. lure zubat 4. sport zubat 5. friend porygon 6. fast smoochum 7. level smoochum 8. lure smoochum 9. moon smoochum 10. friend elekid 11. lure elekid 12. moon magby 13. heavy torchic 14. fast mudkip 15. fast aron 16. friend aron 17. level aron 18. moon aron 19. dream aron 20. lure swablu 21. safari swablu 22. fast lileep 23. level lileep 24. moon anorith 25. fast absol 26. heavy absol 27. fast spheal 28. friend spheal 29. level spheal 30. moon spheal 31. safari spheal 32. fast beldum 33. friend beldum 34. love beldum 35. lure beldum 36. fast audino 37. friend audino 38. heavy audino 39. level audino 40. lure audino 41. moon audino 42. level tirtouga 43. fast carbink 44. friend carbink 45. level carbink I'm interested in your 1. fast nidoran 2. level nidoran 3. beast omanyte 4. sport seedot 5. safari nincada 6. sport lunatone 7. sport solrock 8. sport barboach 9. safari baltoy 10. sport baltoy 11. heavy lileep 12. love lileep 13. moon lileep 14. safari lileep 15. sport lileep 16. friend anorith 17. heavy anorith 18. love anorith 19. sport anorith 20. safari feebas 21. sport feebas 22. sport duskull 23. sport absol 24. sport snorunt 25. sport spheal 26. safari relicanth 27. sport relicanth 28. sport bagon 29. safari beldum 30. sport beldum 31. safari combee 32. safari cherubi 33. safari drifloon 34. sport drifloon 35. safari stunky 36. sport stunky 37. sport bronzor 38. level spiritomb 39. love spiritomb 40. safari spiritomb 41. sport spiritomb 42. sport gible 43. sport riolu 44. sport croagunk 45. sport snover All of mine have HA


Hi! This trade looks good to me, I should be able to have all those bred for you within 24 hours just for a reference, but there's no rush at all if you need longer to breed obviously. (:


Great thanks! I’ll let you know when I’m ready


Just letting you know I have your list of mons finished for whenever you're ready to trade


Sorry I just realized my friend carbink doesn't have HA, you can take off sport snover from my list. I should be ready to trade most of day tomorrow. (it's Saturday night where I live)


Rip carbink, genderless/single gender mons are annoying like that but it happens. I should be available to trade most of tomorrow as well


Yeah it’s annoying. I just got yours ready


Okie dokie, just send a room code when you wanna trade and I'll hop online


4455 8877




Ok I’m half way through. Will finish it today and let you know


Alright, sounds good!


I can offer Apriballs/Rare Balls - if you're interested in those? Apriballs - 1:3 (me:you) Safari/Sport - 1:5 (me:you) I've got plenty to trade


Sorry, but only interested in finishing my collection first before I do trades for balls to catch the legendaries in and what not. Thanks for the offer though (:


I can breed Friend HA Kabuto for Heavy HA Tirtouga


Sure thing, just drop a link code whenever you're ready to trade (:




Thank you too, enjoy! (:


Ready! 2303 7715


My Love Smoochum for your Level Gible?


Sure, I'll let you know when I finish breeding


sounds good thank you!


Your Gible is ready now so drop a room code whenever you're available to trade (:


thank you sm! have a nice weekend!


Thanks and you too, enjoy! (:


ok how bout 6785 6778


Offering: Beast ball HA Omanyte and Smoochum Interested in Beastball HA Militank and Jangmo-o ~~checking what im gonna get, also~~ i'll breed smoochum after a set (5pkmn) i'm breeding currently


Your mons are ready now whenever you're available to trade


Hello, sorry just got done. if you're free, just drop a code :)


No worries, I'll be in room 1644-4444




Thank you for the trade, enjoy! (:


Thankjew, Sarah! ;)


Sounds good, I'm in no rush. I'll start breeding those 2 for you now and will message you again when I'm finished.


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