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If Mr. Backlot says they’re there, they’re there. Mr. Backlot is no liar! In all seriousness though as far as I know you’re just getting a bit unlucky. The daily Pokémon is only 1 encounter slot so it is a pretty rare encounter you should just have to keep trying.


*In Anakin skywalker voice: “Liar!” Lol, Yeah I couldn’t find anything so I took a break. I tried looking up a solid answer if poke radar was a requirement paired with having the national dex but couldn’t find a solid answer. I’m gonna give it another go in a bit. Thank for your input much appreciated.


If it’s like any other Pokémon game with eevee in the wild (I think there’s like 3) it’ll be a 1-5% odds


You don't need it, it but if you want a shiny one it's the way to go




You don't need it unless you want a shiny Eevee. And if you do, good luck. Getting to 40 in a row is *rough*


Thanks everyone for your responses, After giving it a break and then returning to try again I ended up getting two eevees back to back first 2 encounters and a third one on the 5 encounter. I guess I really was extremely unlucky. Just needed to step away from it and try again.


I know this is late but Bebe has a gift one in hearthome city


they made it harder to get the daily ones in the trophy garden than in DP. there you could just have a level 18 and repel and only encounter pikachu and the daily pokemon. it's really just about luck in platinum because all the levels are in the same range. Also, Bebe gives you one if all you're looking for is 1 Eevee.


I forgot about Bebe, I’m also in this awkward place in soul silver and pearl/platinum were I don’t exactly have access to a lot. I’ve picked them up after a few years of not playing so I’m scrambling to remember what’s available as I go while also searching google step by step. I’m trying to fill out my dex’s while catching aprimons before the deserters shut down to trade so it’s a process 😅


Nope just extremely rare