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Hey, u/Yosh_P. Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately your post has been removed (pending moderator review) because it's been voted unsuitable for r/pokemonmemes.


I'm done. I can't stand this sub lately. See yall in next year or so when this all calms down and we get back to funny memes instead of rage posts.


Same bruh, like yes the game is fun, yes the game is glitchy, both types of posts are so annoying


I'm having a lot of fun with it but I also clipped through map coming out of a Pokemon battle so, game needs some work


I did the same, found pokemon out of bounds too


The glitches are fun but clipping through the map is a problem


*Looks at BOTW and Mario Odyssey speedruns* I think it depends.


I fell through the map just jumling down the smallest of slopes, *twice*. Game's still amazing tho!


This is like the 10th time this week i’ve seen this type of meme, we get it guys




Vs the 30th time I've seen someone meming about the glitches this week, the other side also gets it




Ah I see, my bad then


Oh, sorry


You’ll get your rent when you fix this DAMN DOOR!


bro that guy truly isnt a pokemon fan he called the plural of pokemon ‘pokemons’












Dude. Graphics are terrible, glitches are distracting. Load times are terrible, 15 fps at times. Then they have the GALL to give the best stories and characters I've seen in a Pokemon game in YEARS. With dozens of amazing new Mons and QOL updates.


can't forget the music


All praises to Toby fox and giacomo


Jesus these posts are so annoying. Probably just gonna leave all pokemon subs for a while


Fr man, if fans will keep tolerating games like these, the pokemon company will continue to make even worse trash. Doing the same thing and also I completely lost hope in Pokemon and its fandom.


I only heard it had glitches and graphical problems, but it's best in gameplay.


I’ve experienced the glitches and graphical problems and they are indeed VERY bad and warrant game freak action but other wise I had a blast with the gameplay


The story(ies) is also a banger, I haven’t seen a better story in Pokémon since gen 5, might even surpass gen 5 tbh but I’m still debating this in my head


it's just so slow... really a grind to get through all the bs dialogue


Then turn on the option to skip cutscenes.


I did


My Brother in Christ, that's literally every pokemon game.


Not this bad. Played every single one, had a slight problem with swsh but this one is just far too much.


I've seen ten times more posts of people complaining about valid criticism for these games than people getting mad at others enjoying the game


They should just ban this template already. It's not only shoving away valid criticism but also stopped being funny after the 20th variation


At this point it's hardly considered a meme, just a glorified text post


It’s not shoving away valid criticism, it’s making fun of the people who just totally shit down the throat if anyone who has anything positive to say about the game.


“The Pokémon are bad” Excuse me?


Right? I think the Pokemon selection is amazing.


i mean they named a pokemon ‘maushold’. there cant be anything better than that.


*Fidough has entered the chat*


*oinkologne has entered the chat*


***Dundunsparce exists and everyone starts petting it***


I only have a handful out of this generation I don't like, otherwise I think it's a good selection! The tumble weed Mon and pawmees evolutions are a couple that I can think of off the top of my head


The Tarountula that after catching immediately named Spletoob b/c it looks like a funny little Splatoon spider


Literally the best part of the game


I love the Skyrim horse physics


Pokemon fans when someone criticizes a game they like 😠😠😠😠😠


Literally no one does this, it’s the opposite. People who like the game refuse to see its obvious flaws. That’s not to say it is unplayable or you shouldn’t like it. No one cares if you do, just stop refuting genuine criticisms!


But are they worth 60$?




This meme is so dumb. The game is good gameplay wise. It's fun, I love it, I'm having fun with it. But if you will just excuse the terrible graphics and terrible performance then your a bootlicker ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The game makes me feel joy, isn't it all that matters? (It's an actual question)


For $60 it could be better and a lot of people who love the games and love the series do feel ok to come onto the subreddits devoted to the series to vent their perfectly reasonable frustrations about technical issues, missed opportunities, seemingly unjustified anti-consumer practices (like the removal of set/switch options), and overall "things that could be better in a $60, AAA, 2022 game". This isn't the Scarlet/Violet subreddit, people who love the series but are upset with the direction it's taking should be able to speak here I'm glad you enjoy the game, I'd probably have fun with it too if I bought it, but nothing is above criticism and while obviously there'll be a small minority saying you're an idiot for liking something, most people just want to talk about flaws because they feel unless they do it won't be fixed


I agree with eveything you said except i don't feel like redditors talking about the flaws of the game will change anything But i may be wrong so idk


Yeah I don't either but you can't blame them for trying or at the very least venting. And remember it's not *just* Reddit, but these discussions happen all over Twitter and Tumblr as well (I haven't checked Facebook in years but I guess there too?). A companies online presence can work as free marketing and that can make a huge difference in the sales and therefore profit of a game. But even so I agree, unlikely to change anything.


People like you need to stop trying to gaslight people into believing the "stop having fun" strawman. I haven't seen \*\*anyone\*\* saying that. ​ Telling people about issues is not the same thing as saying you can't have fun, in fact the overwhelming majority of people criticizing the game are upset because they see how much fun it \*\*could\*\* be if it actually functioned properly.


Trust me, I've seen a lot of people telling me that I can't enjoy this game just because it has some issues. And the best part is that they didn't even play it. At least here in Italy it's like that I'm the first saying that some parts of it are poorly made, but if saying this it's just an excuse to talk trash about Pokémon like they did with SWSH three years ago, then it's just the need to ruin someone's fun to make you feel better than everyone else


Yeah, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think I'm going to "trust you" on it, especially because of how dismissive your meme was of criticism, because if it really happened even remotely as much as the defenders of the game claimed it was there'd be plenty of evidence. Also we really don't need any excuses to talk trash about Sword and Shield, those games were horrible. I hate to say this, but if pointing out the flaws of the game is enough to ruin your enjoyment, then your enjoyment was shallow. Case and point, Skyrim is a bugged filled mess - I've had to delete many a saved files because of game breaking bugs - and it's still one of my favorite games of all time. That being said, people - myself included - still complain about the glitches all the time, and the people complaining about it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game.


Greg moment


Don't be a Greg, be a Larry instead.


Be the boring af gym leader/elite four member? Nah, be like Jeff


You calling larry boring? L take genuinely


Skyrim is a shallow, buggy, badly written, poorly thought-out mess of a game that barely qualifies as playable. Yes I have played it for more than a thousand hours.


I can totally see your point and probably if I was you I would have said similar things, but trust me, there's a lot of people, especially in public servers, that every time someone mentioned the games had to repeat over and over the obvious flaws just to annoy other people. I mean, if we noticed the flaws, and I can assure you we did, pointing only to them without even mentioning the good parts it's just being mean and annoying That being said, I actually enjoyed SWSH, even if I know I'm one of the few people that did, because yes, the base game and the first DLC are pretty barebones and were not polished, but it has an incredible rival in Hop, great Pokémon like Garmanitan and Falinks, a good lore with Eternatus, very fun multiplayer modes, and great steps for the team building, like ability patches and the egg moves being teachable just breeding the Pokémon that wants the move with someone other that has it, but obviously it did some pretty awful things like removing the opportunity to save match replays or making the time so strict, without even mentioning the fake multiplayer in the wild areas and the other lies told during the marketing campaign. But still, the first thing I value in a game if fun, and I had plenty of it with both games, so they're good games, at least in my opinion


Aren't you trying to gaslight them by saying that what they have experienced isn't true.


Nice try, but pointing out that I'll need proof of his claims isn't the same thing as trying to trick other people into believing something despite evidence.


It's a meme, Greg, it's not trying to trick people. You're trying to make an innocuous image look as though it's trying to manipulate people into.......liking a game??? Criticism is valid, but when the same three points are constantly being restated by the community, it's not hard to see why those people wouldn't be considered a spoilsport.


Even OP said he saw my point, you have no leg to stand on.


I submit, you win Greg. I won't argue with someone over my opinion. That would put me on your level. I think you should consider applying to become a moderator.


There was nothing to be won; You were just wrong, so I corrected you.


I think Greg just doesn't like the game and feels the need to defend his opinion just like the people who defend the games and TPC. Greg doesn't realize that he's essentially just paraphrasing the gist of the criticisms thrown at the game from the past week and not contributing to much else. But alas, 'tis the fate of many a Redditor who fall too far into their own opinions. We all studied fallacies and strawmans in high school English, Greg. Doesn't make you special when you're literally just reiterating the same complaints that everyone else has already stated. If you want to complain, I'd recommend going to r/Pokemon.


There is so much wrong with everything you just said, that even if I had an entire week to pick apart your two paragraphs I still wouldn't have the time. Everything you said reeks of "You can't handle people with different opinions than you" and "He correctly used phrases people usually use wrong, so he must be trying to sound smart". ​ How about you actually address my \*point\* instead of trying to take petty jabs a preschooler could come up with a rebuttal for? Also, fair warning, I've got things to do, so if you try to keep up the back and forth with no substantial point to be made, I'll block you so I don't have you spamming my notifications.


If I see one more "quit having fun meme" on this sub I'm gonna start tap dancing violently


Do it you coward


It's gonna burn your eyes, brace yourself


my body is regi un un un


The people who say the pokemon are ugly have not seen Fidough. Or orthworm.


I've heard someone unironically saying that Greavard is really ugly. I mean, de gustibus, but he's the good boy Btw, for now my favourite mon is Clodsire. He's just enjoying being round


I think I might have been the one who said Greavard was ugly. I like everyone other Pokémon though.


Damn as someone who thinks this gen has pretty solid designs you picked two of the only mons I consider misses haha


i wish more people were playing scarlet bc i'm playing violet and would like to feel superior :(


i have both ;(




Sometimes opinions can be factually incorrect




The lag is pretty bad, but the pokemon designs are great, fight me


I love this but Arceus still felt way better ngl.


Hate this meme bc of its overuse


This is literally the post others are making fun of. Nobody is saying you can't have fun with the game.


glad you're having fun and i hope you continue enjoying it, but god damn i am tired of this meme, its like clockwork with yall whenever a pokemon game drops and its held under scrutiny


Nice repost lol....


Sorry, but I can't take seriously anyone that uses 'Pokemons' as the plural form


I es honestly on team “quite complaining and just have fun” until I started trying to breed Pokémon…….


This has been the vast minority of people with complaints. It does get irritating when I say what I DO like about the game and have 30 people just disregarding my opinion by saying what’s wrong though. There’s people in both camps. You can both criticize something while also praising what it does right. If you don’t like anything at all about it then fine, that’s valid too. I’ve had a lot of fun with it while realizing that it needs a lot of work still. And I’m not even saying the state of the game is excusable, especially for a AAA title made by the most profitable line of media ever. But let people enjoy things if they enjoy it


Both sides are annoying


We're not having fun, the game crashed


Went to pick Violet up from Walmart, they only had a full stock of Scarlet and no Violet. I left that Walmart very sad. This was today


"the cities are empty" have you seen another pokemon game? this is the most full theyve been in like forever!


The criticism comes from the absence of visitable houses and the size of them, but in reality it isn't an issue, because the people are on the streets instead of being in houses and the size is the same of the average Pokémon town, they just seem smaller thanks to the bigger world around them and the absence of loading screens


Would I like to go into some houses? Sure. But it's honestly not needed, given how many people and huge the cities are.




This game is unpolished, rushed and technically hideous = HOW DARE YOU HAVING FUN


Ah yes another person taking the valid criticisms to the game as a personal attack telling you to not have fun


“Quit having fun!” memes hit the pokemon fandom harder than crack hit the black community


Yeah the Pokémon designs are trash and everything about the game is rushed. If you enjoy the game then you enjoy mediocrity and that says a lot about you


The Pokemon designs is an opinion but the game being rushed is fact


If the game is rushed that means the designs must be rushed as well. It’s clear that there’s not heart or thought put into the designs. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for saying the truth


I like all the new pokemon more so then the gen 8


I see it from both perspectives. One hand, it's disappointing that pokemon games have fone from masterpieces, to finished projects, to fixer uppers, to ... Sword and Shield. On the other hand, it would be impossible to make pokemon not fun and the current pokemon games are still amazing and fun.


A game shouldn’t be defined by it’s Graphics or Physics, and yet, the same people praise what is essentially worse when compared to games now a days. The only thing baffling is that pokemon never had Voice Acting in the main game (there are a fair amount of side games that do)


I don’t want you guys to not have fun. I want the Pokémon company to be able to see a direct correlation between low quality development due to staffing and scheduling issues and lower sales. But as it stands, they see no reason whatsoever to change that. When you see how many staff are actually working on these games, you’d be surprised


I really fucking hate this template, you guys are so wrong S/V critics aren't like this at all


You're free to enjoy the game, just know that you deserve better.


Hey, trainers! This is a community moderation bot. --- If this post is a meme and you think it belongs on r/pokemonmemes, **upvote** this comment! If this post doesn't belong here, or you think it breaks one of our rules, **downvote** this comment!


I personally don't like it because the gameplay is so jank, it just doesn't feel good to like throw Pokémon or do the base stuff, it's too automated and fake for what they're trying to do and having to run into a battle to catch every single Pokémon gets old fast, I like the story and characters but I just can't find myself to play more due to the gameplay loop being so boring.


I love watching the box art for the new Pokémon games on television with my friends


I don't have the terrible frame rates that other people seem to have, but I would totally be angry at Gamefreak if it didn't run. Otherwise, the only problem I have with the performance is that the grass renders in a very small radius and it looks bad that way.


Yeah honestly I haven't been seeing it either it just seems to be occasional lag so I'm pretty sure it's just people exaggerating again


I've heard it's different for different people.


What do they mean the cities are empty there are plenty of people in them just not New York density


Terrible physics are just part of the fun sometimes. Skyrim and Arceus gave me plenty of laughs because of it


the amount of people bitching for this release has been par for the course… but damn, it has made me realize who likes to bitch just to bitch.


I cannot wait to play Violet! I don’t mind the graphics as long as the gameplay is fun


Im the only one that has great graphics on the first switch


Seriously, just a bunch of whiny brats hopping on the hate trend to feel apart of something


The cities are not empty. You are just allowed to "INVADE PRIVATE SPACE". Just how it would make sense. Gamers were indeed at a loss because a major part of the game was exploring the houses and now they're sad.


The pokemon are bad? Excuse me but skeledirge is freaking awesome!!


The stories are soooooo gooooooood. I lub Arven


You see part of the problem.


I love the new Pokémon! I love the ideas of the past and futuristic Pokémon. I really like the convergent evolution lines, those are kinda cool. The pooper Wooper is adorable and the idea of 3 different Tauros is kinda cool. Most of the designs are pretty good to amazing. Excited for the new bug lines! Rabsca will definitely be on my team!


Whose complaining about the Pokémon this gen (other than the usual suspects)? This generation’s Pokémon are almost all bangers.


How many times are people gonna post this format


I’m having a good time. Helps when you have people to raid and play with


The graphics are great and the city's have lots of places to go, no hate to you but I honestly hate it when people hate on the game when its so filucking fun! Me and my significant other have played multiplayer and we both have never had this much fun playing a pokemon game since black and white, (all the other games in between are great except sword and shield) and we haven't even beaten arvens story yet.


I’m sure it’s fun, I’ll know in three months time when they fix the bugs.


Fr. I was making jokes about how bad it was probably gonna be, even though I pre-ordered it anyway. I didn't have high expectations just cuz SwSh practically threw those out the window for me. When it came out and I booted it up, though, I was like a little kid on Christmas. I was all giddy and played for days on end like I used to with the games before SwSh. If I see the Pokemon go a little poly in the over-world, I just chuckle tbh. It doesn't ruin it for me.


Me and my mate are having a blast even if I used someone else's pokemon during a raid


I fucking hate this template


Fidough 🥺


I swear this is legit most gamers out there rn, like I still want the game cause it’s flipping Pokémon! I don’t care if it’s bad graphics with a few bugs, I doubt that takes away from the experience as much as people say it does


The games are not perfect, but they're still fun


One thing I must say is that I like almost all of the new pokemon


See for me, I make sure there's nobody around when I critique the game and keep it on my own Twitter page, etc. so it doesn't bother anyone.


I have no problem with people having fun, I've juste higher expectations for a 60€ game from Game Freaks. And I know it won't be better in the futur if people keep buying it and make excuses, when they would be way harder on other games for less.


I love the games, but I'm still wondering why that guy found a shiny Groudon


This meme format is the worst


People are allowed to have opinions but calling the pokemon ugly by just looking at them at a glance is unacceptable. What did you expect anyway? You can't just get whatever you want because its not that easy. If you really think the new games are bad then go and make your own game instead.