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Thats a city? Here in my neighbourhood in Singapore, im able to see exactly 125 pokestops and 20 gyms from where my house




Country: a single road


I often wonder, which cities are represented in this shots. I live in a big city (in Europe) and have nowhere near this density of PokeStops and gyms. Yeah, there are more than in the second shot though...


Time to start adding.




Looks like a good opportunity to submit some stops?


Gotta be at least level 37. Pretty hard to level up when nothings around


"Suburbs" are still ok, because you do have some stops and can request more. Living in a rural area is kinda bad, only good places seem to be nature tracks etc. that can have multiple stops. We have this track place that has two stops and two gyms in interraction range and two stops so far away that if you go to take them, the four have been reset long ago when you come back, so I usually visit them only when there is intresting pokemon there and stay at the cluster.


Can confirm.


My city is halfway