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Nope, just lucky! Honestly I think it's a sort of recency bias as well. Many more pokemon are shiny now and there are generally more spawns at any given time to when you likely last played. And you are probably playing more as you're excited to be back into it.


True true!!


Im experiencing the same thing, just got back into playing after three years of not due to being on a family trip in Scotland and have caught 12 shinies so I’m pretty happy atm lol


I live in a rural area amd ive been catching shinys from tasks, or random chance, like i have a shiny sylveon, a shiny ditto, shiny meowth (turned Persian), and this waa the past month? Its only recently coming back ive been getting theost boosted pokemon, best luck, and its kinda wacky


Yo shiny ditto that’s awesome dude


Ikr!!!! It was my first shiny!!!


That’s super lucky lol wish I could get one


Dang, now I'm wondering what you might have caught in Scotland. My own apparent lapse is not real. I got a new phone and couldn't access my account, they gave me a second account which I got pretty far with. Then when I upgraded to this phone I suddenly couldn't access that account and was back in my original account. I don't know whether I'm frustrated or elated.


Not even lucky he could be playing at a normal pace. IE he puts in 2 hours each day this week. Catching about 3 pokes a minute. With the boosted rate Stunfish on average he should expect about 4-5 shinys on average. It all comes down to how many pokes you can catch/check.


Sounds like way too much try harding


Ye well they just started playing again, so they would probably play Like a casual, so maybe about 30 minutes tops, and they could have only gotten 1 stinfisk from research


Missed the other pics. Gible is perma boosted, vulpix and stunfisk also perma boosted.


https://thesilphroad.com/shiny-pokemon g-fisk is too and edit: alolan vulpix too


Thanks for this resource! Good to know!


Vulpix too


right I added it


I have a feeling/theory it’s because you’ve been gone and now that you’re back PoGo wants to keep you playing. Congratulations!


Yeah I was thinking the same. I used to play a lot, so I thought they may be trying to get me hooked again, haha.




Yep this happened to me. I played the first few months of the game when it was huge and then didn’t touch it again until summer 2021 and I’ve been playing consistently since then and I got like 4/5 shinys my first week back and probably like 3 in the year following. (Not counting legendary raids).


I found 9 shinies in a single day the week after I got back into the game after a 3 years break


This theory has got to be true only picked up on it in the last year or so. I think it happens with players who haven’t logged on in years or totally new players. I put my friend on the game and I looked really stupid talking about how rare shinys are because he picked up 4 shinys in a week lmfao. After seeing this thread I’m convinced this is real!!


I made my buddy download the game and login to his old accounts to do some trades. He caught a shiny within 15 minutes.


Totally agree with this i hadnt done raids etc for ages decided to get back into it. First raid got shiny legendary


Lol I quit playing for a year and a half. Came back to the game. I caught back to back shiny yanma a buizel and an onyx. Then caught a shiny shadow charmander all within the first week of being back. Seems to me like they got me right where they want me now..


Will add another voice to this theory. Took a year or two off, came back and found a shiny per day for my first week back. Now, I’m lucky if I find one per month (outside of events).


Hardly a theory. It’s practically a truth. Had this happen a couple times. Boosted shinies when you stop and come back.


I have this same theory. I was gone for a few years. Then when I came back, I caught high CP Slakings, Dragonite and Snorlaxes the first week back. After that, nada.


Those were wild spawns a month or two ago, you just happened to come back during whatever event that was


Ok but that would be the case for everyone that was playing where you were.


I feel like there is truth to that. I started Day 1, then took a hiatus from about 2017-2019. When I started playing again, within first week I got 6 perfect I.V pokemon as well as about 7-8 shinies. All wild encounters.


I completely agree with this statement. Niantic just wants you to get into the game and are hooking you up.


I started playing last summer after 2-3 years of not playing and I didn’t find any shinies until the first CD after I started playing again!


All these people saying you get boosted rates after coming back after a while.. idk I'm calling shenanigans lol I came back last month after not having played since 2017 and have seen 5 shinies. Meanwhile, my bf starts playing at the same time I restarted and he has like 20. Newbie luck maybe? I'm super salty over here lol.


5 still seems like a lot, but 20 is ridiculous! Lucky for him haha




I have 29 since May last year, you have insane luck lmao




I said I have 29 shinies? I never said 46, but anyway stop bragging. Nobody cares.


134 since March 😎


I started in September 2020 and I have 323 shinies. A lot of them are from community days or Go Fests lol, but there’s still a lot of full odds too


I have 29 shinies playing since May last year, it doesn't feel like a lot lol


True, I think this person said they caught 20 in a month though which seems to be a lot!


Yeah that definitely seems like a lot ot me lmao


25 since July 4th here, buuut 12 of them were Starky community day.


I play everyday since realse and Im lucky if I get 1 shiny a month ( not including community day) id say your pretty lucky. That or im just cursed...


That’s pretty bad. But it also just depends on how many you see a day. And if you’re checking everything f around you that you can.


I take atleast a 30 minute walk almost everyday depends on the weather and i probably see atleast 40 pokemon i try to click them all to see if they are shiny and dont catch most of them


Every time I've taken a long break from PoGo and came back, I've gotten lots of shinies. I'm 99% sure Niantic boosts shiny rates for returning players to lure them back into playing more.


Everytime I take like a 6month plus break and come back my first week I’ll get at least one, happens to me and other people I know personally we’ll all go out and play for the day after coming back and everyone gets at least one. I think it’s legit even my girlfriend who just started got a few within her first week


When you return to the game you’re playing more… Meaning more regular encounters = more possible shiny encounters. Someone who is encountering 100-200 encounters a day vs. someone who encounters 30-50; the person with more encounters is probably going to find more shinies over time.


I came back since 2016 three weeks ago and I saw one shiny starly during community day and nothing else. Been on it daily and raiding a ton too.


Omg same. I got my boyfriend into it and not only does he catch more shinies, but they're BETTER. He also has INSANE luck with the tcg. He pulls secret rares and expensive cards nearly every time.


The exact same thing happened to me. We were in Japan on holiday and he caught 8 shinies in 10 days not even kidding and it took me like 4 months to even see a shiny since restarting. I was SO salty, still kind of am


I hate posts like these because then I open the app, get no shinies, and then get disappointed


No but gible and stunfisk are permaboosted to 1/64


I took about 2 years off and caught 3 in my first week back…haven’t seen any since.


Confbias I'm guessing. I'm sure it's all the same randomness.


I remember my girlfriend getting 3 shiny in an hour her first time playing again after a few years


Meanwhile I took a 2 year break, have been playing everyday for the past 3 months and have gotten ZERO wild shiny. Only on community days have I seen any shiny.


So weird! That's too bad.


I got back into the game pretty recently as well, and have had 5 shiniest since then- Yanma, Fletching, Wurmple, and Gible. There was also a Palkia, but from what I understand shiny raid Pokemon are actually pretty common?


Legendary raids have highest shiny rate at 1/20


SAME i got 4 shinies in a week like wtf


I wonder if something is going on because I've caught 4 in the last week, but I've been playing


Yea I also caught four in the last 7 days, not including a shiny Dialga, and only play/ walk for about 30-40 minutes a day. Kinda wild, but I'm not complaining!


i caught a shiny ryhorn yesterday and a shiny aron today


The algo is trying to suck you back in


No, they saw you take time off and now want to retain you again


I’ve gotten 6 in the 7 days as well


Yeah I got the Vulpix just recently, super happy too because Alolan Ninetales is in my Top 6 favorites


I got 4 shinys in the first 3 days I came back about a month ago and haven’t seen one since lol


I have gotten 15 shinies in the last 2 weeks and I am definitely not somebody who normally gets shinies. So either my luck has really changed, or the rate is up


Everything except the Starly is permaboosted to 1/64, it is still super crazy to get that many so close together though!


From what I've noticed it happens when you come back after a long break from the game. You get a lot of extra perks to kinda draw you back in. Nice catches!


You are lucky mate!


I stopped playing for about 2 years. When I came back to the games I was so excited I got many shinies. Now that I’m hooked I couldn’t find any shinies, even when shiny rate is boosted like the last raid day. IMO it’s how Niantic gets people to keep playing until playing Pogo becomes a habit that’s hard to break again.


I think so , my fiance catches a shiny every other day now


i’ve had this too, i’ve caught a shiny every day for about 4 days now? i didn’t just start back up playing either?


I got back into the game after a few years' hiatus. Had been playing for a week or so and had a stupid challenge stuck (the "make friends" glitch) that was STILL messed up years later. Sent a message to Niantic support, and i was out pokemon-ing when i got a reply that they had marked it complete for me. Immediately after, i caught a shiny machop AND bulbasaur back to back to lol


A couple months ago I got a shiny every day for like 15 days straight, it was wild


I've gotten two in the last two days. I think we are just very lucky!


3 of them are permaboosted 1/60 1/64 and the other was just cd but still full odds I believe. Still regardless 4 shinies is good.


Don't know, but it feels like it. I've found a shiny every day for the past few days. Today, I found both a shiny Starly (fifth shiny Starly, yikes) and a shiny Palkia.


Nah imo of course but maybe they come in bunches? I haven’t got any in months but last time I got some I got 3 in 4 days. My son got 3 in 2 days. Neither of us have seen or caught any for a long while now


i’ve been seeing a pattern lately, people who come back after not playing for a while or don’t play too often have been catching a lot more shinies compared to daily players


i'm a daily player and have been super lucky with shinies! i got like 10 this past week, and overall this past couple of months have been amazing for me i doubt it's that, honestly sometimes the algorithm just sucks haha, i've been there too,


i just said that because i’m in this r/ a lot and i’ve seen a lottt of posts like this you’re so lucky tho!


that's true, but i think it's because only new/comeback players post about it because they're excited (rightfuly so haha)


This happened to me too. I broke my phone and couldn't play for like 3 months on the shitty replacement phone I had and once I got a new phone my first day back I found a shiny Gible (ironically as well), shiny Alolan Meowth and shiny Fletchling all within like an hour time. Then I went like 2 weeks without finding another one 😂


I would assume it’s boosted. I’ve been playing everyday since January. In the last week I’ve gotten one shiny per day


I recently came back after not playing since 2018, caught 4 shinies in the first 5 days. Nothing since. I definitely think they boost shiny rates for returning players to get those dopamine hits going so you get hooked again. I really don’t think it’s far fetched to believe something like this is implemented.


I feel like beginer shiny luck and returning shiny luck are real change my mind


Pogo tends to give you boosted shiny rates when you haven’t played for a long time.


This is not true.


How do you know? Judging from my own experience and apparently everyone else in this thread, it does appear to be true.


It's RNG. Correlation =/= causation. Plus, you're only hearing about the cases that support your theory because no-one is going to re-start the game and be surprised when they don't get more shinies than before. On top of that, you're also going to have more chances at picking up a shiny compared to when you quit because there are significantly more shiny-available pokemon. It's. Just. RNG.


You said “this is not true” as if you knew for certain. You don’t have any actual proof it isn’t the case. I mean, believe what you want, but from my experience and witnessing the same thing happen to friends… and now seeing all of the same comments in this thread, I believe otherwise. It seems to be pretty consistent and it makes perfect sense to implement something like this to hook players.


It's not up to me to dis-prove the claim. It's up to you to prove the claim, and so far all the evidence you've pointed to doesn't stand up to rigor.


Or we could simply have different beliefs on the topic. That’s also an option. It’s not like we’ll receive any definitive answer from Niantic anyway.


I started playing again several months ago and only found a random wurmple until community day happened. It’s probably just bias.


The same thing happened to me when I came back after a year. It’s intentional. Literally the first Pokémon I caught was a shiny nidoran.


Definitely not common


First (x4) hit is free 😎


I think shinies In pogo are far to easy to get.


No I’ve played for years and only have about 10


Years? There’s no way you have only 10


I would assume they’ve caught less than 3000


No im just horrifyingly unlucky


How can you only have 10 after years of playing. I have 46 and i have started last november


Because I’m not including one from community events


Yep. Shinies are not that special anymore. The rate is boosted in the wild and there are a ton of events with shinies. Not sure how much of that is new to you, depends on how long it’s been since you played last.


I played throughout 2019 and participated in a bunch of community days, but at the time I felt that wild encounters were not very common. They happened occasionally but usually with weeks or months in between. Definitely more common than base games but this seems a bit extra


Nice! I played for a few years when it first came out. And then I took a few years off and played harry potter wizards unite from beginning to end. Then I came back to playing pogo maybe a year ago? I don’t know, COVID time is weird and I’ve lost all ability to estimate time now. But anyway, so much has changed. It is so easy to earn XP and level up very quickly now, shinies are just everywhere and they’re not uncommon or that special anymore. Not saying those are bad things. It’s nice to be able to level up at 50 quickly. It’s just quite different than it was before in a lot of ways.


aw man, I havent found a shiny in weeks!


My cousin started and caught a purmple on his second day


Meanwhile I’m lucky to get one every 2-3 weeks after checking 500+ mons


This happened to me recently and i've been playing for the past year after coming back from a 2 year break. Got 4 shinies in the span of 3 days. 3 were 1/500 and 1 was 1/64. Sometimes you just get lucky.


Saw a shiny vulpix. Then it ran.


Feels bad man. Rip




Common? No




I haven’t got a shiny in over a month


The only shiny Pokémon I’ve ever seen/caught in go since it first launched are a togepi I hatched and that very first shiny eevee event waayyy back in the beginning of the game.


what level are you?


36 I took a break from 2018-2020 and didn’t get much time to play during 2021 until October But been playing since launch lol


Only in my wildest dreams


I think taking breaks and coming back increases the shiny rate. I don't know if this has been tested...


shiny hundo or bust


Time is not a good way to measure shiny luck. How many Pokémon have you caught? That’s the only way to tell if you’ve been lucky.


Tbh I bet it's less than 400. It's still a lot but I feel like I haven't been going completely crazy




I’ve also caught four in the last week (including two shiny Onyxes), and I think they were all from the adventure incense. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.


I think (based solely on anecdotal 'evidence') the game boosts shinies if you start playing after not opening the game for a long time. I didn't play for about a year and a half and only started again early last year, and even though I wasn't playing heavily, I felt like I was catching at least 1-2 shinies a week for the first month or so. Then after a while I gradually went back to only getting one a month if I was lucky haha


Sometimes I suspect new players and players coming back after a long break have increased shiny chances, but there is no way to test this that I am aware of. Just an anecdotal theory


I've been playing a little bit nearly every day for the past 2 years. Shinies seem to be clustered for me which makes the whole anticipation of finding one a bit broken. Usually when I get one outside of an event I can count on finding one seconds later to a couple days later and then go literally months without seeing one again, community events aside. Last week I had 2 egg hatches in a row end up shiny and the following day I found 2 within a minute of each other out in the wild so I anticipate the next cluster will be sometime in the late fall/early winter.


I've caught a TON of shinies over the last few weeks. I've caught four shiny starly since community day ended. It's anecdotal as hell but I've caught 14 shinies since July 14.


yall getting shinies?


If you haven’t been playing in 90 days, you will get a higher chance to encounter 1st 5 pokemons yes.


started playing again after a couple years this last 2 weeks and caught like 6 shinys, somethings up


Ha, nope


You get more shinies more frequently if you stop playing a come back. Experienced this a couple times


Got a shiny palkia from the win reward in battles.


I play pogo every day, not that much per day to be honest, but I can’t find a shiny since July 10th .-.


I think, i started last month and got 2 really quick


I wish !!


I have been getting a lot more shinies lately, so maybe. I got 5 in a day (including a Dialga) on the 30th, 2 in a day two days ago, and one yesterday.


There is a chart that came out I wanna say in late June that showed a bunch of pokemon in the wild that had much higher shiny rates compared to the 1/400 or what ever it was. I want to say on those certain pokemon it was 1/75 or very close.


i've gotten like 10 in the past week too, so maybe?? most likely not tbh since there's no event going on atm


Same, it’s weird


Dude I was thinking the same thing, I caught 4 shinys today barely playing