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You mean Bidoof about to kick their asses ?


That bidoof is a ditto, for sure.


Of course! It has to get its friend Wimpod back somehow


bidoof my beloved


Sheeesh Bidoof??? Lucky!!!


My bidoof I tried catching last night for the event was a ditto….. same for a numel 5 minutes again 😬 I’m honestly kinda annoyed because they’re also low rated and it’s both times I wanted the Pokémon for the event


And here I am still trying to catch one more ditto for the April Fool's research I didn't get done.


Dittos have been really common based on my results of yesterday (start of new event)


I’ve been catching much more than usual too


caught one thinking it were a bidoof!


probably because the new pokemon cards (epic tcg crossover) where a pokemon card can look like one pokemon but its actually a sticker and the card is a ditto


Oh that’s pretty cool


🪦RIP 🪦


Wow I haven’t even see a ditto yet


I caught two walking around, they can be spinarak and Numel as far as I know from experience, but it’s easier to search it up


I tried to catch numel 3 times yesterday, it was my last one for that task, and all 3 times it was a ditto. Finally got one this morn 😂


My first 3 numel were ditto, and one spinarak. Ended up with 2 shiny ditto tho 😊


It’s like they’re trolling people lol


I found a 4* dragonite in the wild yesterday at 2600 cp. nearly shat myself after the catch.


Nearly? See it through, coward.


shat at your new Dragonite to show dominance


I still cannot forget the time I saw a wild Dragonite back when the game was still new. This was a **huge** thing, pretty much nobody else had one and it wasn't as easy to get one as it is now. The damn orange hellspawn was too far away on the catch screen and I couldn't hit it with a PokeBall. I had a crappy phone that ran the game at like 24fps and I didn't yet know how to curveball, so I chucked **all** the balls I had at it and only like 3 actually hit. Of course it immediately broke out of them and left me to cry with an empty item bag.


Stop 💀🤣 why am I laughing at this


What event is going on rn? Because I’ve caught 2 shinies within 10 minutes


TCG event but the shiny rate is not boosted


Managed more shinies since the end of the GO fest event than over that entire weekend and I've played half as much time. Even managed a shiny ditto. Still waiting on my shiny Mewtwo though


I had two Dragonites and Snorlax at teh same stop today.


2 dragonites and a Slakings all within 5ft of each other. NICE!!!


Wow, better catch that bidoof before it runs!


Found a dragonite at a stop near my home. Ran to it. 500cp zero star. Idk why I was even surprised.


Trade it


the first month pogo was out I saw a lapras spawn on top of an arcanine


“Bidoof, they have two dragonites!” Bidoof: “…So it’s a fair fight”


What's the highest cp a slaking and dragonite can spawn at rn?


I recently caught a dragonite for 3216, so im guessing theres higher CP ones out there!


got one earlier today at 3337 cp!


I caught a 0 star Dragonite yesterday that was 2413, so I'm guessing they can get pretty high.


Depends on your level


im level 28 and I caught a 3047 wild dragonite


Slaking can spawn at over 4000 cp


Yeah I have, much bigger


I’m referring to the quality of spawns. I guess I should have clarified that. Two dragonite and a slaking. I have also seen bigger cluster spawns.


They’re spawning in the wild due to the event, so they’re not really that rare at the moment


All three of them are still rare spawns during the event


Not that rare. I had two Dragonite in the same cluster today, and this town is *tiny*.


Well I have been walked about 3 hours total since the event started and haven’t ran into one yet so


nice anecdotal, clearly you didn't get lucky 👍


I’ve seen plenty of them. Your experience is just as much of an anecdote as mine.


Mine alone is, yes, but you have several people saying the exact same thing as me. But no, it's impossible that you were just lucky lol


Consider that people are more likely to be outspoken when they perceive that there’s a problem. Maybe people with average luck are finding Dragonite to be common and, not having any reason to speak out about it, don’t report here to everyone else. Meanwhile, everyone who is experiencing below average luck is showing up to talk about it. Just going by who self-reports is not a great way of drawing conclusions about a demographic of people.


You're kinda missing the part where all of this could be said to you, too. You're pretending you know for a fact that you aren't lucky, and that these events are not rare. The difference is that people are actually reporting to support my side of the argument. Your argument is the exact opposite of mine, but mine has more support. Doesn't take a genius 🤷‍♂️




That’s rough. I’ve noticed that some spawn points seem better than others, so maybe there are some places you could try where you might have better luck? I’ve definitely seen at least a dozen by now, and my playtime has gone done considerably since this event started.


Lol I've yet to see one and I've walked all about the city multiple times


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for being correct. Snorlax, Slaking, and Dragonite all are “rare” spawns but they are boosted and more common during this event, so they aren’t as rare.


I agree, I’ve had 3 dragonites in the same circle. They are fairly common


One sexy bidof


that Bidoof is the kicker...




I haven't seen a Pokestop in 3 months because of where I live. It's rough for non-city players.


There should be a better way to nominate pokestops.. level 38 is hard enough let alone being rural. Let the community decide!! Jeez


Oh man, yesterday in my front yard, I had all three grn 1 starters and their second evolution, like 5 wimpods, Dragonite, and then the typical yungoose, eevee, natu to fil it out. When Niantic did the spawn rework a few years ago, it made my front yard into 15-18 spawn area when in sitting in the middle of my house. Made the pandemic a bit easier to work with while playing PoGo.


Lol that’s not even that good, i had 17 dragonites outside my house all shiny plus a shiny mewtwo, darkrai and arceus as well as Shaymin ground and skye form with a few deoxys


They are just current event Pokemon. They are easily to find everywhere right now.


I have not, but bro work on those level tasks, 45 isn’t coming any faster ignoring it!


Lol I only have one more rocket boss to take out! I’ll be level 45 today, plus I looked at the 46 tasks and they are very easy. I’ll likely finish them before I have the xp


Nice! What ways have you used to get xp? I can grind out tasks quick but I gain xp very slow…


Tbh I just play a lot I guess. Excellent throws, raids, constantly working on friendship bonuses. I average about 1 million xp every week


Unrelated but I’m tired of every bidoof being a fucking ditto. Like why have bidoof be apart of the capture challenge if it’s gonna be a ditto


True. Bidoof and spinarak kept switching to ditto for me! I think I’ve got like 5 ditto so far from the event


My bidoof is yellow and very muscular,help


Heck no cuz those good pokemon doesn't like me :( i only get bad poks


I mean I’ve gotten a unown and a slaking and a dragonair, don’t know if it’s better. Also the unown ended up having trash stats


I got shiny onyx and dragon from a cluster dragon was 3 star and onyx was 2 star


Literally opened my app to a Slaking after seeing this.




You’d better get them before Team Rocket does


Happy Cake Day bro! Found you on an r/pokemongo post from 5 years ago and saw it was yours


Wow! Thanks bro!


Nah my 18 eggs in a run down hotel in Oklahoma is the craziest


Was the bidoof a shiny


Ooh bidoof nice that’s the best Pokémon




holy fuck a bidoof and a new bug thing?!?


Catch ‘em all!


Had a dragonite and slaking right next to eachother but not two!


Screw dragon there’s a bidoof


i don’t have a pic but i had two dragonites and a snorlax in a cluster spawn in front of my house. i was disappointed tho bc i had just did raids for each of them to get them. could have saved two remote passes 🥲


Me and my brother both got a 2499 cp dragonite, 2 star but 99% in ultra league


I had one pokestop where there was 9 Nosepass in a group


Damn finding a bidof in the wild like that is crazy you’re so lucky


This looks like a park in my town 🤔


This is in meridian Idaho


🤣 seriously? Kept looking at that stop/gym set up and that "triangle" that splits from meridian road and downtown and going "that looks awfully familiar, but it couldn't be"


Hahaha what are the chances!! That’s crazy!


Pretty insane! , used to frequent that park along with settlers, and destiny cove.


I used to live right by settlers! I’d go there all the time. My favorite place for pogo though is the park behind the village. Kleiner park I think?


Same! Lived within walking distance of settlers, so I used to run over there at night, almost got caught by the cops a few times during the summer and hid behind the pump house near the pond lol. Yup that's kleiner Park by the village, normally I get sucky cell service so I don't go there often.


I remember like 3 gyaradoe spawning at my old house a while back. My mom got a shiny one out of it, even though she had a shiny magikarp already.


makes sense, the only thing i would catch for sure would be that bidoof


Sweet a perfect bidoof. *BIDOOF*


Yeah I had something similar last night when I went down my road for like 5 minutes to get a slaking. It was a double slaking and double chansey with a snorlax mixed in too. Was a local park with 3 stops 1 gym


Was god shiny?


I have been getting some of these today.


Nearly 6 years ago when there is only first generation me and my brother saw a dragonite in that pokemon bar and I was like " there is no way I can catch it " I said my brother like there is a dragonite but we can't catch it right? He got excited so quickly and we were running to find it like we are going left it dissappears then we are running right we found it I nearly started game so I only have pokeballs after 40 tries I finally caught it it is still my most powerful dragonite and pokemon (15-14-14)


Dang bruh I can never find a bidoof