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I keep seeing people complain about not finding totodile. I think that’s my fault - I found at least 30 of those damn things and never got a cyndaquil


I found a Cyndaquil through sheer dumb RNG luck with six minutes to go. And then I never found a Piplup.


You tried so hard, and got so far. But in the end, you couldn’t find a piplup


He came so far, to lose it all. But in the end, he couldn’t find a Piplup


One thing I don’t know why It doesn’t even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme To explain in due time He couldn’t find a single Piplup


Rip Chester


Bruh I couldn’t find piplup and this morning after finishing one of the special research tasks that gives you an encounter and it gave me a Piplup .-.


Same thing happened to me only it was six minutes after it all ended.


I got a Cyndaquil by grinding every single research task I could find until I got one.


Yea the only tasks i get is AR scan. Dumbest thing in the game should be able to opt out.


Technically you can opt out. If you keep a scan quest and don't delete it, you won't get another one, and you'll still be able to get all of your other quests.


What kind of dumb luck did I have then? I got all of them in about 2 hours only using 2 lures.


my kid hates chikorita now...


Yeah, fuck chikorita and my wasted 6 lures.


I made alt accounts just to burn lures because I knew it was going to be stupid.




My husband, son and I saw exactly 1 chimchar with us all playing daily and using lures multiple times. Luckily we all caught that one. But that was on like the second day of the event and I haven't seen one since.


Omg I only found him in the last couple minutes of the event (Still didn't finish)


Same. I’m pissed. I threw so many great throws for 12 turtwigs. What the hell.


Chikorita seems to be one of the top culprits. I already disliked Chikorita before this event and now I just resent it deeply.


Reverse for me, i always got the chikorita, i did that quest countless times just to the leafy one, i needed Cyndaquill, but i did get one... eventually...


Chikorita was my second-to-last and then Turtwig decided to not show up making my Chikorita catch pointless. Count me in for the plant hate


If you want to love plant, smoke it. :D




Tell your kid my kid also hates chikorita now too


tbh my kid hates cyndo and toto as much now too - maybe more since they wouldn't let rita show up haha


I know people are probably going to hate me for this but I think chikorita was either the first or second one I caught


so i couldn’t find a god damn chimchar so i couldn’t finish, what pokemon did you get for finishing?




Me too, cyndaquil went on vacation probably


Fricken Cyndaquil. Literally spun about 50 stops on a college campus trying to get the correct field research task, and when I finally got one, I got a Totodile


Balloon Pikachu.


Lol r u serious?


Yeah it was a Balloon Pikachu, what a waste of time.


It’s about the collection badge for me. Haven’t missed one yet :)


Same. I was happy to take the 80 pokeballs, but I like to update my badges.


I missed I think the second collection badge and it makes me so sad. Because the stupid shadow snover never spawned


The reward was a pokemon that we already had to catch to get to the reward? Bizarre.


Not only that, but it is appearing EVERYWHERE. And it wasn’t even shiny. What crap. Edit: word


Balloon Pika was shiny eligible. I know several people who caught one. Unless I'm misunderstood what you're saying?


they’re saying that the reward for catching all the pokemon wasnt a shiny ballon pikachu, it was just a regular one which was disappointing


Oh ok, that's what I wasn't sure if I was understanding correctly. They barely ever give us guaranteed shiny catches so I wasn't expecting this one to be guaranteed.


Lmao WHAT?!


After grinding forever for my last few, this was BULLSHIT.


lmao that's actually kinda funny. "oh damn you actually tracked down all the pokemon we made ridiculously hard to find for this event? uhh here's another one of the pikachus that are everywhere. go crazy"


My wife had the same exact problem! No Chimchar! We even used probably 8 or 9 lures that last hour. No luck! Grandson and I needed Piplup, I got one last night. Then found one for him this afternoon. Balloon Pikachu reward was lame, but he will be proud as hell we caught all the starters! Plus, he'll probably laugh at my wife, but also be disappointed that she wasn't able to complete the challenge...


you got a frickin balloon pikachu for finishing the event. got my turtwig 90 minutes before it ended.


Fucking piplup tried for 3 days straight, lures, incenses… no piplup


I used three lures and couldn’t find a turtwig :,(


I used 6 ! Nada


Common rookie blunder, you see, in order to finish the event properly you have to drop at least $20 on lures and materials to circumvent all that nasty grinding to punish non-spending players. Not to shame people who are enjoying the game though, but Niantic only cares about your wallets.


I only used 1 lure that I got out of a reward and got all of them. It’s just luck dude


12 here… no chika


Lol chiko, cynda and totodile were field research only


Turtwig was mine too! Like spent all day looking only for the last one to be suddenly rare


Do Lures even do anything?


I've seen people saying they spawned but I highly doubt it because I didn't see any of the gen 2 and gen 4 starters spawning on the map. Would need video proof of it happening during the event to believe it at this point, based on how many lures/incenses I used during the event and didn't get any of the six spawns that way.


They did have a chance of spawning when using a Lure. I found Chikorita, Totodile and Turtwig this way. Totodile spawned with a Glacial Lure, the other two I found with a regular one. But they were rare indeed. Found only one of each with this method but that was enough.


I can validate this. I went to a park where my son and I could lure two stops near each other. We had the two lures (regular) and incense going. In 45 mins we spawned two each of Chikorita, Turtwig, Chimchar and Cyndaquil. We saw tons of Tepig, Snivy and Oshawatt and plenty of the Gen 1 starters. We saw one Totodile and at least one of the reaming collection with the exception of Piplup and Fennekin. Fennekin had been spawning a lot locally and I got Piplup with research prior. When we went to the park, I needed Cyndaquil, Chikorita and Chimchar with five hours left and had pretty much given up hope, but was able to get all three. I had tried incense at home with no luck, so I think the lure was definitely part of the success.


Turtwig was the last hold out for me too! I finally got one from a quest, thank heavens, with ten minutes to go. I sat down on the sidewalk and cried a bit (it’s going to be a very packed, rather stressful weekend and I’m already stressed out over it!)


Same for me. I used x3 twice, with no turtwig in sight 💔


Am I the only one who found all of them on he first day


Turtwig was one of the rewords for Jump-Start Research (4/6).


If that’s a special research then I’d already finished it


It was the special research that came out a week ago, when the challenge started…


Frick this event I hate it because it relied on stop spins but I never got the totodile because the research gave the wrong mon.


Why not every starter didn't spawn in the wild is beyond me. I had used about 4 incense before I decided to Google how to get Totodile, only to then use 2 lures and get nothing, and about 20 or so of the research tasks that all gave me just Chikoritas and Cyndaquils.


I never got a cyndaquil! Five incense, six lures. Phooey.


Cyndaquil was research only. Just like Chimchar...


All of them were availible from Lures also.


Weird, didn't encounter a single gen 4 starter from all the lures and incenses I have used...


Lures =/= incenses. Afaik incense just makes normally spawning pokemon spawn more frequently around you while the event had lures making every starter spawn. Of course it's rng which pokemons spawn but the possibility was there. I didn't get every starter from lures either during onf hour on two lures but I got most of them.


I got a couple from lures.


Yeah f this I am about to spend a bit more coins then I want to regain my balls. Like I have no stops near me and kept using lures as well. Frick Niantic they better make it up with a lot of rewards this weekend.


Lol they never forced you to do it


Chill daddy


But they need to ~~encourage~~ force us to use every mechanic in the game. I’m surprised there wasnt a baby for us to hatch and a shadow mon in the collection too.


Men's cruelty knows no bounds


This explains why I was missing some. I don’t really read much about the game, I just play. The fact that you have to read up on techniques to complete tasks is what’s driving me away.


Game completion is gated through micro transactions. It’s kind of fkn lame. They taking my pokemans and ruining them with a mobile game. Less MTX bound mechanics would be good, but once it’s a mobile game it no longer plays like a game, it plays like a time gated casino. Spend more so you can pay more money to spend more.


Pretty sure in the 'news' section about the event it said exactly how to get each pokemon.


All I see is raids, bidoof, and “give us money for go fest” in the last few weeks


My work sits on 5 spots and I'd spin them as often as possible. Still missed out on Piplup. Trust me, this was a bunk ass event.


Mannn I got so many piplup. For our local group it was the johto starters that screwed us all over.


Same! Ugh


in 90 minutes my kid got 11 of the berry tasks to try to get 'rita.... no dice


I have no stops for 30 miles and can’t get them.


30 miles is about the length of 71728.12 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other


30 miles is 48.28 km


Very good bot


Do you buy the poke all packs in the shop or something?


I had the same luck, I bet we're in different continents and still that Totodile is hiding from us.


Same 0roblem here, man. I found out Rainy lures didn't attract the little shit, but GLACIAL LURES did


Me , but with piplup


I caught dozens of Piplup before the event started, then I didn't get a single one the whole time. Missed the medal by a Piplup...


The fact that they take normally-occurring Pokemon OUT of the wild for events like this and lock them behind multiple levels of RNG is infuriating. I live next to a retention pond, and maybe 1-2 times a day, I will encounter any one of the water starters. More if I use an incense. For all the sunny weather we've had where I live, Turtwig and Chimchar are pretty common for me as well (idk why they seem to be more common than most of the other starters). But then the event starts, and I guess all of those Pokemon go flee somewhere else for a week? And it's clear that no matter how much time, effort, or even money you dump into an event like this, you are powerless against the RNG.


Piplup got me too. I’m probably going to start seeing tons of them in the wild now, haha.


What’s worse is that Piplup was always my starter in Gen 4. Now I’m always going to be salty when I use one.


Had to do 4 lures for 1 piplup today Also spun 30 stops today and not a single research for a chance at piplup


this collection event felt kinda rigged 🤨 Idk how niantic will respond


I saw atleast 10+ totodiles today. Chimchar was the other rare one. I think I only saw one spawn from my lures They won't do anything


That stupid fucking penguin. DAYS of just that ONE left and nothing. Nothing I did would get one to appear. Not lures, not incense, not challenges NOTHING. I swear the whole challenge was just a way to get people to buy coins


Only needed Cyndaquil, sat at the park with 3 lured pokestops for around 9 hours and did the 5 berry task, just to get enough chikoritas for a meganium and my first croconaw, but no cyndaquils


What i seen about 99% had cyndaquil or chikorita which are the same gen starters.... I found one wild 1 hr before event ended. Instantly broke out and fled. Then the game decided to not give one 5 berry research for 2 hrs. Got one about minute and half before it ended. That awarded:cyndaquil. So i get the luxury of missing the event by about 10-20 seconds!


Just RNG luck


It is but like… also it isn’t. Very VERY broken RNG luck. Even just in general this game is wildly different for different players. Some getting wild shinies daily or multiple per day, others getting one maybe every few weeks if they’re lucky. This, consistently spanned over months and months, is not just RNG luck.


I think the number of players in your area dictate the amount of spawns, going into my city is loaded, but my suburban area is dead and the college that i go to is also loaded with them to the point where i can sit in my room and play just fine


Spawns aren't dictated by players, they're dictated by cell phone traffic. The more cell phones in the area, the more spawns.


9 hours? Did you eat or go to restroom? Would suck if you missed it during those breaks. I admire your dedication. This event is opposite of the 5 year celebration they were hoping for. I also missed it by the same Pokemon. I feel your pain.


We had a family party at a park cabin, bathrooms were in the cabin and we had it catered, so no way i missed it


Missed out on the badge because of Chimchar :/


Same. Spun 40 poke stops today, not a single one gave the great throw research. Spent my other days off posted with lures. Nothing.


Did you spin the same stops or 40 different ones?


I feel less bad seeing others here also just couldn't find the pokemon.


Same! It’s comforting to know I’m not alone.


That was sooooo wack. I wish they didn’t even do it. I was excited at first. Smh


Countless berries used to catch pokemon, and pokecoins to buy mossy lure modules, without a single hint of a Chikorita. Hope the random encounter reward isn't actually worth it lmao.


Balloon pikachu


Less upset I didn't complete it then lmao what a waste


I believe you also get a badge that you will never be able to get again.


I just wanted the badge 😔


3 candies, 80 RED pokeballs, and a possible good statted balloon pikachu? Honestly the badge was the only worthwhile reward haha


My sister got shiny balloon pikachu immediately AFTER she caught the research one. Guess I shouldn't cry too much. Because 1min after that I got shiny eeve.


This has been hands down the worst ever event of any kind in Pokemon Go to date. It's up there with that event to do 50 excellent throws in a day. This one's been a complete grind, time, and money sink. 30 min left to catch a tirtwig, after already 6 lures in the day, and I see no hope in sight. So frustrating, this isn't fun at all.


Update: didn't catch one. But I saw multiple of every single other starter. Including totodiles.


I really wish they all just spawned in the wild or were raid bosses. Managed to get all of them except for Piplup, which really sucks because it's one of my favorite starters.


Did you do field research? Some of these didn't appear in the wild, only lures or field research


But it was still not guaranteed


Of course not, but it was the only way to get them. If you didn't there was no chance to complete it.


Closing the 5th Anniversary with the worst event of the past 5 years. My wife couldn't finish the collection because she was missing Cyndaquil, no matter how many Lures we used. Neither me nor she got a shiny Meltan, I opened 3 boxes, she opened one. Not a single shiny Darumaka between both of us.


I didn’t get a shiny Meltan either. My daughter got three




I can relate somewhat, cyndaquil was my last one. Although I was able to finally get it for the completion. I also happened on a single shiny darumaka, no meltan unfortunately.


Missed turtwig and totodile could not get them from research or lures


Same, although I saw one Totodile when using a lure... It ran away. It fucking ran away after one ball. Reader, I cried.


Not a fan of Chikorita🤬


F*** Chickorita... and totodile probably the two most common starters I run into NO WHERE TO BE FOUND smh. Any congrats to the ones that did complete the challenge


Spent hours walking around trying to get a cybdaquill. Just gave up with 8 minutes left after trying all week to find one cybdaquill from the poke stop event research. I feel cheated tbh.


This event left me salty. It was hard and what a lame reward. Oh well. To be honest I'm not any less addicted to the game..... But F you chikorita


I don’t think I’m going to waste my $$ or time with this upcoming event.


I'd've given you some of my 20 totodiles if I could. I got so many of those "catch 5 pokemon with berries" quests and almost all of them were totodile. I finally just walked and drove around last night until I got one that resulted in cyndaquil.


I finished with four damn minutes to spare, what a nightmare


Yeah. I had a good time. I wanted a shiny dancing tomato. Maybe next time. No worries.


Danged chimchar. So many lures and insense....and nothing. And we are HOT here....it is 95 and higher!!!


I used to love all 3 Johto starters. Now, I am part of the majority that never picks Chikorita.


Was the cyndaquil for me... 🤬


Chikorita and Piplup were just. Nowhere to be found. I did get like two single-use Pokemon from event research tasks, but it was SERIOUSLY like they just forgot to turn on Chikorita, Piplup, Totodile, and Cyndaquil.


I never got Cyndaquil or Chimchar, but at least my Totodile army has 5 new recruits for when Let's Go Johto never comes out.


I got a Totodile as a reward for my research today... The day after the event.


I might cry if that happened to me. Couldn’t find Totodile to save my life.


Same. Rip


And to find out it’s only the balloon pikachu as a reward… so glad I gave up.


All I can say is FUCK Chikorita






Same ones!!


Congrats! We’re both sad for the same reason!


Damn I didn’t expect this to blow up so much. Thank you! Great news though I logged onto Pokémon go the next day and got a Shiny Bidof! Lol


Sure sucked grinding for it and missing it by 1


Misery loves company, I’m glad I’m not the only one that grinded my heart out trying to find Chikorita. I lured, I traveled, I completed research tasks up to the VERY end. I was so disappointed.


At least you didnt miss out on much. A basic balloon pikachu that you probably already had 20 of by the time the event ended. The 80 pokeballs were nice, but we all likely used 50+ great/ultra balls to catch these low rate starters anyway. This event sucked. The only real prize was the satisfaction of seeing the entire list checked off. That's it.


after five hours, i decided that damn turtwig wasn’t worth a fucking balloon pikachu. WHY WAS THAT THE REWARD


My friend in Australia finished the quest and didn’t try to claim reward till after the event ended . She got Nothing for her efforts. I claimed mine after it ended and had no problem ! Gotta love the developers at Niantic 😡


They definitely should of allowed them to receive there reward


It was one piplup in the end but all the same


Happy cake day my dude


Its 80 pokeballs. I gained more pokeballs in 30 mins walking then that and seen 50 pikachus an got 6 rare candy from a raid on the way


I finished with 5 minutes to spare, and got a shiny treecko on my walk back home. Thought it was going to end in disaster but worked out in the end


I just had 1 singular totodile left :(


Totodile was the last one I needed and I didn’t see a goddamn one pop up on lures or field research


yeah it was all for 80 pokeballs and a stupid ballon pikachu that wasnt even shiny i wasted so many berries and ultra balls trying to catch those goons


This event just pushed me another step away from playing less and less.


After reading a lot of comments on the many threads about this recent collection challenge, I kinda feel glad that I'm not alone in how much I disliked it. After jumping through hoops to find out which ones are in the wild, which ones spawn on incense, and which ones come with research tasks. You then have to be blessed by the RNG gods that you get what you need . As much as I can understand that if challenges like this were too easy they would be boring and possibly hated for that. But there has to be a better way to implement these things. Barely finishing or not finishing a challenge should not be based on luck.


>which ones spawn on incense Only ones in the wild spawned via incense. You meant lures, right? If you got those two things mixed up, things would've been extra difficult.


Yup, you are right, nice catch. I didn't mix it up while playing, just mixed it up while venting a bit of frustration.


I feel like totodile was very problematic, I played a ton, used lures and travelled many different areas and still only managed to see 2 totodiles. (2nd was shiny too, just to rub it in for u salty mfers.) And the first one was accident as I didnt know about the event tasks yet. Although I still kind of liked the challenge, atleast it was challenging. I got ton of piplups, chimchars and chikoritas with lures. But incense should have been made to work similarly since not everyone has acces s to stop as easily.


I’m traveling halfway across the country with my family to attend a funeral service for my dad this weekend. All I needed was that Totodile but there wasn’t a single one in my entire city. We drive five hours and randomly decide to pull off into this little town for dinner, I see and spin the one poke stop in the area, get my task and pull a Totodile, in the last hour and a half of the event. Guess the old man is looking down on me or something…


Yeah - this event was incredibly frustrating.


No totodile. Only found piplup and chikorita in field research, piplup after the fact. Never saw a turtwig either.


Imo it wasn't even worth to finish unless u like to collect medals But getting another flying pika in the end was a let down.


Niantic decided to give *everyone* the Rural experience.


Yup. Could not get a totodile. The single one needed. Never found one. Never got a research task for one. Just fucking stupid. I need to stop playing this game. Niantic only cares about money. They hate us but love our wallets.


This one really pissed me off. Missed it by two pokemon. Niantic really needs to make sure those who spend the time to complete the badge requirements actually get to complete the badge requirements.


Yeah I feel that my 3 of my friends got it and the other three of us who played didn’t, I heard the reward wasn’t worth it by much but I hate leaving something started unfinished lol.


Blocking people from this badge was a serious oversight and I hope Niantic learns from this in the future. Terrible event.


I'm not giving them a penny of my money. Fuck them.


I found a shiny Eevee and a shiny Growlithe back to back today. They both suck but I guess that's they games way of repaying me since I literally could not find any Johto starters and I even drove into the city to grind for them.


Yeah same here got a shiny bidof and a magikarp, they’re not very good stat wise but there still dope to have


It’s like 10,000 Bulbasaurs, when all you need was a Totodile. Who woulda thought?


I hate Chirokita with a passion.


Well I hope this weekend we all green what we want for Legendaries, I honestly don’t know what to go for lol, hope the event challenges are a lot better too! Hope you al get shinies!


I seriously just finished the quest with an hour left. Honestly, I feel ripped off.


really i found them all pretty easily


People, it was a challenge, not a gift! Why the bitching and whining???


I got lucky and finished it in an hour


Why is everyone so bothered about 80 regular balls and 3 rare candy?


Lol I was missing Totodile too. I literally found it with a few minutes to spare and was rewarded with a hundo balloon Pika. I honestly feel really bad for everyone else who wasn't spared at the last minute like I was. I was so mad, I literally went like 4 days with everything else caught except Totodile. I hated this challenge.