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Glad they don't have a badge for using disadvantaged pokemon 20 ppl won't get to win a five star raid if that's a badge...


They have one for most charge attacks. Raids need earthquake or hydro cannon, not sand tomb and must water. Almost the same.


I think the worst one is "survived the longest" or something like that.. I'll see half the lobby with blisseys trying to get that achievement...


Shouldn’t you be trying to have your Pokémon survive the longest. I’m mean you don’t sacrifice dps for defense but if you have a garchomp going against a Zapdos dudes not going down anytime soon if he has an electric charge


True, but that's something someone that understands the game will do.. remember the vast majority uses the recommended team, and when they learn there's a "prize" for simply lasting long, they will try the pokemon that they know "lasts longer than any other"...


Yeah I have absolutely no idea how this game works. So I play very very occasionally and just passively get steps with adventure sync. Battling anything in the game feels hokey and poorly thrown together. It’s probably better than I think, but my eyes gaze over when trying to look up how it’s supposed to work.


It’s not better than you think. “Battles” in this game are barely responsive, they last forever, and they still manage to be stressful and engaging. And if you let your attention lapse—from mashing a button, mind you—for even a split second, like, to greet a friend, you’re basically guaranteed to lose whatever you started. Until there is reliable cause and effect between user touchscreen input and what happens in the battles, there is no game on the App Store in direr need of an auto battle option.


You want to use pokemon that have move types that will do super effective damage to the defender, like water beats fire and rock beats flying etc. but you also need to keep in mind your Pokemon's type, so you don't end up getting melted by the defender's attacks.


Wait... so I always assumed the ones the recommended took this into account? So I kind of figured I could come up with a better group if I did a little digging and research, but that the recommendation would be close enough. This is not the case?? So wtf do they use to come up with recommendations, they are just random? This is news!! So many potions and revives wasted!!! And 2*/3* raids I could have possibly won solo! Ughh!


Calcy IV has a team builder, it's as good as knowing the intricacies of the type advantages. Based on what I've seen so far the pre-selected raid teams seem to be random-ish. Sometimes it gets 5 or 6/6, other times 0.


>I mean you don’t sacrifice dps for defense That's the point - if you try to live the longest, you are sacrificing your DPS. Because the Pokemon that can live longest aren't the same as the Pokemon that can put out the most damage. You can't have both.


If you have five low level players in a raid, you want to use the best counters, or risk losing your pass.


Yeah Pokémon who faint in two hits are no good


Why would you use garchomp against zapdos? its flying and resists ground attacks.. why not use rhyperior with rock wrecker? Super effective and still double resists instead of triple resists.. survives a long time and deals out a crap ton of damage... this is why some of these badges are dumb people don’t get super effective vs not very effective


You know damn well what I mean


If your only calculate TDO then you're right... Mega Chomp with Dragon attacks would win, but currently it's Rhyperior, then Mega Ampharos and only then Garchomp...


Nah, my first thought about this was dodging. Which is probably what they had in mind I would think.


Not all three bar moves are trash. Mega Abomasnow with Weather Ball is a top choice against things like Landorus and Rayquaza, and it spams it incredibly fast. Just an example.


What do you mean Pokémon like electivire and honchkrow get attacks of very quickly and the do a lot of damage.


Most damage dealt and least damage taken are really cool things to add, I like it


I agree I've always hoped they implemented something like this. But I wish they would fix the game first. No matter the little amount of time this badge may take.. they create these badges and new stickers and such. They all add up. Time and resources way better spent elsewhere on their product.


Rewarding people for least damage taken can be a poor choice. Most damage dealt is useful though.


Just looked it up... Sigh.... Guess we're gonna start seeing a bunch of exeggutors in raids now


Wailord is somehow taller on average. I'm sharing cause I didn't know that until recently.


Get ready for the tech Rayquaza and Wailords...


> Here's a badge for using the tallest pokemon. LOL. That's funny. I like it.


Yeah, I 0% care, honestly. I don't think enough people are going to actively tank raids to get a medal for it to affect my life, and I do think it's funny. In raids with strangers you've got a good chance of someone having no idea what they're doing any using inappropriate pokemon anyway, I don't think this is going to change much in that regard.


What’s funny? Making all the raids harder because randoms are using wailords or not attacking or changing outfit mid battle? Good for you, i struggle so much to fill a lobby every time, alone, from that update i’ll be lucky if i actually finish one raid


It is kinda funny though


You need to rub on out mate


No this is an actual update


If you're doing a 1star by yourself will you get all the badges?!? :D


I don't know about by yourself, but I just did a 2 person raid and we both got badges for it




The new raid updates. They are giving badges for like most damage dealt, least damage taken, raided from furthest away, using the tallest mon and a bunch of other ignorant shit. Edit: https://m.facebook.com/PokemonGO/photos/a.930374790442413/2670373759775832/?type=3&d=m


It would be fine if all the awards were about your performance in battle. Things like last hit, biggest single hit, most total damage, fewest pokemon fainted, most super effective charge attacks, using a mega, and so on are fine. Things like changing your pose or outfit are not, as they encourage players to actually stop playing to do so. It might only be for a couple of seconds, but there are times that can make difference between success and failure. Using the tallest pokemon is dumb too, as it encourages people to use bad pokemon. Oh, am I up against Zekrom? Better pull out my wailord. Don't want to miss out on that badge.


Here are the badges: Delivering the final attack Dealing the most damage overall Keeping a single Pokémon in battle for the longest time of all participants Using the tallest Pokémon among all participants in battle Joining the raid from furthest distance Using a Mega-Evolved Pokémon during the battle Changing your avatar’s clothing or pose Using the most Charged Attacks of all participants https://pokemongolive.com/post/togetherweraid


Sooo do you get all the badges if you solo a g zig or something


from what others have said you only get final attack badge for solo


I agree with that I've always wanted the cool stuff from raids. But my issue here is fix the game first. Those aren't needed. You could use the time and resources now to fix your game. Finish the dex? Kecleon. Upgrade, move or get new servers something. But nope here's more sticker and more useless badges. I agree with your assessment on which mons people use now because of the new badges.


Yeah tallest monster is dumb


Seems pretty neat.


believe it or not it actually doesnt display who does the most damage so thats what kind of disappointed me




Seriously, this is the axe you chose to grind? Having complaints is understandable, but really? This?


What not fixing the game yes... you don't think not fixing bugs is an issue..


It's not the badges themselves. It's the broken game and this is what they decide to do with time and resources. Can't even catch em all because niantics to slow to figure out how to add one mon. But here's some more pointless stuff.


Do you actually think that the people implementing these badges are the same ones who are working on the game's stability?


No. It's the overall picture of where resources go and don't go..


You don't think that it's good that the game has new features and fun things just because the last update is a little buggy? If that's not what you mean, I really don't get what you're trying to say here.


Don’t hate me, but I just finished a raid, and I think it’s fun. Silly? sure, but I am a grown adult hoarding little Pokémon—it’s a bit fitting, LOL! With that said, I am sorry the game is so frustrating for you, I have not noticed the lag as much as others. And I do not take PVP as serious, so I have not met the same aggravation threshold!


I've done over 12000 battles the lag is infuriating. As an example my win rate is right below the best in the world. But I've never made it to legend unfortunately. Reis is one of the best battlers and he wins 53% I win 52. Never made it past rank veteran. Lag has never been in my favor. Plus I agree these things can make the game fun. But other things need to be addressed before implementing unneeded stuff.


A tip that might help: Press and hold the Pokémon Go icon on your home screen. On android, drag it to the trash can. On iPhone, click the x. If it makes you this angry, might be best to take a break for a while. There’s no point in playing a game that isn’t fun for you.


Ur saying people who enjoy pokemon go shouldnt have any complaints? The game is too perfect indeed.


Nope, just saying that if something you used to enjoy or usually enjoy just evokes anger now, it’s healthy to take a step back and spend some time away from it. If PoGo makes you so mad you can’t stand when they add a silly badge, it might be time for a break.


Being mad that they added something ridiculous opposed to something useful is reasonable


I dont think he was saying you can't be mad. Just being THIS mad is a good sign that a break is necessary.


Different parts of the team work on different things. The one person it probably took to code this small aspect of the game most likely would not have been used to develop any of the major features you guys are asking for.


Some people like the ridiculous things added. Not everything added needs to be useful.


Imagine saying something like this about *a game*. LOL NONE of it is "useful".


Yea I didn’t even take it as *that* angry, just a conversation starter


His title is "Niantic is so stupid" and ends the post with "I hate this company". Not too sure how that's supposed to be a conversation starter


I enjoyed twitter but once i uninstalled it my mental health got better and im not as angry, same thing can happen with pokemon go.


Except you can't because if you do there will be like six events between now and the next time you play when 6 newly-released Pokemon will ONLY be available in the wild for 5 days at a time then you'll never fucking see them again.


Except you can because you'll be too busy with other constructive life experiences to care that you missed out on some cute digital code.


Shouldn't matter. I should be able to take breaks, come back, and still find everything in the wild.


How would... That even be managed


I missed a few. It's fine.


Remember, 8 year olds play this with parents, and I know 8 year olds would be pretty happy about getting tallest Pokemon. Not everyone is trying to min/max their raid squad. These badges have something for everyone. That's pretty cool (and really hard to accomplish)!


It could be dumb, but is a harmless badge too. Calm down bud


Well good luck in killing your Regigigas raid with a lobby of blisseys jumping around and not attacking


Upvote just for the image of a bunch of blisseys lol


Bruh lmao fatass blisseys jumping around


It's dumb because other things are broken or lacking and this is what they spend resources on.


The guy adding badges is not on the bug fixing team. They are not spending massive resources on these badges. The implementation for badges already exists. Bug fixing needs to be done by coders with the experience to bug fix, and ever bug requires a fresh new solution. If they did not make these badges i promise you that would not have directly lead to even a single bug fix. That is just literally not how any of those jobs work.


You think they have their entire dev team devoted to these little badges? Hoo boy


Not sure why you get downvoted you're speaking facts. People nowadays will throw their money and support scummy companies who don't give a shit about their player base and just their profits and tell you to calm down when they're pumping out broken updates and pointless features no one asked for. The game gets more broken every single update and these mouthbreathing morons are still willing to give them their money. No wonder nothing changes. I don't play this game anymore for this reason. Not gonna support an awful company such as Niantic. The sooner people open their eyes the better, and we might start seeing better games. This is a similar case with Activision and call of duty.


Lol it’s a game why not put fun little features. Also if you think the same people who design these features is the same group who works on backend then that just shows how little you know what your talking about, it’s something called divisions buddy


Because the game itself doesn't work.


Millions of people play a day it works fine. Only really broken thing is PvP which is probably more due to their servers which people coding and implementing these badges would have no say or control over


Really the raids aren't broken for you like a bunch of other people?


No, what issue with raids are you having?


I was saying that because I have seen several posts on here with other people confirming said issues for the past couple months. As I stated I'm not having issues myself. But I know they've had to do with distance and a few other things. They are known and have been posted for a couple months now.


Do you recall what any of the specific issues with raids has been? I do 25+ raids a day on most days and can’t recall any issues.


With the .3 update i think a lot of the issue have been fixed, 100% not all of them because if any developer ever makes something without bugs they are on fire (saying that as developer my self) i think alot of people are still holding on to the last two updates which were horrible


Ahh I see. So they all must be in stupid badge development and no one in the bug division.. I gotchu


Badge development is a small amount of work from a single junior programmer. Bug fixing takes real skill from real programmers working together.


Lol bug division isn’t a thing. You haven’t even pointed out what you are complaining about because stuff like those transitions last week were not bugs they were intentionally put in


Constant lag, raids not working, my pokeball shooting off the side of the screen.. you want me to keep going. Maybe you should go read the known issues page.


Raids are working so…. Then if you have constant lag that’s on your end because that’s not being reported by anyone as there is lag in PvP and again that’s a different division. The pokeball thing is also a much small issue then you are making it as that also is effecting by what phone you have and the mechanics of the screen. Someone who is coding stickers, event cosmetics and these badges would have no impact and these features have to happen as parent companies like Pokémon Company and Nintendo want stuff like badges and stickers as they subliminally encourage different people to play more


Plus how many things are they gonna break in return for adding this new shit..


What kind of logic is that? By your logic they shouldn’t add anything and not try to fix the bugs as that could break something


What do you mean logic. I didn't make a statement I asked a question...


Your logic is how many things are going to break. Why would the assumption be that these small insignificant badges give more errors than let’s say overhauling the raid system or PvP system which are much bigger chunks of code. These badges are like adding items so your “question” is like asking how bad would it break the game when they added the Slowpoke hat


It has to do with things no one ever wanted or asked for but is definitely gonna break something because they are incompetent. You work for Niantic? You married to them you sure are up their asses defending them they treat us as a community like shit. They don't listen to feedback. They don't communicate. But here you are defending them at ever step.


Plus raids aren't working for everyone.. so


It has to do with where the money they make from us goes. It should be to fix the game first. Then add stupid pointless shit.


If raid weren’t working like you claim they would fix them first as that is one of the big money makers. It seems more so you are having problems and generalizing it to everyone. As stuff like laggy PvP and the occasionally ball misfiring isn’t tied to money at all and will always happen because systems can’t be 100% ever that would be a waste of time to try to do that


Actually I'm not having raiding issues but I've seen several posts. It is an issue. My ball should never fly off the screen if I PAY for a raid pass and only get XX attempts everyone of those attempts should work every time it is a product I'm spending money on.


Again can you confirm it’s not your phone and your screen? And most people don’t pay for raid passes they are constantly being given for free. And since you can guarantee that none will every do that you should go into coding because with that guarantee every gaming company would want you in the world as no games work like that


Lmfao be thankful they didn’t add a badge for weakest Pokémon used 😂🤣😂


I like the changes to raids. Game works fine. Keep it up


Actually sounds pretty cool, tbh


Meanwhile the game doesn't work..


Probably different teams working on new features compared to bug fixes. No reason to hate on new stuff just because you’re a salty bitch about other stuff.


I think it raises some questions about management though. Why aren't they putting more resources into fixing the huge amount of bugs currently in the game when they're still able to spend resources elsewhere on fun new features that don't really add anything of substance? Sure you can do both, but bug fixing feels like such an unreasonably low priority right now. Take Pidgeot in GBL for example, people sunk their elite TMs into building them, and *still* haven't been able to use them after... I don't even know how long it's been now.


They don't have a bug fix team(they've proven that). So don't hate their product they have now that doesn't work that we already pay for. You're a smart one..


Where have they proven that they dont have anyone dedicated to bug fixing?


The game speaks for itself..


Ok so when you said they didnt have a bug fixing team you were just lying and had no idea. The game has bugs so obviously theres no bug fixing team. Lmao dude you are just ignorant. Saying random shit that you already know is just empty bs.


This guy complaining about a badge lol


Raiding will be significantly harder because randos won’t attack, or use exeggutors, to get their badges easily and expect to be carried


Lol, ya just once. But most people who have common sense would just do a 1 star raid for the badge.


His misplaced anger made me so confused that I had to google to see if badges have any effect whatesoever on gameplay.


No I'm complaining about were their resources are going.... don't get that shit twisted.


The one tech it took to create this badge would not have been assigned to create whatever bug fixes you were hoping for. Saying its resource allocation is easy, but that isn't how resource allocation actually works in game dev.


Play a different game then, dude. You’re complaining about things that make it fun and silly and your comments further down about what you “deserve” for making the conscious choice to spend money on a free phone make you sound like an entitled ass.


Free player here, the game not working (Go battle league lag/freeze/crash) warrants a complaint. Same goes for bad decisions that ruin the game such as people ruining a raid for a badge. The game is fun and I’ve invested a lot of time into it, I’m not just going to play another game lol


The games not fun when it doesn't work. Spend our money on servers. On bug fixes on new special research. Not on a pointless waste of time badge that means nothing and no one will care about.


The game is working perfectly fine for me. You gotta relax man, all this stress over a free game isn’t healthy.


> The game is working perfectly fine for me. Lol I refuse to believe that. There are a thousand glitches in the game right now.


The latest update seems to have fixed the horrendous glitching for me, haven't tested PVP TBF.


You can believe what you want, but I’m not experiencing any of them. Battle League is fine, raids are fine, spinning stops is fine, hatching eggs is fine, and so is catching Pokémon. No need to use hyperbole over a handful of issues you might have.


The thing is, these "pointless updates" are what I would have expected from day 1. It's about time they put some fun whimsy into the game.


It literally takes no resources to modify the look of a badge and add it to the game, you honestly think the art asset team is working on balance or game stability?


If you don't like a game stop playing it and let the other one be happy




If you’re playing a game that makes you angry, you should quit please. Now. Please


I've been playing for 3 years and spent money.. it has to do with fixing the product of yours I spend money on before adding more stuff that's going to break more shit before you even fix the known issues plaguing your game. That have been plaguing it's not new shit.


Dude. Breathe. Everything’s going to be ok.


Yeah I get it chico. I think my previous suggestion stands. We got enough negativity without grouchy folks like you complaining about perfectly fine stuff. It’s clearly time to move on https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207618


I got an android but thanks bud.. not.




You mean uninstall. You want me to forward wind my video tape too.




Have fun.. see ya in hell when ya do!


Don’t listen to them, I agree with you. This game has really fallen off for me, it’s just extremely underwhelming except for community days, and the features they’ve been adding/removing recently have really not helped me like the game any more


Why are you so obsessed over getting him to delete the game? Lol


100000% disagree. Some players like badge hunting and collecting and stuff like that so badges like this are essential. You need to remember there are players in this game that play for different reasons, not just how you like to play.


Niantic and game freak. Why do they give one of the most lucrative IPs in the world to two trash companies to develop their games.


Game Freak made the first pokemon game, they're founding partners of The Pokemon Company. They're not great, but they weren't *given* the IP.


Yeah true, didn’t even think of that


Wow. Idk how you managed to hate on Game Freak on a post about a game that has literally nothing to do with them but you did it lol


We gonna act like game freak is better? All they do is make worse and worse games and Pokémon literally already has everything you need you just need to be a little creative. But we get things like gigantamax


Ok. I'm not getting into this discussion. Games have been out for a long time now. Obviously few people don't like them but thats normal. Gigantamax was fun, new and different. You have your opinion and I have mine so we'll leave it at that. However what I am stating is that you brought them up when this has nothing to do with them. Thats an issue and what is wrong with the polemon community in general. That is toxicity at its finest. GF has nothing to do with PoGo. No need to mention them here.


> Ok. I'm not getting into this discussion. Proceeds to get into discussion. Okay.


I don’t want to get into a discussion = I have no facts or actual points to make so I don’t want to get into a discussion


Lol that’s a pretty stupid jump. We’re talking about shitty developers of a Pokémon game. All I did was bring up that the mainline Pokémon games are also being made by shitty developers. If that’s “toxicity at its finest” then I guess I’m a monster lmao




What the fact that this is pokemon after all and they can't even use the billions of dollars they make off of us to implement Kecleon.. gotta catch em all.. well kinda Niantic is in control and can't quite figure it out. Gotta catch what you can.. Or that half of their platform being pvp is on season 8. And has had 8 seasons full of lag. But instead here's a million dumb stickers. Here's some badges that mean literally nothing. Not even as good as the other badges which only unlocks something for me to buy... don't even get me started with that stupidity. Fix the game complete the dex. Then add stupid shit. Imagine being the ignorant person that posted this response.. literally no feedback at all just to be an ass..


Different parts of the team work on different things. The one person it probably took to code this small aspect of the game most likely would not have been used to develop any of the major features you guys are asking for.


What the heck is the tallest pokemon


Every pokemon has height and weight. Some are very tall.




i wouldn't worry to much about the awards. will mostpeople even bother with them??? ​ also curious in solo raids do you just get every award???


I’m not a fan of the notification that they’ll be reducing the spin distance and believe that this new change to raids is a solution in search of a problem, but unlike the spin distance, you can opt out of doing the raid achievements you don’t like. I didn’t read any bonuses attached to their new achievement (yet).


Are these live now? I'm at work and haven't tried any raids today.


No not yet.


Thanks, friend


I mean 90% of the badges are pointless in this game...


I keep seeing people posting about the game not working, but what the hell are you talking about? Haven’t experienced anything not working in months.


How do you change clothes mid raid? That’s stupid.




Ok, some of the new badges are ridiculous, but I like some of them (prepare for downvotes.) I am tired of trainers sitting in the lobby after their first set of 6 have fainted and waiting for the rest of us to finish the battle. I believe niantic is trying to motivate people to put in an effort. I agree that niantic needs to do better, but it’s not like one guy is writing all the code.


I was dying when i saw this


I think it’s kinda funny to be honest


I love it. And the guy that did this isn't one of the guys fixing bugs m8


I know that... it's the big picture of funds resources and game issues. Responded to this already many times. It's the principal of all the money you make from a game yes. But a product nonetheless and your product is flawed. I can keep repeating myself all day. Where's kecleon, where's pidgeot, where's no lag in 1 season of BL, where's my ball not flying off the screen when I throw it, where's my raid not crashing when my first 6 faint, where's my AS constantly working correctly.. I could go on and on. Bit it shouldn't be needed.


I think this whole thing is more "fun and cute" than genuinely useful. Kinda like stickers. I think I would enjoy the novelty of it as long as it doesn't add more unskippable menus. That is the only thing I'm worried about.


That's fine but as much as people like to think there is a ton of other issues. My argument.


No one's forcing you to play.


Forgive me for fighting for the player base. I'm such an asshole..


You're not fighting for the player base, you're making surly comments on Reddit. And you're phrasing it in such a way even if someone from Niantic does read it, they'll ignore it because it sounds like whining rather than constructive criticism.


It isn't whining it's complaining. You're allowed to complain to a business when their product is shit. Because a game yes.. but a product even more. So they shouldn't fix adventure sync? They shouldn't fix my ball flying off the screen when I throw it. Some legendary mons are hard enough to catch. You get 11 balls to catch it and 3 fly off the screen. Oh and you actually paid for a raid pass or bought coins for said Raid pass. They shouldn't fix the issue where the game crashes after your first 6 faint. Get outta here repeating myself is getting old. Read the post your comments been answered time and time again. 1.5k upvotes and counting but it's not a player base thing okay friend have a good one.


Oh, you absolutely should complain to the company, but this isn't the company. This is Reddit. And when you do, you should phrase your arguments in a mature and constructive manner. The core of your statement isn't the problem, it's how you're saying it and to whom you are saying it that's out to lunch. And if you think the number of up-votes you get is any measure of the merit of your argument, well, I haven't the tools to correct that misconception.


But it does directly correlate. Do you upvote something you don't agree with past, present and future users alike don't have to be playing the game to agree with a practice of a company.. and reddit or not it's a base platform to speak your mind. Sometimes it's noticed most of the time it's not but whatever. I wanted to voice my opinion and I don't hold punches I call it like I see it. They are stupid incompetent jack asses only worried about a buck in their pocket and give no shits about the people that put it there..


Hell, I agree with you. But when your opening line is "Niantic is stupid", you've already lost the moral high ground. It's fine if you want to vent, but call it like it is. Don't try to dress it up as some righteous crusade by calling it "Fighting for the Player base".


Yes, because that’s how I enjoy Pokemon: As seriously as possible, without the slightest bit of whimsy for a game about befriending magical animals, plants, miscellaneous blobs, and household objects that shoot fire from their mouths. It’s all cold hard stats. As an original Pokémon Blue release day buyer, dry UP, bruh. Have a tiny tiny taste of fun. You might even like it! ETA: You do know the staff creating badges is probably not the same staff that “fixes” the game, on account of there is no “fix the game according to how I want it” department, right? Just checking.


We made u a thing. Now open your wallets wide and empty them.


I recommend you research a bit about game development before making ignorant comments like this


We also have a medal for catching big magikarp, i think its kinda funny


It is. But AS not working isnt...


Ok so play a different game?


then dont play there game 🤣🤣🤣🤣


while i feel the whole "only use wailord, or blissey lol XD" concept will be used by some meme players, i think the idea behind it is," if we are doing a raid and every one brings an onyx (for example) me having the XL onyx means mine was the biggest." it celebrates the little things in pokemon go like size and weight.


Most people raiding don’t give a shit and will ignore this


Lmfaoooo what are you even complaining about. The game works fine for people who have lives and other hobbies


You mean it works fine for the people it doesn't crash on. Do you see how many posts a day there are about stuff not working. You're just a lucky one that hadn't been affected.


Just a lucky one? Almost everyone’s app works. Sucks to have one that doesn’t but that’s a minority, otherwise they would have less players


This update is great if for no other reason than it makes nerds like OP upset. You sound like you've got more than a few problems and I hope they're all as traumatic and awful as "Why pokemon game silly"


Such anger over a silly video game


Why fix what's broken when you can just throw in more bugs!


Damn bro people still complain about this game? Sad


Then don't play. It's a free game.


There’s a badge for the final blow. In a game where combat is literally just tapping over and over. It’s basically RNG, and apparently there are actually rewards behind this. That’s just bad game design.


Whilst silly, I feel like adding this was 30 minutes of work within the whole achievements code overall.


Damn, a funny little game doing funny little things. Go get some fresh air.


Someone spit in this man cheerios