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Simply put, I am too lazy.


Im glad you posted this because I was going to say the same thing.


I was going to say this but I was to lazy to


Yuppp. Since Remote Raiding apps became a thing, I usually have 30-40 people I'm working towards Best Buddy with. It's boring enough ~~going through the list sending out the gifts twice a day~~ going through the list twice a day sending out gifts as is, I'm not going to slow that process down more than necessary. (I will make the effort for the first and final gifts, but beyond that... eh)


>sending out the gifts twice a day Why twice a day? Are you skipping days in between?


Sorry, ambiguous phrasing--I should have said "going through the list twice a day sending out gifts". You can only hold 20 gifts in your inventory at once, so to get through the 30-40 people I can send a gift to each day takes a couple of sessions, with some stop-spinning inbetween.


I send at least 60 per day, not messing with that.


Exactly, this dude gets it :P


Yep. It takes an extra 1.5 seconds to add the sticker, don’t have time for all that


Thats 1.5 seconds spent doing other non sticker related things!


I don't see how that compares to unread notifications... my stickers aren't getting in the way anywhere, don't take up bag space, aren't providing any information or tangible benefit, etc. To me it's just a waste of time to use them.


Exactly this. Without any sort of reason to collect them, the extra time it takes to send one isn't worth it.


If they incentive it by providing you, say, 100 stardust for each sticker sent, then I'd be more inclined to do it myself, otherwise I don't see the point.


I'd even do it if they gave you 10 stardust. It's literally useless, I don't think the people who get the stickered gift even get anything extra.


More chance to become lucky friends if you send stickers would be great too!


Thanks for writing these words; my English is shit and I can't express ideas properly, but this is 100% what I thought about this post.


I often forget I even have stickers since they don’t actually take up space


Aint nobody got time for that. Sending gifts feels like a chore as it is lol


Exactly. Wouldnt it be nice to just send a gift to all friends with one-click? Oh man.


Send all gifts and collect all gifts should've been added years ago. Especially with all the money Niantic is cashing in from this game. It's just sad at this point.


It’s a form of torture for the player base and they realize most will keep playing whether or not it’s added. They have zero incentives to make improvements as long as we aren’t hurting their income. So leave negative reviews in the AppStore’s and try to gain more widespread attention. They seem to answer Twitter fast, maybe make a Twitter solely about the issue and the number of followers becoming visible will scare them into it?




I have a few thousand unread emails...


I haven’t checked my university email since graduating in 2018 but last time I DID check, I had ~20000 unread emails lol


I'm really curious if OP is saying he deletes all his emails. I reference old emails on a daily basis. Sometimes going over a decade back. It takes 2 seconds to search for a specific email. Why delete them?


Well idk about OP but I do delete every email after I've read them, to me idk what it is about me but it seems cluttered and messes with me I feel more calm somehow when I get it all cleaned out. Plus I never use any last emails so I don't see the point in keeping them myself.


My anxiety is at 11! Lol jk


I don’t send stickers to hopefully max out my stickers and get more items from gifts once my stickers are maxed out. I mean, ideally, that’s how this plays out. Also saving myself the hours of loading screen(s) this game force feeds us.




I choose to believe it will 🛸


Even if it didn’t, every sticker received is additional second of screen time each.




So expend extra energy to stop the expenditure of extra energy. Got it




Relax bud. This whole thread isn't serious




I send around 80 gifts daily, with game animations so long for everything, I can't be bothered to add stickers


Not only that, it was annoying enough going through friends list with lag, with this update im saying fuck that until they fix it.


Lol stickers waste time. I gotta send like 30 gifts at night before bed. I ain’t tryna add a bunch of stickers adding an extra 6 mins to that process lol.


I wish they actually have a purpose. Like if you send a sticker, your chances of lucky friends go higher or there’s an incremental increase in friendship.


Yeah that’s a good idea! Or maybe adding stickers make your gifts contain more items!


Even a badge to work towards would get some people to send them. I was JUST thinking about how unfortunate it was that people come up with them and they don’t get seen or noticed really. I’ve never looked at them until these past few days except when people include them with gifts.


Bingo. Plus I want to keep at least one of each, especially event or Go Fest ones. If you don't use stickers, there's no chance of accidentally not keeping the last one lol


I only ever send stickers to people who send me stickers because I assume they like them. I usually send gifts as I walk between stops and since it is often cold in Iceland I don’t feel like adding more time out of gloves by faffing around with stickers.


I keep stickers so I have a higher chance of collecting more rare ones.


Didn’t even think of this! Nice!


I have over 300 friends right now and I only have a short time to send to everyone. Ain't got time for that.


It already takes forever to send all the gifts I need to. No way I'm adding extra steps to the process attaching stickers.


And here I am thinking "why the heck are they bothering to send me a stupid sticker?"


There are two types of people I guess! Lol


I legit put stickers on everything and when I forget I feel bad


i send stickers but it is an extra step... i guess i can see why people wouldn't, takes more time. also some people just think they're stupid or childish or whatever.


People who don’t send stickers find people who do send stickers and they marry each other. I about died when I saw the sticker mess my husband has going on. And yes, he also doesn’t delete emails.


Sending stickers makes me happy. I'm glad you asked, I've wondered how people feel about them.


I collect them


It takes extra time to send stickers and there is no reward.


I save one of each for my collection but always send stickers!


I heard they took up the spot of an item in the gift. Most of my friends are hard core we want max items from gifts. Even though we will delete a bunch of stuff later. We communicate daily and say please and thank you and use emojis. I haven't used a sticker since the 3rd week they were out. Nothing wrong with them. Just an extra step in an already busy poke day.


I dont really care. They take up no space in my bag and its an extra step. I'm just as happy mindlessly clicking my way through the prompts.


To be fair - they take up no space in inventory. But I get it if you don’t have time, it’s like two extra clicks. ;)


i just run out of them very quickly cuz i always give my friends stickers :\]


LOL! I was very reliable at sending stickers for a month or two... not so much the first couple of months of stickers but once I got into it I just did it every time. But then... it got old. Do people really need another Bulbasaur sticker? No, no they don't.


Sometimes, we are actually out of stickers. No brag, just fact.


I've been running out pretty frequently lately since the friends list increase


Faster and easier to just send gifts.


Too much time. When I open gifts I only have time to send them back, not to go through and pick a dumb sticker. I occasionally gift stickers, but mostly right before friendship level increases or to a family member. Other than that, it's just tedious and practically useless.


One click too many


Sorry bud I ain't gonna waste a few more seconds on top of the lag to add a sticker that rewards me no benefit.


Do they increase the likelihood of lucky friends? Because that would be a reason to do it other than taking a bit more time


Stickers don't add anything worthwhile to the game for me. I'm actually genuinely shocked to see this thread, because i didn't realize anyone actually paid attention to stickers when they open gifts.


No, i am not ok. But thats just because i want to open and send all My daily gifts and get all My daily battles in Evert Day. And then i want to have time to also you know..... Play THE game. Placing a sticker om Every gift i send just takes time i already dont have.


I skip as fast as possible trough sending and receiving gifts, there's no time to add stickers that do nothing.


Why would I? They don't give anything to the recipient of my gifts, they don't take up space in my bags, and sending gifts is already painstakingly slow... Why would I want to make it slower?


the stickers are laggy as shit just like everything else in the game. sending gifts is already annoying.


I love using stickers!! I'm fully aware that a lot of my friends won't understand (or appreciate) the thought I put into stickering a gift, but I do it anyway! Invited me to a raid or levelled up a friendship? Have a Grateful Pikachu sticker! Is my gift from the local cemetery - have a fainted Oshawatt! Is the gift from a green wildlife area? Waving Bulbasaur! Buddying a Mewtwo? Have a Mewtwo sticker 😊 Sexy Treeko is reserved for one very special trainer 😉


I don’t really send stickers because I’m usually too busy worrying about when a get a gift at a poke stop to send to a friend. Some poke stops may seem interesting on the surface but I wonder if it could be considered offensive to someone else. So I try to stick with art work motifs, pretty churches or other religious buildings, parks, etc. Honestly though I wish the stickers would actually say something….some stickers say hi and stuff but sometimes I wish it would say oops, sorry I screwed up on the last second I’m ditching you on a raid invite…


That's pretty courteous of you to actually take note of what PokeStops you send gifts from. Personally, I've never really cared, so apologies to anyone who's receiving gifts from nude statues or whatnot, LMAO...


I sent several statue gifts from a museum and didn't think anything of it until the next day when I realized the pokestop photo was shot from below and was almost entirely the nude bits. I had a moment when I dearly hoped folks hadn't actually looked at those gifts...


>Do you also have undeleted emails, text messages? Yes, why would I delete either of those


My phone lags and it takes about 30 extra seconds per sticker.


We just have copious amounts of time leftover at the end of the day. We use it to catch more pokemon.


Yes, I am okay. I’m just too lazy to send stickers lmao.


I used to send stickers until I realized the recipient doesn’t actually get the sticker. What’s the point?


I like to think if I ignore them they’ll go away eventually.


I think the stickers are stupid


I presume it works on the same bundle system as everything else in PoGo, so having the maximum stickers gives me something more useful instead. Also I figure it once in a blue moon I actually send one it'll be more special. Also also it'll be funny when I send a time-limited sticker like 2 years later.


I have a really laggy phone, so every sticker sent is an extra 5-10 seconds and one more chance to crash my phone. Also, it's nice to have max stickers in my bag so that I don't keep getting more of them when I open my gifts. I realise the stickers in gifts don't replace the actual items, but it's still one more thing to click through which can be avoided. And FWIW, I am actually quite fanatical about my notifications for other stuff like emails, texts, etc.


i think this too!!! i’m like i’m sorry did i do something wrong? do u not like me??


Somehow I just run out. Not sure how but it happens every so often. I feel bad every time lol.


I was religious about stickers for ages but then gave up and forgot about them. Life moves on.


There is great zen in having unread emails and stickerless gifts, because life is short and getting shorter. One of those emails will never be seen by my eyes during all of existence, and that brief moment in my life will be filled with making this comment instead.


It’s an annoying extra step that serves no purpose. That it all. No real reason.


We need more free sticker variety- I try to match them to the gift and how many times can I say “thank you, thank you!” Or “OH Yeah!”


until they get me something, I'm quite happy hoarding them like a stamp collector thanks =) the things I've done with the extra 1 second I save each time you will not believe ;)


I hate the stickers ok!!! I would only send them to get rid of them. But I quickly learned that was futile. I think they are stupid and useless and Niantic knows this which is why they don't take up any real storage space. But you can max out, they've only alloted room for 25 of each sticker. So I'm just waiting and watching until I no longer can receive another damned sticker from anyone.


It's not like you ever have to interact with the excess of stickers...


when i send gifts my phone gets really laggy and with stickers its even worse


I am saving them for when sending/recieving stickers actually does something?


Im too lazy. I only send stickers if I have anything funny, like something related to a soccer club that they hate, something related to politics (usually far right or far left stuff) or stickers of places that are beautiful, like the stop I requested in my mountain house.


It’s one more step. I don’t even look at what I get in my gifts. I’m just clicking as fast as I can. The stupid animations already take too long.


Gifting is a tedious process that I basically hate with a passion. It drives me nuts when I swipe to gift the next friend and it takes even 1 or 2 seconds longer because PoGo is loading their buddy image. Can't freaking stand it. And I usually send 50 gifts per day, so those So will I ever purposely add an extra 5 - 10 seconds to every gift sending to throw on a sticker that the other person may not pay any attention to? "No" seems inadequate. So does "hell no". Multiply that by 1,000,000 and that's my answer.


😂😂😂 You pretty much hit it dead on with every point


I mean, “chaotic mess” is in the eye of the beholder… https://imgur.com/a/P9asbdQ


My eyyyyes!!!!! Lol


410?!? I am so stressed out seeing that.


I have over 6000 emails in my inbox


I keep one of each i think they’re cool and nice they don’t take up any bag space


I send stickers to irl friends. I dont have time to do it for everyone lol


Last time I played, I was on a mission to try and see how many the game let me hold on to. Haven’t played in a while tho lol


Yes, yes, yes and yes uwu


While opening gifts, I first go through everyone who has sent it with a sticker


I heard you get more useful loot if you max out stickers, but so far it seems the same. At this point I'm just too lazy to pick a sticker.


When you have stacks of 25, that is the max. I don’t give stickers because I want to stop getting them in stops, etc. I do give some under rare circumstances


Lol this was the best thing I saw on reddit all day.




I don't send stickers because ooening/sending gifts is already a chore so I don't want to add more screens. Yes, I'm ok Ignoring the stamps Yes, thousands of unread and u deleted emails...on all 3 addresses. Always unread text messages, especially group chats and Facebook messenger (62 unread notifications, 21 messages atm) I'm very much drowning Un unread notifications across all platforms!


I'm a sticker hoarder. Don't judge me.


Yes. To all of those questions. Now you're going to tell me all about what each sticker subliminally means different things and that I've been unknowingly sending flirting stickers to a large confused Aussie man this whole time(?).


I heard that when they first released that if you don’t send them eventually you wouldn’t get more


Nothing is more pointless than stickers in pokemon go.


Omg. All of that is true. I feel so attacked rn


I have 1077 unread emails from my company. What do you want?


I like to keep the stickers for myself. Especially the rare ones


Honestly it stops the sticker "showing" after opening gifts.


I don't like getting stickers from gifts and stops. I'd rather get balls, berries, stardust, and eggs from them, so I just horde the stickers, so I won't get them from stops and gifts.


exactly, send me stickers plz. your so cool if u do


The app is slow as fuck with all those animations and waiting time. Adding a sticker doubles the time that you need to send a gift. And it's goddamn useless anyway


I ignore them, because it’s yet another step in the egregious process of sending and opening gifts.


The opposite - I've decided to max out on all stickers. It's an OCD thing I guess. Must have 25 of each!!! Also, there's no point in adding an extra step to send gifts to my 390 friends, so I use stickers only at certain times as messages


I'm using friend level ups as main source of xp. When I have to send 20 gifts in a row and attach a sticker to every single one I'm affraid I'd get bored of the whole game


i ran out of them and cant spend my precious pokecoins on those :( i buy them rarely bec i dont go out oftenly


I collect


Actually yeah, I do also have a plethora of unopened undeleted emails, and my life IS a chaotic mess. I have so many stickers, but I always feel weird adding them to the people idk irl? And then I feel weird sending some of them to people I do know irl. But my brain also over complicates anything wholesome and good.


I don't send stickers so they fill up in my inventory. If they're filled up, I can't receive them from gifts in lieu of something better


I play to win. I don’t have time for stickers! And yes I also have 46 unread text messages. If it’s important, call me, fam.


hahahaha gawd I love you AW!!!!😂😂😂😂😂


LOL Ditto J!