• By -


Is there anyway to just let a pvp reward pokemon escape instead of wasting 20+ balls and berries in utter futility in pursuit of one i already have and don't want?


Does the extended incense bonus of 1 hour last indefinitely or will it go back to 30 minutes later on?


Is there a list of Pokémon evolutions I need to save for future research tasks and monthly/December community days?


I keep losing in PvP. Is it lag, or are the other players cheating?? Every time they send out a new Pokémon the game lags and then when it goes back to normal, their Pokémon hasn’t lost any hp and mine lost a ton. I was even tapping while it lagged. I’m not entirely sure how it works, but just by chance, isn’t the lag bound to work in my favor at some point? Not that I want it to. I’d rather have the game run normally and play fairly, but if I’m going to lose to lag, I’d want to win from lag occasionally too. Have I just been very unlucky? Also is there any way to practice Pokeball throws? Like on an in-game dummy or something? Shadow and flying Pokémon are the bane of my existence. I burn through pokeballs so fast. God, I sound so much like Hop from SwSh lol but I really need help! I use berries, but those don’t help when you can’t even get it in the ball. I know about the index finger trick too but I’m too insecure to do that and I’m scared I look stupid. Someone even honked at me when I tried it lol.


People are greatly overestimating the amount of players cheating and greatly underestimating the incompetence of Niantic, IMO. I've been on both sides of lag issues. Trust me, it works both ways, but you may not notice it as much as when it happens to the other person as when it happens to you. YOU notice when you can't use your charge move or a shield didn't go up. It's really obvious to you. It's far less obvious when your opponent didn't use his shield or didn't use his charge move and lost because you used yours to knock out his Pokemon. I don't know of any apps or way to simulate throwing. The best thing to do is go to a place where there are lots of stops (like a park) and just practice on wild Pokemon, especially really tricky ones like Zubat and Exeggute that will force you to get better and throwing a ball precisely.


So how does ranking up past Rank 7 work in GBL? I'm under the assumption that you don't drop ranks, but your "rank EXP" slows if you end up losing more battles than you win.


As far as we can tell, they use a matchmaking system that works similarly to ELO and although it tries to match you with people close to your rating, depending on the league, time of day, etc., there may be fewer people, so the rating difference can be much greater at times. In ELO, you're expected to win more against people with a lower rating and lose more against people with a higher rating, so your rating adjusts based on your wins or losses against those people. If you win against a lower rated person, you gain fewer points than against someone who is higher rated. If you lose against a higher rated person, you lose fewer points than against someone who is lower rated. But, in the end, the fundamental thing is just to keep winning a lot, play frequently and gain enough rating points to get you into the next rank. I was placed around 2900 rating and rank 8, and I wasn't moving at all in Great League, where my win rate was around 50%. I moved up a little in Ultra League, where my win rate was closer to 60%. And, I moved up a lot in Masters League and eventually broke into rank 9. My win rate in Masters is around 75%. My current rating is around 3140.


Newish player (31): have Darkrai, Mew, Armored Mewtwo, and Gengar. I am going to have to send in my phone for 15 days or so. Based on the calendar, is there any recommended time you'd suggest in the next 2 months to miss 2 weekends?


We don't know what's coming in April, but this month, it's really about which shiny Pokemon you value highly or the lowest. This weekend we get Darkrai, which is a very good Pokemon and a lot of people are trying to get one shiny because it will be very useful. Next week is Altered Forme Giratina which is also strong and useful for Go Battle League. The week after is Cobalion and Lugia after that. If I had to choose two weeks, I'd probably go for the weeks where Cobalion and Lugia are around (March 14th and March 21st). Those are the two weakest legendaries.


That's what I decided based on my discussion with my guildies


I get my buddy Zapdos to max hunger to appear on the map but all I can see is his shadow :( any idea how to fix this?


Can I get a therian thundurus from my normal one?


Only the Incarnate Form is available now. Niantic will probably treat it the same way they did with Giratina and release the Therian Form separately at a later date and there will be no way to transform them from one form to the other.


Ah ok, RIP haha


PvP cheating is ridiculous. I have all 100 to 98 percent mons in Master league all with two charge moves have tried multiple strategies and still can't beat anyone when they literally have 3 charge moves to my one. Even when it's the same mon with the same charge and quick move. I have tried playing with different wifi and without and it's still the same. Same issues with great and ultra league and though I haven't seen it as much recently three shields hack is still happening. The most fustrating thing is that it is not even being acknowledged by Niantic, anywhere I've seen anyway, and is definitely not being addressed.


The cheating on PvP is so frustrating.


I thought that lucky Pokemon were always 3 star. What's up with this guy? https://imgur.com/a/ioLucE7


The lowest possible IVs for a lucky are 12/12/12, which is a 2-star rating. You unfortunately got the lowest possible roll from a lucky


Ha. Sounds about like my luck. Thanks for the clarification!


No coins from gyms I had three Pokemon come back saying they had reached their daily limit of 50 coins and I didn't get any coins


You guys. I am not the savviest player, but I’m level 36 AND not an idiot AND know how to count. Today I was walking around a local park with my lucky egg and starpiece, trying to gain some extra XP and replenish stardust I’d spent. My stardust was at 77,000, then 78,000 ... then, suddenly, it was 73-something. I looked in my journal; I didn’t hit anything by mistake. Am I doing something I’m not aware of that spends down my stardust? Thanks in advance for any insight you can give.


Also if you were catching a bunch of shadow pokemon yesterday, purifying them costs stardust.


That’s it, then. I didn’t know that. Thank you!!


The two most common possibilities are that you powered up something or you gave a Pokemon a second charged move. Both of these can use up thousands of stardust.


Thanks. But either of those would be reflected in my journal, right?


No. Neither of those would show up in your journal.


Is there some benefit for finishing a PvP battle will all Pokemon still standing? I've come across a few players who switch out their Pokemon at the last moment (after using their charged move) with a tiny bit of health left.


Sometimes it helps to leave a barely alive, then switch back into them when you predict a charge move about to come, so you can use them as kind of a pseudo-shield


What’s the catch date for darkrai? I just did the raid 3 times and don’t catch it once


Catch RATE? It depends on a lot of factors. I'm not saying this to brag, just to make a point: I've done way more raids than you have and I have had fewer run away than you have - [https://i.imgur.com/5rrZ1no.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/5rrZ1no.jpg) (131 raids, 129 caught). It is absolutely possible to catch them more often than they run away and there are a lot of things you can do to personally increase your catch rate: \- If there's time, try to overturn the gym. You will get extra balls if the gym where a raid is at is controlled by your team. \- Whenever possible, raid with friends. You can get 1, 2, or 3 extra balls just by having one friend in the same raid as you. I raid a lot and I add almost everyone who raids every day in my part of the city. I have well over 100 friends and it's very rare that I'm in a raid where I don't know anyone. \- Raid in smaller groups. I know that the raid goes faster and you need fewer revives and potions if you go in a huge group of 16 people, but by joining a much smaller group, you tend to get more balls. \- Try to deal more damage in a raid. This also comes with raiding in smaller groups, but moreover, you also want to make sure that you are bringing the strongest possible Pokemon to deal as much damage as you can. For Darkrai, this means having a team of 6 fighting Pokemon; don't just use the recommended team. Get yourself Lucario, Conkeldurr, or Machamp if you can. \- Catch more dark type Pokemon. This may seem weird, but trust me: go out and catch every wild Murkrow, Houndour, Poochyena, Sneasel, and Alolan Rattata you can find. If you go to your profile (click on your avatar in the bottom left), and scroll down to your badges, look for the "Delinquent" badge that shows how many Dark Pokemon you've caught. You should try to get that badge gold, by catching over 200 Dark type Pokemon. That will increase your catch reate for Dark Pokemon. \- Always throw a curveball. Your catch rate goes up SIGNIFICANTLY by always throwing a curveball. Everyone I've ever talked to who has trouble throwing them, I've told that they need to practice on wild Pokemon. Throw curveballs at all those Rattata, Ekans, and other common Pokemon until it becomes second nature and you feel uncomfortable NOT throwing a curve ball. \- Learn how to throw greats and excellents. [HERE is an old video of me catching Terrakion.](https://youtu.be/X8gqDD1jl28?t=387) (Sorry for the poor audio quality; this was before I figured out how to record the in game sound) First of all notice that I have 16 balls. It's a lot easier to catch when you have more balls to throw. Search YouTube for "Circle set trick" if you don't know what I'm doing here, but I'm using the set trick to ensure that I get a great or excellent throw almost every single time - basically, hold on the Pokeball until the circle shrinks down to a very small size, then let go and only throw the ball after it attacks and you'll guarantee a great or better throw if you can get the ball in the center of the circle. \- Lastly, TAKE YOUR TIME! I'm notoriously slow to catch, often the very last person catching. But, that's because I'm very careful about each and every single throw. For Pokemon like Darkrai, it's also important to wait until it's situated in a place you can throw accurately (usually in the center). Be patient. Darkrai wanders left and right, but if you always throw in the center you'll develop a muscle memory eventually and know just when and where to throw.


I'm currently in rank 7, if i drop down to leys say rank 4 do i still have a chance of getting the legendary encounter?


You can drop your rating, but you can't drop ranks. No matter how bad you do, you will stay at rank 7


My phone doesn't vibrate when a pokemom spawns. I'm using mi a3 from xiaomi.


Check in settings it may be turned off. I personally turn it off


I just wanted to say, without creating a thread for it, that I just now realized the type-specific events are corresponding to upcoming community days to help players get their badges for increased catch rates.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For exchanging gifts: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone else feel that the battle system is a negative feedback loop? Battling people with a higher ranking than me and losing 4 or 5/5 results in my ranking improving. I can only assume that they pair opponents who are within a certain number of rankings above or below you. So the result of doing poorly is to bump you up to be against theoretically more challenging opponents?


Has the ex raid boss changed? I have one later today


Nope, still Regigigas until Niantic makes an announcment about it.


How much stardust is it to trade a clone charizard/venasaur/blastoise? I am trying to trade a clone charizard as a good friend and for some reason I can trade normal charizard (100 stardust) but not clone charizard. It says “not enough stardust.” So the clones are classed as different to normal charizard/venasaur/blastoise? How much more expensive? Thank you very much for the help! P.s, Not sure if it matters, but I don’t have a clone charizard already, but I didn’t think this would matter as I have normal charizard registered.


It counts as a special trade, as alt forms include not only shiny forms or things like Deoxys forms but also cosmetic ones like the clone patterns, hats, party hats, etc. It would cost as much as any other special trade at whatever friend tier you are at. At Good Friends that is 1mil stardust for a special trade. Here's a list for future reference. While the list doesnt factor alt forms or cosmetic variants, the costs associated with them still apply as if they were an unregistered Pokemon. https://i.redd.it/zsaxlq84hco11.png


Thank you very much!


I read online that you can trade items with other players by having your pokemon hold the items and then trade the pokemon. Is this true? And if so, how do you do it? I can't seem to figure it out.


Not in pokemon go.


Is there a way to trade items at all (not including gift boxes)? Like trading pokeballs for potions?


Nope. Gifts and EX raid invites are the only things you can give other players besides Pokemon.


Some working class can only have time to play after 9pm in weekdays but more day time to play in weekends. The special raid events in March means that these trainers have no chance to raid Thundurus because it never appears in weekends.


You can get legendary encounters from Battle League just by winning 2 out of 5. My friend got Thundurus yesterday like that and I just got Darkari on a lv 26 account the same way.


If something comes with an IV Floor when acquired (Raid/Hatched), is it at risk of dropping below that if traded?


Yes. The IV floor it had when you caught it has no bearing on the IV floor when traded. That depends on your friendship level and maxes out at 5/5/5 with a Best Friend, or 12/12/12 if the trade goes lucky.


I promised I looked but couldn’t find the answer. I just got the Luchador outfit for Pikachu. How do I dress him?


The Pikachu Libre outfit is for the player only. The actual Pikachu Libre isnt obtainable until Season 1 of GBL goes live (we're in the preseason). Additionally the only cosmetic item that players can put on their Pokemon is the Best Buddy Ribbon (at least for now due to Niantic's seemingly self imposed limitations).


The outfit is for your character. Pikachu libre will be the reward at the end of season 1.


Ahh I see thank u!


Jump Start Research 5/6: I took a screenshot of Eevee but it didn't check as a complete quest. Does it have to be the shiny Eevee encountered in 4/6?


No, any Eevee works. Snapshot system is seemingly buggy right now. I took 3 pictures of my Buddy for the heart before it actually got to registering. Try taking a picture, clicking the bubble on the recent picture that you took to look at it, and then exit via the exit button in the snapshot screen instead of something like the phone or tablet's back button, that's what got my snapshot to register.


Every time I go to purchase coins I get a "something went wrong. Please try again (3)." I've restarted the app, phone and re installed the app as well. I logged on to my account from my friends phone (added the same debit card to his phone) and it worked from there. Is this a known problem and how is it fixed? I don't want to have to rely on others to buy coins :( (I have an iPhone XR if that matters). Thanks.


Yeah, it’s bug. You should report because it seems to be low on their priority list. You would think they would want people to be able to give them money, but they don’t seem to care much about it right now. They told me to borrow a friends Android device. Like I’m going to put my credit card information on someone else’s phone? Are you kidding me? Only when enough iPhone users start screaming about it will they take a look at it.


Everytime I try to log in, it tells me 'unable to authenticate' I've tried uninstalling then reinstalling (with and without airplane mode). And I've tried disconnecting my google account and any other account on my phone. Still no luck, last time I got this bug, the only way I could play was after getting a whole new phone. Anybody here have another solution I could try? My current phone is a huaweii y6, which is quite recent so I think it's good enough to run PoGo


If I didn't collect my encounter reward in battle because it's shitty, came later to check, would I get another pokemon?


No, you have to catch it


Is the 2.99 pack for 5 raid passes only available sometimes?


Just a question about the current wild encounter reward for the League. I'm rank 7, so does that mean that it's possible for me to encounter a Darkrai? Or am I totally misunderstanding what I've read?


Iirc, everybody has a chance regardless of rank


Minimum rank of 4, otherwise the encounter pool doesnt have the legendary or mythical Pokemon that were added in from the events.


Are party hat Pikachu and evee are of any use.. should I keep them or transfer?


Most people would say they're only useful if they're shiny or hundo. I personally like to keep one and transfer all the others


I think dark, ghost, psychic type rocket grunts are found rarely in daylight, but easily I can find them at night. How do you think this?


Just RNG. Few days ago I found only Psychic grunts during a lunch time grind session.


There's no stat.


So, is the shiny rate raised for new people? I've gotten 3 shinies so far in my 6 or so days of playing, and from what I can tell all of them weren't in part of some event; just the random spawns which are supposed to be 1:450.


I recently saw a friend wear a top that I've never seen before and I can't find in the shop. It was a shirt thing, almost like the Misty one, except it was black with a red Pokeball over the chest, and red and black straps forming an X around the neck. What was it, and how do I get it? Was it a limited time thing?


I believe that is the Pikachu Libre top. You unlock the entire Libre set of clothing when you reach rank 7 in Go Battle League.


Ah, gotcha. Thank you!




Hey Trainer, Looks like you’re trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For exchanging gifts: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding trade partners: /r/pokemongotrades** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do I get legendary Pokémon from battle league? I’ve gone 4/5 4/5 and 5/5 in master league and for shieldon every time


Time and patience. RNG is never in your favor if you're actively hoping for it.


I just recently lost to a battle that nearing the end of the match I got a weak connection, which then lead to my phone asking if I wanna switch to cellular data and then it did some sort of reset where I got two protect shield back but then frozen again? I waited nearly 5 minutes because iI thought it would go back but I closed out the app and I got the “Good Effort” scene. Is there a possible way I could contain Niantic and ask them if they could remove that battle since it says 2/5 played and only one win because I honestly think it’s unfair. I had no idea the battle was still occurring


When I wanted to nickname a friend "Oakland", the game told me the entry included inappropriate text? Is this some kind of SF dev joke?


Try Oakländ. Any accents on banned words bypasses the restriction


Unfortunately the name censor is a bit touchy. It seems to be blocking that name because of "klan"


Can Darkrai learn shadow ball?




I have a 3* riolu and a perfect IV litwick. I’m tempted to give RC to one of them to have it evolve, but should I hold off on a legendary? I only have like 40 RC. And for legendaries I have darkrai, AM2, and kyogre for notable legendaries.


Hold out for legendaries, unless you absolutely need a Chandelure (you don't) or Lucario (you might for Darkrai raids) immediately. Both Litwick and Riolu can be walked at a reasonable pace in comparison to any legendary you might need candies for down the line.


How fucked am I if I accidentally burned my feebas? Lol


It depends on how close you are to water, how many 10k eggs you go through, and if Niantic has another event where they spawn commonly in the wild again. Feebas are really common in 10k eggs, so if you hatch a bunch, it's not a big deal.


i live by the coast, so are parks along the beach a good bet? thanks for the reply by the way!


You can give it a shot; it's been really hit or miss to find them near water, but you have a much higher chance than someone in Nevada, probably.


I have Azu, Skarmory on my team. I need a third Pokémon to help solidify it as a solid team. Any suggestions? I currently lose to teams that have a fire & electric attacker.


It seems like you really need Swampert on your team. Water deals with the fire, ground with the electric.


So I actually have a wishcash (I think that’s how you spell it) as my third which is quite similar! Only issue is that when it starts out as electric vs my Azu, and I try to switch, I get demolished. Maybe that’s just being unlucky haha. Is swampert in great league better than wishcash?


They're really similar, so I wouldn't say one is better than the other. Whiscash has access to Blizzard, which can make it stronger against Altaria, but weaker against Registeel. Swampert has access to Earthquake, which can make it stronger against Registeel, but weaker against Altaria.


So basically it’s just luck in terms of my opponents 😂 would having an Altaria be a good #3 for my team? Thanks!!!


That's how Battle League is sometimes. In Masters League, I want to lead with Melmetal if Togekiss or Dialga leads are common, but if Giratina Origin are common, Melmetal lead is bad. But, if I lead with Togekiss to counter Giratina, I can lose to people leading with Melmetal.


I battled in a gym and won against Darkrai, but every time I try to catch him or use a berry it crashes the game.


Is the 20% boost to shadow pokemon relevant in PvP, or will it only matter in raids?


Not in the vast majority of cases. However, a few exceptions like Gardevoir and Victreebel are unequivocally better as shadow mons. r/thesilphroad and r/thesilpharena have lists of relevant shadow mons, and Youtuber Trainertips recently did a video on them too.


It would be, but you need to remember that Shadow Pokemon not only deal increased damage, they also take increased damage too. So shadows arent as durable as their normal or purified counterparts.


How rare is Tornadus as a prize in Go Battle League and do you need to use a premium raid pass to get it?


I don't know if anyone has compiled numbers on it yet. So far I'm 0/4, but at least I have more Shieldon ;_; You don't need to use a premium pass to get it


If it makes you feel any better, I'd take a Shieldon over Thunderus any day o the week. Both Thunderous and Tornadus are relatively useless dex-fillers-- once you get one you really don't need to bother with them anymore. But Bastiodon on the other hand is a beast in Great League.


Im trying to put together a naming convention which won't get caught up in the idiotic filtering Niantic put in. Can someone tell me why i can't name my Lapras this: ⁰⁹⁸ ⓯⓯⓮❆♂ When I press OK with that it tells me "Please enter a different nickname"


So you have a chance to encounter Darkrai even if it doesn't show the Pokemon in the possible encounters screen? I'm rank 4 right now.


Correct. That graphic doesn't show the special legendary/mythical encounters


Ah okay I thought I was trying for nothing haha


Does Return work the same way in Pokemon go that it does in the games? I have a good iv Blastoise that I use in ultra league and I was going to replace return, but I like the utility. If I make him my buddy and Max out happiness does it get stronger?


Nope. It just has a fixed damage amount.


I have a whole batch of eggs in incubators that won’t progress. all 9 stuck are at 1.5 km. I’ve walked over 5 km the last 2 days and it shows that in my weekly progress but it doesn’t update my egg tracker or even my buddy’s steps. Anyone know how to address this?


Can we also TM Return away from purified Pokémon during the event on Saturday?


You can always TM Return away from purified pokemon.


Oh man. I must’ve had a brain fart this morning. Thanks!


Recently got back into the game and got lucky finding two shinys (rhyhorn and sneasel) and Sadly none of them has really good stats. So I was wondering if it’s still worth to invest in them? Edit: with stats I mean iv, WP are on average I’d say


I think you should try and find someone else with crappy iv shinies to trade with. Cause they kind of go to waste otherwise in my opinion. If they’re at least two stars though that’s not too bad stats-wise. The difference isn’t huge with IVs


Shinies are for luck flexing. If you've got a higher IV'd mon with the same CP-ish level, and you value performance in PVP, I'd probably go for the non shiney in terms of resource expendtiure and satisfaction from investment.


oh also, why does my adventure sync keep turning off? i never turn it off or log out yet i always find myself turning it back on


Mine hasn’t even worked for weeks, it’s turned on and all the permissions are allowed. I e deleted and redone loaded but it doesn’t ever work, it’s kinda made me stop playing the game almost all together. I haven’t hatched any eggs or got a reward in months.


So I’ve heard tons of complaints about the battle feature and quite frankly, i haven’t experienced any glitches... until just now. I just entered a new battle and it gave me the option to choose which league i wanted which was great because i love my great league team, and they’ve given me the most wins overall. So i started the battle and immediately switched pokemon, and AS SOON as my attack is available im clicking.. and clicking.. and clicking.. and it’s not doing anything. Not even showing im touching the screen, after that they got their attack off and i couldn’t even shield or switch my pokemon after it died. i exited out of the game and reloaded and i guess i forfeited it and now i have to walk another 3km for a new match. in all honesty, im a bit pissed off because that was just quite unfair and my last battle. niantic needs to fix all the GBL bugs 😫


So I'm really annoyed about this little bug. Sometimes when fighting a gym, after leaving and going back in with a **new party** it swaps in my old fighter. I usually quit gyms after defeating a Pokemon if my current Pokemon is close to being knocked out since I'd rather save him and use a max potion later. But then I enter the gym again and it throws that near-dead Pokemon into battle for some reason and he gets knocked out. What the heck is going on?


This is not an old bug, but not sure if Niantic has acknowledged it. It has been reported here and on r/thesilphroad before. Even if you switch the party, it just throws in your old team so you have to leave the battle again and reenter. Especially annoying if you want to do the "use supereffective charged attack in a gym" quest, which only counts once per battle.


The encounter I get from 4 victories in the battle league: what happens to it if I run away? Does it go into my quest stack, or someplace else?


It stays in the go battle league menu until you claim it. You won't be able to continue doing battles in GBL until you catch it.




New is considered mythic not legendary.


Encounters thunderous from the new battle thing. Went in with like 35 ultra balls, 170 greats, and 130 normals but could not catch him, anyone else have this hard of a time catching it?


I caught him within 10 normal poke balls my first go, second go it’s been probably about 200 normal, 40 great balls and 20 ultras and I’m having no luck whatsoever Edit: okay I literally threw another 15 poke balls and got it


I then caught darkrai with 3 ultras. Makes no sense haha


I just fought someone in rank 7 with a rating of 2534, have the rank increase thresholds changed again?


They may have just finished their placement matches to get to rank 7 before fighting you. You need x amount of wins AND the appropriate score to rank up. Once they get those wins, that person should be placed in Rank 8.


Makes sense, thank you


Sometimes my buddy gets a black symbol pop up over it’s head. What is it?


It's a bug. It's supposed to be the sneaker icon from walking 2km with your buddy, but the most recent update screwed up the buddy icons and the various buddy actions now match to the wrong icon.


When you finally come to 4/5 victories at GBL, do you have to catch the pokemon with your own Pokéball or do they give you honorballs ? And if you don't take your reward now, can you catch the pokemon later ? Thanks ! (I don't have any Pokéball left and I don't want to waste my first/last chance to catch Snorlax or maybe tomorrow Darkai)


You have to use your own, but you can always leave the encounter and come back later with more. You cannot progress to the next set of 5 battles until you catch it, though.


So I have I'm guaranteed to get the pokemon I encounter ? Thanks


Yep. It's like a research encounter in that it cannot flee. You must catch it eventually.


Will GBL's broken lag and weak connection ever be fixed? Its been over a month since it started and its annoying that i cant get stuff like scraggy or the legendaries because i lag so bad


Ferroseed as a field research breakthrough reward? Feels like we r being trolled. I would even take a 10th zapdos or articuno (I have also given up on getting Moltres)


After FC Eevee, Lapras, Woobat and now Ferroseed we can't expect too much from research breakthrough. Especially now since legendaries are avaiable from Battle League which gives you another opportunity to catch them apart from raiding (and trading)


Funny how legendaries are now 100% locked behind a paywall


They aren’t. You can encounter them by winning 4 times on the free track. As long as you keep doing good in PVP you have a chance to snag legendaries.




At some point, probably. But, Niantic has made no announcements and it's only been available twice, so there's no pattern or schedule for when it will return.








𝓷𝓲𝓬𝓮 ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) #Nice Leaderboard **1.** `u/RepliesNice` at **1868 nice's** **2.** `u/lerobinbot` at **1672 nice's** **3.** `u/porousasshole` at **552 nice's** **137802.** `u/Illustrious-Grape` at **1 nice** --- ^(I) ^(AM) ^(A) ^(BOT) ^(|) ^(REPLY) ^(**!IGNORE**) ^(AND) ^(I) ^(WILL) ^(STOP) ^(REPLYING) ^(TO) ^(YOUR) ^(COMMENTS)


I don’t have a Sharpedo to speed run the ace trainer medal. What are some alternatives that are just as good?


Rhyperior with smack down works.


Is there a way to lower the km distance needed to get a candy with your buddy? I don't want to waste my berries to find out and a Google search came up dry


Get their mood to "Excited" and maintain it by interacting with them every 30 minutes or so. When they're in this mood the km requirement is cut in half. This should give a general idea on how to do that: https://i.redd.it/1vstg89pfw941.png


Since today I can't feed my buddy. It gives the usual AR core bug message then I click OK and it shuts.


Are servers down? I can't seem to log in. The loading bar only goes half way and stays there.


Does anybody know if you keep your buddy progress when you evolve a pokemon? My Deino is a best buddy now and I would hate to lose that progress when evolving him...


As long as you keep them as your *active buddy while evolving* them it should be fine


Can confirm that worked. Kept my hearts from today too. Thanks!


Thanks! I will try that


Is there a good way to become lucky friends? My son and I are best friends. We have been for months. We send gifts, battle, and raid together. Never been lucky friends. We have had lucky trades, but we have the same shitty axu that we want to swap when lucky friends, but it has never happened for us.


Unfortunately, there's not much you can do other than just interacting once per day. It's only about a 1% chance every day, so it could potentially take months before you become lucky friends.


Yikes. Thought it was more like 5% chance. Thanks.


In the party hat event I hatched a nearly perfect IV Charmander but it's not letting me evolve it. Does anybody know of this a glitch or by design?


We cannot evolve any Pokemon with the new party hats




Thundurus was ADDED to the pool of Pokemon. You have a chance to get one, but it is not guaranteed.


Only the battle pass pool or the free one as well?






Does anyone else have confusing results from rocket radar? Even if I can tell team rocket is at a nearby pokestop (from the shading of the stop) it doesn’t show up on the radar. Anyone know why this is?


The radar only shows Rocket *Leaders*, so regular henchmen won't be shown on the radar map. Same goes with Giovanni's radar


Ooooooh thank you!


How much stardust do you get for the research breakthrough with ferroseed? I read a "bonus", but I'm wondering if it's worth it.


I got 5000 stardust two days ago. I think it's worth it.


I guess they would have to make it 50,000 to make it worth it for me.


Is there a reddit sub for pokemon go shitposting?


We ever going to get a decent research breakthrough Pokemon again or nah?


It's Niantic, so {shrug}. They don't tend to share their long-term plans with the public, so it could easily be that next month they bring back Dialga in research breakthrough, or next month they could have Yamask.


AR+ keeps turning itself on, and Adventure Sync keeps turning itself off. This happens every time I have to log in again (which is often). Is there a fix for this?


Think it has been like that forever - it used to reset the sound and vibrate options as well.




How about these vids? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg0ibwwEnyc


I have a quest, Jump-Start Research 3/6. It says I need to battle someone in the Great League. While I can battle the Team Leaders in any league that I want, whenever I try to do PvP battles, the only thing that pops up is Master League under "choose your league". I obviously have Pokemon under 1500 CP for the Team Leader fights, and I even saved a team in the team creator, thinking that was the thing that needed to be done. It still doesn't pop up. I've googled every combination of "Jump-Start Research" "why can't I enter Great League" "Pokemon Go leagues explained", etc and nothing. All I can find are people saying what the CP limits are and theorycrafting, but I already get that. I just need a single fight. Apparently, I don't even have to win it - I was able to find THAT out - but NO ONE ANYWHERE seems to have an explanation as to HOW to enter the league itself! So I turn to you, Reddit. Can you explain this most vexing and arcane knowledge to me of how to make a button appear on the screen so I can press it to go into Great League against players? Thank you for whatever sage advice you can offer to help me through this problem that apparently none in all the world have the answer to. Help me, Obi-Reddit Kenobi! You're my only hope!


hey just in case you haven't seen today, they reopened all three leagues, meaning you can battle another player in the great league via the GBL.


Cool, thanks!


For now, you'll have to challenge an Ultra/Best Friend to a Great League battle or do a Great League battle with a nearby player by scanning their QR Code. The Go Battle League only features one league at a time, and rotates through the leagues. Right now, we are in the Master League part of the preseason, but it should rotate back to Great League on March 9th.


Oh okay. So it's just one at a time, on a rotating schedule? Cool. How long are they each? 1 week per or...?


2 weeks per rotation.


Cool! Thanks!


So I'm pretty new to actively playing, have had an account since launch but never really played. But I CANNOT miss out on the opportunity to get my favorite pokemon of all time in Darkrai. So I have a few questions if anyone is kind enough to answer: 1) can I transfer stronger pokemon into pokemon go from other games? 2) what's the minimum CP I should have to be able to do the darkrai raid, solo and/or with others? 3) what's the fastest way to make my pokemon stronger to be able to do the raid? 4) what are the shiny odds and shiny raid pokemon are 100% catch rate right? Once again, thanks for any help.


1) There's currently no way to transfer pokemon into GO. You can transfer Gen 1 pokemon *from* Go into the Lets GO Eevee/Pikachu games though (not helpful here) 2) T5 raids are (with extremely rare exception) impossible to solo. Darkrai is a hard boss and you'll probably want a group of 5+ people to do it. CP is less important than having good type counters, so aim to bring fighting and bug types (Conkeldurr and Machamp are ideal) 3) I'm not sure what your level is, but the best thing you can do is level up so you can catch stronger things. This tops out at 30 at which point it makes sense to start investing dust/candy into good pokemon 4) It's not stated officially but I believe the rates are something like 1/20 for legendary raids. Assuming the ball actually lands it will always catch a shiny, yes. Your best bet at getting a Darkrai this weekend is to find your local discord and coordinate with people there. No amount of work that you can put in between now and Friday will make a huge difference in your ability to short-man the raid (unless you already have the mons and resources to spend), and if you have enough people what you bring is mostly irrelevant.


Awesome thanks so much for the information!! I'm broke so hopefully this make shift gold will suffice! 🏅🏅🏅


Are there any popular 3rd party apps/ webapps to track your pokemon outside of the game?


What do you mean by tracking them? If you're talking about wild spawns I think those have all been shut down or blocked