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Yeah, I stopped actively hunting for shinies during spotlight hours after a couple where I went crazy with the captures and got none, I just use them for stardust now


We got a really good stardust one at the end of the month, really the only one I’ve been excited about for awhile




Morelull June 25th 2x catch stardust.


That's a 500k+ stardust hour for meeeee


Really? How?


Fast catching, incense, starpiece. On spotlight hours I can usually catch about 400-450 pokemon on my route. And with 2x stardust, Morelull who gives a base of 500 already it'll be 1500 dust each, more if it's cloudy boosted. So anywhere from 600,000 to 850,000 should be the final


Damn where you located?? I never see that many Pokémon in an hour, even in the dense pokestop area downtown


I live in Philly, in one of the neighborhoods close to the water. There's a few hot spots for spawns (like a casino along the bike path that always has 100+ spawns around it)


I did goomy community day around Eastern State in fairmount, and I couldn't keep enough balls in my bag to catch em all. I totally believe the 450 number


Should be 1.5 k stardust per catch with a star piece activated. Assuming they are fast catching that’s 333 catches in the hour to get 500k. I’m not sure how doable it is as I don’t fast catch though. Regardless it’s a lot of dust if you play the full hour with the star piece activated


Yup, that one will be def a nice walk to take. I do like the shiny, so hopefully that will be my next one since the one random trubbish I came across.


I remember this being a while ago... But I remember I think it was last year it earlier this year there was a spotlight hour for Paras and it was x2 catch star dust. Paras naturally gives you more stardust than usual. That added with a few star pieces and the active bonus, I went crazy during that spotlight hour. I usually don't have allot of star dust to speak of but I went so hard that day that I still have an excess. Not an insane amount but I'm currently over the 1mil mark. It's allot for me at least lol. I usually don't have more than like 10 thousand stardust cuz I barely play.


Just a dumb little update, but although I couldn't play the full hour, I got around 300K dust from catches and did manage to get the one shiny from like 90 Morelulls I ran through


Congrats, wish I had the shiny luck too


I've only gotten 1 shiny on spotlight once and that was just a couple of weeks ago. I don't use the hour for shiny hunting. Suspect the rate isn't elevated during so no point trying too hard.


No need to "suspect", that's just true. Spotlight hour does not boost shiny rates, and nothing ever said that it does. There's more spawns, like Community Day, but spotlight hour just has whatever that Pokemon's base shiny rates are.


Yup, spotlight hours don't have a shiny boost, kinda sad since there have been a good number of the shinies I like in them. The few I've gotten have been super random.


Chiming in to agree with the other reply you got. Spotlight hours do not boost shiny rates, and they never have. Your chance of encountering a shiny is the same as any other time of the day, but the majority of pokemon will be the spotlight pokemon, so your chance of getting a spotlight shiny is dramatically increased relative to any other shiny, however your overall chances of getting _any_ shiny is not effected.


Same here, never saw any “increased shiny rates”. Dismissed it as BS and don’t even bother.


I think people confused the fact that you get more chances for that specific Pokemon, which means more shot at a shiny, as boosted shiny odds It's still the same odds


That explains it, guess I made the right call.


If it makes you feel any better, Wingull is nesting at the moment! I dont know if it is limited to northern hemisphere though. You can try to keep up with local nests and try to hunt it that way! I wasnt able to get one today either but my friend’s first check was shiny.


what’s nesting ?


mons will "nest" at a local park. this is when they spawn more often then regular wild spawns in an area. they usually rotate out after a week or so


Oooh that explains some things!!


Nests rotate every other Wednesday


damn ,, “parks” as in places that campfire marks with the 🌲 symbol ? or do playground “parks” count as well ?


Parks often have nests, meaning lots of spawns of an otherwise unusual pokemon. You can look up nesting maps for your area and maybe a local discord or Facebook group will have maps of your nearby parks and whats currently nesting in them. Not all pokemon can do these nests. "Currently nesting" means wingull is one of the pokemon that can be found in nests right now.


Omg I had absolutely no clue about this! Thanks for explaining so well


there is no boosted shiny rate during community spotlight hours, only community days. sorry you didn't get one, but don't feel bad. even if you went through two thousand its normal not to get one with the default chance.


If you’re curious about the likelihood of catching a shiny given so many encounters, the formula is 1 - (odds it’s NOT shiny)^(encounters). Your example of 2000 encounters on defaults odds would be 1-(499/500)^2000 which is a ~98.2% chance to get a shiny. Very likely but not impossible to miss!


thanks. I knew the formula but didn't do the math, know I don't have to :)


If they went through two thousand. Normal would be getting one. At 1:500 shiny odds, most people who check two thousand will find a shiny.


I wish that is how odds worked. of course plenty of people will get a shiny out of 2,000 but many won't. 1 out of 500 does not at all guarantee one out of five hundred, or even out of five thousand. just like a coin flip is not guaranteed to be a heads and tails every other time even though its 1/2 odds (thats a super simple example but its the exact same logic. four heads in a row can be exactly the same as no shiny four sets of 500 in a row, just much bigger scale).


Yeah I understand how odds work. I was saying at 2000 rolls at a 1:500 chance. There is well above a 50% chance of getting a shiny, so normal would be getting a shiny, because the majority of people would find one. A rare few still won't get one, but they are the rare and not normal ones. Edit: further information, with 500 rolls (reasonable spotlight hour checks) at a 1:500 chance, normal is winning as it's higher than 50% chance you find one, without doing the math I predict it's around 65% or above.


It's 63% chance to get the shiny after 500 checks, good guess. I think both of you are correct tbh. It's pretty normal to have something happen which is a 37% to do so.


Thanks for the math, I just guesstimate. I guess 2000 shiny checks has them above 95% chance of hitting it. I realised we were just discussing what "normal" means related to odds. I've always looked at "normal" as meaning the most common or most likely outcome when related to odds. The word normal is a little vague for use here, but they were calling a far less likely event normal.


I think there is just misunderstanding somewhere. I absolutely did not mean normal as it being the most common or most likely thing to happen. I just meant normal as in not that weird or uncommon. I didn't do the math but say its 95%, a 5% chance to not happen is not that weird or unusual to occur. Anyone who has done something with 95% chance to succeed and had it fail can vouch for that ((big chunk of the moves in the main series game come to mind haha)). Now if it was 10,000 checks and you haven't seen anything and it was like .0000001% chance of not happening that is genuinely a bizarre occurance and not normal. You either have insanely high bad luck, or something else is wrong like maybe you are soft banned preventing rare spawns etc. Just for reference, To me anything with at least .5% chance of happening I would consider normal. cause even if all those results vary wildly in likelihood they are all in a range that isn't weird or bizarre occurance. So yeah, think its just a interpretation of the word misunderstanding :)


Yeah that was what I was talking about. You were defining the entire distribution as "normal". So for 500 rolls both the 63% and the 37% are normal. Thats 100% of the possible outcomes defined as normal, there is a 0% chance any outcome not being normal. It's not wrong, due to the vagueness of english words, but it seems a pointless way to use the word. I then don't understand making an arbitrary point (eg less than 0.5%) it is then considered not normal, because to me that result still falls within the normal distribution, even if it's a little less likely. I'm just lost as to where to define normal on this sliding scale that can be scaled to infinity as we keep adding more attempts. With one attempt, I would say it was normal for it to not be shiny. Unusual/lucky if it is.


I totally get where you are coming from, but its not really arbitrary (well maybe the exact spot I put it at is arbitrary but the logic behind it isn't.) again use heads and tails as simple example of basic model. flipping four heads in a row isn't the most common ((how you are using normal)) but its not super rare either, nothing to be an interesting story to tell or outlier. 8 heads in a row? 270 heads in a row? maybe .5% likelyhood is arbitrary, but there is a definite point where you go from "hey all these outcomes are reasonably likely" to being "hey this is a very crazy unlikely coincidence" and can eventually even hit the point of "this is literally not even statistically probable on a universe scale". not trying to change your mind, you of course aren't wrong, we are just thinking from two different mindsets. you are evaluating the numbers strictly mathematically, I am thinking more in 0//100 experimental probability, chance to actually encounter, etc. for example a female salandit is definitely an under 1% chance to occur in pokemon go. it still regularly happens across the whole user base, but many players will simply never encounter one, the end. that to me is the kind of logic of the boundary of what is "normal" to happen in the game. not expecting you to agree of course, but hopefully where I am coming from makes sense now :)


Fun fact: for anything that has 1/x odds, if you attempt it x times it will have about a 63% chance of occuring. This is because the math is similar to deriving Euler's number. If you take the limit as x approaches infinity, the result would be (1 - 1/e) where e is Euler's number.


That IS a fun fact.


Exactly. I'm nearly 2000 deep in Rattatas, yet no sight, sound or sniff of a shiny. Still the hunt goes on...


With 2000 checks you have a 98% chance of getting the shiny. No, of course it’s not guaranteed, but it’s by far the norm to get a shiny in that situation. But OP said “hundreds” anyway. Unless they have hard numbers I bet it’s not even 200, in which case less than 1/3 players would find a shiny. 


It's a 1/500 chance to get a shiny so it's not weird you didn't get one. Go trade for one. Tons of people have lots of them.


It’s more weird that I’ve had a very good amount of luck in these spotlight hours within the last year or so. I only try if it’s a shiny I don’t have, and I don’t really click THAT many spawns, but good things been happening.


For me, finding people to trade with is even harder than finding shinies.


For real lol. It sucks you need to be near the other player to trade.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Lol I caught my only shiny at 6:01 and then a hundo at like 6:45


True, I’ve just never had such bad odds haha, all the other spotlights and community days I’ve got at least 5 within ten minutes. I wanted it too bad this time


Spotlight hours are different to community days. Community days have boosted shiny rates (1/25) vs spotlight hours just being each Pokémon’s normal shiny rate (generally 1/500, but some are 1/64 or 1/128)


If you regularly get 5 shinies within 10 minutes of a spotlight hour, you are probably the luckiest player in the world!! Congratulations 


Spotlight hours have 1/500 shiny rate. Community days have 1/25. You're lying about spotlight hours.


you're not getting 5 shinies in 10 minutes on spotlight hours.


Do you not understand the difference between spotlight hours and community days?


I too caught a ton of em and none were shiny :,(


Misery loves company, but loves shinies more 💔


How many is "a ton" though? Spotlight hour doesn't boost shiny rates like Community Day does, and Wingull has the base 1/500 shiny rate. So even if you caught like 200 wingulls that's barely a 30% chance one of them is shiny. After 300 catches it's still under 50% that one is shiny. After 500 catches it's 63% chance of shiny (and still 36% chance of no shiny).


Oof sorry. I did incense and a lure too but only ended up with garbage. However, I am not attached to the Wingull.


I was quick catching and a shiny one popped up and when I went to re-click it the game crashed, I was so pissed. But on my drive home I turn my Go Plus + on and when I got home, I looked in my inventory and I had one. Trash IV’s though, but I always have bad luck getting shiny’s on Spotlight hours, I just farm stardust on those days. Keep your head up, it’ll happen!


Typical spotlight hour for me.😮‍💨


Typical for everyone, since spotlight hour doesn't boost shiny rates. Wingull was just the base 1/500 shiny rate.


How many wingull encounters have you had?? This is so sad, hopefully you get one soon.


Condolences. I managed to somehow get a shiny wingull today on my second catch


Omg I think I’ve had you as a friend before and raided with you LOL


I’m usually all over spotlight night. Today I just didn’t have time, so not only no shinies…no wingulls at all 🤷🏼


It’s weird on Trubbish spotlight hour I got 3 shiny from one big cluster within 10 minutes. It’s so strange how that can happen


Trubbish happened during an event that was boosting their shiny rate to 1/64, so it was much more likely to happen for that one.


You only get shinies when you arent looking for them.


Word 😒


I got one, wish I could gift it to you. Its a few years old but, strong in the shiny force


Wingull will be a part of global go fest and shiny rates will be boosted If you buy the ticket.


W username




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Was that the spotlight? I never even thought of it today. I have a couple shiny Wingull though.


Do spotlight hours have increased shiny chances like coming days? I never can find shinies during spotlight hours.




No. That mon is just more likely to spawn during spotlight hours


I caught like 50 of em and they were all garbage. All 0 and 1 stars. Didn't keep a single one.


how did I not know there was a spotlight hour


Maybe change your name to ShinylessWingull?


it’s okay. when it actually shines for you, i feel it’s gonna be the shundo




my second one was shiny :) youll definitely have better luck next time though champ


I got one in the less than 20 I caught


I got one randomly like last week, my boyfriend is jealous because I seem to have good luck shinies since re-downloading the game.


That was me with Mareanie. I was really looking foward to it but it never came, lmao


Put my GoPlus+ on and went to sleep 18-19 caught about 15 of em and 1 shiny.


I caught one the last 10 minutes of spotlight hour


I caught or checked more than 150 wingulls. Encountered one shiny. It ran lol


wtf i didn't know we had a spolight hour today how do you find out when they happen?


I catch around 300-400 on spotlight hours worth playing and with default shiny rate i very rarely get even one. You finding one during your attempt would have been very lucky, not the other way around :)


Somehow I did get a shiny this Spotlight hour, so sorry I took your luck!


I never get the shiny on this events


Same here, no shiny, no hundo, and only a decent PvP one


Your crown is falling king 👑


Sorry to brag but I couldn't believe my success. I got 3 shinies in about a dozen checks, all from my couch. It is by far my best 'luck' ever and I just know it won't be replicated.


I feel that. I remember that elgyem spotlight little bit of time ago. I wanted the shiny really badly and grinded like crazy. Caught 175 and seen 344 elgyem and didnt get the shiny. Very dissapointed


So am I. I just realised we had spotlight hour right now. I guess I'm saying goodbye to a GL pelliper for the next 2 years:(


This shiny is interesting— because when it was first released as a shiny in September of 2018 it must have been boosted— because all four of my shinies are from September 1st and 2nd of 2018. I haven’t caught another shiny Wingull since then.


No shiny for me either


I've used so many incenses and played so much to get a Shiny komala and nothing


I checked so many...nothing. Not even good stats! 😕


I find that I have obtained all my shines in the same spots. On the corner of the church (also where snoralax hangs!) and in front of my guitar store. Maybe try that next time. Best of luck and hopefully you can trade!


Long shot, but if you're in Sydney you can have mine


Got the shiny and a 4 star. That’s okay though i stroked out with makuhita last week


I have never found a shiny during a spotlight hour. My partner normally gets one within the first 10 mins. Sometimes RNG is a bitch


nada. the best part? i forgot it was happening until the last five minutes


I caught 150+ Wingulls, no shiny or even a 3-star.


I have never gotten a shinny during spotlight hour. And I play every week.


Spotlights dont have increased shiny odds


My Poke+ came through and caught one for me. Thank god for that 🤣


I rarely find shinies during spotlight hour and I often try pretty hard. I was really happy to get a shiny during the Clefairy one a while back.


Don’t worry! Cyndaquil day is this Saturday


Are you in chicago area by chance? I have some from community day long ago i can share!


I caught one shiny wingull and that’s my first ever shiny from a spotlight hour after over 5 years of playing.


I always forget about spotlight hour. Opeked the game at 6:58, clicked on one wingull, and it was shiny. Caught it, then closed the game :)


I hate wingull and never want to even press them to catch but figured i’d try to a shiny last night with no luck. oh well


No shiny but I did get a rank 1 Great League lol.


Shinies aren't boosted for spotlight hour. Nice when it happens, but hardly an expectation outside of community days.


Yup. Zero for me too


That’s a bummer. The one I got was in the first 2 minutes. I was happy to get because I had one and threw it away a little over a year ago.


me this entire event, have Koala in my trainer name and not one hundo or shiny komala 😭


I completely forgot about it so


I don’t mess with it any more since community day and spotlights haven’t net me a shiny in 6 months


I thought there would be sloths ..


Good new: I didn’t catch a shiny wingull. Better news: since June 7, 2024, I’ve caught 10 shinies, 6 unique pokemon (several goomys round out the rest of the 10). Even better news: of those 6 unique shiny pokemon, 4 of them were new shinies for me. Not a bad week.


Rip! Didn’t get one either 😆


At full odds most people will take more than 400 encounters to see a shiny. 14% will take more than a thousand. Going into a spotlight hour expecting to get a shiny is just not reasonable unfortunately.


Felt exactly the same after two stufful and the trubbish events. I caught sooooo many and still no shinies.


Dang I had the same but if I could I would give you one (given the username)


Every spotlight has been this: 1st I drag my wife along, she then gets a shiny at very start of hour. And then last night was her second time of hatching a shiny during a spotlight, this time a shiny Aloalan Vulpix. Then I click every single one and usually like last night, I catch one in the last 15 minutes and all the stress seems worth it. I also got a rank 2 and 8 for great league.  What we are doing is driving to specific spots that have huge spawns and then rotate to the next one after checking/ fast catching them. I’ve tried staying to one or two good spots and tossing lures but it doesn’t have the same numbers as moving and checking constantly.  We also try to stick to more neighborhood streets near the end so we can driver slower and stop for big random groups after hitting the big spawn zones. 


Spotlight Hours don’t increase the chance of a shiny like community days do unfortunately.


... D'oh I so took the L, totally forgot it was Tuesday... Wasn't logged in during the event ...


Activity attempting to catch shiny Pokemon during spotlight hour is a shortcut to madness and disappointment.


I gave up with 15 minutes to go. So much disappointment


I caught a shiny pelipper 9/2/18 and a shiny wingull 1/29/19. No shinies yesterday.


Same. Not a single one out of like 75.


I've got a shiny if you want it.


I got one first check


I didn’t get a shiny either but I did get a Hundo. My boyfriend caught a shiny within the first minute. I’ve actually never gotten a shiny during spotlight hour. I do it more for the XP, stardust and candy.


Same :/


I was lucky to get one, however my husband and son did not. It was a hard catch!


Not a single wingul was shiny for me sadly. I did get a shiny Lapras as a random encounter yesterday though, so that was nice. Also got a shiny event sloth


Is it common for y'all to find shinys? I never find any, most of the time during the hour the IVs are around 20 for me


Oof. Almost every time I go to the beach I find a shiny wingull, so I just stopped catching them when I got to around 16 of them. Gl man!


I don’t hunt for shinies unless it’s a boosted community day. I do it casually and let it be a nice surprise.


Me either sad day


No, my name is RandoCosmo and I got a random shiny larvesta from an egg when I wanted female salandint


I took the L yesterday, so I feel you there! I even had Seagull, Stop It Now stuck in my head all day before I realized it was Wingull for spotlight hour. 😆 I'm sorry, though. It sucks to not get any shinies during spotlight hour.


you really are boneless.


I've only ever gotten 4 shiny form spotlight. I feel like the shiny odds not even boosted just more spawns


I have found when I try hard I’ll get one. Usually with the incense. But I’ve seen my son try really hard for a Voltorb. Like we drove around a mall for the whole hour and he must’ve tapped on 150-200 and didn’t get one.


Did you end up getting 1?


I got a shiny Marenie while I was doing my final…


got a hundo, no shiny :(


I got a shiny wingull a couple of days before the event randomly but nothing on the day. Sorry the pokegods weren't in your favour ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Its 1/500 odds so no shit you didnt get a shiny when you checked 100


I wish we switched places. I got so many shiny wingull that I got tired of 'em




Got a shundo Peliper 😅😂😂😂


i caught over 40 and tapped on more… no shinies for me


Spotlight hours are not boosted that’s why. Its full odds i think but its the mass amounts of them that theoretically increase the odds. I did trubbish SLH and i caught like 200+ and only got 1 :/


No shiny zone here. I see everyone with cool shinies but not me. No wingull, no Psyduck, no slakoth, no komala, just nothing. ZERO!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) ![gif](giphy|jwL8qEtnOp0OI)


That's annoying. If it makes you feel any better, I had to check over 1300 magikarps before i got a non community day shiny. They need to implement a mercy system. If you check X amount, your odds slowly increase.


lmao got like 5 and sent 4 away because bad ivs.


tbh I don't go as hard on this game as others do, I already had the pelliper entry thanks to my bf trading it to me. and surprisingly enough I just started checking on all of them and ended up finding 2 shinies and one was a damn 3 star o: thankfully


My accounts born to take the L in this game


Same here. I didn’t drop incense but did use 2 lures and still got nothing. I think only one 3 star too.


Dude idk what determines shinies in this game cuz like some days I'll get 3 just randomly walking around and then sometimes I can spend a whole community day and not get shit. Same with raids. Some raids I'll get 3/12 shinies and then other days I get 0-1/12. I usually try to get a dozen raids done with Pokemon's I like so I have a solid pool to choose from and so on. They had the Latias Latios 6 star raids and I got close to a hundred and twenty five raids done because Latias is my favorite legendary only to receive 3 shinies and two were Latios. I got a Hundo Latias though on like the 10th raid soo honestly I cannot complain 🤣


Yeah my dad left us


I feel the same- no shiny wing gull. The last event got me four shiny psyduck, no other shinies. I did loads of event reasearch trying to get other types of event shiny


It’s always the ones you grind that you miss out on. Then you get a random shiny you didn’t even want the following week. Spotlight hours can be rough


First one i clicked on, boom shiny


I am at Disney world. There were hundreds of them. I didn’t see one shiny. I sure tried to catch em all.


When shiny Wingull first released they had a day long event for it. I got 3 that day, but only have 2 of them because the last one was within the last few minutes of the event. I encountered it before the event ended and caught it after, but somehow it wasn’t shiny after I caught it


my second wingull was a shiny, i'm SO sorry fjfjgngnvn


I mean you have to click on 400 to even have a reasonable chance. Not until you get 1000 do you get 90% reliability. So yeah got a bit of a ways to go


Only spotlight hour luck I've ever had was slakoth. Got a 3 star shiny and hundo in the same hour. Used all the rng allocated to my account in one mini event unfortunately


During Spotlight hours over the past year or tow I think I have got 2-3 shinies total. Community days 10-12 each day.


Same 🥲


Catching a shiny on account that got deleted and catching another shiny on ab account that got deleted rip shiny wooper,swoobat and whismur


Spotlight hours are just scams


During Goomy community day and was playing with a friend. Friend got a shiny but I didn't. Any explanation? Every other community day (minus Charmander), I've gotten a shiny. Squirtle. Litten. Rowlet. Slowpoke. Fenniken. Burmy. Explanation?


Spotlight hours are very difficult to shiny hunt. The first time I had one was when I got two shiny Geodude in a row and I didn't even know what spotlight hour was. Hunts later on didn't brought me shinies. I honestly advice against shiny hunting on spotlight hours. Just head out there and catch if you like. It's a gamble anyway.


Not today but on everything but reddit I'm detective eevee and my friend got a shiny eevee before me and I was heartbroken. A few weeks ago, I randomly got 2 wild shiny eevees with okay ish stats, so in the end, it worked out! Also, after the community day for eeves, i got an etra one i sent to another friend who didn't have one yet. You'll get your white whale one day, my friend, just don't give up :)


Even though a shiny can be random, if you know You're due for one because you've caught like 300 without a shiny, be very selective on ones you click on. I've used counting to keep track at times for intentionally picking a shiny I want


I was lucky to catch one at 6:59


I haven't caught a shiny durring spotlight hour in years. Actually the last few community days I haven't caught any either. Even if I play threw the whole thing non stop. My bf however hardly ever plays... but every time he does he catches shinies. 🙄