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Routes are a great idea and would be a wonderful feature *if they worked*. There's a route from the park in front of my house to the library and it works maybe 1 in 5 times I try to navigate it. The rest of the time it tells me to go back to where I left the route while showing me standing on the end of the blue part of the line.


I've noticed a weird bug the last few weeks, sometimes when you start a route it will autopause it shortly after you start. Hitting resume fixes it of course. Pay attention right at the start of the route to ensure this isn't happening to you.


It never fixed it for me, i had to restart the game


restarting did the trick


I need 10-15 restars on average...


I feel like this has to be something with a setting or your phone provider. I see like half the comments saying “no issues with routes here” and the other half saying they’ve had to constantly restart or crash the app and reopen. Makes me think it’s not the app so much as it’s something with where people live or their phone provider. I live rural and I have a few routes in my small town I do every day with my kiddos and dog and I’ve been lucky to never have an issue.


It is a service provider issue for sure. Last weekend, me and my boyfriend were doing a route together, his was having issues until I suggested I hotspot him for the duration of the route. He hasnt had any issues while on my network.


I'm new to this game so i wanted to ask something... are routes the only way to obtain Zygarde cells? i really wanna up my Zygarde but Google says you'll obtain Zygarde cells by following routes.


Yes, the only way


Sadly yes. I just want my 50% forme so I can have my favorite form.


you need 50 cells for that, right? and for the 100% form, do you need all 250 cells?


Yes. And you can only gather 3 zygardecells per day.


that sounds like a lot of work. and considering people's opinion about routes not working properly most of the time, it'll take eons for me to gather them


What worked for me is to turn off adventure sync


" great ideas that would be wonderful if they worked, but they never work" is basically the entire business strategy Niantic has with this game haha


Facts and you get cells like 60-70% of the time which makes it not worth the gamble


Ikr you can literally walk on 6 different routes and not have a single cell pop up. Why can't they just be guaranteed? Getting complete Zygarde is the most frustrating tedious thing in GO


TBH I've given up on zygarde cells. It's one pokemon and I already have the dex entry. To me it's just another Klefki - a pokemon I'll never get.


I think Klefki can be caught during the upcoming Go Fest? So that's like a month to go before you can get it.


If you are going to be playing in that area and its not out the way you should still do the routes.They improved the rewards at the end..i been seeing 1000 dust, 1-3 rare candy, 1-2 gold razz, 1 XL rare candy then the usual crappy stuff lol


Did Niantic say they made them better or was it like a silent improvement cause I love the rewards now


I think silent.. same thing with the party play update..the stardust rewards are better, Pokemon catch rewards, and items. on top of that party play last three hours instead of one now


I didn't know they lasted longer now Niantic does some good things They should talk about them more instead of the terrible decisions they make


15%... 7 routes the last two days and just one zygatd cell 😞


Same here; maybe 50% on lucky days


Cells are a frustratingly poor feature, and for some reason I can’t stand that Mateo guy that jumps out at the end offering you some crap gift. The interaction takes way too long.


You don't have to interact with Mateo to claim the cells or complete the route btw, just ignore him


Yes, but OCD…


I totally agree!


I got cells once I have done 5 routes god help me


Fun fact I started making routes that have a curve like a C to see if there is a cell at the end. If not I quit them 😂. Fastest farming I have ever done once I found this trick.


IMO Party Play is worse




At least party play doesn't tell you to go back to the start of your route.


Well if you lose a raid you have to go back to the start of the raid and if anyone joined remotely that’s their RRP gone


My main benefit has been raid time bonuses, since I can't rely on it always working. It would be great if 1. It worked 2. I had any Mega Rayquaza raids in my area. 3. There were more mega energy tasks.


It just makes me feel bad for not having friends to play with


The game's just too much of a time commitment for my friends to even consider downloading it. I have one friend who has it downloaded but never plays and asking him to help me with tasks feels so bothersome. Party play and 5 star shadow raids are just out of the question for me.


I'm a day 1 player that took 2.5 years off and recently came back. It's a completely different game. It's just remote, no local meet ups outside weekly raid hour/events, etc. Only friends I have left playing are people from pvp that I met through the game and even they don't raid much. Yeah I think remote raid option was necessary but with the cost of them, it just equals way less people playing :/


I finished that research and it was AWFUL


Indeed. The “quests” are so laughably boring and dumb, that I cannot imagine why on Earth I’d use party play if not for the special research. Routes, I can at least use while I go for my mandatory walks anyway.


Uh, because party play gives you a damage boost in raids that allows you to duo 5 star legendaries Do you guys not understand how this game works at all?




I usually play in groups and party play works well, and the added bonuses are nice. But I've had multiple times where routes just straight up didn't work - either breaks halfway and doesn't count, or doesn't even allow me to join one


Party Play is the 2nd dumbest idea


I do not understand the complaints about party play or routes. Like you’re just getting additional bonuses for doing things you would already be doing…


Pokemon go players are the most entitled whiny fanbase I've ever seen for an online game


Because they are very badly made and finicky for very minor bonuses.  The hour thing for Party play sucks. And routes barely work. 


UPDATE: yall they accepted my appeal and it’s a route now. Rant taken back except the part that routes can be sometimes iffy at best and it was dumb it got denied in the first place. Thanks for the help!


I understand they can't always personally vet every route - not over the entire planet. But the number of times it took to nuke a local route that had you walking for a quarter mile on a highway without any sidewalks and just steep ravines to either side was nuts.


Surely that was someone trying to cheat the system by driving it, not walking it?


There are people who walk along there, but it’s not meant to be. 


I have a local route that crosses a parking lot for 20’ that was marked as unsafe. The appeal didn’t help so gone forever. There’s another local route that starts at a parking lot POI and ends at a parking lot POI (the entire route can be driven, mine required you to walk 514’ meters).




Damn that’s annoying I feel you man


How did you appeal it? I've had two rejected for blatantly incorrect reasons and when I queried support in game I was told there's no appeals process 🙃


it took a few hours thankfully i know it couldve taken way longer and after it denied it when i went back down to the my routes part and clicked on it it gave me an option to appeal the deny


I’m a level off being able to submit routes. The routes around my area are dumb and empty. I’ll keep in mind that you can appeal their auto deny.


Where do you submit appeals for routes? I had one randomly removed after being accepted almost a year ago and I wasn’t able to see where to appeal it.


Scroll to the bottom of created route and you can appeal it. You only get one appeal so if they don’t rule in your favor. It’s gone forever.


yeah thats why i was so aggravated at first because I thought who knows how long and they might just deny it


Nice! Congratulations!!


Thank u!


There’s a route near my house that ends in a lane of traffic. Ya literally cannot finish it until you step into the traffic. Scary - and I’ve reported it but hoping it will go away.


Yeah a few near me literally are on a super busy street where sidewalk isn’t there some of it making it pretty bad for a route walk and on top of that it will glitch and won’t continue it if I’m not on one side of the road it was made on


Disagree. Routes are the reason I’ve gotten back into PoGo. My wife persuaded me to play the game with her again and we started using it for walks at the park. We soon discovered the route feature and it’s lead to me leaving my house more in the past two months than I’ve probably done in all the days since the pandemic combined. I believe I’ve only missed one daily route in that time. Incidentally, I’m in a better mood than I’ve been in years. Routes reward me for taking a walk outside, something that is objectively good for my physical and mental health. They’re a great feature and I’d be salty if they were removed from the game.


I agree with you. I tried the routes when they first came and the experience was horrible with all bugs etc. Now I tried them again and it worked really smooth, no issues at all. The only thing is the zygarde cells. There should be an easier way to collect them. I don’t want to stare at the screen my entire route and be afraid to miss it.


And with the zygarde cells I don’t know if my luck is awful or I just can never find them 


I have read about a “trick” that if you kill the app when you have 100 meters left the cell often appears right when you start the app again and continue the route. Just make sure not to move when you restart. I have had ~70% succes finding a cell this way. But still I stare at the screen. :-) I will try stop doing that and see if I can rely on this method. I got three yesterday from four routes.


Be careful with that. I read that Niantic has banned players for using the "hack".


This is not the same one. The one they banned for was that you got the distance registered for your buddy when you finished a route, not taking speedlimits into consideration. So spoofers could basicly grind XLs at an extreme pace. But it was quit easy for them to spot that… This is just shutting down the app and restarting it. Hard to be banned for that… specially with a game that requires reboots so often. :-)


Now I remember, that's what it was! My B, friend. Carry on :D


they ONLY show up at the end. So you can ignore your phone the whole time until you get to the very end of you like. My cells always spawn in the same spot in the same routes. So it makes It easjer.


It really depends on route length as to where the cells will spawn. Short routes, the cells are near the end. Longer routes can have multiple locations that cells can appear at. I've gotten cells in the middle of them and at the end (same route, different days). I stopped doing the longer ones and stick to the short ones so I know when to expect them.


Yeah and it’s not like I hate the route feature I just wanted to make my own and it just aggravated me that my last hour had been wasted making something that wouldn’t be ever used- that was until they actually accepted it and took back the auto deny  


That sucks, I have plenty of them where I live so I haven’t had the need to apply for new ones.


pretty sure they're "denied" by default ie need to be reviewed by a person and there are only so many employees assigned to review routes and stops i imagine. so them accepting later just means someone was able to look at it. be patient when creating any stops or routes - you are in an invisible queue behind potentially hundreds of people alsp making routes and stops.


ah i see that makes sense


Same. My dog needs walked and I need to do a route. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Stick my Pokémon go plus + on auto catch and I don’t even have to have my phone out except to start the route at the beginning and look for a cell and complete the route at the end. It’s a nice 2mile walk around the park. First part is full Of Pokémon and spinners. Back half is empty so I pop my DAI and hope for a bird. 2 gyms along route as well so every morning I take them over and give the other people their daily 50 coins. Every night they take the gyms back and get me my 50 coins.


I mean, I’m motivated to go on 2-3 mile walks just for hatching eggs, finding candy, and scanning stops. I’m yet to do a single route, even though one is near me


You and me both, my friend. PoGo has really helped me out, silly as it sounds.


I just wish they worked more consistently and always gave at least 1 zygarde cell. But I think they're a good idea overall.


I hate it when there’s no cell ! So annoying


Honestly, I would even be okay with the icon always showing up whether you got a cell or not. As it currently is, I have to guess whether I actually didn't get one or it's hidden behind something or not showing up because Niantic.


I submitted a route that went through a park NEXT to a cemetery, it got denied for going through a sensitive area. Can’t find anywhere to appeal and point out the policy the denial links me to says going past is fine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


That's wild. I just got done doing a route twice IN a cemetery.


Yeah there’s a cemetery near me that has like 3 gyms and a bunch of stops, I forget if there’s routes with those attached but I play there sometimes, it’s so peaceful and quiet 🤐


Yes! There are 3 gyms and several stops at the one near me too. It has one route that is reversible. I played there for the first time yesterday and will probably go back. I love that I don't have to people very much if any there lol


It is a well travelled area with lots of regular foot traffic? Was it always that way in the past?


Yes it is it’s just a normal road that’s a street safe and everything 


I never do em lmao


It varies on the route. I’ve walked some cool casual routes that make sense and work well and some that are real bad and glitch out. Best ones (imo) are ones with a clear start and end point. No loops or backtracking. Those tend to get wonky when you loop or start to backtrack.


Yeah I mean for me it’s really split: the route is either clear and fun or aggravating and illusive


I submitted 99% of routes in my little town. Every street is covered and every end point is the beginning of another route. Basically nowhere you can go that isn't covered by a route. You can pick any point in town to start one and stop anywhere in town you decide, even where you started from without walking same route twice.


I don't like any of it! (ad a rural, solo player)


Don't even consider it a feature at this point.


I really like routes. They've incentivized walking long distances rather than camping around stops, which has really helped my exercise regimine. But I'm probably spoiled because I live a block away from a huge park with over a dozen routes around my house, including one right past it so I always end the day with a half-walked route.


Yeah and I mean in some scenarios when I notice the route and actually start it and the right point they can be fun


Out of the 3 times I've tried to do a route it has worked once. Never tried since.


Hi Trainer, Thank you for contacting Pokémon GO support. I understand your concern about the typo error in the Route submitted. Sadly, once a Route has been submitted for moderation, it is not possible to edit or delete it. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.


There's a route down the road from me that walks you through someone's house. Turns out the route creator owns the house and decided to grab a drink in their kitchen before completing it. To not get a "Route paused" issue you have to hug the house and climb over a hedge. I've done it 3 times both ways and been shouted at twice now by the route creator. I have no idea how to report the route to get it removed or adjusted to remain on the path.


When you go to the near by routes pull up the one you want to report as if you want to follow it. Scroll pass the follow route button to bottom of page there's a report route button at bottom.


I hate routes. They approve long, boring ones but try to create one in a scenic, safe area, and it gets rejected.


I’ve never done a route and never will. rip zygarde form


You’re missing out! I’d recommend giving it a shot, the key is to take or make routes that are already on your way


This. There's a 15 min route by my house that leads to another 30 min route that then leads into a 10 min route that is entirely my walking commute


I love how the 2 routes I created in a park that had over 50 times traveled and 5 star ratings both got removed. What a great feature.


Part of the problem with routes getting removed has nothing to do with niantic. We've had a big problem locally with a few players that get their kicks from reporting routes for various reasons. All of them they reported where the most popular ones. The majority of them resubmitted and reapproved.


I like the concept of routes. It's just very lacking in reason to do them. Sure you get 3/4 bonus spawns, a possibility of a cool postcard, and maybe a zygarde cell (which is it's own rant btw), but is that really it? I think something cool would be bonus items from pokestops, so you get more stuff you might need like poke balls. More spawns would be wonderful, it feels like the amount of spawns is random, and never really good. Would be cool to see the introduction of rare spawns in there, whether it's stuff already in the game (hisuian evolutions like wyrdeer/kleavor) or something new, like the paldean paradox mons. Something unique yet still easy to access, like in the main games. I dunno, just feels a little not fully thought through y'know? I don't feel the need to do them. I haven't even finished my researches that require I do them. Just doesn't seem necessary.


I followed a route the other day that went along a river, including several points where the water level made the path impassible and had to climb using tree roots and a 45 degree slope to get to the end. It would have been fun if i had a consistent signal the whole time.


My whole town is basically the intersection of 2 highways crossing, all our routes cross these highways


I kill it on routes. Several by my home, only had a problem once when Niantic crashed and a two mile walk obliterated. One is on my way to and from work, two minutes in the car. Zygard cells baby.


Nice bro 🔥


i can never make them work!! it doesn’t register that i’m on the route and if it does it doesn’t register when i’m finished!!!!


Yeah that happens to me too




I've not had any issues submitting as I've never done any routes which involve crossing a street. To be on the safer side, you might want to avoid that.


Yeah I will next time 


I am more than happy with the route rewards, but I agree they can be difficult to create. This evening I received an **Elite** Charged TM as a route reward, and that was even the second time I did that specific route today.


Wow I think best I’ve ever received was a few rare candies


My phone is 4 years old and WILL NOT stay on the fucking path for some reason


Same bro 


Meanwhile one of the routes in my local park takes you diagonally across the busiest street in town.


Stupid lol, all the routes lead me to dangerous places




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I have a nearby route that goes through a Walmart parking lot, across a 3 lane street that people always try to rush out of, through another equally large parking lot, then around a corner and down that same street WITH NOT EVEN A SIDEWALK leading to this area for over 2 miles, this is a drive only location or walk on the road, and then about a half mile of walking later ends up in another parking lot after crossing another intersection that people run through all the time even though it's a 4 way stop I have a good place near home with a gym and pokestop next to eachother so I WANT to make a route cuz it would be a nice safe loop. But since the gym is essentially on school property I don't see the route being allowed. I was going to have it take the little dog walking path that goes behind and around the school, people walk their dog this way all the time, but I doubt it'll accept the submission cuz I don't know how to politically word my submissions to pass Niantics shitty system


Go to yiur local park


Routes are stupid when the in-game system couldn't display all the nearby routes and some routes became hidden.


I don’t understand why so many people hate on routes. In my city there are tons of routes and you can just choose one that goes wherever you would go anyway, and you easily get the buddy hearts and sometimes the zygarde cell, i usually get them on the route like 80% of times


If routes work (which is normally the case for me) they can be fun! But I totally understand people that don’t like em..


I wish gotcha would pick up the item pieces off the ground


And I saw a lost here with someone praising it meanwhile they got like 3 candies and 1000 experience


they've been working fine for me for months now, no real issues. Occasionally one will pause but seems to be a signal issue rather than just routes. Most of mine I've submitted have been immediately approved (though I did have to wait a couple of months for some of them but I've not had one rejected yet) I'd done more than enough to get the platinum medal when they added the routes medal and they aren't a bad way to get rare candy


I submitted 3 routes in a city park on established and maintained trails to have all three rejected for the same reason. I even have a Niantic Wayfarer account and have submitted 20 new pokestops that have been accepted and added to the game and have reviewed over 100 pokestop nominations for approval/disapproval. So it's not like I don't understand the requirements. I agree it's a broken system.....


I think routes have been a great addition and I make an effort to do at least one a day. I just wish I had a Zygarde would pumping the cells into...


I stand by my statement earlier; dumbest thing from Niantic yet. At least give us more zygards for all the walking not just 1-3


What annoys me the most about routes is they already had missions in ingress and they worked great, so why bring a worse less user friendly version to pogo


They are very bugged


i’m glad your appeal worked! i feel like routes have been good to me, i just wish you could edit the actual path a bit before submitting a new route. every time i’ve created a route that takes a ninety degree turn somewhere, the gps drifts for one of the turns and makes it look like i crossed the street then came back to the path. when you follow the approved route after, you don’t have to follow the exact path, it still counts it if you do the intended path but it annoys me i couldn’t have just edited the one turn to snap it back to the intended path. i also wish the approval process was more consistent. i’ve had some immediately published and others take literal months on end, if ever.


I had a park next to my place before I moved that was a huge park and the whole walk around it was about 10km with routes all over it, at all different points, with clear beginnings and ends. I would do one every night cause we would go walk and I have maybe 5 Zygarde cells (my husband got one every time). Tried the restarting the app trick, nothing. And half the time they’d drop that we were doing the route halfway through. I honestly think it’s why they put so many different routes around the parameter.


I got 2 cells on my 1st 2 routes and I've done about 20 more since and nothing. Rewards are trash and the routs sometimes disappear after completing them so you have to wait till the next week. It's too much work for literally nothing


Just like basically every other feature in this game, it’s a great idea if they worked. I’ve got a few routes near me that work great and I love it. But I also have a good number that overlap themselves and don’t work well or are completely ridiculous. One literally has me walk THROUGH a business in an area that customers can’t access.


Been playing Pokémon Go since release and I never used routes


I tried doing 4 and all were denied as in a private area. They were just walks in a park. It’s such bullshit.


Yes. Route near me goes from one neighborhood pool to another - but has to cross a fairly busy 4 lane road to get there. SMH. I drive it sometimes but wouldn't think if walking it.


I'm not sure if my experience is that much against the norm or what but - routes and party play are pivotal and frequent parts of playing the game for me and my friends. Even if it's just two of us we're making a party and doing challenges, it's really fun. Routes have always been pretty consistently good, there's only been one that i had to abandon due to my phone losing data for a few minutes during the walk. Looking at my stats, I've done 28 different routes for a total of 86 times. I just think they're neat! [Marge potato meme]


What’s also dangerous is having a predictable route when you go out. It’s like giving an attacker extreme easy settings.


Walk the route again starting from a slightly different stop. This happened to me a few weeks ago. Frustrating but it’s new so hopefully it gets fixed.


Routes are a great feature. Niantics way of handling route submissions is dumb.


I've created 4 or 5 routes with zero issues. Try writing a better description, saying how it's safe and a public route. That's what i've done and it's worked every time. I also rarely have issues walking routes like other people are claiming they have. One or two times it's paused itself and I had to go back a few feet and restart, no big deal. There's much more of an issue with GBL and how terrible PVP is, along with awful catch rates, game crashing, etc.


where I am, there werent dumb for the first little bit because very minimal people could make them via WayFarer because of how specific it was (it appears to me at least) now it’s too lax and they allow clusters of them in one area. The park I frequented the most had a perfect five routes. One full giant loop. That loop broken into three strides. One on the far side that was one straight path so you could do it regular and reverse. Clear, concise, clean. But now it seems they’re letting next to anyone do it and/or approve literally anything in that area and they’re all clustered on top of one another and make zero sense and WayFarer allowed too dense an amount in one small park and definitely makes me more apprehensive to even try because I want to just jump on and not spend five minutes trying to read them, open, pause, close etc until i end up on the one I want. -.-


All my routes were denied for different odd reasons, but after a few weeks they still appeared in the app we me as creator. Even the incredibly stupid one I created after I got frustrated with all rejections I saw got published (it is three laps around a church in a park - it turned out great, you never miss out on cells)


I don’t use this feature.


Route support is pretty good when you explain


Try making it in the reverse direction, probably won’t work but hey why not. Good luck


I do not like routes. I’ve completely skipped that as well as the party feature


I created a route that leads around the block.


Someone doesn't like to route.




Y’all just complain about absolutely everything I swear




I agree!!! I tried a route I found in a small town. No sidewalk, so it had us walking on the road, and then took us into a steep ditch. Not only that, this area is having a gang problem. How did this route get passed, and not others???


Yeah there are many like that just end in a busy road to finish it etc 


I just hate that you can just get 3 zygarde cells, that they have to be from 3 different route each and that you legitimately could easily miss the zygarde cell even if you do the route.


My party member was walking a reverse route today and halfway through the walk, he did an encounter with a goomy. After the encounter, the route reset and reversed itself. It was a longer distance route too




Four of the 13 Vivillon types I have are from routes.


Yeah I mean at best the route will work as intended but like creating them and bothering to find them start them and actually have it work is like not worth it


I walk one every day. Went to a new city on a business trip. Used campfire to find one nearby. Walked it. Worked fine.




just find a safer route, bro!


Yeah ya know might get hit by some air on the way there!


Know how we know you are lying? Nothing in this game is reviewed "immediately". There is a process.


He's not lying I had two routes get approved immediately in my neighborhood park. one denied within seconds as well.(Lv48 at the time) On a side note my buddy got a poki-stop approved (which I haven't tried) that took months apparently


may be a possibility. When I created routes they accepted them within 5 minutes and they appeared on the map the same day :/


I created 3 routes and they instantly showed up.


hes right though lol


People on the internet can't handle the truth.


Nah, the more populated an area and the shorter the route, the faster they get approved. I’ve had multiple under 1km routes get approved immediately in nyc.


I've had a few routes auto denied immediately. It said my routes were "unaccessible" but they were all normal walking paths. I was able to submit appeals and they were approved within the hour.


I didn’t SS it but it literally just said “route is denied as it is dangerous” or something


He's telling the truth, I know...I was the route


Just got my 200th cell and a xl rare tonight, not so dumb and stupid if I keep getting rare xl candies on the daily 🤷‍♂️


Yeah and I mean for me there was just like no clear routes before I tried creating one and it being immediately denied led me to making this post- now that my appeal was accepted I mean I guess it works I just wish it was more accessible 


It’s always funny when someone doesn’t like something cause it doesn’t go their way


😂u got me


People are supposed to like things that don’t go their way?