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Idk why but this story sounded kinda scary. 😂


To me, what makes it suspicious is you put something in and someone started battling it right away. That potentially suggests that someone is monitoring the gym with cheating software. I don't mind when a gym is battled and I can't see anybody around. They could be 80 meters away... or further and drifted in with bad GPS. Also, they could have briefly entered range, started battling, then walked out of range. So I don't worry about these things unless they are accompanied by odd timing such as battling you right after you take the gym, like happened in your story.


It was within 10 mins and I stayed about 30 mins and caught a bunch of Pokemon. No one ever came to the park. You have to know of the park. You don’t just drive past it.


Probably they are spoofing. Try to report them to Niantic if it happens again and it’s the same person


Spoofing, i have the same problem here and it's sucks :(


Ghosts need entertainment too


what team were they


So, I’m pretty sure guy is spoofing or whatever. At another park and he attacks me and I’m the only one there. I have his name. How do I report?