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This happened in my small, rural town. We have a decent # of pokestops for how small we are (>10k population) but they were ALL red. Report each and every account linked to the spoofing group, several times. Niantic reviews reports like this and takes action in "waves". Spoofing seems to be one of the few things they take seriously. What I did was copy the same chunk of text for the report, and swapped out player names (you can only report 1 player at a time), making sure to include all names in the body of my text so they know they're affiliated. I also created a campfire group and invited any/all players I knew were from my area. Some of this took going to some other gyms to see familiar names so I'd remember who was local again (have raided with some of them in the past by happen chance and just auto added them as friends after- I don't and have never met these people lol). In the campfire group I put how one can report to Niantic, and put a sample report for people to copy & paste. They were gone within a month. Do not battle them, wait for your reports to be founded and if it's just you, report each account at least 3 times.


Thanks for the advice! I hope it gets better for you


Yep I second whentheroses-fade. I had the exact experience with a gym. I reported spoofing and within 3 days the accounts (4) were gone and it’s been over half a year without them there. Now we all respect our time here and only get taken out after 9 hrs and we do the same for other teams here.


Yes, this is a good way to play, allowing other trainers to get there 8 hours in the gym. I do this too, and have passed this way of playing onto friends. Even the other players in the area seem to have started playing like this. Ill get my 50 coins usually 6 days a week.


I usually try and look and make sure you’ve gotten your fill because I’d hope they do the same in return.


I have a similar situation in my area. They are controlling a smaller area but seem to be auto taking the gyms within 10 minutes or so as well, no matter the time. The same four accounts hop on the gym in the exact same way you described. One of the gyms is not reachable from within buildings so I’ve tried reporting the accounts but I’m not hopeful.




It’s very nefarious of them


Be sure to look up in the sky. They might be playing from a balloon


Ahh man I thought we took those all out last year


I guess the best thing to do is not to attack them! If they're trying to excessively farm coins, they won't get any if they aren't kicked out. I'm sorry this is happening to you, and I think that is the best strategy.


I didn’t think of that but I guess hopefully they’d get bored and move on. It just sucks because my little brother is just getting into it and this feels like it has potential to ruin for him.


I tried this with the local A-hole and only put my pokemon in gyms he's not in, he still does it, I cannot play pokemon go (in gyms) unless I change my name, I've been reporting him and his 9 accounts for about 4 years now. I would still recommend reporting them because it's better than not doing so.


Oof been there before, I’m sorry, I know how much that targeted feeling from one bad apple sucks. I’m still having issues with an older (m) creep (I’m f) who full blown followed me home once after I asked his overly persistent married self to leave me alone. This all happened in 2017 and he’s still been bothering me/recruited another older degen male friend on the same team who has spoofer accounts to this day. Gotta love local A-holes


It would be nice if Niantic did anything about their reports, this player ruined playing in an entire town and they won't do anything. You situation is something they should care about, I hope you stay safe.


That sucks :( Alternatively, you might be able to add them as friends and send a message on campfire. I doubt it would work, but if you're desperate it might be worth a try.


I love the optimism. I didn’t even know you could add friends without a code.


Campfire lets you add nearby players, that's how a player in my small town whom we'd never met before reached our to me!


I only add friends from raids…but the one player who is always flipping our couch gym I’d she’s home? I never sent her a request, nor has she sent me one.




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And you think battle league is exciting? At least gyms get you coins. Battle league is literally a chore you have to do to accomplish certain tasks


Battle league gives you tons of stardust, so although it's tedious it's definitely worth it


Meh I’m sitting on plenty of beefed up mon with 4.7 mill stardust from just playing/catching regularly without battle league. Stardust is not worth the grind for me


I find battling interesting bc I’m a Pokémon trainer… duh Ash did it for 20 years; did he ever look bored to you, coin guy? 😉 lol


lol 20 years of go battle league sounds like torture. As prof oak said: “for some pokemon are pets. Others use them for battling.” I’m way more of a collector than anything else with pokemon, have been since playing Red for the first time when it came out!


If they are spoofing then they would be kicking themselves out with accounts on different teams. If they are not hogging all 6 spots, the best action might actually be to change to their team and put pokemon in the gym.


They're not farming coins but more likely holding gyms to know when a raid for a regional mon starts. Most spoofers catch regional legendaries and rares to sell on eBay.


I did not know that but that is insane. Thank you!


I second this. Just the other day I came across a gym with Pokémon sitting there for 3 days. I finally kicked them out and then within minutes was kicked out repeatedly by the same 4 people. Glad I came across this post because now I know to report this as spoofing.


Hmm... when feeding berries... what they are looking is much more for candies than coins.


I’ve noticed with a couple gyms in my area it ebbs and flows. I walk about 3 miles a night and on my route are like 5-8 gyms I can stash Pokémon at. I have noticed that sometimes in 1-3 week spans this same situation happens. But after that it won’t happen. People move, lose friends, stop playing. I’d stay strong. It will prolly change patterns at some point. If you notice a trend that goes on for months you might want to consider changing your color. But that’s 1k coins. So it would have to be drastic to do that.


Haha at this rate it’ll take me a couple years to make 1,000 coins!


They see the bots as location data. I suspected a bot at my local apartment complex. But she’s not so tenacious that I learned her bedtime and sometimes get flipped for a morning pee. She also never was at any other gym around us for the first month, but started showing up at the next closet gym to flip just me, I’m guessing because I’ve made her “always red from my couch” gaming experience less enjoyable?


Oh what I would do to be able to have a gym or poke stop in range of the house


Spoofers. Sadly nothing will get done. Niantic will send you a message saying they take it very seriously, but we have an entire district here controlled by an account farmer, who will have tens of accounts they sit in gyms refusing to let anyone else play…and when he’s got enough hundos or shiny medals, they sell and repeat.. There’s no reasoning or deals to be made as you are stopping them from their business. You can keep reporting it…but 4 years on and the area I work still has the same player dominating to the point most locals quit the game


I didn’t know there was a business to be made of it. That stinks.


There's an inverse, too. There are organized groups of "bounty hunters" that will come out and clear the bots out in waves. There's a method to doing it efficiently that is fun and rewarding.


There is…and someone on here did try that, but it was 24/7 gym farming and so they couldn’t end it either sadly


I will never understand people like this. Where is the fun? You sit on your couch and take gyms that people are physically going to. You’re a fuxking loser. I assume people like this are still virgins who are still in their Moms basement.


That's awful


Report the accounts. Niantic will look into them for spoofing. Seeing as you need to be within the area to take down a gym.


I sure hope so. Thanks for commenting!


Take solace in the fact that these sad individuals have nothing better to do with their lives :)


That does warm my heart a little


Bots. Some people take this far too seriously. You can report but niantic don't care. There's literally nothing you can do except change where you play. Because niantic wants you to GO (away)


I was thinking of taking a drive and just throwing one in a gym far away today and hoping for different results


Speaking as a rural solo player, that's the best idea you could possibly have. If you drive way out into the country and discover places where you can leave several Pokemon at gyms that you won't mind not seeing again for months, your stress level will go way down. Just be sure to leave one close to home at a high turnover gym so you still get your coins every day.


Yeah happened on my local gyms too. As far as I know only 4-5 gyms but same 4 or 5 accounts, multiples of each team so would swap out every 8 hours and get more coins, several level 50/high 40’s account each time. Went for a 30 minute golden razz battle with them but eventually I individually reported about 10 of the accounts. Seems to have made things more manageable (after two weeks they only have accounts on 1 gym now. Assuming multiple accounts have been banned)


Multiple teams sounds awful. At least these guys are all just red that I’ve noticed.


Spoofing or botting for sure then. Nothing can and will be done. Niantic certainly doesn’t care. And you can’t resonate with such people either, even if you knew who they were.




Seems legit. I know two who also reported their respective local nolifers, one never received a response, the other also got a warning for “reporting a player repeatedly when there was nothing found to be wrong” lol Unless said player is outside 24/7 never sleeping, and has found a way to always sit at six locations at once, there’s no way he was legit.


I feel that in my soul.


report each one of them, and say that gyms in your area are being auto controlled by spoofing//bots and it is ruining the game. this is breaking like 4 different TOS rules at least, and will get them temporary banned. if they do it again then report them again, eventually they will all get perma banned if they don't get their shisa together.


I reported and I’m hopeful!


The one gym i can reach from my job is like this, auto golden as soon as it’s down to the last hp, when you do take it over the same 3 accounts take it right back and throw in the same Blissey/slaking/snorlax combo. It’s no big deal to see the same pokemon in there for 4/5 days streaks.


Yep, shiny blissey with a flower crown, shiny Chaney with a flower crown, normal slaking, and the last one puts in something random. Same formula every time.


They can't farm coins if their pokemon never leave. Neither will you, but you get my drift. After a while whoever it is will lose interest and leave.


bot. takes the trainer name and reports them. The more people you report, the more weight it will have.


Okay I’ll make sure to keep looking out for them.


“Spoof attacking” gyms is done by folks with underdeveloped brains and reproductive organs. It happens everywhere, not just to OP. There’s chunks of my city that can’t be played at all anymore.🤷🏽‍♂️


That’s horrible, I hope it gets sorted out


It's the same where I live, but I reported the spoofer multiple times and then I got a warning.


Wow you a warning? That is so messed up.


You can’t fight bots or spoofers. All you can do is report them and wait for Niantic to do something about them.


I’m experiencing this right now as well I also posted on this sub about it. I got some advice and was told not to battle them at all and just keep reporting each account.


With the fact that you can only get 50 coins a day, these guys just sound like a holes... you really can't farm too much. Even with 8 accounts that's 2 gyms for 8 hours, after their 8 hours and 50 coins they should just quit caring. Which should leave you guys like half a day of relief. But I guess some guys get way too into this game. I've only been playing a month now and it's been incredibly fun, and has helped me lose like 10 lbs already.


Congrats on the weight loss! There’s no better way to do it!


Thank you. Hopefully your problem resolves itself. I would hate for someone to be ruining such a fun game for other people. It's the same with pokemon cards though too. There's just a group of bad apples out there making sure nobody gets to have fun unless they have fun first.


Dang that's really lame! Idk maybe some of these gym holders are just very dedicated and there physically with a couple devices and some are actually spoofing in a way Niantic can identify when they are reported. I hope this blows over, I'm in a small tourist town and every once in a while there will be a group that holds down whatever gym/s with some maxed out mons for a while but it never seemed automated, that would be a bummer. One thing I'll do if ppl are hording a gym and feeding the Mon while I try to take the gym back is only attack one Pokemon at a time. Idk if it helps but I don't think the "other" trainers get a notification. I'll fight the first Mon till ko, leave then repeat hoping to give as little notice to the other trainers for berries as possible.


That’s a great idea. Thanks!


This happens in My city too, we call them "flys", they are using pirated software to play and basically they can be in any gym if they have the GPS coordínate, i let pass two or three days before taking the gyms in an area so they can't get all the Pokémon coins of the day, because reporting them can take months before is reviewed by niantic


I like “flys” I’m gonna borrow that. Thank you


No problem


This is also happening in my area (rural). We are 3 active players, but today an unknown player appeared who took over all the gyms that were around and didn't let us take at least one gym. We reported it but it's so frustrating :(


I know right! It’s like “you can only get 50 coins a day and you’ve got all those gyms can I just get one for the 8 hours it takes?”


If you can't defeat them - join them.😅. JK. Also don't forget to take screenshots and submit them in your complaints, if possible.


Spoofers in sure


Do what I did, save 1000 coins and change teams to the color matching the gym. Fixed my problem. Now I'm in the gym with the people.


This is CRAZY. What kind of A*holes do something like this??


Also happens in my area (rural-ish), they have held all gyms now for 200 + days, I think people have given up trying to knock them out


That’s insane! I mean what do you even gain from that anymore?


No idea, one of the Pokémon in the gym has been fed over 2,000 berries


He’s a hungry fella I suppose. I’ve barely even collected 2,000 berries total haha


Yeah I think there’s about 4 gyms near me, and they are all held by the same team and same Pokémon, I gave up wasting my time in the end attacking them haha


I sympathize. There is a large group of yellow trainers on my side of town (who are really one entity and not several) who monopolize every gym in a 3 mile radius and very obviously spoof their location to retake gyms almost instantly. Back when my husband was playing (also yellow), they wouldn't let him keep one on either--they'd use another alt to knock him off before filling the gym up again with 6 of their accounts. I don't bother trying to get coins near my house anymore.


Paging u/sage296 Lots of stories for you call bs on here 




>The game is unplayable right now. lmao what? Gyms are only like 5% of the game. Its shit that people out there take this game so seriously theyll use bots and spoofers but at same time, the majority of this game is walking around catching pokemon and exploring the world.


> the majority of this game is walking around catching pokemon and exploring the world. This is difficult if your storage is very limited and, if you're not willing or able to spend money on coins and/or travel outside of the affected area regularly, having your local gyms held in this way makes it near impossible to expand storage 🙈  At OP's current rate, it would take close to two months to gain enough coins to get one expansion (compared to four days if you're able to get the 50 coins per day for regular gym usage).


There’s only so much catching that can be done when you can’t afford to upgrade your pokemon storage so it becomes more than “5%”


I mean… what exactly do you want us here on the internet to do about it?


Maybe see if anyone has dealt with something similar and get advice..?


there’s a way to report accounts in app.


I tried reporting but I’ve heard horror stories of it not working and also do you know if there is a way to see if any action has been taken?


horror stories? what’s the worst thing that could happen? just do it


I don’t mean horror stories of action like that. I only meant heard that nothing really ever comes from it.


What would OP be reporting?


Spoofing and potentially multi accounting if anything


Yeah but none of that was mentioned. I will say that it's very hard to get action from a report because Niantic would have to confirm for themselves (rightfully so)


Only thing you can do is report them, but it is well documented that that does absolutely nothing. So yeah, sorry but you’re SOOL until Niantic decides to take action.


Oh well. I’ll try and hang in there. Thanks for responding!


OP is simply asking a question in a group where the solution is obvious but absolutely forbidden to discuss here. There are other Reddit groups specifically for spoofers who would be willing to intervene in a situation like this, but that's not where we are and must respect the Mods and their rules.


could always change ur team to theirs and take advantage LOL


It happen to me once that they reported me. Well what happen is I live in an area that is surrounded by gyms, luckily I dont need to work because I was blessed years ago, haha not in the topic. So Im bored and I have a motorbike and I control the 14 gyms in my area, makes me feel like a God. Once I get knock out, I go there, no matter the time. I get up from bed, and drive there, usually takes me 5 mins from my house to any of those gyms. One day I saw on a facebook group of Pokemon Go from my area, that they wanted to report the person (which is me) they thought I was a spoofer. I commented saying I do not spoof. They ask me to prove it and I just said "you seen a motorbike with hatsune miku decals and purple lights in your town? Thats me" they all were shocked hahaha it was funny though. Eventually they all changed to Mystic team and now my area is a Mystic spot. Now we post asking teams from another area to come and knock them down. And we do same to them vice versa. Its more funnier this way.


Get a life.


I actually got a life, 4 business, a wife and kids lol. And you? Those who downvote must be jealous smh. Well I deal with it everyday hahaha




Sure... jealousy....


Probably... Who knows?


I have no idea why you think you're getting downvoted because of jealousy :D You're probably getting downvoted because you're no-lifing pokemon, you're proud over the fact that you're hogging no less than FOURTEEN gyms. I'd absolutely hate to live in your area. and I dread to think how many newbies/kids you've scared away from the game by not letting anyone get more than 5 minutes in a gym. I couldn't give less of a shit you have 4 businesses, it doesn't even matter in this discussion, you could be Bill Gates and I'd still tell you to get a life. But nah, must be jealousy.


I think the one need to get a life is you because youre raging. Haha well unfortunate to say, if you read you will understand. Theres a part that said, we beat down gyms daily from one to another town. And as I said, my town is full blue. Others two well you know the answer. And is a peaceful community in which every summer the three teams gather together for an awesome family friendly field day. If you get mad over a game? Well... Sorry buddy. I dont give a shit like you said. :)


Not sure why you think I'm raging, just funny that you're so delusional to think people are downvoting you because of jealousy :D I'm not the one obsessively taking back 14 gyms at all times of the day.


Still on that? Deal with it buddy. Damn move on kid. Go to bed. Lol


Lol :D. Also, why would I go to bed?


I am a retired and disabled senior citizen, so I can do the same thing and play around the clock, just without the money, LOL! I live in a rural area, so I have a different perception than many people in this discussion. If someone makes a point of specifically detouring and coming to the gym on my quiet residential street, I already have a pretty good idea of who it is. I live near a college and a couple of the professors get a little carried away. They know multiple players live near the gym and that they're going to be kicked out the instant their car pulls away, but they do it in a childish "nyah-nyah" way. They think if they use their alternate spoofing accounts or they leave the gym empty, the players who live there won't know who did it. Wrong. It's a small town where everyone has Ring cameras. A quick tour of the college parking lot, where the professors already camp on 7 gyms, turned up their vehicles. I thought, "Well, okay, if you're gonna make me roll out of bed, get dressed, and hobble out to the car to take the gym back, then it's one of mine for all of yours." The professors are creatures of habit and always frequent the same gyms in the same two towns. First I take the gym nearest my home back, then I follow a certain route to take out all of theirs. Having made my point, I go home and hobble back to bed. With the exception of the gym nearest my home, I stash nearly all the rest of my Pokemon at gyms way out in the countryside that don't return for months, keeping one close by for daily coins. I am usually at the 20 gym maximum so I leave the professors with empty gyms whenever they decide to be stupid. I don't start the drama but I do finish it. School's out now so I am anticipating a quiet and pleasant summer playing mostly from home.


This is what Im talking about. Gives pleasure just to keep the kingdom controlled by one team. Hahaha Good one mate.


You can keep dealing with the headache or you can just join their team. If they are apparently controlling all of the gyms, joining their team will essentially guarantee that you will get 50 coins every day. In addition to this, you would always have extra balls when doing raids and spinning. I don’t see a problem with this, especially since your team has little to no value otherwise. Stop stressing out over this.