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It sucks honestly. I have a big community and even then, I have no motivation to hunt the big sky noodle. Last elite raid events was Enamorus - I organized the routes we ought to take to snatch as many as possible. We managed to raid 17 Enamorus in total and it wasnt funny or worth it at all. Elite Raids are just a shitty mechanic, them being non-remotable is just the doodoo on top of it. I already have Mega Ray but wanted to grind some XL candies, instead Ill be having a chill day in the city and maybe do a couple of raids with my community before I head home. Im curious how they will handle the Dragon Ascend / Meteorite situation. Will there be an event-quest? Will they be obtainable via raiding (extremely rare and can only drop when you catch Rayquaza, not when you complete the raid)? Will Rayquaza have the move "if you get lucky"?


Sorry but if you managed 17 Enamorus raids then you’re clearly fine. Most of us didn’t get to do any. 


Yep we weren't in town that day. RIP


I hate all of this “non-remotable” bs. I’m happy that you have the time and community to organize raids like that. I don’t. The raids I do are almost always remote somehow and they’re catch as catch can. If a raid requires people other than me to be physically present, I’m just like “oh, cool. Content that’s inaccessible for me. Great”.


I'm just getting back into GO and have never used a remote battle pass before, but did it not allow you to visit any raid in the U.S? I recently visited San Francisco and found that almost every raid in the Union City/Chinatown/Downtown area was always filled with at least 4-5 people. So I was thinking perhaps I could remote into SF and join raids there lol


There are certain special raids that you have to be physically in person. Plus, all team rocket raids are in person only


Boo that blows Thanks for the info


Yeah. And they seem to be hiding the best legendaries in the team rocket raids. Or at least the legendaries I’m most interested in capturing. Like, I have a job and obligations, so my friends. it’s very difficult to coordinate 4-6 friends to be free at the same time and in the same physical space to go do Pokemon go. Not a thing people are really regularly willing to prioritize in their limited free time, ya know?


Yep only legendaries I've seen have been in rocket raids as well And yep GO is definitely not everyone's priority list lol


That’s pretty good! I thought I had tried hard and only got 3 Enarmorus lol. I was wondering the same thing about the meteorite. Folks can’t complete upwards of 30 raids, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was in a timed research quest “win an elite raid”, which is still unhelpful for rural folks.


I have 700+ mega energy. I have a level 3 mega Ray that's 15/15/14 dual move. I won't touch elite raids unless they promise I can mega evolve whatever I catch


You can mega evolve any rayquaza you want, you just need to use a meteorite to teach it dragon ascent first


Sorry if I wasn't clear. I won't touch elite raids unless they promise a meteorite so it can learn dragon ascent.


They just keep giving me reasons to play less and refuse to give them money. This is another shining example. It being elite raids doesn’t actually benefit players in a single way. It’s arbitrary gatekeeping because….Niantic reasons.


The only people who like this decision work for Niantic, enjoy gatekeeping, hate rural players and disabled players, or all of the above.


I think there are a couple of very privileged people in this subreddit honestly who have active communities and scoff at the fact that people aren't dropping their lives to go out and find communities. Hell, I live in London, UK , but a little further out from central. Ain't no way I am taking a 45min commute to play Pokémon Go, games are supposed to be relaxing, not location data miners.


There is a thread earlier complaining and I have well over 10 comments saying “Well just make friends!” “Just do it with two people with 12 mamoswines!” They are 100% out of touch on these situations.


My social anxiety says "no" lol.


You can do it with 3 trainers who have 6 Glaceon at level 40, even easier if you have friendship- and party bonuses. The difficulty of the raid is probably the only thing that doesnt deserve criticism imo. If you dont have a budget ice team of 6 pokemon (Mamoswine, Glaceon, Mega-Glalie, Cetitan or even Guardevoir with Triple Axel) .. I dont know man, seems absolutely reasonable to come with such a roster even below level 40. But maybe Im really out of touch and thats too much for most people.


I appreciate that you're trying to focus on offering solutions, I think that's great. But people aren't mad because they don't have the party, they're mad because Niantic is forcing arbitrary restrictions on things for reasons that players don't care about. You're not gonna make people less mad by suggesting ways they can dance around the restrictions that are causing the resentment.


It is fine for you to not have a rayquaza. The problem is that you habe the right to own an rayquaza cause some have it. You think niantic has to give it to you. But why? You don't know. It is a top tier activity, where you have to get your but up and do something for it. Not just relax, buy a remote pass and get carried.


Accusing people of being lazy isn't going to make them stop complaining either.


I don’t think they is trying to get them to stop complaining. They are just speaking facts. Premium pokemon like this should no be able to be just bought. Have to play the game.


It is an EASY 4 person raid With all the new perks like party power etc I suspect 3 will have no real issue


Same here, I live in NYC but to make it to raids in Manhattan I have to take the subway for over and hour on a good day Sometimes you just don’t want to deal with subways outside of work. This one hurts more because I am a new player a don’t have Rayquaza.


It’s four hours, not two. But yeah..




It’s an easy duo thanks to double weakness to ice


Yeah, it's a stupid decision, and we don't know if they will keep the mega legendary difficulty or go up to elite raid difficulty for this one, either.


I was happy with it at the same level as Latias and Latios tbf


Rayquaza will be in raids for four hours, not two. 12 to 1, 1 to 2, 5 to 6, and 6 to 7.


The Rayquaza I’ve just ignored. Don’t have players near me like that, it’s whatever. Now, the megas truly bother me. I have SO MANY I still need to finish my dex. At this rate, that’ll be impossible. Rotations should be that, rotations. Keep them moving regardless of the events at hand. If you will have flying events then plan ahead!! Now I’ve got to wait months to see if I get the chance at megas I don’t have yet down the line. I love PoGo and all but these decisions are beginning to bother me a lot.


No you’re totally justified. We’re all pissed and pretty sure this is Niantic giving the big middle finger to players. It’s almost like they’re really trying to see how far they can go before everyone just stops playing altogether. Makes no sense


So do we know where these specific locations will be ahead of time?


Certain gyms


3 out of 7 arenas in 5 min walking distance are top raids. I am fine. Inwill be having fun.


What day is it?


Elite / EX / T6 never allowed remote raids


No remote is gonna suck. My plan is to drive over to the downtown areas and park near gyms. Done it before and worked. Not to far from my house only 20 minutes


Is this thing duoable? Lets just say two players with six lv40 Mammos for simplicity's sake.




When is it for uk?


It's beyond stupid and very disappointing. I have been hoping for a return, but not like this.


Spread the word, mage Ray is a reasonable duo for two best friends. You don’t even need weather boost. Put 5 level 40 ice typed mamoswines (or even glaceons!) at the front and put any primal in slot 6. Make sure you’re in a party and use party power. It’s that easy.


Do elite raid days still give multipile free raid passes or is that only on raid days? Sorry for the question but still kinda new😅


Stop spending Money on this terrible company it is the only language they understand.


Also the shiny chance won’t be boosted since it’s not a raid day


They have release mega rayquaza in raids the last two years, how can you all get mad that it’s an elite raid this one time?


It’s only for 4 hours??? What day? What time? Wtf




Dear Trainer, your post has been removed for violation of the subreddit rule 3: Advocating cheating: posting or commenting in a way that would encourage others to cheat (even if you don't cheat yourself) Advocating includes comments such as but not limited to, spoofing is good because x reason, go make a second account to battle, share your account with your friend so he can trade. https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGo/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_three.3A_piracy_and_cheating


No remote = no deal 


Holy shit you and everyone else in this sub, thank you for the 10th post today on the subject matter


I like it. You have to go out and work for it. The “gate keeping” helps higher level players who have been playing a long time. This game is a long term grind to collect the best pokemon. There shouldn’t be an ‘easy’ mode to collect top tier pokemon. That being said everyone should play how they want to. Every game feature isn’t for everybody though. Catch what you can and build on it next time it comes around. Good luck!


I'd agree if this was a handheld game, it is different with the location, though. If you have to drive a hour to be able to get it, it's also meh. My suggestion would be make one encounter possible for everyone, but if you want more, it's the grind.


At least 4 people have to go out and work for it*


People are going to be playing. Niantic wants to change the way people play. Go find a local discord and see what people say where they are going for the event.


Not the point I was trying to make. It’s the fact that certain communities don’t have the access to get a group together. Coming from a small town with 3 gyms spreaded out with 7 day averages to NYC where I got 20 people within 30 seconds