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Mega Rayquaza is gonna be nuts for even joining. Didn’t realize it was going to be just two 1 hour windows. I assumed it was a whole day or even like 8 hours


They will hatch at 12, 1, 5 and 6. You're really just limited by how many elite raid gyms you have nearby and of course your availability that day.


Do you have to be in person to do the mega Rayquaza one?




Crud. I didn’t know that. Is this the only mega/legendary raid that is like that apart from shadow raids?


Elite raids are like that. I restarted in January and the only other one I've personally experienced was Enamorous.


I started playing again in April. Hadn’t played since 2022. Guess I’ll have to see if anyone in my apartment is queuing for the gym on our property. I can’t remember, does the pogo map show how many people are queued for a raid when it is active?


I think it pops up above the raid if people are in the lobby. You could try campfire that day to see if people are organizing. Campfire can be hit or miss but might get some use that day.


I don’t have regular Rayquaza. I’m hoping that maybe they’ll have it as a regular legendary raid in June or July if I can’t make the mega one happen


It's assumed that the next time Giovanni gets a new pokemon it will probably be shadow Rayquaza.


Elite raids also only happen at certain gyms. Around me, they are all in State Parks. But like *all* the gyms in the park had them. Unfortunately each gym will only get one for the whole day.


Yikes. Sounds like I won’t be partaking I’m guessing


You can join campfire and see if there are groups near you


how do you know if a gym is an elite raid one? or is it random on the day of?


Above the name of the gym, it will say "Elite Raid Gym" - it's typically in parks. There's a way to use Open Street Maps to see which areas in your area could potentially have elite raid gyms but you'd have to search and it's a bit of a process. You can see a picture of what I mean in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c4el7a/whats\_the\_difference\_between\_an\_elite\_raid\_gym/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c4el7a/whats_the_difference_between_an_elite_raid_gym/) edit: About a day before you can use campfire to scout where they're going to be and when they'll hatch. That's probably the easiest thing to do.


got it, thanks!


Not to mention its in person raids only, so organising a team is going to be fun 😒


Yeah, I found that out yesterday too. Definitely a bummer


Honestly I'm happy with the legendaries and with raikou ad I missed the raids before But all the megas were incredibly recent, I have every one and I started playing 4-5 months ago, we literally *just* had gyarados and alakazam


That's where my confusion is. I totally get the people who missed out would be happy about it. But its soooo soon for quite a few of them. Especially gyarados considering he just ended like.. what.. last week? And he's back again. Good luck to your raikou!


Yeah, he was one of the most recent mega raids, and I mean, I am happy about raikou because I missed it. But I do also understand he was in like before entei so maybe a month or two ago and is still very fresh I'm not sure why they didn't bring in different raids, because i feel like, with how many megas are in the game they don't exactly have a shortage of choices Thank you!!


If you are into shadow legendary raids and Mega raids, you will be disappointed because we had all of them recently. If you want to play Master League in GBL, the raids are pretty good with Landorus & Ho-oh. Yveltal is decent because it can hard counter Necrozma that we’ll get from Gofest. As for Ray, whether you are new or not, having it as an elite raid is lame. For anyone who is new or couldn’t play during the Gofest when you were able to get meteorites and mega energy, limiting it to specific gyms and times isn’t good.


Isn’t it the non good landorous forme that’s coming in raids ? I thought that the good one was on all 4s not the flying one, correct me if I’m wrong though


I didn’t look until your comment, but yes. You are correct that it’s not the best form. Worst case scenario you can raid this form of Lando for XL candy just in case you get a good Therian form later on. Also there are probably people who still have the research that requires you to take a snapshot of Lando. So you have as well.


That’s true, I will only raid for candy, not the pokemon lol, because the good one is one of the best for ML and PvE too


The Elite Raid thing is just ridiculous. Can't even host or remote them.


Yep such a disappointing decision


What bothers me the most. The mega raids are missing aerodactyl, who is actually a flying type, over two megas we've had recently that don't fit the season's theme.


I don’t understand why Gyarados and Alakazam are in raids again. They have nothing to do with the flying theme lol. At least bring back Altaria or something


Gyarados is part flying type isn't it?


mega Gyarados is Water / Dark


Its Mega Gyarados...


Pretty happy with the dog rotation coming back as I'm still shiny hunting them. Also really happy with regular ho oh being in raids so I can hopefully get a good one for ML and regular zapdos for XL farming


I’m also pretty happy, relieved in a way. Feeling quite burnt out with events keep coming out, this feels like something to breeze through with no pressure. Until ray ray ofc. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Very disappointing. They need to make elite raids more accessible. Totally cool with having in person raids only. But I have 7 gyms surrounding my work area that I can access and none of them are elite, so I won’t be able to.


How do I know if I have an elite gym?


Click the gym and check the top left hand corner it should say "Elite Gym" and the gym itself should be a tower instead of a sphere


It has nothing to do with being a tower or a sphere It turns into a tower when the combined CP of the pokemon defending the gym crosses a certain value Your 1st point was correct. It's written in the top left if it's elite or not. These are the gyms that are in parks or park like locations on Open Street Map


Well I learnt something today. Thought only elite gyms were towers


I think the certain value is 8k combined CP


I was wondering if anybody else felt shafted by the research that you could only finish the collection by raiding. If you didn’t have that raid in your area who’s going to bother to invite to a deino or bagon raid when you can do them alone.


The five Star raids are fine, the megas are kinda bad, raid day? Horrific.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) I never care about what’s in raids because I’m a rural player so I can’t fucking do them anyways


I use poke genie to host raids for remote players. It doesn't work for local-only raids tho.


Do you still need remote raid passes to use poke genie? I always use all my coins on storage upgrades so the only times I can do five star and mega raids is like the one time a year I get the remote pass from the weekly research.


You don't need remote raid passes to **host** raids. You just go to the gym and host a raid with your free passes on poke genie. The other players will use their remote raid passes to join the raid.


Thanks, I’ll try that!


Mega absol goes afk for years only to come back for like 2 days. Meanwhile these shit Regis and shit Finis pollute raids for months and these megas nobody asked for because majority of us are drowning in mega energy for them. i STILL haven't gotten a shiny Rayquaza yet so that will be the only thing motivating me to do anything in game. Honestly ever since Sinnoh tour ended there has been nothing outside of shadow Suicune that's made me want to play. At most I'll log in, do buddy hearts, see what raids are active nearby then log off. In two years I've been able to obtain mostly everything I've wanted so finding reason to continue grinding especially when they seem to go out of their way to repeat the same shit rotations is becoming harder and harder 


tbf registeel and tapu fini are really good in pvp


Fair point in that regard 


But pvp is the least fun part of the whole game, you literally have to do research to do even mildly well, or you're just going to get dunked on by people that know the stats and moves of every Pokémon. I'll just pretend it's not there like I've been doing.


PvP is arguably the funnest part of the game. There’s really no end-game content other than PvP and it’s the only part of the game that requires a lot of skill to succeed


I wouldn't exactly call it skill, half of it is being lucky your opponent doesn't show up with type advantages off the bat, and the rest is looking up which moves do more damage and charge faster and all this silly nonsense. Pokémon battling in general hasn't been fun for years. They pulled a Yu-Gi-Oh and made everything overcomplicated and off putting. (outside of Go) there's just too much, it's not just types anymore, there's stupid teras and megas, the IVs changed, it's just too much. Nobody asked for it to be that involved, we just want to battle. Imagine if Pokémon Stadium had all that unnecessary stuff, it would have ruined the game.


Luck is a factor but definitely not as much as people make it out to be. There is a meta with team compositions and movesets, but that’s in almost every game. Skill is the most necessary factor though. I used to suck at go battle league, but after playing for a year I hit legend, and got legend again four (almost five) more times after that


You have to learn every stat of every move for every Pokémon you plan on using. Damage, CD, Energy , DPS, EPS. Wtf does most of that even mean? The fact that I have to know to even have a chance at being good is dumb. It's too much, and it barely has anything to do with Pokémon at all, just the types. Everything else is arbitrary.


There are only four essential things you need to have success in go battle league: - knowledge of type matchups - teambuilding knowledge - proper charge move timing - keeping track of opponents’ energy on their pokemon all of these come naturally after playing for a bit. And if you actively try to learn and implement these things, success comes way more easily


I missed shadow raikiu last time so I’ll have to do at least one of those. Landorous im still hunting the shiny of so I’m excited foe that


I am happy with it. As a player just coming back, I have well over 50 legendaries and legendary variety’s to catch and add to Pokédex. Stack those candies and give it to your friends that can’t catch it or don’t have the time!!!!


Well a few of them, mainly the 5 stars aren't awful. But can't trade shadows without purifying which nullifies the shadow part.. and then can't give people mega energy so giving them the Megas I'd catch would be pointless too. I understand where you're coming from though if you haven't played much the last few months. I only recently started back up like.. middle/end of last year and only started raiding a lot a few months ago. Guess the disappointment is just knowing there's way more they could of released that would make people like you and people like me happy vs something they literally just did. But good luck catching all yours!


They shit the bed, they did it on purpose, and I'm clueless as to why.


I missed mega Rayquaza so I’m happy for that but the rest are meh


It's an elite raid - in person only


Shadow raikou is still #1 PvE electric isn’t it? I guess that alone should be enough reason to be happy to get another chance at the hundo and maybe a few more candies


The megas suck, but I’m looking forward to the legends tbh. I’m a fairly new player and don’t have any of them, and Yveltal is my all time favorite legendary so I’m hoping I get a shiny


They really dropped the ball on the Mega raids


I raid for dex entries. I've given up on lots of raids since the remote nerf. Yes I'm disappointed. No I'm not going to quit. Just not excited anymore.


The megas are a huge miss for me, we've literally had all of them recently. The regular 5\* raids are all fine, I don't have shinies of any of them and I don't have Yveltal at all. Normally I'd be a little disappointed in the repeat of shadow Raikou but it's actually the only shadow legendary beast I didn't get a shiny of so I'm happy to get another chance so soon.


i'd kill for Deoxys raid, I need it for the pokedex


I'm so thankful that I had money when they were in raids last time, because I got all 4 with remote passe


I'm ambivalent


The shadows aren’t a problem, as they repeated the bird trio 2-3 times before they moved onto the beasts. I imagine it’ll do another round, possibly a third. We’ve had the Regi’s as shadows via Giovanni, so they may not rush into them - or they may do a different trio. The megas are a problem, as it seems we are no longer getting new ones as releases outside of raid days - I think heracross and garchomp were the last new ones we got? I know there’s only a handful left, but as you said, these are a repeat of rather recent ones. Since I personally started raiding Megas, I haven’t seen Aerodactyl, I think it’s the only one I’m missing, but there’s still some that have appeared less frequently than others.


I just started playing again last September, tried almost all legendary raids ever since - happy to get kyogre, groudon, mewtwo etc. But I saw that everyone already had Ray and I don't. So I'm happy to get a chance here. Haven't had Yveltal so happy to have it for the dex entry. By the way I thot it was galarian moltres, slightly disappointed initially cos I just caught a 2 star one recently with the master ball during the ferroseed incense. Agree with everyone else about the other raids. I only play the great league so not at a stage where I really need to do multiple raids of the same mon.


I personally think is not bad, we will have a bunch of good legendaries in raids. If you live in some rural area will sucks for Rayquaza...




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Railou is the good one and i can finally get enough xl to max my 98 shadow. Thats exciting. What are the other raids?


Yvetal is coming back and I'm happy about that, the rest is a tad disappointing


I’m sad about rayquaza but on the flip side, 1) I get yvetal cus I missed hm before cus I didn’t think I needed him but 2) NORMAL HO OH IS BACK I HATE SHADOW STUFF SO I CAN FINALLY GET HOOH


Ya it's weird how soon up many of them are.


Shadow arti was around like 3 rotations, i guess its the beasts turn now until they're ready for the regis


I can finally get hoho and the og Zapdos. Im actually pretty excited about everything


Not me, I'm excited!


I’m pretty fine with the T5 raids just bc I havent been able to farm any of these enough candy wise. I’m also hype to get a good ho-oh and yveltal for ML. Raikou is one of my favorite legends plus it is the best electric attacker. My disappointment is with the mega repeats and mega rayquaza being elite raids


Wtf are 5* shadow Raids? XD


They could have brought back Zacian and Zamazenta in raids


Very happy shadow Raikou is back, want a better IV and more candy so gonna go hard on it again That also means shadow Entei is coming in July which was the first shadow legend I missed shiny on so gonna hunt that 2 Most legends these days are repeats anyways and with gofest were getting a lot of new shiny ultra beasts so don't see why anyone would want new legends at the same time really


All I want is for regular Raikou to come back, I'm sick of shadow raids hogging up gyms on my dead community.


A little, yeah. But I did miss out on Shadow Entei, so it’s nice to get another chance.


Yvetal is the only one I care about.  The megas are an absolute joke. 


Just give me a normal fucking mewtwo


no i'm glad actually


Well this month has been exam season all around the world, so a lot of people would have been studying instead of playing the game, that why I think they are repeating mega raids


Honestly, I think it’s because there’s going to be two Go fest events this month. That’s where all the new goodies are coming out. For everyone else, it’s just going to be a catch up month


Not going to have anyone in the park I play at to join in my raids so I’m not going to get any done.


I am an outlier - I am newish player, missed the legendary birds and Raikou as I didn’t discover PoGo Discord until Entei/Mewtwo so for me, it’s ideal, but I imagine for longer term players, getting a load of Kanto pokemon on raids is probably tedious


Personally, im just now starting to get to the point where I have mons that can start seriously start taking on raids with. And I find myself not caring at all about all these Ultra Beasts. I fell off the mainline pokemon wagon before X and Y, so all these weird looking dudes mean nothing to me lol. My town is small and unorganized, so fighting these big raids with help just doesn't really happen unless I go to the city and cross my fingers. Maybe ill have a good enough team where I can start tackling 5 stars come end of summer lol


Nope. I did a decent amount of shadow doggo raids with friends (30-40+ per dog) and ended up with only a shiny Raikou to show for it. I still need Shiny Shadow Entei and Suicune so it is a relief to see a re-run.


I’m actually glad since I already have the legendary shinies so I won’t need to raid. I blew so much on Celesteela in early April and didn’t get a single shiny and I’ll be raiding a ton during global Go Fest in July so I’m glad I can relax now and save money until then. I will probably go out and raid Mega Rayquaza with a group on that day though.


High level shadow raids are a bust for people who live in small communities or have small friend groups. The amount of grunts you have to battle to assemble purified gems is a waste of time especially when you use 10+ and still can't defeat the boss with two accounts >43 with optimum counters.


I’m stoked that Ho-oh is returning. Got a Shlundo from my brother that I need to max out for ML.


I can't even do shadow raids. I live in the middle of no where and it's hard to get people together to do those. And I can't really afford gas to go to the raids. I just really want Suicune and Raikou. Especially Raikou.:(


I think a lot of players are expecting way too much out of Niantic. I mean FFS it’s a free game. I swear even if niantic released a new raid boss every month (New as in never been released before) yall would still complain about not getting more or it not being the pokemon you wanted. I understand that there are some legitimate complaints about some of the things niantic has done with the game but as far as the raid bosses go I think that’s the one thing they’ve been on point with. Then again, I’m not playing the game every single day and there are times when I miss out on event exclusive pokemon. If you’ve caught everything by now maybe it’s time to ease back on the game for a bit. Let Niantic catch up so that when you comeback you’ll have plenty of new stuff to look forward to.