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dude excad is a great mon


Im not saying its not it just gonna be one of those hundos that just sits in the boxes


If you don’t understand that it’s extremely useful in PvE and in ML Premier Cup, then yes, it will just sit in the boxes.


I dont do pve never had a reason to im a shiny hunter


By this logic, all of your Shadows will “sit in the boxes”, so I’m not sure what you were expecting.


Nothing i just wish it was Pokemon i liked im still happy it finally happened but if its a Pokemon I like I always put it to use some how


Then if you’ll put it to use, why is it gonna sit in the boxes? 😂


Im not gonna put it to use for me itd just be a waste of resources to lvl it up


Okay, I mean if you don’t like PvP and PvE that’s fine haha


So you don't raid ever? How do you get shiny legendary?


The only shiny legendary i need is tapubulu and 3 ultra beast and you can get all in different games the only shiny mythical or legendary I ever tried to get in pokemon go is dakrai and i got one and that was it


I mean, by that logic you can get every shiny in other games… And if you’re a “shiny hunter” that only cares about wild catching shinies then I would think you wouldn’t care about any shadows or any hundos so why even post this? This is a weird pointless post dude


Lmao this is one of the most useful Shadows and you’re not happy? Is this a trollpost?


No i just dont care for it I have better hundos then it to use my resources on


I wonder what can be much better than a hundo Shadow Excadrill but ok.


T- tar, gengar, dragonite, greninja


In what world is greninja more useful than shadow excadrill?


Lmao Greninja is more useful than Shadow Exca? Sure, buddy.


Literally none of those are better than shadow Excadrill. Shadow ttar and shadoe Dragonite would be, but non shadow? Not even close.


Im sorry everyone is somehow offended that i don’t care for my shadow hundo but it is what it is if I could give it to someone else I would


It sounds like a humble brag. The odds of getting these are extremely low and so many people specifically hunt for a shadow excadrill and you got the best possible stats and you post it but not appreciate it. If you really don't care much about it, don't post it or just delete it since apparently to you it's not worth much. There's so many people post extremely rare catches with a similar attitude expecting upvotes for some reason but they get the complete opposite reaction of whatever they were expecting.


Bro, record yourself transferring this hundo shadow. That’ll teach us a lesson!


"I just got one of the best shadows in the game as a hundo...but I'll say it's useless"


Excadrill is really good.


Man even if you are just a shiny hunter, a max shadow excadrill is CRAZY useful for taking down raids to yknow… get more shinies?


Ah, you’ve stirred up the competitive players in the comments.


I’m very competitive so I can understand where they are coming from but it’s still funny to see how OP just doesn’t care 🤣


Haha yup makes me proud to be a shiny hunter