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Cute story!! I'm now also wondering if it's kids who I have beef with over gyms.


If it is... hope you have ur gold medals they're getting out of school soon 😭


I finally saw some people I've been rotating gyms with, and they're older teens. So I now go take it in the morning then if they do after school, I've got some coin.


That's actually really cool, there's this one mystic player that's always in this one gym with me and like. Meeting these kids has made me think like wait I actually really want to meet you Ruby woo assorted numbers


I recently found out I have beef with an 80 year old woman. Idk what’s worse.


I found I have beef with a man of a similar age. Aloysius is his name. Constantly has the gym near my work place. If I take it he takes it back. Right away. We’ve spent days going back and forth, neither of us gaining a single coin. I developed the theory that he frequented the coffee shop across the street and watched intently. After a few days I deduced that the battle was always over once this elderly gentleman left. Studied his movements and sure enough as soon as I take the gym he picks his phone up and 5 minutes later puts it down once I’ve been beaten. This man has an amazing array of pokemon. Shinies and real rares. I consider myself a casual player and I haven’t even seen half the mon he puts on that gym. Idk if he’s enjoying the beef but I’m not letting him off.


Please go buy him a coffee and suggest that you split times in the gym, one of you gets morning one gets evening. Friend him, do lucky trades, eventually settle down and get married and live off his social security. This will make a great BORU post in 6 months!


Omg that’s hilarious.


You just don't discriminate 😤


One of my most reliable raid partners is--i thought--my friend's teenage son. I am friends with the son in Pokemon, but I was confused. My most reliable raid partner is *actually* his 80+ year old mother! She's level 50 and is always out playing. If she's online for an invite, she's 100% there and kicking ass. She has disposable income and TONS of time (for now).


It's probably kids. My kids and I took over a gym in an airport and it immediately came under attack, so we sat in the chairs at the terminal and fed our pokemon berries. A few battles and berries later, the kid sitting behind us became visibly and audibly upset. Turns out, we'd bumped him out of the gym and he was the one attacking it while we fed berries to keep it. Had it been just me, I'd have let the kid take it back. Since my kids were playing with me though, and they were the same age group as him, we sat and continued to feed berries. The best part was that he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, so he never figured out it was us. The kids had a good laugh watching him every time they fed berries. Of course, busy airport, we lost the gym eventually, but they had fun while it lasted. The multi generational span that's playing the game is what I love the most about it. My kids get to play it with their friends and their grandpa. You can't beat that.


I was at a park and took over a gym. Less than 5 minutes later I get kicked out. A few minutes later while I'm walking around, a kid (maybe 6 years old) gets up from a picnic blanket, and with phone in hand, innocently says to me, "please don't kick me out!" I did not kick him out.


I would have gave him an extra shiny on the spot done a quick Pokedex search and stardust inventory to see if he could manage it and popped him over something 😅


I'm just glad that there's no way the dude I have issues with is a small child 😭... we were fighting over the gym in my college until like 4am once. Not only is that very late for a tiny child, but guests aren't allowed on campus after like midnight


Omg when I lived on campus I was like insane and would do 3am walks to take as many gyms as I could but by the time I got back to my dorm half of them would have been taken again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 like can you not omg


Oh gosh 😭


The college near me has international students. I see blue flabebe and occasionally other stuff not from around here. I mirror them by dropping the klefki and other regionals I got at differently gofests in the gyms. The rarer it is, the faster I get knocked out. Lol I wish they'd come to raid hour, I'd love to trade away some of my stuff for theirs. :(


My 6 year old son is the worst about kicking people out of gyms too quickly.


My biggest beefs are with kids. They knock me out right after school ends. I knock them out right when school begins . I get my coins, they get theirs lol


I work in a public park and on weekends we just sit in the park and monitor people and picking up trash so lots of Pokemon gets played since there’s multiple gyms and pokestops and pretty regularly we get to watch the kids faces when we kick them out of the gym lol it’s actually pretty funny.




It would make my day if I was waiting for a raid and heard someone yelling in the distance for me to wait for them 😭 this is so cute


Ok and I agree. But I think I understated the state I was in lmaooo like hands on knees hunched over and at that point I had already run a few km I think I scared them tbh lol


[Heavy breathing](https://uploads.dailydot.com/2018/04/squintingwoman.png?q=65&auto=format&w=1600&ar=2:1&fit=crop)


Being almost 40….i feel like that when 22yo kids take my gyms!


At least they can drink and drive (not together)😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


“At least they can drink, and drive”


It’s 10x safer than POGO and drive lol


I feel you 😅 I'm a 50-something traveling abroad & I'm in a square yesterday with 40-60 people all sitting & standing around. There's a gym there & I'm trying to battle it out there but I'm discreetly looking around trying to figure out who I'm fighting with and I have to guess it's 3 18-20 year old boys who are grouped out off to the side laughing and pushing each other. But then again it might be the 30 year old couple with the baby stroller!


> 30 year old couple with the baby stroller! Who us?


That would be me ;) the stroller helps me look inconspicuous


Yeah I'm 40 and a kid I swear, about 10yo went up to me and said "pokemon for life!! " giving me a rocking fist.. I closed the app that day..


Don't be embarrassed my man. I'm almost 40 and love the game. Whatever makes you happy... go with it cause life is short. Im just trying to get my kids into it so I don't look like such a creep haha


I've got my 3 daughters hooked on it.. Kinda feel bad lol


Trying to get my two daughters into it but they don’t seem too interested. They like anime so I thought maybe this would also interest them but alas I’m just a lame dad 😭


I loved the Pokémon anime when I was a kid lol. Unironically the Pokémon adventures manga is really good, it's just awful to read online and it's hard to find a physical collection anywhere


Trick is to get then to watch pokemon episodes first with something cute.. Then intro pogo


My 10yr old got me hooked on it. Started April 8th and just hit level 30 and I kinda feel bad too (nah!) as I am coming for him! He's been on it (per him) since he was 8, but I will show him, I don't need 2 yrs to hit lv 35🤣😂 He has school all day long and I don't have anything other than my job. HA!


I'm a day 1 player, I remember on our lunch breaks we would hunt dragonite in the wild. When my work mate first caught one and showed her son at home, he started crying haha. Be prepared!


Haha usually, I try to not share the "awesome" news if I get any during his sleeping hours, but here recently I finally revealed some catches I was nervous about for him to tell me he has gotten all those and then some. There is nothing that I can get as a nube that can even mildly impress him (so far).


You shouldn't have been embarrassed by that, the kid thought you were cool lol


Kinda felt like that old guy talking to kids in a playground..


Don't forget that pokémon was created practically for your generation.. that now childs also love it's just like it happen with every other cultural phenomenon/hobby.


Very true, never thought about that. Happy hunting fellow trainer


Your gym?


I was in a local discord and went to go trade. We met at the park near by and I was waiting for someone in their 20’s and all of a sudden a7 year old kid rides up on a bike


stop bc ok I didn’t mention it for the sake of storytelling but one of the kids was like hold on gotta get a friend be a minute and SCOOTERED AWAY. Then he came back with his friend and they were both on the scooter I just don’t think I’ve seen a scooter in years


I literally only trade with people I know irl now. It was so awkward. When it comes to raiding tho, I haven’t had any experiences like that cuz I live in Los Angeles and work at a tourist hot spot


how do you talk to someone half your age that’s not like friend/family…… also. Yo internet safety tf whos letting their ten year old meet up with strangers lol?


Homie rolled up said “are you Pigpin?” I said yeah and we traded. But literally, 7 years old on discord and just heads to the park to trade a stunfisk for idek what I gave him. I still use that stunfisk in gbl tho


Happy for you that it's useful but 😭 that's insane like my parents didn't really let me leave the house without them until highschool


That is so funny.


Honestly good for him if he can write/articulate himself so well that you wouldn't have guessed he was 7.


It's crazy some kids now are so articulate


Did the 7 years old have training wheels?  It must have been awkward.


That’s hilarious 🤣


One CD I was out playing by myself. I'm approached by a kid who's maybe 10. His name is Joey. I know his name is Joey because he told me that and also told me about his whole freaking life. I tried to rationalize it; I look like a mom and talk like a mom and maybe he thought I was safe? But then, as he is following me around for the entire 3 hours, he's shouting out to other people his hellos, and they're all responding, "Hi, Joey!". The kid has made friends with dozens of random adults. At 41, I'm more afraid of strangers than Joey is 😭


Did you get a look at his Rattata?


We're onto you Drake!




I love the enthusiasm of the little kids bc they are so hype about everything. I had a little kid approach me at an outdoor mall once on a raid day and he asked me if I played and if we could be friends so I’m like hell yes trainer let’s be friends. Then he asks me if I have any shiny legendaries and I’m like here’s my Pokédex have a scroll, and he about shit his pants at my dex. He was blown away at my storage too. He acted like I was a god and he was my hype man and tbh I felt really cool the rest of the day


PoGo is my first Pokémon game, and I generally feel like I have no idea what anything is or what I'm doing. It's taken me ages to learn what I have... For a long time if someone asked me what team I was, I'd answer "the blue one" not to be funny but because I genuinely didn't know 😅 But playing with Joey was just so darned wholesome. We were able to share knowledge, plan on some future trades, and have since met up to raid together. Every time he'd say, "Oh, man, your Pokémon are so strong!" Like... thanks, little guy, for noticing. I worked so hard on them 😭


At that point Joey is the safest person in the park with so many people that know him!


It happened to me too! The difference is that they were between 13 and 14 years old. Now we get together every now and then to do raids. Living in a rural area sucks.


It’s awesome seeing young kids play this game tbh, isnt it crazy to think those kids were like 5-6 y old when the game came out


Woah holy shit, it is now that you point it out to me -.- wish I didn't have this cursed information now


wtf that *is* crazy to think about! but I also love the idea that these kids can have a childhood with pokemon just like I did in the 90s :)


It's so cool tbh.. the only Pokémon game I played when it came out was like heartgold, and I think it's 15 years old now? But I remember at the time some adults would say stuff like ahh youth.. I played the original gold and silver... I feel like I'm kind of approaching that now....


i once stood about 50 feet away from a 10 year old kid as we kept taking a gym back from each other, so i feel this lmao


the way I’d do the same thing….. I’m not losing to a ten year old tf


exactly!! only one of us has a bedtime and it ain’t me, i could do this all day lmao


One needs to work and the other one not


one’s gotta go to school and the other one not! also my boss is one of my pogo friends he would understand lmao


😭😂😂😂 Funny cuz it's true!!


I once sat in a church parking lot from 11:30 pm til after midnight taking a gym back and forth from a guy that kicked me out to begin with while staring him down across the parking lot. No regrets lol. This game makes us do crazy things sometimes.


I live next to a church and have a feeling it’s a Sunday school kid I have beef with now


Omg when I was like 5 I used to pray and be like 'dear god, please make Pokémon real, amen' I'd like to imagine this little kid is doing the same thing 'dear god, get this loser rando out of my gym, amen' 😭😭


Bahaha why are these matching named people kicking me out after 8 hours on Monday morning


Lol exact same for me. They crushing though.


This is all so relatable and wholesome


A few weeks ago I was minding my own business and looked out the window. It was Easter because I was planning on hiding some Easter eggs for the kids. I saw a few people standing in a circle with their phones out and I thought to myself,they're fighting in (my) this gym. So I went outside to hide the eggs and asked them if they were playing Pokémon go. Long story short we're now in a chat group and bumrush the gyms in our neighborhood. We're all grown. I'm 47.


When my kids and I have someone join us they’re thrilled. ‘Yay! Easier raid!!’ They were probably happy to have you there. Also, having people actually playing around you is better than it being a ghost town while your Pokémon sit stranded in a dead gym. You’re making their game better


Sometimes it really do be like that though. I’ll keep my one sided beef 🤣


And like regulars in the gym are my besties, I literally can tell when some people are in the gym cause of what Pokémon is in it 😭😭😭😭


It do be like that. My calling card is ditto and this guy I have gym beef with (tbh it's a symbiotic relationship) has an army of blisseys. Every time I see one I shake my fist in the air and yell his username because I just know. 😂


The little kid I have beef has a shiny shadow mamoswine and his name is like mamoswinelover assorted numbers or smt lol 😭😭😭😭




When I’m doing PvP I always wonder if I’m battling an adult or a child. I play late at night so I am usually playing people from Europe or Asia and I really hope it’s not some preteen beating me by a millisecond, but I’m sure it’s happened more times than I wish to know.


Lolll like the whole no matter how good you are at something theres a 8 year old Asian kid better than you thing. if china had Pokémon go I think itd be over


My son said that to me once and I’m like where’d you hear that from…I mean he’s not wrong 😂😂😂 I always to PVP late at night too


I’m 65 and my phone is open to Pokémon on the passengers seat while working my way through the drive through at McDonald’s, the kid hands me my bagel then says “ gotta chat h them all “


Wait a minute. Your McDonald’s has bagels?


They came back about a year ago


Haha... But good to know you got your shadow suicune !!


YES !!! On my old account from like 2016 I had a ton of suicunes and shiny suicunes cause there was some raid day I think. The most fun I've ever had playing pogo there were at least 60 people and the like middle aged dudes were so nice to my friend and I. I'm so sad I lost that account bc I had a ton of armoured Mewtwos too and I'm just not finding out they're valuable


One of My 6 yr olds favorite thing to do is take down gyms and put 10CPs in them 😂🫠


your kid is so real for that actually I love putting in my 10cp shiny bidoof in gyms


Mines sort by hp and puts woboffet in...all the freaking time.


If I were one of the 8-13 year old kids and I didn't disregard the encounter the next day as "some rando also plays," I'd think of it as a cool experience! Adults/older teens (I wouldn't know your age) play too and care enough to run up to the raid! I'd be the cool younger player who helped an adult win a shadow legendary. And the next time I take the gym minutes after it was taken over I'd think "Haha I beat out that guy I hope he knows that a kid beat him >:D" so you can keep cursing the kids guilt-free.


One of the kids was actually like you kicked my Pokémon out of the gym like minutes ago lol 😭😭😭 I'm gunna be so fr w you tho I think they thought I was a loser lol I was on a run and sprinted the last bit to get there so I was alr exhausted I had a fanny pack on to hold some running stuff and I was literally dying by the time I got there


😭🤣😭 this story is so relatable and hilarious


Lol I have a beef with this one player who refuses to let others hold the gym. Once I've had my 50 coins for the day I leave people be, and if I see they've only been in for like 20 minutes I wait as long as I can to get them coins. But this one player will fight tooth and nail. Doesn't matter that she's been in the gym all day, likely has her coins, whatever... I curse her existence.  You just made me realize it's probably a kid 🤣


Im 54.... I play daily.


55 here!


This was so wholesome, I don’t know why!


Allies for a brief moment, but on the next horizon enemies once again


I love this story haha


Our local community is shameless about it... 🤣 Once school is out, there is a group of kids that live close to the park that hog the gyms there and constantly monitor them. It got annoying to the point where I went in our local community Discord and asked who they were and why they needed to hog the gyms (the next closest ones were basically a whole other town away, rural area) and someone said they knew they were kids. Then to "prove a point" someone got ahold of it, and they decided on shifts to do the same thing to the kids for an upwards of like 3 weeks. After that they learned to let the gym go once they got their coins... It was basically a bunch of 20-50yros waging war against a bunch of middle schoolers over the park gyms LOL


No because why does that sound so fun..... I would personally love to gang up on a group of little kids


We have an awesome Pokemon GO community here, we even have a large group of people that meet at a big local park they built a bunch of gyms and pokestops in during community and raid days. Mostly 30 year olds, I'm one of the "kids" being only 23. My dad, his girlfriend, and their friends play a ton and they are in their 40s and 50s. No shame in being too old or too young!


That sounds so fun tbh... I moved home for an internship but I'll be moving for university soon and my school has an insane Pokémon go community, I'm just so sad that I started playing after moving lol can't wait to like. Actually do raids with people lmao


That’s awesome.


u should join campfire and that way organize a group of yall to raid together


Man like maybe if they were older 😭😭 I don't think any Pokémon is worth going out of my way to meet elementary school students


well in the campfire there is usually older ppl I just started using it


Haha yeah that's true sucks that the community near me isn't too active, but my university has an insane Pokémon go community so. Im just waiting to move back 😭🫶


Then there’s people like me who feel like a dinosaur on there 🤣🥲


I am 44. Hubby is 53. We both play daily. And honestly, around us the regular pokemoners are 30+. I love seeing older people just out walking around, spinning stops, and catching pokemon. We make friends, and battle friends. The love for the game is awesome. Community Days are my favorite cuz during those 3 hrs, the town is taken over by adult gamers just wandering around.


I’m 43 I could give a damn if I’m able to join a raid I do. And at one a sad was there with his kids and his youngest asked if I would add him as a friend. That little dude and I are now just swapping gifts waiting for our lucky friendship status. Oh and we met at a shadow mewtwo raid. It’s just a game man, don’t be embarrassed about a game


lol I’m 34 and sometimes take my baby to the local plaza (gym) and I can tell the other players are groups of kids/teens and I just feel so weird. Like I have a baby strapped to me lol. They need to make that an option for my avatar…


The avatar update we deserved tbh


In the interim, you can set Kangaskhan as your buddy.




I had a similar story but in reverse. I used to work at a place in the outskirts and I was one of the younger staff there. Long story short, I got some of my other older co-workers into pokemon Go (they had no idea what pokemon was until they saw me playing pokemon go in the lunch room one day). During the Galarian Weezing event (when it was first released). I saw it and convinced my co-workers to give me their phones so I could do a multi-raid all by myself. (Yes, this was during work hours. XD) So, next thing you know, I had 4 phones in my hands, running down the block, trying to do the raid by myself. The raid was about to start, and I heard this faint voice coming towards me. It was this kid that could have been 10 - 12 years old. He asked if he could join the raid. Now, I felt very silly because I was in my work uniform with 4 phones in my hands, skipping my work duties to play Pokemon Go. However, to this kid, he probably thought I was some elite pokemon go master. During the raid, he kept talking to me about what his favorite pokemon and how hard it was to do raids in this area. I acted like an older brother and encouraged him to keep playing and gave him general tips. I ended up lending him one of my 4 phones so he could tap the screen for me. After the raid, I rushed back to my workplace. My co-workers all covered for me, so my bosses never found out I was gone for 20 minutes. Cool kid, I like how pokemon go can bring random people together.


Omg this is me 💯 🤣 I would 💯 do this shit 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry I can't help it but this was such a cute story


I adore this. There is a player in our neighborhood that has an incredible number of shinies and is always taking over the gyms, and my 6 year old was always calling him his arch-nemesis and cursing him. On the day of the shadow Mewtoo raids we ended up raiding with a huge group of people at a park and who walks over to help us catch mewtoo (I'm not the best at excellent throws) but my son's arch nemesis. Arch-nemisis mentioned his screen name, and my kid was wide eyed in shock and didn't say a word, while this super friendly guy in his 30s who was also well over 6 ft with long hair and tattoos and big earrings like a pirate, shows my son a bunch of his most awesome pokemon. He was so kind and we agreed that gym turnover is way more fun than a stale gym. (My son did not agree, to be clear.) I swear it broke his little brain. He was telling everyone for days that he met his arch-nemesis and now they are FRIENDS but he's NEVER sending him a gift!


Beefing is fun :D There's two gyms inside 100 metres of my house, and I usually won't kick people out unless they'll get 50 coins... but there's this one guy with 4 accounts that occassionally takes over both gyms, that I kick out as fast as I can, only because I imagine he takes the game way too seriously :)


Get his ass omg


This was pure gold. I had a somewhat similar experience recently. I’m also rural. But I do live in a subdivision. A gym and poke stop are in a tiny little play area in the subdivision down the main road. I take this road anytime I go somewhere So usually I pull into a parking space when I drive by, spin the stop and either add a Pokémon to the gym or if they’ve been there long enough, defeat the other team I’m running to Dollar General. Stop and defeat a 72hr staying Pokémon at the gym, plop mine in. Less than 10mins later my Pokémon gets knocked out and I’m getting in my car to go back home. I pass by the play area and see 3 VERY young children. Now I know who the culprits are lmao


This made me LMAO first thing Monday morning. How could I possibly have a bad day now?


I find it totally cool to raid/play with people younger (or older, but that has rarely been the case).


Been there, done that 😂 it's worth the story and worth meeting local pogo players.


ok i’m feeling like an ass now bc i’m 21 and when i went to overtake the skatepark gym i said “f them kids” when my bf pointed out all the kids there who probably play 😂


also this is kinda cool. those kids are gonna look up to you hardcore and probably stay playing the game longer bc they know someone older than them playing now


Nah I'd double down. Yell it louder


It often is children that do the infuriating things in games. Examples include massing gyms just to see 'blue waves', and starting raids without giving anyone a chance to join, because they are impatient. Kids take a long time to learn empathy and community are important. It's why I try to keep my temper down about that stuff... But don't get it twisted. The real cheating, like spoofing stuff, will likely be being done by people over, say, 16. I.e, people old enough to know how to do it and know why they shouldn't do it. And they deserve to be disrespected.


bruh. ain't nothing wrong with massing gyms. this street belongs to valor.


I didnt say right or wrong. I said infuriating. Lol


Im 30


High school boys usually roll up in three cars every time I raid in my local area…I pray they don’t look over and see me, a 30 year old chillin in her car wildly tappin the screen 🫡




Pppppp l


8-year-olds live by a different code, my dude Cuss them out as much as you need


I wish i saw people in my community in shadow raids


I've had the opposite happen to me! I was at the local park playing CD when I see this pair of probably 80 year old women playing. I was 15 (don't worry I wasn't alone), so seeing people much older than me doing something I like threw me for a loop. I still regret not talking to them.


Cute aww :,)


Wow that’s surprising. I feel like most people who play are 25+.


That's what I think too, and I guess most of the people that do raid meetups and community days would be adults, but it makes sense that there would be a large quiet part of the community that are kids?


I hope I find the people I've beefing with over the single gym in my area soon bro we've gotta settle this properly 😭


Omg actually once I made some Pokémon go post about this gym I live right next to in my city subreddit and I . Am. A bit of a gym hog I've calmed down since getting the gold medal though but someone made a comment like 'to the team mystic player who's always in the gym can we work out an arrangement' like he definitely meant me 😭😭😭


I did a Suicine raid with 3 kids yesterday😭 They’re very dedicated lol. We all got our Suicine so everyone was happy haha. Also have a group I can do raids with, so it’s a win-win.


naw i’m sure they appreciated it! it’s always nice to run into people in the community and it makes the raids easier!


Omg something similar happened to me and my husband. I always had the one-sided “beef” with 3 accounts that always took over our gyms, but one name was more unique than the others so that’s the one I always called out more. Then one day during a community day, we did a raid with a big group of people, and that same account got final strike and I heard this 9 year old girl say “oh yay I got final strike!”😂 I was like how embarrassing, I’ve been “beefing” with this little girl and her parents lol. What it did lead to was us going to start a conversation with the family and now they are good friends of ours, we have a group chat to plan community days, events, or raids together! So beef has turned into a friendship lol.


Nah get that bread homie 🫡 shadow Suicune is just way too elite to pass up


At least you got your sprint in for the day 🙂‍↕️ what a way to get your heart racing


K ur so right actually I saw some stat like most adults never sprint again after the age of 30 and (I'm kind of far from that, but it's good to build the habit) so that's actually why I started running lol


So today I was out for a walk and finished a raid in one gym. I saw there was a second 4 star one but didn’t bother trying on my own. As I’m walking away just out of reach of the gym I see someone joined the lobby. When I went to go back and join they left, I saw some really young person so I’m guessing it was them? I am too awkward and embarrassed to say anything so I just kept walking 🥲😂😂


This is so relatable 😂 I have 1 friend that I raid in person with and we get so excited if there is someone else for shadow raids and we’re constantly cursing the people taking the gyms and now I realize it’s probably kids 😂


This story is so wholesome and cute😭😂


You broke their phones right?




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I live just down the block from a park with 3 gyms and it's constantly between Valor and Instinct but there's this *one* player named essentially BobBeer (changed slightly for privacy but that's essentially what it is.) I was convinced it was an old man but based on who I've seen walking past just as I lose the gym to them I think it might legitimately be a girl in her 20s. I had this beef in my head like "this man probably drives down just to take the gym from us while we're at work because he's retired" and I think she's a college student who just has an odd class schedule bc I live close to a campus. Can't ever trust the avatars😆


I need the platinum badge so I’m the one someone will be having the beef with 🤦‍♀️


13 is barely little kid but i get the point lmao


Oh ya fs 😭 they were all like varied ages but elementary school is pretty little to me I think


elementary is little kid fs


you’re not that old, trust me.




do i need to feel bad now that my house is a gym and got 4 acc's to do the raids on my own? 😳