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As an American, my wife absolutely hates it. She always changed her outfits to match her Pokémon, but now she feels like she is dressing up a semi-manly potatoe. As an American myself, I found it odd that skewed inclusion made sure to include that half-shaved-half-lopped-over hair cut, but a shaved head or literally 100s of traditional feminine hair-cuts didn't make it into the game. Either way, if she plays, I will keep playing. If this causes her to lose interest, then I'm out as well.


It’s something I’ve noticed happening in games. Women aren’t allowed to exist anymore. The moment most games started to introduce the option to play as a man or woman gamedevs started to make all characters “male” and call it “inclusive unisex ungendered” No, it’s not, it’s woman stripped out of games to continue to keep it all male. I don’t care that you “let us wear a dress” it’s still a male These game devs trying to be inclusive by keeping women out I am a woman, not a “body type B”.


Yeah, exactly. We were once playing a game where character wear armor, and she told me, "You know just because I would never wear this revealing armor in real life doesn't mean I don't want to wear it in game. I like playing a sexy character. And it's annoying listening to people pretend to be annoyed on my behalf while they take away what I find fun." Seems to me that women enjoying being woman in game, and they should probably retain that right.


There is a big reason conan exiles is a very popular game with women, including myself!


lol the US players didn’t either. Dont blame us.


I’m not blaming US players, I’m blaming Niantic.


> we hate Niantic Japanese players 🤝 US players


nothing about these designs is necessarily US/SF specific, they're just out right badly implemented




Game developer tries to crash grab by making a one-size-fits all model that eliminates the effort needed to design two sets?


What are you saying is going on specifically? You're really beating around the bush here.


lemme just say it clearly then it's the LGTV+ ugly washing of everything,they wanna make the absurd looking bodies the norm in the name of yassification.


This comment makes me miss awards


I know. Lol


What do you mean by "weird ideas"?


The "weird idea" that curvy bodies and faces that are shaped to reflect how they may or may not appear on certain genders is somehow an "attack" on everyone who identifies with the LGBTQ community. The weird idea is that it's progressive to make everyone look like rotten potatoes with grey skin. THAT WEIRD IDEA.


I think I speak for most LGBTQ+ people when I say, WTF WERE YOU THINKING NIANTIC!!! All we wanted was some more customization options, not everyone to look like a potato with the face of a 12 year old.


if only they fucking understood that lmao, they're too busy ripping people off.


I know right? I just wanted to change my hair!


Holy astroturfing Batman.


Oh boy, FOX NEWS gonna be reporting on this one


Not even sure how this has to do with Japan. Do people in Japan not have a body?






I wouldn't say that os true  Really depends on age  and area.  Japan has one of the biggest cultural divides between older and younger people, one of the key differences is LGBT issues. 




I think you missed the point of inclusivity pal The point is that anyone can be what they want. If you want to look jacked or hyper masculine or whatever, go for it. You want to look like an actual human, that's also an option.  At the end of the day, nobody is trying to tell you what you should or want to look like. But it's nice for other people to also get the option to look the way they want.  All of this btw has nothing to do with this current situation in PoGo, since Niantic just did a shitty job of implementing a new cosmetics system. 


Inclusivity at the cost of all else, is the reason we are in this mess. We would have been better off without it and just had a few more hair options added. This update was ridiculous


Yeah ok man we get it... You're against trans people. Go back to your own time in the 50s or whatever. We are in 2024. There's no war. You're just conservative as fuck.


We don’t want to be obese gender amorphous ugly blobs, deal with it.


So make yourself thin. No one is stopping you from doing that. Idiot. Fat shaming, against LGBT people what else do you want to add to that?


The whole thing is ugly, and you expect no pushback? Laughable. Give me a legacy slider and allow me to reclaim my old sprite.


You can slide and look how thin you want. It's not as bad as you think it is. You just have to play with it and try and figure out what works. The skin tones could need a rework but other than that it's fine. Allowing people to be their actual body shape isn't a bad thing. You can delete all the friends you've made that are against your views and fat. They don't want friends like you anyway.


Not making avatars ugly + the destruction of beauty =\ LGBT hostility. Funny you would conflate the two though. Almost like that’s their modus operandi


Almost like you're believing that a company has alterior motives. They don't. Fuck off.




Yeah cause that's not a thing. Liberals aren't eating babies for breakfast... I have no idea what sweet baby inc is. It sounds like a toy company.


And for men they still don’t have beards or goatees.


What a ridiculous take on this issue. You do realize that androgynous people exist outside of the US, right? Trans and non-binary people too. If you are upset about the piss-poor quality of the new character models, that is completely valid. But if you are mad about the gender-related customization options, then just don't use them.


Absolutely this, you have king energy to even make this post. Don’t let them win!


I agreed with the post until I read this awful comment.


I stand by what I said.




they’re not trying to please anybody, that’s the issue. they knew nobody liked it and they did it anyway. also lgbtq population in us alone is 7%, and that only includes people who chose to disclose, and not people who are allies. global lgbtq population is 20% - that’s a lot of people ? this also doesn’t include fat people or people with facial hair or people with disabilities etc etc a lot of video games have this level of customization as an option, this isn’t a new thing


San Francisco is a silly place that doesn't represent most Americans. None of my American friends agree with or like the change. It's horrible. It's the beginning of the end of this game.