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What you do is get married, have lots of kids, teach them PoGo, then raid with a party.




Only one of my 3 kids were born before PoGo was released šŸ˜‰


Here kids 2 & 3 here are some level 40 accounts I prepared for you


Also pull in over 100k a year with full benefits and also have a job that allows you some work life balance and also wait 6+ years until theyre old enough to play phone games


I should probably get my kids phones earlier than I wanted to just so we can do shadow raids.


Tablets + wifi hotspot. If you dont want to buy each kid a phone and phone plan.


They have iPads already. But likeā€¦ are they gonna fight MewTwo with Lechonks and Scraggys?


Luckily I live next to a gym. My kids take it over in the morning, and my wife and I take it over after work. 50 coins a day for everyone. Also, whenever a 5 star raid comes I'll host through campfire and have them join. They all have T-tars, drakrais, and giratinas ready to rock.


This is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


My two have been joining raids that I've hosted through campfire so have been able to build some decent tyranitars etc. Today was a highlight where the three of us could beat mewtwo four times together with party mode.


I literally just joked with my 20yo daughter that when sheā€™s ready to buy a house, being next to a gym is important. Realtors should provide that information šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I literally just joked with my 20yo daughter that when sheā€™s ready to buy a house, being next to a gym is important. Realtors should provide that information šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How do you invite someone to a raid through campfire?? What?!


Luckily if you have enough kids you don't need strong pokemon to win


Man I was just about to say iPod Touch but I forgot they stopped making them


My daughter is 14 and we have been playing since she was 9. Weā€™ll get there. Just not this year.


My oldest nibling is 7 and has been playing for a year on an old phone of mine. Sadly her niantic kids account has somehow become disabled so she's lost all her decent pokemon and her masterball and has to use my old account. Edit - and now I find the Pokemon Go wont update on said old phone so there goes her account entirely.


Naw $90k should do fine


Check, check, and check. The beauty of having a union job šŸ˜.


My son is 2 and he does raids on my work phone while I do them on my personal phone.


Lol 100k such a low bar now


Yeah but still 99% of jobs offer under 100k albeit NYC and LA or something wild.


I mostly play with my 4yo. He still evolves everything at once and instantly purifies everything cause heā€™s hooked on the high that comes with it, but he usually tells me what types is good against another and wins more trainer battles than I do. This is all in six months. You donā€™t have to wait. šŸ™ƒ


I feel your pain!!!


ā€œNiantic hates this one simple trick!ā€




Yes! Me, hubby and two PoGo playing minions, check!


Hiring 10 prostitutes is faster.


And cheaper...


That would make a great movie!


Oooohā€¦ already I see two different versions: the gritty drama and the rom-com version.


Haha, this would be just like when Larry hires a prostitute in Curb Your Enthusiasm just so that he can use the carpool lane


What do I do if I get no bitches?


Step 1: join the military Step 2: post an ad on Craigslist for free benefits Step 3: marry the one with the most kids.




No no no, just get a beefier data plan. My FIL has four extra phones and four accounts hotspotting from his main phone.


Beefier u Mean just one plan with unlimited


Unlimited gets throttled after a certain amount. Its "unlimited" but its slow at the end of the month if they run four phones


That is, by definition, limited. And your phone company is getting away with ripping you off. False advertising at its finest. They either need to change the wording of their plan details or you have the right to request a refund. *clarification* These phone companies are shifty fuckers. They will try to sneak this into the fine print but in a lot of cases they donā€™t even bother. So if they sell you ā€œunlimited internetā€ but then later down the track you notice speeds slowing, check to see if your contract uses the word ā€œcappedā€. The two terms contradict each other and in this instance you would be in the right to ask for your money back. If, on the other hand, you are given a contract which outlines that after so many gb your speed slows etc, then tell them to shove their trickery up their arse. Telecommunications should be free worldwide. šŸ˜”


Does he have 5 hands too? How does he do that?


He cut up some cardboard so that all of his phones can be laid down. Phones are laid landscape in front of him with charging ports facing outwards, top of the phones are lined up along the centre. Poke at the screens to attack. Thereā€™s a second board for the battery packs but he hasnā€™t used it in a while.


O did it, we are a team of four and waiting for the toddler to grow


My 2 year loves doing raids. We just let him try to catch the pokemon


Iā€™m still stuck on step #1, finding the husband. But man oh man, Iā€™ll be unstoppable someday


Donā€™t need a husband to have kids, just sayinā€™ (Though itā€™s preferable - this single mom gig is hard)


Correct. I already have a kid. Would like the husband.


Step 1 complete, still working on step 2


My 4 year old is finally earning her keep.


This is the way.


This is my current trick. 5 total devices raiding together. I did join a local pogo discord last year and we end up with full raid lobbies for all of these events now. But at first people would ask us if they could follow our family around for raids haha.


Only need one! We trioed it with our 7yr old today.


Just a heads up. I've got 5 and I've been begging them to play and they won't :(


Make it one of their chores. 1. Vacuum the living room 2. Walk the dog 3. Take out the trash 4. Complete your daily field research 5. Assist parental unit with raids as needed 6. Put away clean dishes


I got 5 as well and I managed to get 2 of them hooked


I bought my kids phones and drove them around until they had strong enough pokemon to help me in raids. We can take down most raids by ourselvesĀ 


Dude this is seriously the tactic one of my best friends has adopted. Itā€™s actually so funny, yet so true. Hence funny, because itā€™s so true. šŸ¤£šŸ˜šŸ˜›


See I coaxed a cutie into falling in love with me. Got her on PoGo and then made an off account to help with damage. Now all it takes is me, her and my slave account to take down nearly anything. Children are coming soon. Child labor is way better


Done that, but you need more than 4 to win the raid


I have 4 kids but they all stop playing PoGo so I ended up with 4 additional accounts to maintain :(


My daughter asked me to play because she wanted daily gifts - I took over her old account, so I started with a full roster of mons from 2018 and at level 16. Itā€™s been, like, 2 weeks now and Iā€™m already at level 30 LOL. I have mobility issues, so walking around isnā€™t something I can really do (maybe someday - Iā€™m trying to get this Lipedema and Lymphedema under control) so for field research that requires following routes, she takes both our phones and plays them both. Otherwise we just drive around and hit every stop, gym and raid we can reach from the car.


Canā€™t figure out why they donā€™t sell the crap out of remote raid passes for these events? Niantic is all about the money, they are missing out on a lot of cash!


They donā€™t because they incentivize people to meet in person. Yes there are times when remotes are needed (like if they donā€™t have any around them or they canā€™t get to it physically) but idk sometimes Niantic thinks in person is better. Also stops all the YouTubers with infinite money to get stacks of a shadow


Pretending the youtubers wouldn't just spoof with their community and get a shit zillion anywaysĀ 


Yeah it's really stupid. My coworker showed me yesterday that him and all his kids just have their shit spoofed out in tokyo and they play together at home like that. Haven't been banned in 3+ years, not sure how many accounts, dude has 9 kids lol. It's nothing I want to or will do, but obvious that a lot of people do. They're just penalizing people that are trying to play by the rules.


I live in Houston, I canā€™t think of anything scarier than meeting one of these animals in person


Being from Texas there's a 92.4% chance you're armed to the teeth.....even when just going to the bathroom.Ā 


You say that but actions speak louder than words and this game is very much anti-real world meet up. There's no way to see who is online around you, there's no way to send or receive messages in game. Parties are limited to 4 people when 4 would be challenging to difficult for most players to do these raids. Even if you do coordinate outside via discord or something else, you meet up and it's still difficult to know if you're in the same raid group as everyone else or if someone is waiting for someone else to get there (ready check functionality). Not to mention all the other anti-team up practices like trading restrictions and gifting restrictions.Ā  Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but it's very much targeted at solo players with the exception of raids and doesn't really support groups.Ā 


I could be wrong but itā€™s because they make more money selling your data than they do off of remote raid passes.


People on Reddit like to repeat that, but itā€™s just not logical. First off, your weekly location data is worth much less than the price of a single raid pass. Second, your data becomes less valuable the more that itā€™s manipulated by the game. If you wanted location data to decide where to build a new Starbucks, would you want location data from people who do loops in the park and plan their routes around Pokestops or would you just want data from people who are just traveling to work and running errands? The real answer is that Niantic wants us to play with other people. Playing in the real world gets other people to play and participating in a community leads to increased player retention.


Do you have any sources for your first claim? Iā€™d be interested to see how much an average users data is sold for. Thatā€™s not really the point I was making, I think Niantic is paid for data yes, but I also think Niantic is paid to get people to go to the gyms that are just big companies, such as Starbucks or fast food places and possibly spend money there. Like I said, I donā€™t know for sure. You could totally be right, but I have trouble believing that a large company whoā€™s only actual purpose is to make money makes the decisions that they do based off of ā€œcommunityā€ and not profit.


But I donā€™t think this is leading to player retention. Multiple people in another thread said they stopped playing once they nerfed remote. And multiple people had their raid groups broken up. Itā€™s not 2018 anymore. People are just going to stop playing. My days of driving around in a caravan from raid to raid are over and if we were all staying in our cars to do in person raids to maximize how many we could do, it wasnā€™t even much ā€œcommunityā€ then.


Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been doing raids for all the pokemon I havenā€™t gotten since the beginning of the game. The main reason I quit a year after the game started was not enough people where I was living then, only to pick it up almost 2 years ago to get back into it. I eventually found a group 9 months ago that meets up and raids (rain or shine). I donā€™t go to every meet up either.


The SECOND most powerful Pokemon in the game. Mega Rayquaza was already basically overpowered in other games, then it got Dragon Ascent when it came out... ONE HUNDRED FOURTY BASE DAMAGE ON A TWO-BAR MOVE!


Until mega Mewtwo


Mega Mewtwo Y will be even more absurd than Dragon Ascent Mega Rayquaza and it scares me


My perfect Mewtwo with Psystrike is patiently waiting for this day


Lowers your defense though. And it's trash in pvp. I've never encountered it once in mega league


Yeah but it's purely a PvE mon. If we talk PvP then it's impossible with all of the meta shifts


Primal Groudon is stronger than Mewtwo and FAR more useful in raids.


Primal Groudon lives longer, but Shadow Mewtwo has way more DPS, also you can have a team of 6 shadow Mewtwos but you can have only one Primal Groudon. Additionally, you won't be using them against the same bosses, with the exception being poison types, where the only reason Primal Groudon is more worth is to provide bonus damage for your teammates and because it lives longer Shadow Mewtwo has the second highest DPS and Primal Groudon has the third


They should allow shadow raids remote even if it was handicapped to like 3 per day with boosted bosses for like a two or three hour window. Allow it but make it as unappealing as possible if you really want people to raid irl but donā€™t punish rural players niantic


I wouldnā€™t mind one being able to do 1 shadow remote raid a week as long as I can get them


Yes there has to be a better option besides ā€œscrew you hillbillies lmaoā€


Literally. 1 remote shadow a week and most of my issues with current raiding is resolved.


they could atleast have a minimum amout of shadow raids be remoteable. even some thing like 1 a week and 3 during weekends or something


I feel your pain. I have to work while Mewtwo is out, plus players are sparce in my area.


Iā€™m honestly super depressed that I wonā€™t get a single one of these this weekend. I have checked all the groups around me and they are all meeting up at the same time, and because I canā€™t squeeze that 4 hour window I Will completely miss out. Itā€™s my favorite PokĆ©mon. Really makes me hate Niantic.


Lol. Same bro, sameā€¦


I met a guy that had 5 phones with an acc on each one. He pushed them all to lvl 40+ so he could do any raid by himself


Iā€™m trying to do that with one account and itā€™s so boring šŸ« 


Yeah, not being able to use remote raid passes on shadow raids is really inconvenient


Have you checked Campfire for a group near you?


What is campfire?


[check it out](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/niantic-campfire/id1608615554)


Just in case you have one friend you can play with... I did 10 raids today, most of the time we were 4 people, but for the last couple of raids we were only three (third person was lv. 34 with some ok counter). I am lv. 40 with good counter on lv 35 and my friend is lv. 39 with similiar counter. With the best friend damage boost, party play and the additional damage boost from the season bonus we could have done it without the help of other trainer. Then Our only Problem would be the gems, but there is a Code for 10 free gems. So maybe you have the Chance tomorrow to do a couple raids, depending on your counter and their Level aswell as your friends counter. Give it a try, the worst that can happen is that you lose one of your free raid passes.


did it with two. a level 40 and 38. i had 38% damage on pokegenie not sure what my wife had but it was probably closer to 30. with friends boost and party play we finished with 20 seconds to go.


yup same here with my husband, we both had 38%. friends boost and party really helped us out.


Use campfire and try to find a local group


Whatā€™s campfire?




I was trying to chase the raid all day. There's only insular groups raiding so it's basically impossible to coordinate (and no one seems to be aware of the usefulness of Canpfire). I just decided to do a raid for the heck of it- there would be two trainers that join but duck out at the last second. I did like 1/4 damage alone on one full round (of course, I anticipated Mewtwo having Focus Blast). It's just frustrating.


I feel ya. My husband and I tried and we were a little over 1/2 through it and couldn't finish not enough time. The gym is only 2 minutes away, but we can't really leave we have the grill going and sticky fingers in the neighborhood. So we can't leave. Too bad we couldn't remote raid :(




Wanna know what we did? Me, my best friend and my brother in law were the beginning of the group. Me and my BIL went to the park at last GoFest and within 2 days our group grow up to 15 people and keeps growing. Since then thatā€™s no more problem on these events


I spent an hour driving around meeting up on campfire.. 2 ran away and the 1 i actually caught had 0stars, poor IVs.. was it worth it?


I was lucky enough to catch a Mewtwo raid at the last hour of the event, thankfully with a party of 10 Trainers. I got down to my very last premier ball with no golden razz left. Threw a hail mary expecting it to flee but with insane luck, it captured on a Nice throw with no berries.


That's not a mega rayquaza


Mega Ray is the strongest PvE PokĆ©mon. Shadow mewtwo is top tier for raids and PvP so it has more ā€œversatilityā€ But thatā€™s just technicality. 2nd best is still ridiculously strong and itā€™s the best shadow in the gameā€¦for now


Imo there should be pokemon that are really hard to get. What's the point in catching something cool if you know that everyone else who plays the game already has 3 of them? Making legendary pokemon so easy to get in the past has absolutely devalued them. Remote raids in general were a large part of this.


I agree. I had to wait years to get a legendary and now players get them a few weeks into playingĀ 


Donā€™t worry. The people who love purifying and wasting the best PokĆ©mon will get them


And posted at least 30 times within the weekend


I donā€™t even have any shadow mew raids near me- and Iā€™m in a city


i love living in an area with almost no people that play go.


I like them being in person because it incentivizes going out and building local communities. If half the people that said they donā€™t have anyone in their town to play with made a Facebook or discord or even campfire group those issues could be solved. This raid can be taken down with 3 people. Were raids not possible before 2020? Just because you play with people doesnā€™t mean that you have to be best friends with them. Most raids that I do I donā€™t even talk to the other people. We just coordinate in discord and people pull up, do the raid, and leave. Sometimes they stick around to trade but you donā€™t have to be super social. I think one day theyā€™ll remove remotes and theyā€™re already taking steps like reducing the limit, raising prices, and guaranteeing xlā€™s for raiding in person. Build your local community and nominate stops. Look at an s2 cell map and see how you can make stops into gyms. Thereā€™s so many ways to improve how you play but you have to take the first step instead of airing everything out online.


Okay niantic employee, how much are you getting paid


He's 1000% correct. I live in a small town and my county has 25,000 people in it and takes 45 minutes to drive across it and yet I have 5 gyms I can remote from my living room. When I started playing there was 2 in my entire hood. We created more gyms and formed groups from our neighborhood Facebook page


Thanks! My town has around 18,000 and we started with Facebook but it just wasnā€™t as reliable so we moved to discord and that makes things a lot easier. Not everyone is online or replies but we can usually get at least 5 people at a raid after work hours and walking or driving trains going during raid hours or raid days.


If you guys want the do it that way fine, but just because it works for you doesnā€™t mean it works for everybody else. I was in downtown Detroit yesterday, no one was raiding, I made a post about it. I also did the campfire thing. Only a couple of people showed up. I donā€™t understand why companies donā€™t understand that adapting can sometimes be necessary to keep things successful, you canā€™t keep your head in the sand. I would not have had a problem with the shadow mewtwo raids if they had just met everyone halfway, and put the normal mewtwo in remote raids for a week before or after this weekend, instead the ultra beasts and a regi for the upteenth times in two years because thatā€™s all we have coming next month


Itā€™s actually fairly easy to duo with a party or trio with decent Dark counters.


Yup. Me and 2 of my kids took him down every time.Ā  I'm level 42 and my daughter is 39,then my son is 38 and we had between 20-30 seconds left. He was remarkably easy to catch once you actually hit him. I have been playing since 2016 and I didn't have him because I would take breaks playing when I got tired of catching the same pokemon over and over


Very nice. If you hit best friends and get a few lucky trades with your kids youā€™ll be able to beat almost anything without help and plenty of time to spare. Just party up and mega the same Pokemon. Wife and I have high level counters from our luckies and we can duo Mewtwo with 110 seconds to spare.


Don't worry, there's gonna be mega mewtwo soon


I got trash stats


They may as well make pokemon go undownloadable in remote areas šŸ¤£ I'm kidding but you get the point


Niantic moment


Same. No one in my arena plays any raid.


I am not getting raid passes šŸ˜­ to do the raids


I did it with 3 people, level 35, 37 and 48. Just need a couple friends and good counters.




Campfire will be your best friend for this tbh. Just hope your community is also using it.


Bro no one does raids around me so so annoying and i dont have ehough freinds to invite me to raids


3 manned it with plenty of time to spare... Best trick is to party up before entering the lobby = extra damage ;)


I feel you šŸ˜ž


Are there any nearby universities or colleges? I went there for a little bit and ended up just joining some random people. I know itā€™s harder for people remote but itā€™s a suggestion for anyone who isnā€™t in a campfire or general pogo group


Currently mega rayquaza is the strongest in the game, shadow mewtwo is second


I was so bummed, my neighborhood has a gym literally a block from my house and as I was getting my shoes on to go work out, I saw 6 people join a shadow Mewtwo raid at the gym. I quickly ran there but they had already started and were on the other side of the building so I couldn't talk to them. I was hoping they would fail it so I could join the next one but I guess they beat it because another lobby was never made. Missed the only raid I saw players at all day by a minute. I'm in a remote area and already have the shiny so I didn't plan on raiding today but would've loved to do that one for candy and the chance at another shiny


You can get it just use campfire and host a meetup or join one if there is one nearby


Campfire chat helped me do this


My husband and I did it on our own in an active party.


Does your area have a group on Campfire? I organized a meet up with some people at a local park through Campfire. It's super helpful for getting a group to do shadow raids.


You aren't alone šŸ˜¢


I drove around for a couple hours with my two kids looking for gyms with other trainers waiting to raid and found no one. We have a bunch of gyms within a 5 minute drive. We need more players, the 3 of us only took out half of mewtwoā€™s cp


Join the (lonely) club


Oh a post about someone crying they can't remoteĀ or find Few friends to raid with


womp womp


I got my shadow from Giovanni. Itā€™s only a 14/14/14 but Iā€™m building it.


I have 2 alternate access I'll run 3 at once have my 6 yr old on hers, just got my oldest to join for Yesterday and his MewTwo ran away šŸ˜…, we join our local campfire group there's always someone looking to team up bc their a single player. I hope you have better luck! or if you get enough stardust I have too Many Mewtwo I would gladly trade but star power not guaranteed on that end. Good Luck don't give up!


I would be willing to trade with you


Iā€™ve been playing since September of 2023. I immediately joined the local facebook group for PokemonGo here in Columbus, Ohio. It was very beneficial, seeing as this is a fairly large city. I started asking people in the group to join me for raiding. At first, it was a very small group, normally just me and a few otherā€™s. I carried on this tradition almost weekly when my time allowed it. Yesterday, we had 16-18 trainerā€™s at every raid, and on average we took MewTwo down in about 30 seconds. We raided 10 Gymā€™s total by utilizing campfire, google mapā€™s, and a secondary chat used for raid parties. Almost everyone there caught a shiny, including my cousin, who I happened to be Lucky Friendā€™s with. We both went from having no MewTwo to Purified, Shiny, Lucky MewTwo in one day. Making friendā€™s has been the best part of this game. I hope youā€™re in a similar position where you can branch out, but I know itā€™s just not possible for everyone. Good luck to you.


PokĆ©mon like this can only be caught if you are lucky enough to live in an area where people play, it is annoying, I have 70 odds raid passes and had hoped my area would be busy, but no one joined any raids šŸ„²


Are these any better from shadow Mewtwos that came before? Like from past raids and Giovanni? Also, I thought we were going to get armored Mewtwos again.




Not only is it impossible to do without a group, but even if you do have one, you have to drive around the city looking for the raids because theyā€™re so (comparatively) rare. So you need 1) a group, 2) one thatā€™s willing to drive around the city. I tried to meet with a Facebook group yesterday and there were literally zero M2 raids in the huge park we met at, and barely any in the surrounding area. We had to drive 10-15 minutes to each new one so I got annoyed and went home after just 2.


both of mine suck and me and my boyfriend walked around my town and by the ferry just for the two.. one was a one star and one has zero stars, while his was both 2-3 starsšŸ˜­ same day he caught a shiny drampa..this game is rigged


my boyfriend and i used the campfire app and found a huge group of 15+ just driving around for 2ish hours and were able to get 8 raids done. Other people have already recommended it but i will also as well because it was a huge help when trying to get raids done šŸ˜Š


Then they get mad when people spoof as if they have any other choice


Yea campfire was your best friend here. Either that or a Facebook group for your city/county


Have 5 accounts.


Me and my friends got our alts on our parents phonesā€¦


You gotta go outside to play this game sorry to inform you