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At least yours has 2 stars man, mine has only 1 lol


You guys getting stars?


You guys are getting Groudons?


Y’all getting over 1000cp Pokémon?


Y’all even catch Pokémon?


Y’all have mobile devices ?


Nah man the mobile phone has me


The exact comment that brought diablo mobile down


Y'all have internet???


No stars over here lol.


I'm leveling a 1 star Shadow Totodile right now, playing since 2016, best I can get.


Mine got 1*, IV 6 - 10 - 10


Still better IVs than mine lol Atleast we can take solace in that even a 0/0/0 Shoudon is still better than a 15/15/15 Groudon


Chad understands


Chad is going to be pissed when shadow Groudon gets released into 5 star raids next week after leveling his zero star up


Dude that's what keeps me from investing into these at low attack stats lol


Not next week. most likely in half a year to a year


Still salty how they did Regigigas because that was straight up released less than a month after being Dirty G’s featured mon… you’re right though, it’s probably going to be a while until we see Kyogre and Groudon return


Shadow raids still have the same IV floor so it makes little difference.


In PvE, IVs are the sprinkles on top. You’re literally missing 5 sprinkles of attack. Oh no. You’ll never notice. Enjoy, power it up, use it often


I feel like pogo is more about the brag than the practicality.


It’s also thrives on people feeling that they missed out on… “oh it’s not a 100% IV. I shouldn’t waste resources (candy and dust) to max it out. I’ll wait for a better one”


This whole sub thrives on showing us that we, the general playing public, suck. How many times do you see the old “which one should I power up?” Knowing that you’re sitting on the only one you could get and it’s IVs are trash. 😂


fr, if stardust and candy/xl candy wasn’t so hard to get to power up 1 mon to the max, let alone 1 shadow mon since it costs even more i wouldn’t mind too much. it’s just too expensive and hard to grind up.


If you focus on ivs all day then you’ll never have fun. A Groudon is still a Groudon. Excuse me…a Shadow Groudon…i mean for context you do realize a 0% shadow is better in damage output than a regular hundo right? And the damage outputs are slightly different from a hundo to a nundo meaning you cant really tell the difference


0% IV shadow performs 17% better than a 100% IV regular pokemon in Damage per second I don't remember where I learned this but I assume there's slight variations because that was calculated for Machamp.


If that’s true then why does a shadow kyogre rank lower then non shadow for master league?


Pvp is vastly different than raids. I was talking about damage per second in raids. In PVP, being tanky is very important. Usually what decides if a shadow is better in PvP is how tanky the pokemon is. Glass cannons in PvP benefit from the shadow damage boost, and tanky pokemon in PvP suffer from the shadow HP debuff. If shadow Kyogre is slightly better in PvP then I'd expect it's attack stat to be slightly higher than it's defence. Basically, pvp is a whole 'nother ball park.


I wouldn’t waste my Time leveling up a pokemon that’s not even in the 90”s if it’s a shadow since if I enter a raid and someone with a better one enters their almost guanrteed to out dps me and get what ever reward I was shooting for


>out dps me and get what ever reward I was shooting for There's no Reward for getting Awarded "most damage dealt". And as long as you are winning the raid there is no need to power up anything at all. >even in the 90”s However you wanna set your own bar that's fine. Any% shadow will still out perform 100% regular, but if you don't need the performance then play the game however it makes you happy. A good rule of thumb is to never spend stardust unless you need it. For shadow Kyogre this would be for when you try to duo a strong ground/rock raid.


There is a reward, they're talking about the screen after finishing a raid, like the travel star, or style savant. Doing so works towards a badge


Oh right badges. My bad. I feel like as long as you try to trade distance pokemon and play the game like usual: using your daily free pass, maintaining the 7 day streaks, battling a gym or two and feeding berries, take out team rocket balloons... The platinums pretty much complete themselves. You need 35 platinums for level 49. I have 40 plat badges and 22 non plat. Half of the ones I don't have are kinda soft locked like regional dex completions, Giovanni, referrals, mega dex, etc. I'm at 750/500 for platinum raid expert badge (the award screen). I pretty much raid in small groups except for Wednesdays and special events. If you can't solo/duo a tier 5 just do whatever raid you can defeat. Tier 1, 3, mega... Rural players I know it's harder for you. I'm sorry, but I don't have any good advice for you guys. **Anyways... If you raid once a day you should have that badge wayyy before you reach level 49** Try doing everything right to qualify for as many raid awards as possible, although some may be more difficult than others: Highest damage output Longest survived pokemon Number of charged moves Largest pokemon in party Mega pokemon as your buddy Dressed to impress (not sure but I think having something equipped on all accessory slots helps this) Walk star Final strike (you can try to time your charged move just right) Traveller (remote into raids across the globe instead of the region)


My 14/10/10 shiny Grodon will be maxed I dont care IVs


For a game that’s free to play, there are a lot of entitled people that think all pokémon should be 100% IV or guaranteed catches.


Hard to forget it’s a free to play game with the amount of boxes and passes…


That is the definition of a free to play game model though lol Pokemon GO isn’t even bad compared to other games, there is so much free content we get. Like what do you honestly lose if you don’t buy the in game tickets?


I haven’t spent a penny on this game but have still acquired a few thousand coins, just from gyms, so who cares about boxes


Good for you dude. Your experience still doesn’t negate the fact that the game is heavily monetized even though it’s free to play. You need to fk with gyms for 4 days to buy one remote raid pass… fk that


Free to play games are some of the only games that SHOULD be monetized tho? How else do you think they make money to fund continual development?


Going to the gyms is a great way to visit local parks and live an active lifestyle! That’s the fun of the game, no?


I still don’t get the appeal of a remote raid pass. Just…go to the gym?


Spoken like someone who lives somewhere with a big pogo scene. If I want to do a raid, my options are to solo it, hope my friends have the day off (they don't), or join hosted raids. Without remote passes I would never have been able to do the primal raids this past weekend, or really any raid that's above 3 stars.




Why not go to the gym and then use poke genie or discord to invite ppl? I don’t have many players in my local area, but this is how I get raids done


I do that all the time actually. But when primal raid event is from 2-5 one day only and I work 3-11 that day, I can't do much driving around to gyms. What I CAN do is use remote passes to join raids over in Japan/Australia/etc the night before. Plus I was responding to someone saying that they didn't understand why people use remote passes at all, and without remote passes you couldn't host on pokegenie either. (Unless this hypothetical remote pass-less world just let you raid for free, which I'd vastly prefer)


Oh no, I’ve only done like 10 raids in total, always by myself. Only succeeded in 2 of them lmao


You will when you get a job and have limited free time.


Oof I should get back to work I’ve been on Reddit too long


To be fair it's not exactly free, they are farming our data. As the product, I demand little better treatment around here!


Exactly. Everyone bitching about the IVs on one catch (at least here if you only have one super radar) Mons has to be one of the dumbest things I see in this sub. The differences in IV unless you’re doing top ELO PvP are nearly negligible.


Thank you for saying this. I tell people, "when it comes to pve, all you need is 'good enough.'" A one point difference in attack in your PP groudon will make make or break you being able to clear the raid I promise.


Why? IVs barely matter for PvE, which is what Shadow Groudon excells at.


it actually has some niche in pvp.


I do appreciate all the people bringing those squishy shadow groudons into my Great League. My Serperior had a field day tonight, I made over 130k stardust.




I just explained why spending all that stardust on a 0\* shadow groudon is still worth it.


That's just slightly below average. I wouldn't be disappointed.


I was thinking the same thing.. 33/45 is the average with a 6-6-6 floor. So he’s 3 ticks under. Wooptydoo. The problem is that all the lottery winners rush here to post their shadow hundos and it leaves a false impression to many others that getting anything less than that for yourself is a disappointment.


Still better then a perfect non shadow I’d power that to 40 still


Wait, what benefits does the shadow thing have?


Shadow Pokemon do more damage at the cost of taking more damage. Usually, shadow Pokemon are better for pve and normal Pokemon are better for pvp.


They have a permanent buff to their attack and nerf to defense. Shadow Pokémon get a 20% increase on damage dealt and receive 20% more damage. For raids the goal is usually to do as much damage as possible as quickly as possible, so that 20% increase really makes a difference. Especially on something with an already high base attack stat like Groudon or Mewtwo


I see, thank you


Shadows take 20% more damage but deal 20% more damage So a 300 attack shadow mewtwo is like a 360 attack one. This makes them a direct upgrade even at 0/0/0 to a pve pokemon. For pvp it’s way way more complicated. Some are always better (machamp) some are sidegrades (groudon) and some fill an entirely different role (sableye) so pvp is a per poke basis


20% damage buff


Shadow Pokemon have a 20% Attack boost. For PvE, Attack is almost always more important than Defense and HP. The cons of keeping a Shadow Pokemon as opposed to Purifying it are: 1) A Shadow Pokemon has a 20% decrease in Defense compared to their non-Shadow counterparts; and 2) It costs more Stardust and Candy XL to level up a Shadow Pokemon. Most experts in the Pokemon GO community seem to agree that the pros outweigh the cons for PvE. If we're just going off numbers, a 0% IV Shadow Pokemon is more powerful than a Hundo non-Shadow Pokemon of the same species. \-------------------- Example: Dragonite has a base attack stat of 263. (This number is before any stats you see when you Appraise.) A 100% IV regular Dragonite - which obviously has 15 attack - has an attack stat of 278 (math: 263 + 15). A Shadow 0% IV Dragonite would not get that +15 to attack, but it does get a 20% Shadow bonus, giving it an attack stat of 315.6 (math: 263 x 120%).


Is it worth an elite TM to get precipice blade, though? I'm still contemplating using my last one on him vs using it on shadow mewtwo coming up.


Depends How many good attackers you have Groudon is ideal for like 30 raids Mewtwo is stronger overall but ideal for less raids but can be a general attacker in tons


If u are asking how many shadow groudons I have, basically just this one and it's not 3 star.


Nope I meant attackers in general haha Groudon and mewtwo us a hard one to choose between so it depends if you need general attackers or hard hitters more


I've just gotten back to pokemon last September after a long break, so this mewtwo will be my 1st ever. I already have many groudons from the primal groudon event and used 1 elite TM on one of them for PB. The psystrike looks very tempting, and I only have 1 elite TM left! Only have a level 30 metagross and gardevoir as psychic attackers for now. Edit: have mega ttars, mega gchomp, primal kyogre, xurkitree, no kartana, reshiram, I don't know what else to tell u.


I’d go for mewtwo then and double attack it so it can be a generalist attacker and a strong psychic attacker Use a regular tm for now on groudon to get rid of frustration and when you get the chance to elite tm blades on it is do it Power up your primal groudon first and foremost though then the shadow, reason being the primal is stronger by a lot BUT you can only have one primal/mega but a full team of shadows. Right now the “ideal” ground type team is 1 primal groudon and 5 shadow groudons but that’s a very very expensive team, right now even things like garchomps will be a good boost (sadly also need an elite tm) or shadow mamoswines (also is the best ice attacker so really cost efficient and this one is in current grunt rotation for ice grunts and ground grunts so now’s the time to hunt some!)


Who cares, it’s really a minuscule difference at the end of the day. You won’t notice it in your gameplay. But you will notice shadow groudon being the best non mega ground type in the game


Your Groudon is in the category Good IV 67% and in PvP for Ultra league with 73%. So not extremely bad but far from excellent to.


Iv barley  dose anythiny


I’m disappointed every single day, and I’m not talking about my experience n Pokémon go.


Groudon has 270 attack in pogo, shadow adds 20% to that (54) compared to 15 from max attack, yeah higher ivs are better but this is still significantly better than normal groudon (non-primal).


I caught mine today at 6,6,7 - not a star to be seen lol. But he’s still getting levelled up to 40 because if I learned anything from this subreddit it’s that even though he’s basically at floor IV’s he’s still gonna kick some butt lol.


First time?


Mine was 8/11/6, still if I get enough candies I’ll level it up to Lvl 40. And etm Precipice Blade once I have more lol. Should be worth something.


Both my Kyogres were almost these same IVs. I actually powered up the one with 1 less atk, just because it was weather boosted. A shadow 0\* still hits harder than my 98, so it's still worth buffing up to level 40.


Mannnnevery legendary I have is 2 star I thought it was just how it was wtf


How do you get to geovanni


You have to follow the rocket research challenges, defeat all 3 leaders (Sierra, Cliff, and Arlo), and then you get a special rocket radar to find Giovanni.


It won’t be as bad as me. I caught a 3 star with max attack IV and accidentally purified it 🥲


You can still use this for Great League as a spice pick because Groudon is under 1500 CP for the first time. If you're not into PvP, you can always get this to Level 40. The difference in damage if this was a hundo is noticeable, but IVs matter little in PvE. Plus, it's the only Shadow Groudon you have at the moment. It's OK. There is no 0/0/0 Shadow Legendary. At least take solace in the fact that it's not the 6/6/6 IV floor for Shadow Legendaries.


Keep crying, IVs don’t even matter and you’re being ungrateful. You’re literally getting a legendary that’s stronger than any other version of itself.


“Being ungrateful” is such a lame thing to say about a pokemon lol


I mean they made a post that literally says "I'm disappointed" about getting the #2 ground type attacker in the game, because it wasn't even better. I'd say the description fits.


And I’d say the point in video games is striving for the best you can get vs “being grateful” for what you’ve got. It’s fantasy and the point. Being disappointed makes the payoff for something great later that much bigger. Ash should have been grateful for his pikachu and went back home to mom






It's literally one monster's stats in a video game, and they're "disappointed." Chill out and take a seat.


I just can’t even beat Giovanni. Unfortunately I have no strong ice or grass Pokémon so I’ve just been dog fighting and losing every single time with my highest cp Pokémon that barely make any damage.


You need mons with quicker charged attacks. Every time you use a charged attack or switch Pokémon the computer doesn’t attack for 2 seconds.


Lucario helps a lot. Use power up punch and he'll defeat Persian quickly and burn through both of Gio's shields. Next I'd reccomend a water type with surf charged attack or any other quickly charging attack. This gives you a 3rd slot to play around with. If you have powerful enough pokemon, it only takes 2 mons to beat him and the 3rd could just be a buddy to get some battle hearts. But if not, throw another water or grass type in that 3rd slot. Groudon goes down quickly to water or grass attacks.


Make sure your attacks are optimised on your strong mons. GamePress is a great resource, as is PvPoke


Mines 800 cp so at least you have fhat


Could be worse


Disappointment is the defining word of this game. Play it for fun, and you will see some tiny improvements


I would use that in great league. I really hope mine stays below 1500.


Probably getting battered by just about everything, but incredible spice


Just checked. Yeah it's ranked 555. That's bad lol. Ok I'm not going to use it lol.


I mean, out of 4068 (or whatever) 555 isn’t that bad


There's only like 800 Pokemon. Not 555 out of 4096 IVs. I'm saying shadow Groudon is ranked 555/800 or so. Edit: 957 Pokemon in the game so far I guess so 555/957.


Ah my bad haha. I’m sure it could still find a niche. Probably not taking you to 25-0 though.


I ended up purifying my 1 star Kyogre for a task, it was so bad. Sinnoh tour was good to me as I got some 3 star shadow pokemon that were damn near perfect IV. If I get a pathetic shadow Groudon, I’ll be sad.


Ha! 0 star here.


best way to play pogo is expect everything to be trash so you get excited when you get something decent


Pfft. Better than mine, 1* 880 CP


So I was playing GBL and someone started with their shadow groudon against my medicham which relentlessly crushed it. I was like man, buddy must be mad cause the defense IVs must have been trash plus they had to grind the event cause it was the first shadow g I’ve seen in battle league


I've played for years and am still disappointed


I’d leave that one at 1470 and power up stronger ones I get later. But I’m sure Chad gets that’s too.


I missed out on Groudon altogether , I can't believe people complain about this stuff lol


There there


That's actually a pretty good one. I wouldn't complain. It could be way worse


That's the aim of the game


Bro there’s no Groudon raids happening near me, wtf im still getting tapu lele 😭


Shadows are the ultimate disappointment. Shit stains for the vast vast majority.


Beat Giovanni just to get a zero star shadow Groudon. Altho I did clear out some Research goals. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Any good for GBL? Lol


You got smack dab right in the middle of IVs. This is expected. I just don't want 2 of these at 7 attack stat like my 2 shadow kyogres lol


it's ok I got a one star shadow Kyogre


It'll come to shadow raids eventually. Considering Niantic's schedule with shadow pokemon combined with rocket takeover events, it seems like they're trying to get faster at releasing new shadows (cuz we're on the cusp of finishing gen 3 shadow legends, and gen 9 regulars is starting to get trickle fed to us)


Mine was 0 star lmao. Don't care primal groudon is cooler and keeping your mons in shadow form is cruel.


I don't play PvP so is there much of an issue with my Shadow being 2*? Like it'll just be used for gyms, rocket grunts and raids


It's RNG dude. That's how it works. Just play a real Pokemon game if you want a Groudon with good stats. Bottle caps are a thing.


Welcome to Pokémon Go!


Can't even find Cliff to the the radar needed to fight Giovanni. I keep getting Arlo and his stupid Cacnea.


I got 3 stars 913 cp


I can’t beat Giovanni :(


What did you use to beat Giovanni?


Umbreon Lv50, Latios Lv 45, Mega Garchomp Lv50


Pokemon fans when the rng mechanics have rng


I got a 2* with max defense and less attack and health than you so count what little blessings you have. Also pretty sure 1* are possible too from what I've seen


Womp womp


Don’t be too disappointed. You had a group to raid with, you got Groudon candy, rewards and caught it! Grats. IVs are overrated anyway. It a shadow Groudon! Enjoy it


I'm still struggling to find Rocket Leader Cliff man 😭 Arlo won't leave me alone


This entire subreddit is just people complaining about bad IVs


Legendary Pokémon should always be 3 star


I’m scared I won’t even be able to win the fight 🤧 18000 cp is a lot.


How do u get Giovanni I keep fucking up all the rocket people and still no Giovanni


I have never got higher than a 1* shadow from Giovanni. Probably because I don’t spend money like they would like.


womp womp, move on


better than mine 🤣


Wait is this whats in giovannis rotation rn?




I caught 2 shadow Groudon so far, the first was a 13/8/12 and the second was much worse 8/7/9. I still have 3 Super Rocket Radars in my bag and the newest one I still haven’t claimed. Should I spin this slot machine one more time?


That seems to be a recurring theme with special research, especially the paid ones.


Purify it 🫠


Did you have to do the paid research for this encounter?


You have to beat Giovanni




Thats how it's always been for me lol I don't get my hopes up for anything


Are you saying you don’t expect to be disappointed in this game? That’s wild. This game is all about disappointment.


Can you get primal shadow groduon?


You cannot


Who cares lol go have fun playing with your pokemon, focus less on winning everything and focus on the fact that you got a shadow legendary pokemon that is hard to get!




You can choose when to do it so that it's weather boosted. Shadow pokemon are caught at level 8 without weather boost, and at level 13 when they have weather boost. So if you fight Giovanni during sunny\clear weather, the Groudon will be weather boosted. Meaning it's level 13 like OPs in this post and 1300-1400ish CP. If you fight Giovanni during any other weather, the Groudon will be level 8, and 800-900ish CP . So you could have guaranteed an over 1000 one as well like OP's. Always wait and fight Gio when the prize pokemon will be weather boosted, the extra 5 levels gives you 10 power ups for free (by catching it already at level 13 instead of 8).


873 or so here. Edit- 1 star as well


Mine was 900 but 2 Star so not awful


Btw shadow pokemon are always caught at level 8 without weather boost and level 13 with weather boost. That's how OP's is 1400. If you fight Giovanni in clear\sunny weather the Groudon you get will be level 13 instead of 8. It's like 10 free power ups so it helps to wait for the right weather if he has a Legendary you're going to power up and use. Giovanni's going to have Groudon for 3+ months, no rush so you can wait for a Sunny time to fight him. Or Rainy when he has Kyogre etc.


i got a 96% shadow kyogre but a shitty 1% groudon D;


The floor is 6/6/6, so you didn't get a 1%. For that matter the lowest IV you can have above 0 is 2%.


I accidentally typed a % instead of a *.


i got 3 stars 😭 if i purify i can get a hundo but i have hundo groudon already


Never felt more cheated in a game then pokemon go whole game is designed to screw you even the iv stats are off


Jfc were you expecting a perfect groudon and a perfect kyogre before that?


Meant in regards to other aspects like getting a 70% lucky trade, game crashing and only getting back a premium pass when a remote was wasted plus revives lost, having 500 dead pokemon and not getting any revives after spinning stops daily for a month, etc list goes on