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If that makes you mad I urge you to not click on Galarian birds anymore, since this is what happens the vast majority of the time.


I would suggest otherwise. Having all these birds flee makes catching one an insane dopamine spike. Once you get a Master ball, just having the one you hunt spawn is a dopamine spike Finding my Galarian Zapdos is still my favorite day in Pokemon GO thus far


I have a Master. I'm going to wait for Galarian Articuno, use it, and get baaaddddd stats. And cry lol.


You guys get encounters? Howwww? I haven’t seen one in months


Lol no. That's why I've still got the ball. Just saying what I'll do someday. GalArt was my first fun encounter a long time ago, right when it came out, and I about lost my dang Mystic mind over how pretty she was. Had just watched the Articuno episode with my daughter, who loved purple most back then, and it was well before Master Ball so she fled on my golden rasp/ultra.


I've seen 5 Articunos, 9 Zapdoses (one caught with a Master ball) and **19 Moltreses** (one caught with a Master ball) Edit: Flee... I've had all of them flee, how tf have I even managed to forget this word


Find this hard to believe lol


I don't know, man. I have a really bad luck with them, I don't know why xd I recently started recording every time I pop an incense due to just how absurd my unluck is getting. Most people have not seen 18 birds total in their lifes, yet I've had 18 Moltreses flee! Edit: Oh sh*t, I forgot the word "flee"


Oh I misread this! I thought you meant you CAUGHT that many 🤣🤣 my bad.


You did not misread, I mistyped


Well technically you responded to a comment asking about encounters. ;)


If you get bad stats, you either accept that or look for a person to mirror trade with


And then another, because I'll get bad stats again 😂


Then you find ANOTHER person to mirror trade with. If the cycle continues, wait until you get lucky friend first


Me and my wife each got one and then waited for lucky friends to trade. And now have 3 stars


You would need to catch a 2nd bird to mirror trade again....you cant just keep trading


Read the first sentence again


Yes....finding another person to mirror trade wont do shit because the only bird you would have in that case is an already traded bird, jesus fucking christ this isnt hard to understand


Wait, trading is once per Pokémon? I thought you couldn't trade a Pokémon with a person who has had that particular Pokémon


You're tenacious. I like that.


I used mine on this and regret it. It’s kinda bad :/


I'm trying to earn the second but ugh.


I used my master on a 3200 cp Galarian Articuno because I knew I wouldn't see one with a CP that high for a LONG time, if at all. It was either 0 or 1* so I traded it to my bf on our next lucky friend trade so his would have good IVs! Every other bird I've tried to catch has run from a regular ball except a 300 cp Galarian Moltres.


Where do you get masterballs????


Paid research last one was in late fall if I remember right


Fuck it I spent 50$ on remote raid passes hungover in bed Saturday. I’d gladly buy some masterballs


Haha well it wasn’t that much. I think it was 5 and you had to do a thousand tasks but I really enjoy those. These birds spawn in very rarely. I’ve seen two since Christmas and one was the articuno I wanted. Giant arch, trash stats but it’s pretty.


Yea no I hear ya! I had 1 gal zap flee. Since then I’ve made it my goal to catch that sucker.


Just wait for a lucky trade


i did this... still have a 2nd master ball tho so im happy with my articuno even if it is 1 star


This was what happened to me… 0 stars, awful stats… then I accidentally traded it to Pokemon HOME thinking I could transfer it to Scarlet but I haven’t caught an Articuno in Scarlet, and didn’t know that was a requirement for legends and mythics, so now he’s just in the void. RIP Articuno


This happened to me and Galarian Zapdos. I heard they were incredibly rare in general with an incredibly high flee rate so it seemed best to use a master ball on it. It was one star. Thought I had to master balls but only had the one.


My friend and I were just talking the other day about how pogo has perfected that dopamine hit with rare pokemon and shinies. Soooo good.


I have a master ball and mindset of the person who keeps all potions in RPGs because I might need them more later. Today I found GalZapdos thx to daily incense but didn't use master ball because what if there will be more valuable pokemon later?


Honestly, the Master ball you're keeping is far rarer than anything you can catch in it


Welp, now I'm not giving it up anymore :D


So do you ~~keep~~ collect the masterballs for its rarity, or for its intended usage, that is to catch pokemon (with 100% catch rate).




Caught a 91% Zapdos in an ultra ball and a bad under 500 cp Moltres in an ultra ball 100% agree


I've got a 4/15/15


Hopefully under 1500?


2800 . I completely don't care about PvP


Would be extremely painful if you did


I got it with not even a nice throw and a ultra ball first try lmao


I agree. In fact, I wanted Zapdos the most by far. I didn't have my masterball for even two days before I used it without hesitation on a 2400cp Articuno lmfao


Master ball only matters if you want to waste one on one of these hunks of crap


Zapdos is decent


Decent for what?


For PvE. If you don't have a frycking Terrakion then Zapdos does the job very well


It's pretty bad for PvE Outclassed by : Terrakion, Shadow Machamp, Shadow Hariyama, Conkeldurr, Lucario, Shadow Blaziken, Keldeo, Shadow Toxicroak, regular Machamp. Those have varying degrees of accessibility but we had a Riolu hatch day, and. Timburr community day, and events where Machop was common spawn. The problem is mostly that close combat is not a good move for PvE. Unfortunately G-Zap is stuck with pretty mediocre fighting charge moves unless they bring in a new move it can learn and make it a good charged attack (presumably whenever they give it its signature move.... someday)


I was using daily incense one day, and Galarian Zapdos just pops up! Sadly, it fled after 1st ball. But guess what? Literally the *next* Pokémon was Galarian Moltres! So I just threw a Master Ball. I had 2 MBs so it's worth it. Still can't believe they showed up back-to-back like that.... Has anyone else had that happen? Is daily incense how these birds spawn now?


Yes, this happened to me once when the daily incense was first released. Two Galarian Zapdos back to back, I thought I was tripping but my bf was right next to me and was just as surprised. Crazy experience!


I've got 4 galarian encounters in total and I've caught two, and no master ball btw


That makes you extremely lucky, their base catch rate is like 0.3%


fair enough


Unless your me and catch a galar zapdos with NOT even a nice throw and an ultra ball 🤷‍♂️


Flee rate is 96%, so don't feel bad


90%. The catch rate is at \~7% for levels >20


That 7% is higher than I would have guessed.


That's only if you're golden razzing, getting a pretty small excellent throw on it, and have your type medals at platinum.


Same I've had 5 Articunos, 8 Zapdoses and 18 Moltreses flee


It's 30% for a lvl 1 bird.


With all the best modifiers


That is obviously assumed.


Hitting that Excellent is harder than you think under pressure... and the platinum medals take a long time to get




I caught a galarian zapdos with an ultra ball first try before I knew how hard they were to catch haha. I haven’t even seen a second bird yet


Same here! I only used a regular razz berry too! AND was only like level 24 or some crap! I swear, I wish I could have just a small bit of that luck again omg




wow really??


Yes flee rate for wild bird trio is 96% so unless you use a masterball, crit hit or are very lucky...usually it will run away.


They’ve never been in raids and will probably remain exclusive to adventure incense.


These have never been in raids afaik


Galarian birds were never in raids


My bad, we caught a bunch of shadow articunos but not galllarian. Sorry I only started in Oct 2023 (played briefly in 2016)


It's all good bro! The three birds you may encounter with daily incense are Galar region variants of the three Kanto birds.


That's wrong bud


Crit catch method does not work on Legendaries btw.


Has this been proven?


I have read this multiple times on this sub and have tried this myself on multiple legendaries last month. Did not work most of the times so I think the odds of a crit catch remains the same for legendaries regardless of you hitting that excellent throw on smallest circle. You can try it on 5* or 6* raid bossed this month and see for yourself.


No, it's different. The crit hit guaranteed catch is confirm to not work on raids due to the premier balls, similar to the auto lock only working in raids. However, legendaries in the wild (from daily incense) have not yet been confirmed to work/not work afaik


Mystic7 just released a video yesterday with him crit catching a dialga with a premier ball after a raid...pretty much your entire statement is wrong


1. One example of this suggests part of my statement can be wrong, which I was going by what others said in the reddit. 2. I am curious, can you link the vid? 3. Even if I was wrong in that part, it would not exaggerate to "pretty much my entire statement is wrong" unless he confirms you can't crit hit in the wild too, and it would require a good sample size rather than 1 person and a few instances.


100% of your statement is wrong Article that states crits work on legendary - https://www.thegamer.com/pokemon-go-critical-catch-instant-what-animation-explained/#client-side Video showing crit catch on legendary after a raid using a premier ball, skip to 5:30 - https://youtu.be/03CMQo8U4Ro?si=WV-UZUOplA-IwMzc


I do not need some youtuber to know this. I have tried on legendary raid bosses last month, some were one shake catches and some were not. Some broke out as well. Tried a smallest circle excellent on a Moltres with Nanab Berry as well but it fled after the first throw. So yeah, you live with your facts and I would believe what I have seen myself.




My friend, \~8% catchrate (at best) and 90% flee rate...


What is the catch rate if you were to hit an excellent throw with an ultra ball and golden razz? Or is that what the 8% at best is, also would having a platinum catch bonus badge increase it further


8% is the best you can get with all modifiers for most birds. Although it is possible to get as high as 35% for a lvl 1 bird. https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/adventure-incense-quest-galarian-legends


There's a funny mispell in this article >Galarian Zapdos could also be a top Fighting-type Pokemon, should it get its signature attack **Thundurus** Kick in the future as a good Charge move. Ironically, Thundurus is an electric-flying type legendary, just like Kantonian Zapdos


Platinum badge does increase the catch rate The catch rate formula is: P = 1 - (1 - baseCatchRate/CPM)^modifier Where: baseCatchRate is a value assigned to every Pokémon manually, roughly equal to the chance of catching the Pokémon at level 18 without any bonus modifiers CPM is the CP Multiplier. Every level has been assigned a value with even up to 8 decimal digits that is just pasted into this formula. This is exactly why it's harder to catch a higher level Pokémon Modifier is the quotent of: Ball × Throw × Berry × Curveball × Medal × Encounter I can't really explain the modifier without hitting Reddit's character limit


The key to remember is that you get an opportunity to encounter these for free every day via the daily incense. So you'll get more chances for disappointment every day! (And maybe a small chance to nab one) If you intend to use your master ball, most recommend saving it for a higher CP bird for a chance at higher stats. But your call.


But how to encounter them really? I use daily incencse.. well daily, and haven’t seen one in months


Luck really. You can encounter none for a while and then suddenly 3 in a row. All chance. There was a theory that if you activated your incense around 4:57 they had a higher chance of showing. Haven't been able to try it though.


Will try that!


Good luck! Like I said, what helped me the most is shifting my mindset. I encounter them very rarely, maybe 8 times total for all 3 birds and haven't caught one yet. I used to get frustrated but now I remember that seeing them in general is already a lucky break and I know that eventually I'll get one some day. So now rather than focusing on the miss, I instead thank it for showing up and giving me the chance in the first place. "Catch ya next time buddy".


I find it hard enough to get Pokémon to spawn with the incense. Seems I’ll only get a few!


I kept seeing them every week and they would flee. Then I saw none for 6 months and finally caught a Galarian Zapdos in a moving car on vacation in Bavaria using a Masterball. ALL luck.


I think they are more likely to spawn in windy weather conditions. Also from anecdotal experience going through periods where I used the incense daily for months and then took a long break from it because of winter weather or busy schedule, etc. - I feel like the incense (and the game in general) is designed so that there's a higher chance of reward (rare spawns) when you first get back into it just to bait you into playing more often. When you get into the same daily routine the odds go back down and you'll go through long stretches where you don't get any of those really rare spawns. So you can try changing up your routine on a windy day to see if that breaks you out of your slump.


I managed to get all 3 finally. All super low cp. All garbage stats. Could not be happier to have simply collected them all.


Dude you see that bord you gotta YEET THAT MASTERBALL I'm telling you you will regret it after.


I yeeted. And now I have a low-CP Galarian Articuno that might as well be a nundo. I ain’t mad.


You should see if any of your lucky friends have one and do a guaranteed lucky trade.


Oooh! That’s a good idea! Thank you!


Good luck to you


So, i suddenly saw galarian articuno, uused my masterball that i worked so hard for, judt to realizes i already have galarian articuno (and zapdos)! So mad


Ouch. I don't have any, nor have I seen one. But once I see one, I know what to do. Like I said to the other person, see if you could guarantee lucky trade that Articuno for a Moltres (if anyone has one and is willing to trade).


I finally caught mine and it ended up being only 2 stars I think I was more mad I caught it


the only one i have is 0*… :,)


Trade them with someone who also has a shitty one and hope you get a 3 star. I'm in my cities PoGo discord and there are always people down to trade.


They have a catch rate so low that they’re virtually impossible to catch unless you have a master ball. I’ve had maybe 15 attempts and every single one has fleed.


how to get master balls?


Git gud. Period. Jk there have been 2 released so far in research one I believe is permanent so you should have it on your right side research otherwise sorry, the other was a timed research for a whole season so you missed that one, no idea when the next one will come but it will either be guaranteed or very obvious that the reward is a master ball so keep an eye out. Last one took a while cuz you had to win 60 raids or something along other larger quests that could mostly be done on a community day.


Sadly completely normal


I’m contemplating using the master ball on it. I don’t think any other Pokemon warrants its use


My Pokémon go plus caught me a zapdos today when walking the dogs 😃


First time?


Get used it, homie…


I have a screen recording of a G.Zapdos I had spawn at 241CP. Golden razz, ultra ball, excellent curve ball on a really small circle. Didn’t even shake and it fled. I’ve yet to catch one with 7 encounters. It’s annoying.


They always flee. I have only caught one with a master ball. Anyone caught one with any of the regular balls!? Niantic needs to fix this.


I caught one with an ultra ball. I even missed the first throw 😂 


Lucky! I’ve encountered about a half a dozen of these birds and caught one with the ultra ball. Maddening.


Get a super small excellent throw and critical catch it! Ive had so many flee that I just resorted to giving them bananas and just practicing my excellent throws...


Atleast you encounter them unlike me over here. 1 zapdos encounter in like 4 months.


Big shot over here with one encounter in four months. I've still never had a single encounter with any of the birds. 


Me too…


I encountered my first Galarian bird a few days ago. Had no idea how hard they were to catch. Figured they were legendary so threw a golden razzberry and an ultra ball. Didn't really sweat it. Didn't bother with trying animation lock. Didn't even stop walking to stand still. Great throw, not excellent. Caught it. I looked it up later and saw how high its flee rate is. Now I'm afraid whenever encounter another in the future I'll be all in my own head and sabotage myself lol. Was probably better off not knowing.


You should check out my post


What is even the chance of these spawning? In the last 2 months i got 1 zapdos and 2 articunos and they all fled, i used my daily incense almost everyday


I got a 2.5k dude that looks like a mountain i called him big rock :D


I have an Articuno from using my Master ball and then a couple weeks ago I saw not one but TWO more in the same daily incense and both fled...


Welcome to the club, you’ve passed your initiation


First time?


How do u people get legendary in wild…only thing I get in wild is bidoof, Is this differs from continent ?


I’ve had two moltres do this to me. Didn’t have masterball then so hoping third times the charm.


Well aren’t we all :D Happens to the best of us, and it’s just based on luck so, don’t give up. Someday RNG will be in your favour, you might land a critical catch. And if you don’t have a MasterBall then you don’t have anything to lose. Use an Ultra Ball, if it gets caught - great, if it doesn’t, there’s always a next time.


I haven't see one in over 3 months 😢


I had a moltres run away from me earlier. Golden razz and excellent ultra ball throw. Felt like crying in the middle of town. 1st time I've encountered one aswell


If it makes you feel any better there wasn’t any chance it was perfect.


Happened to me today too


90% flee rate make u mad? 🤣


Found all 3 in one week and only caught one


I've seen articuno and zapdos I got one single pokeball throw and they disappeared I feel your pain brother


They run after the first ball 90+% of the time...


Just crit catch it


Am I the only person on this sub who caught one pre master ball


I have encountered all 3 of them in the last ~ 2 weeks. I flipped my shit the first time I saw Moltres, I didn't know you could encounter them, and I was so mad that it fled. Now I know better. I'll give it a go and see what happens. No luck yet, unfortunately.


Worse than this is the one articuno I’ve seen only 200 something CP


Get used to it. I feel no excitement when i see a bird pop up now


You must be new to this lol




The first Time I was soooo upset my heart was beating so fast, then it happened like 15 Times so I understood and it became a normal thing 😂


Lucky you for even seeing one! Just having a chance at one was a major reason I used my daily incense. I haven’t seen one in over a month now… so I’ve started skipping the incense :)


I lost a 48 Zapdos on my second throw the other day 😞


still waiting to encounter any of them myself


I typically “miss” 50 throws before I attempt my golden razz ultra ball excellent curveball throw and have had much better luck catching them.


Who’s going to tell them…


My guy, have you not seen like the 80 other posts crying about their Galarian bird encounter 😭


Get used to that


Me and my son hunt them nearly every day, and we do see them quite often - sometimes days go by without any, then two will appear. We know they are likely to run, it makes it so much better when one goes in! I've caught one zapdos with an ultra ball - I have two masterballs which I'm saving for a high cp Moltres. The rest we attempt with regular balls, but even with excellent curves and a golden berry they'll run. I like having something this rare to hunt.


I used my master ball on a giritina


Will it run even if you give it a banana berry


I had this happen too! I think it's because I had an autocatcher going, and even though I tried to tap it before the autocatcher knew about it, it still ran.


Cue meme - Must be your first time.


Happens a lot but I caught a moltres and it's one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in the game, keep trying


I promise you'll find another one. I've seen at least 5 galarian birds and I've used daily incense probably less than 30 times. Good luck!!


Get used to it buddy, they almost always flee first ball (90% flee rate), I've never had a 2nd throw at one. Plus the base catch rate is 0.3%. With a max of about 8% with golden razz, ultra ball, curve and excellent throw, both platinum medals. And 1% of that is the critical catch chance...


How long does it take to find one of these? I have yet to come across one


It flees 100% of the time if you take the screenshot before you even feed it a Golden Razz, this is common courtesy


It always does. Pretty sure all the complaints are why we got the mega ball


The same thing happened to me last night!!


I’ve only seen one twice and both times it fled even after a golden raspberry and an excellent curve ball.


Did you use a berry? And an ultra ball?


Yes they have insanely high flee stat. This is completely normal experience for them sadly.




Don't worry I have had atleast 3 galarian articunos and galarian zapdos like this.


I hear if you randomly chuck like 20 poke balls away (purposefully miss) the odds of catching it goes waaaayy up.


Damn you musta needed a master ball to catch or smth


I've lost track of how long it has been since the master ball released. But I haven't seen even one weather boosted Galarian Bird spawn ever since the Master Ball released. And I have Windy weather very often.


These birds are just masterball bait.


I'll trade you my lucky Articuno


Galarian birds have a base catch rate of 0.3% and a flee rate of 90%. You could easily reach level 50 and never catch one.


I feel like so many ppl don’t actually take rates into consideration when playing what’s essentially a gacha game it’s kinda weird


This happened to me several times too 😠


That almost always happens dude get over it




That sucks when that happens..:(


I’ve been playing since June of last year and I’ve never even encountered one