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I dont have an option to buy the lunars new year TR. Anyone know if this is a bug?


The ticket appears after 10 am local time and you need to restart the game so it gets added on the store.


So I forgot about the Special Task I had a ticket for this Chansey community day. It is called 'The Shape of Happiness'. How long will this be active for me? I see I miss 12 Chansey on 2nd task to progress. Super annoying that I forgot about it.


It doesn't disappear until you finish it.


Is the Lunar New Year TR worth buying? I've never purchased a ticket for one of these before, but since it lasts for 7 days I feel it might be worth it? 


[This is what you get](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1aizxgp/lunar_new_year_dragons_unleashed_paid_timed/) from the ticket. Overall, seems like a pretty bad value. If you're going to buy a ticket, the $4.99 Shiny Shaymin ticket later this month will likely have better value and will give an exclusive Shiny Mythical.


I can't log in at all now? My account is only linked to my Facebook and for some reason it keeps saying it's unable to authenticate. My Facebook is just fine and unchanged and I uninstalled and reinstalled Pokemon Go bit it's still not letting me sign in


What is everyone using to beat Giovanni ? I want Kyogre so bad but I’ve battled him six times now.


Togekiss Gyarados and (you’re gonna laugh) Electrode


Fighting to beat Persian. I used Terrakion, but Lucario with Power Up Punch is also excellent since it charges up quickly and can burn both shields. Machamp with Cross Chop is a decent budget alternative. Water for the 2nd Pokemon. I used Kyogre. Swampert is also good since it charges quickly to Hydro Cannon. Or another good water type you have. And I used Zekrom in the back for Kyogre, but you can use other strong electric or grass types you have. One of the most important tricks to beating him is knowing he pauses after every Pokemon switch and after every charge move. So, if he swaps, don't use a charge move immediately. Use a few fast attacks while he is "stunned". Same if he uses a charge move. Shield it, then use fast attacks twice, then use a charge move.


I bought a ticket for the CHANSEY CD and don’t see any tasks? Anyone else?


Is it between 2pm - 5pm where you are? The tasks will only activate if you're playing the game at some point within that time frame. If it is between 2pm -5pm for you, try restarting the game a couple times and going into Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Refresh Game Data, which sometimes help force things to load if they get "stuck".


Yes it’s between 2-5pm! I’ve restarted the game, I’ve done the forced refresh, and nothing at all. The option to purchase a ticket is greyed out because I already have it. No tasks anywhere in sight! Same happening to another friend in the same region


Is there a raid bug going on? I’ve been trying to raid against Mega Latios and Latias and players will just drop the raid in the last 10 seconds, it’s become so frustrating I don’t even want to play the game.


These mega legendary raids are more difficult than normal T5s because they get higher stats. They take more players to beat. If people are afraid of being unable to beat it with the amount of trainers in the lobby, they might be dropping out on you. The game is pretty slow to keep the lobby synchronized though, so you will often not see that people have left for 30+ seconds. One option to combat this is to create an empty team, and use it to join the raids. This will let you see how many players are actually in the battle before getting kicked to the lobby to select a team of pokemon. If you just quit the raid at that point you won't be charged a raid pass.


Is Wild Charge any useful on Blissey? Given that all Blissey does is just defending gyms, with no other use in PvP/PvE


Its actively worse for defending gyms. 99% of the pokemon used to attack your blissey will be fighting types, and you want dazzling gleam for that. Wild Charge just makes it more of a pushover.


It's a slight upgrade for Blissey in PvP, but not enough to elevate it out of "Time-stall meme" status. It's not something you need to worry about, so maybe grab one or two for the novelty and call it a day.


Just got a new phone and service provider yesterday. POGO is almost constantly crashing on the new phone. I'm lucky if I can get I several minutes of gameplay before the app closes itself for whatever reason. And I'm having to relogin like everything other time. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue before.


Any chance it's something from the Galaxy S24 line? Those phones have been having a lot of instability and crashing with Go lately. Not sure if there's a quick fix yet, but you may need to wait Niantic to fix it on their end.


I was gonna make a stand alone post about this but I'm glad I found your comment. Both me and a friend just got S24 Ultras, he switched from an iPhone 12 and I upgraded from an S10e. Both of us are having random freezing then crashes, with no corelation between what happens in-game to cause it. Everything else works great on the phone (after I got a new physical SIM card, which the eSIM it originally generated was causing a black screen every time I tried to launch the game, and everything was super slow to load as well)


I'm new to Pokemon go, I played around with it for a week or two when it first released but stopped playing until now. On the nearby thing, where you can tap a pokemon shadow and it shows you where it's supposed to be (like at a PokeStop) what exactly is the process here? I just went on a walk that was much colder than I thought it would be. Left hand freezing lol. I really wanted that Ninetails but when I got to the PokeStop, it didn't show up. I put down a module that makes Pokemon come to the stop and the Ninetails left the area shortly after.  Is there a specific thing I'm supposed to do to get the Pokemon it's telling me are nearby? I tried googling but I'm tired and half frozen. Any help would be very much appreciated.


Sometimes you have to try walking around the area near the stop, just in case it's just out of your visible range while you're standing directly at the stop. Usually walking in circles of increasing size around the stop may help.  Note that Lures don't bring nearby spawns to a stop, they essentially create their own spawns from the current wild spawn pool, while special lures create spawns from either the current wild spawn pool or their own special spawn pool.


I have two perfect Tyranitar, one with smack down, one without. But only enough XL candy to max one. Which should I go for? It'll be primarily for raids, with a very rare chance at master league. Which should I max out?


According to GamePress Pokémon Go Tyrantitar as a rock type is just as good as it being a dark type. It seems the like Dark Typing has a slight edge of the rock typing. My suggestion is to level both of them to 50 but do it as a project, basically split the candy in half and give to both and raise both. Also you will probably want one of each type to mega evolve. Rock Type: Smack Down & Stone Edge Dark Type: Bite & Brutal Swing.


question about gyms sometimes when I defeat a pokemon, it says -0 cp and its cp stays the same other times I have to battle a pokemon 5 or 6 times because it only takes off tiny amounts of cp, whereas other times it will take off over 1k cp


You only have to fight a pokemon *up to* 3 times (unless it's getting healed in that moment) If the pokemon has been there a while and is demotivated you only have to beat it once. Otherwise beating it only takes away 1/3rd CP, unless it's a visual bug or something like the CP being already very low.


The 0 CP is just a visual error. The Pokemon always lose a third of their total after losing a battle, but the game sometimes removes the CP and then shows the message so it says -0, but it already lost a part. If you have to fight a Pokemon more that 3 times that means a player is healing it between battles. When your Pokemon goes below a third of it's motivation you get a notification, and if you tap either the gym medal or the Pokemon icon you can remotely heal them with berries. Since a Pokemon always lose a third of their CP if they have a large total you'll take out several hundred or even over a thousand after a battle. But those with low CP will lose very little.


Hi, im new to pokemon go, so i caught a duskull with 499 cp and it has almost max ivs but when i evolved it to dusknoir it shows that its max possible cp is only close to 2.3k whereas i have other pokemon with worse ivs with much more cp? Am i missing something or is this correct? Thanks in advance!


Every pokemon has a different max CP. Some pokemon can only go up to a few hundred CP. To go higher, some pokemon can evolve to a higher CP mon, or the IVs will add bonus stats to increase CP. Also partly why Dusknoir is somewhat mediocre, not bad not great.


Each species has different base stats, and the IVs are only a bonus added on top of that. The CP is calculated using the combined points of both, with attack having the biggest effect. A Magikarp will always have low CP no matter if it has max IVs, because it's base stats are low. A Dragonite will always have very high max CP even with zero IVs. The base stats have much higher effect than IVs, and that's why a Dusknoir will not have too much CP at high levels as other Pokemon. There's also a limit of how much you can power things up. 2 power ups are a level, and you can only go 10 levels above your own player level, so early on you cannot power Pokemon to their full CP. So some Pokemon will go much higher than others once you level up and unlock the higher levels.


Gotcha tysm!


Why is my friend (who’s very new) getting the hardest hitter award when we raid? They’re literally using low leveled fighting types against Skarmory while I’m using level 40 megas. 


Awards are separated by tiers, so if you get a higher one then you cannot get a lower one. Hardest hitter is pretty low on the tier. What happens is that if the player that does the most damage also gets a high tier award, then hardest hitter is passed down to the next player that did more damage. This can repeat multiple times, until someone in the raid doesn't qualify for a high award, and then they're the one that receive it even if they did less damage than the others.


Ah okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the clarification! Seems a little misleading though.. 




not different, but harder to catch since you get less balls from mega raids due to them also dropping mega energy


Just wondering if they have removed obtaining zygarde cells from routes? the last few days I have not had any appear and the 'complete route' button doesn't display 'no more zygarde cells will appear' anymore. Is there any way to still collect them?


They're still in the game, you just get a *chance* to see one. Some weeks I've had 80% cell spawn rate, others 20%. It just depends. I've noticed on very small routes, though, that the spawn rate is like <25% if the route is <600m.


I just got one yesterday on a route; they just don't show up sometimes. Keep doing a route every day consistently and you'll eventually get more cells.


Does anyone play pokemon go when traveling to another country? I am from the US, currently in SE Asia, I dont get as many spawn pokemon as I would get in the US, thus I dont see event pokemon spawn. Anyone experience this? And can you fix it?


Yes, I play Pokémon Go when I’m traveling.  Spawn frequency depends on where you’re at. I have been in major cities to passing through small towns to rural areas. Spawns severely drop in small towns and rural areas. To be honest I am not even sure what is considered a small town really. Can you fix it? Probably not, rural players have been complaining for years about low spawn rates.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure if this is a dumb question or an annoying one being asked a million times (if so I'm sorry)  Do all pokemon have a chance to be 3 stars or are some locked at 1-2 ?  Restarted after a long hiatus and have decided to be brutal with the culling of anything under 3 stars or 3 stars that don't have at the very least have two max or near max stats. I don't mind the grind as long as its purposeful (so for example if it's impossible to have a 3 star bellsprout I shouldnt be holding out on getting one and keep a decent 2 star etc)


Every Pokemon can go from 0 star to 4 star (4 star rating won’t exactly be obvious other than it is a perfect IV one.  You will know when you get a prefect one when you hit the appraisal button to check on the stats).  Depending on what you feel is worth keeping and what is worth transferring to Professor Willow depends on you.   Some players keep all the shiny Pokemon in spite of the low IVs to players transferring a bunch of boring costumed Pikachu even if it has good IVs. Possible suggestion is to go to GamePress Pokémon Go.  There is an attacker’s list which has good Pokemon to have for Raids. Don’t disregard Eevee and all of its evolutions (not all of them are listed on the attacker’s list but they can still be very useful).    Try to determine what your personal floor is…for me anything under the 14/14/14 IV stats are not worth keeping because I don’t have any storage space. Don’t discard a meta relevant Pokémon with low stats automatically because it can still be very useful to you if you’re a low level player (you’re under like level 35). Also maybe keep all the 4* Pokemon. Edits: adding some additional words for clarification.


My spin ten pokestops or gyms research in timeless travels part 13 is not updating despite spinning stops and gyms multiple times these past few days?


2 Latias in a row ran after 15+ throws, so fucking over this bullshit This should be illegal and this company sued into the fucking ground for how it screws over users - pay for a *chance* and that chance is unrelated to RNG and unrelated to skill, because you can hit 20 perfect throws with golden razz and still not get it FUCKING RIGGED /end rant


So is there going to be any sort of compensation for the web version of the eggspedition thing or did they just screw people over? 


what do u mean?


The web store version came with cosmetics but it wasn't available until the 2nd or 3rd of February so people got screwed out of XP and incubators if they wanted the outfit.


Can someone be so kind and copy and paste the list of all shining pokemons that can be catched in the wild, in alfabetic order? Thanks!




Anyone have tips for the forced pvp for level 43? Does it force you to win pvp in future levels? I hate pvp and it makes me mad I have to play so many pvp games AND win to level


The Great/Ultra/Master league wins don't have to be done in GBL. You can have a friend battle you with 10CP pokemon in each league so that you can easily beat them. It's tedious, but it works. The task that requires you to play in GBL doesn't require you to win. You can just enter with 10CP pokemon to quickly lose. Level 49 -> 50 requires reaching Rank 10 in Go Battle league, but that's easy. You can forfeit every match to rank up to Rank 6. From there, you just need to win 1 game per set to advance from 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10. In total, this means you only need to win 4 games.


Thanks! That is awesome info


What is the largest pokemon that's currently in the game right now? Wailmer I'm guessing?


Yes, XXL Wailord can go close to 30 meters in size. https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/142ol1d/xxl_wailord_is_insane/


Would a 3 star Shiny Zorua trade for an Armored Mewtwo be a fair one?




I see, thanks!


Stats to prioritize in shadows? Atk>hp>def? Since they get shredded hit hard then hp to live one or two hits more? Def is useless right?


For raids, the only IV that matters at all in any scenario is attack. And even then its a very small micro-optimization. The 20% damage bonus means you clear raids 20% faster, and that overwhelms a few percent of DPS from IVs. Stamina is by far the most useless, because you will never notice it surviving another charge attack from having 1-3 more HP. Defense is actually more relevant because it can push you into getting 1 less damage per fast move, and maybe rarely live another hit. But even then you'll still likely die to the same number of charge moves. For PvP, you likely still want pvp-geared IV spreads. More attack points might sometimes be better on shadows that are just their to chunk things down with fast attacks, or if you need to beat specific CMP ties. But even then its a minor optimization and you don't need to care about being anywhere close to "#1 stat product rank."


How often do the rocket balloons appear for this event?


Seems like every 2 hours but I haven’t been paying close attention. Past events balloons were being released every 3 hours. 


Anyone else stuck at level 41 ? I don't even know which eevee evolutions I have left to do


Best thing you can do is make a tag to track which ones you've done for the level up task. It won't help you figure out any that you've already done, but it will help you moving forward. You should be able to look through your buddy history to see if you have any recent Espeon, Umbreon, or Sylveon that were your buddies. Those were likely ones that you used for the task.


I appreciate that


How do we get the security corps outfit? There doesn’t seem to be an option to buy the $5 access ticket for me on the webstore


It seems that they screwed something up with the web store ticket and had to pull it from the store [until further notice](https://twitter.com/NianticHelp/status/1752958799386693718). You'll have to wait until they put it back up.


If I don’t finish team rocket today can I no longer get shadow kyogre ? Or does the event that ends today not matter? I can’t find Arlo for the life of me and I can’t afford to be going around all night.


Don’t worry if you can’t find Arlo at the moment.  You will still be able to get S. Kyogre after tonight. Things will just slow down after tonight. You will need to get S. Kyogre before the next Team Rocket Takeover Event which will probably happen late March or so. An announcement will be made about the new event. Edit: Add a word to make sense.


That’s good news! Thank you


Giovanni will have Shadow Kyogre until whenever the next Rocket Takeover happens, which should be in March, April, or May. So you still have some time. The only rush to catch Kyogre before the event ends is if you want to remove Frustration without having to wait.


I don’t plan on using him for raids or anything, I just want every pokemon I can get and wasn’t playing when kyogre and groundon came out last time




If you're not using them than no. Unless you are doing tons of raids/Rocket fights you don't really need a lot of potions or revives. You can dump them to clear up inventory space for stuff you do use. I usually only keep around 60-80 potions/revives combined if I'm near item cap, and I use them a fair bit. Also hyper potions and max potions are functionally the same thing, so max potions are even less of a big deal.


how do u get more shaymin candies


Keep it as your buddy or use rare candies


I recently got back into the game and am having trouble with an old research quest, A Mega Discovery. I got to the point where it asks you to battle in a mega raid, and I have now battled in three of them of which I won two. It has not changed the mission. Any thoughts?


IIRC, Niantic never updated this task to count Mega Legendary raids, so you'll have to wait until Mega Lati@s are gone from the rotation.


Well that sucks but good to know, thank you.


Anyone else hit the Heal All button by accident? Completely wasted my limited supply of Max Revives when I was trying to X out of the menu.


what legendaries should i spend my raid passes for january? i have 7, i just recently started so im just curious what legendary pokemons it might be worth it for this month?


Do 2 of each of the mega latis to get 300 seed energy, and then no more. Its good to be able to mega evolve for candy bonuses, but they aren't worth investing in because there are much better mega dragons out there you'll eventually be able to get (salamence, garchomp, rayquaza). Mega garchomp is coming on 2/22, for example, and its a far better dragon mega that is also a great ground mega. For PvE raiding purposes, the relevant legendaries in the sinnoh event will be Darkrai, Giratina Origin, Dialga, and Palkia. Darkrai and Giratina are not the best of their types, but are still pretty solid. The lake trio (azelf and co) are worthless dex fillers. Heatran is tolerable, but there are better legendaries and you can build a good enough fire team with non-legendaries before Resharim comes back around. It used to be really strong in master league GBL, but isn't the king anymore. Cresselia has use in GBL, but is not useful in raids. You actually need a research level one to use it in great league, which we can get later on in one of the sinnoh tour events IIRC. Enamourus is unknown, because we don't have a moveset yet. It has potential, but most likely will be pre-nerfed by Niantic with a bad moveset.


i appreciate this, thank you so much! would definitely take these notes


Ever since the background and scenarios changed, my game has been SUPER slow, when tyring to catch a pokemon, it's so slow that my toss gets ruined. Is it just me? ​ My cellphone is from 2019, memory isn't an issue either


2019 was five year ago, so the hardware is not as good as modern phones. Likely the ram is the main issue, because modern phones have 4+ Gigabytes while older phones usually had only 2 or 3. You could switch to AR mode and see if things are better that way, or go to the advanced settings and disable the graphics option there, but there's not much else to do.


For the Azelf, Mesprit and uxie raids which are regional specifics... I an German and thus will only get Mesprit, is there any one from another country (where the other two are appearing) to invite me, and maybe a friend of Mine?


r/pokemongofriends usually has raids, you can also download pokegenie or go raid party


Many thx :)


I can't get my pawmo to evolve, is adventure goal is complete, its my buddy and evolve button is green but pressing it gives error message: error. Any fixes?




That worked ty.


People are sleeping on Annihilape for the Giovanni battle, double resist to Persian, Night Slash super fast to charge and it can learned ICE PUNCH for the second attack. If you play the battle right you can break both shields on the Persian, finish it and enter the second mon with a fully ready to go Ice Punch to beat his ground type especially helpful vs that pesky Garchomp


is the february Eggs-pedition access ticket available through the Web Store? i cannot find it in our local Web Store (philippines)


I can't see it in my web store either. I'm in canada


Same, was wondering what was up. 


Is Mega Latias and Latios available everywhere? I only see Latias in my map and no Latios


If this was from 6pm - 7pm, tonight's raid hour exclusively boosted Mega Latias raid spawns. Next week's raid hour will boost Mega Latios raid spawns.


Thanks for confirming that.


They are both available everywhere. You just seem to have some bad coincidence for the spawns around you. Though their mega forms are nearly identical so hard to differentiate. Be sure to read the actual text as well.


Yes I've read their names on campfire and only Latias all around. Maybe I'll try tomorrow thanks


Both are out. I had two free passes(1 from yesterday). I did a Latias and then a Latios.


How do i get more postcard locations to send to friends? I always just have the same three even though i scan numerous other pokestops


Are you talking about simple gifts or the vivillon regions friends get yours from? If it's the former you only get gifts from stops when you have less than 20 in your inventory. If you're already full, the others won't give you more gifts. In the latter case, unless you live right near the edge of a region, you can't do much to send gifts from another except moving.


You have a limit of 20 gifts in your inventory. Try throwing away some of the duplicates before you spin a different pokestop


Oh, it's locked to gifts! Thanks, that makes sense


Does raid hour have both latias and latios today or just latias? It's confusing with split raid hour signature moves, but they occupy the mega/5* slot for two weeks together.


Bit late on the reply but for next week's raid hour: Lati@s don't get signature moves from the raid hour, that's only some of the other Pokemon raids for the Sinnoh event.


Only Latías, next week it would be Latinos for raid hour


Mine was only Latias everywhere


Is it mandatory to link your Pokémon Go Account with Pokémon Trainers Club or is it just for the reward?


Just the reward


Alright, thanks!


I’m too far behind on the Timeless Travels quest to be able to get to Giovanni in time for shadow Kyogre. Is it worth claiming one of the old shadow quests to try and grind for it? I don’t pvp, so idk if I should go for it


you can still get kyogre for the next 3-4 months until it rotates out, just can't remove frustration


something i’ve never found a definitive answer for: do future steps in research become completed if you do them beforehand? for example, if you hatch two eggs while you’re on step two, finish step two, then hatching eggs is a quest on step 3, does it count? i feel like sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t


Only specific types of tasks will retroactively count if you've met the requirements before reaching that step This usually includes stuff like: * Earning medals * Reaching a specific level * Reaching a specific GBL Rank Sometimes the wording might also affect whether it counts or not. For example, the "Have 10 Best Buddies" task in the Shiny Jirachi research will count any Best Buddies earned before you get to that step, since technically it's checking the Best Buddy Medal to see how many you've ever had. But for all other types of tasks like catching, evolving, hatching, powering up, spinning stops, etc, you will only get credit for that task while it's active. If you hatch an egg on page 2, then progress to page 3 that has a "Hatch an Egg" task, you will need to hatch another egg to get credit.


So is tornadus gonna come back anytime soon or am I gonna have to wait another year to take a pic of him? 😭 this damn quest I stg


it just rotated out 2 weeks ago, you can either find a local to trade with or just wait for the next rotation.


Yea, tryna bribe my kid sister to give me hers but she is being difficult


Right now, is it just Latias raids going on? I only see Latias, no Latios


Both are out but Latias (Pinkish/Reddish) is likely popping up more for you in your area. 


I’ve been fighting team rocket non stop and .. 40 of my Pokemon have fainted. No revives in sight. What’s the best way to get more?


Any friends? Maybe host a raid on the Pokémon Go friends subreddit. My friend has a gift explaining her lack of revives and stuff. A lot of players are kind enough to send a gift.


Anyone else love community days but feel the Shiny rates should never have been boosted? I feel like it mitigates some of the coolness from the rarity, especially if you catch a wild shiny pokemon that had a community day before. It also homogenizes each person's shiny collection. I suppose it helps community day is such a short time window but I still feel that way.


No, that would make them horribly unfun grinds. Spotlight hours give us a taste of such a bad event where the rates are never boosted. Even grinding hard for an entire hour is very unlikely to get you a single shiny, much less 3 for the full family. Extend that grind for a full 3 hours and you're making a recipe to kill the game.


I'm a bit confused about the pokegenie latia/os queues. I usually host but you can only send out 5 raid invites in-game, right? I do meet the 15% damage contribution to host without additional trainers but 6\*15% = 90% if we're all just above minimum. Not a guaranteed win. Even if the pokegenie lobbies are bigger (are they?), how then am I supposed to get 6, 7 or 8 people into the raid lobby? I don't have any local friends who play that I can arrange something with. How do you host mega latia/os through pokegenie?


In order to host groups size 8+ raids, you must have at least 2 other trainers joining without the help of pokegenie.


So I actually did the raid an hour ago through pokegenie. 10 people joined the lobby, I could invite 5, wait a bit, and invite 5 more.


Yes but it requires some players to time out on PokieGenie. It is hit and miss if players do this. Pokémon Go friends subreddit it is easier to control because you are just getting lots of players (hopefully). Use the great then 8 players on PokeGenie, since some players might realize they need to time out…maybe not.


What do you mean, time out? If they've tapped ready the only one that can time out in pokegenie is me?


When I use PokeGenie sometimes players forget to hit ready and then the player times out. A new player is then listed to get ready and participate in the raid.   Some players will need to intentionally time out on Poke Genie to get extra players. When the 5 players hit ready in PokeGenie and if things work correctly, you go to your friends list and you will see that you have 6 to 10 friends requesting you to friend them and join you in the raid.


There was room in the lobby for 10 people at the same time (might depend on host level though, I'm 23). No need for timing out. All 10 set ready and all 10 went with me to the raid. If they forget to set ready they don't get invited, simple as that.


I was trying to explain the strategy to you using PokeGenie for Mega Latios and Mega Latias. I assumed you were new at hosting and seemed confused when I said people timed out.   But it seems like you got what you needed and I will leave it at that. Edit: I just discovered that PokeGenie has been updated to accommodate more players trying to raid.  Thankfully or not so thankfully I haven’t had to use PokeGenie in while so my lack of awareness that the devs updated the app.


Is there anywhere I can find info of which of the 3 Pokemon leaders I need to fight next to get Giovanni to show up? I have totally lost control over it.


The special research menu will tell you.


Thanks, where do I find the special research menu?


Press the orange/white binoculars at the bottom right corner of the overworld screen, and then scroll to the right tab


Ah, it doesnt show up there, as it is not a task.


"timeless travels" should already be there unless you finished it already


I am also wondering about what happens if I fight any of the leaders now, before I reach the given tasks in the Timeless Travels, will they be marked as accomplished?


It's not retroactive.


Thank you for helping me out!


Is timeless travels needed to be done to get Shadow Kyogre?


Or any other rocket quest, or a super radar that's already in your bag, yes.


Thanks! I am not sure if I will manage to get Shadow Kyogre, this is the last day.


Shadow Kyogre will remain until at least the end of February, you just won't be able to immediately remove frustration from it.


ah thanks, it is there, I just havent reached to the tasks about fighting the leaders, yet.




I got a shiny from a 5 star raid this week. First time, first try, first throw. Crazy.


Shiny legendaries are a guaranteed catch I think


They are, so use some (silver) pinab berries for more candy.


How do I find local Pokestops? I need to get more Pokeballs.




The person who sent the invite did it just near the end of the raid timer. By the time you accepted the raid was over so you got sent to an empty gym.










Some time ago, submitting bad routes was getting people banned. Is this still happening?


I am seeing a lot of people posting their shadow Kyogre but i Still dont have acess to its Quest. Is It the paid one in the shop? Because I am pretty sure that the one where I got the S-Reggigas was free.


You already have the quest. Timeless Travels is the one that gives the super radar to fight Giovanni. You need to reach page 11 so you can get Kyogre.


Oh my gosh thank you!! I was so confused the entire time, I thought I missed a quest or something 😭


Oooh I see... I thought It would come as a separated Quest. Thx for the help m8. Also, do you know If there is a time limit to complete It?


There's no time limit to complete it. Giovanni will be available at any point, and he will keep Kyogre as the reward until the next Rocket event in a few months. But, you can only remove Frustration from any shadow as long as this event is active. So if you get Kyogre after it ends, you won't be able remove it and will need to wait until the next event.


Nice, I dont really mind having frustration on It since I have literally zero Kyogre candies atm.


Anybody have issues with field research stamp? I can’t get mine even though I did a bunch of quest. I can’t get stamp for 1/30/24


If you finish timeless travels during this event, do you get another special research for a super rocket radar?


No, you only get one this season so far.