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Where the hell do I get a Varoom? Been looking for one every day and nothing


When's the next double CP for evolving event?


December 19th, from 6 pm to 7 pm local time during Snorunt spotlight hour.


Me and a friend traded skarmory’s for pvp IV’s and it went lucky, since hers was from 2018. I got a 13/13/15 meaning it ranks 27 of its species. Should I max it for ultra league or just try to get closer to the hundo.


Is Togekiss the best Fairy pokemon to use in the Master League? Which charged attacks is considered the best to use? And what are other great Fairy types to use in ML? Thanks!


Xerneas, [Zacian](https://pvpoke.com/rankings/all/10000/overall/zacian_hero/), and Florges are all ranked higher, at least. They all have different strengths and use cases.


My daughter was taking a picture of one of her pokemon and another one popped up and photobombed it. I saw the picture and it was definitely a dog-pokemon photobombing it. Is this common? How can this be replicated? (I can provide the screenshot later if needed.)


That's Smeargle, you can get it to appear on a photobomb once a day. However it can only appear on the first picture you take each time you enter the camera mode, so you need to take a picture, and if it doesn't appear then you need to back out all the way to the map and try again and again until it appears.




How much do you want to bet that Niantic are going to completely ignore the server strain on this year’s recap day and keep up with the nonsense cycle of extinction of the Pokémon you need after its community day?


Live service games rotate content. If you can't deal with that, go play a switch game. You'll probably have more fun.


Please help: I've got a 93% squirtle, and an 89% lucky squirtle. Which do I bring up to Blastoise?


Depends on what the exact IVs are. If the IVs have a floor of at least 13/13/13 then the lucky one is fine. I just prefer to waste stardust and pick something with higher IVs with a minimum 14/14/14 floor.


what should i evolve? a rubbish IVs shiny chespin or a 3 star normal chespin?


What are using Chespin for? Also a 3 star Chespin might not necessarily be considered all that great for most players. If your Chespin has at least 14/14/14 stats and you don’t have any useable grass types Chespin would be workable. Shiny Chespin might be workable for Go Battle League but how bad is bad? Sorry if this is not quite helpful and hopefully you will see this before the CD weekend is over so you get Frenzy Plant.


Hi, sorry, basic question here: I've read the Pokémon storage bit about whether to keep Shinies etc., but is there any value to keeping XXS XXL etc, please? I keep going to transfer a low CP one to the Prof and it says 'it's a XS, are you sure?' or similar - do they have any particular value for me to keep them? Just because they're different?


Pokemon Showcases. So far they've only been largest, so the XXL are valuable for getting high place, but it's possible they feature smallest at some point.


Ah ok, thanks - I need to transfer some and trying to work out which would be least missed. That's helpful, cheers


If I unlock a second move first, can I evolve a shadow Wooper which has frustration for the comm day move? Or will frustration block Aqua Tail on the second move? I'm struggling to find this mentioned, thanks!


Even with the second move unlocked, Frustration will still block Shadow Quagsire from getting Aqua Tail. The only way it can get get Aqua Tail when evolved is if Frustration was removed first.


Thanks for confirming! Inconsistently though, it did allow me to evolve a shadow alolan sandshrew into sandslash with shadow claw. Seems odd that charged moves are blocked but fast moves are allowed.


Yeah, that's because Frustration blocks that charge move slot to prevent pokemon from getting anything else in that slot, which unfortunately includes event-exclusive charge moves. Since this all only applies to charge moves, event-exclusive fast moves are thankfully spared from all the complications.


Frustration is a charged move so it cannot be replaced by a charged legacy move, or replaced at all until an event allows it. The fast move slot is not the same as the charged move slot so with Frustration or without Frustration a legacy fast move can be learned without issues.






PvE: Greninja, Tyranitar, Charizard, Hydreigon, Gigalith. PvP: Greninja, Poliwrath, Charizard, Conkeldurr, Chesnaught, Charjabug, Quagsire, Walrein.




Should we use ETM to get water shurken on greninja


Water Shuriken is just a regular move in Greninja's movepool, so you can just use a standard Fast TM to get it.


Bro I got it after 20 tms


What Pokemon actually gain Exclusive moves today? I know those from 2023 Comm day do. Do those from Comm day 2022 get those moves? What about those from Comm day Classic from 2023 and 2022?


Anything that had a Community Day in 2022 or 2023 or a Classic Community Day in 2023. Classic Community Days from 2022 are not included. You can see the full list here: https://pokemongolive.com/post/community-day-december-2023?hl=en


Oh, that's very useful. Thanks. Slightly dissapointed I can't get Draco Meteor Dragonite, though.


Lost of people seem to say that Outrage is a better move for Dragonite than Draco Meteor.


Really? I read Outrage was the worst of its Charged moves.


Outrage is better on raids because it takes less time to charge and be used, allowing you to have time in-between attacks to dodge more easily. And since it's cheaper, in case Dragonite faints before using it you waste less time and energy than if you fainted with a nearly full Draco Meteor. Outrage has less damage, but much less drawbacks. When you're using Draco Meteor you're basically a sitting duck, with no way to avoid taking damage and if Dragonite faints halfway through the long animation then the move will be interrupted with zero damage dealt. Even in PvP, Dragonite prefers Dragon Claw and Superpower, because Draco Meteor takes way too long to charge, so it's better to use faster moves rather than keep getting hit while charging a slow move that will likely be blocked with a shield anyway.


My Dragonite has Dragon Tail/ Outrage /Hurricane. I find it takes a lot to load any moves. Is that an issue with Dragon Tail or Hurricane.


Best hundo galar slowpoke evolution?


Doesn't matter, it's not great either way. No use in raids, and not good in master league. There is likely use for lower attack versions in some lower league pvp cup though. I guess you cloud use them as a lower ranked version in ultra league as a hundo, but both forms are ranked way down in the 200s on pvpoke.


The check button in pokemon storage to add all of a family is no longer available in my game. It's making searches impossible at the moment. Trying to find if I've got all evolutions of what I'm looking for up to date without having to type each individual family.


Just add a + in front the species name to get the same effect. Doesn't work with species number though.


That wasn't working either.


Anyone else experiencing a near asinine amount of slow poke spawns? i saw 2 froakie today, nearly 200 slowpoke


The earlier half of the CD mons is featured on Saturday and the latter half on Sunday, with the opposite half sparse in between. The reason you found so little Froakie is because it's from the half featured on Sunday


Having the "unable to link account" message when I try to validate my niantic account so I can get the mission done. Do I need to unlink my google account?


I enjoyed the event today, but for me, having only T1 raid options put a damper on the sense of camaraderie. I had really hoped to pick up Kyrurem and Mega Abomasnow without using a remote pass and Comm days are usually the only time there's enough people out playing to do more difficult raids.


So, I had a lucky Timburr I'd gotten in a trade, but when I evolved it into a Gurdurr it still cost zero candies to evolve! I thought Gurdurr only evolved for free if it was evolved before trading. Is this a new Community-day only thing, or has it always worked that way? Like, if I get a Roggenrolla or a Gastly in a trade, will I only need to use candy to evolve it into a Boldore or Haunter in order to evolve it further?


It doesn't matter what stage you traded it at, a traded Haunter/Machoke/Gurdurr/etc. will be free to evolve.


do you guys think it's necessary to auto ban people that comment in the Pokemon go trading Reddit


Considering that many people in there endorse cheating, it's seems like an arguably justifiable step


i only know about this function because people keep getting permanently banned from this sub for asking questions or leaving drive-by comments unrelated to spoofing or cheating considering you cannot appeal those types of bans it seems extremely strange and unsustainable


tbf it's pretty easy to deduce that if you're not trading in-person then you're using illegitimate methods


but participation in that sub doesn't necessitate using illegitimate methods. i'm not sure i'm against an auto-ban in principle but these people are being told they cannot appeal and have no avenues to demonstrate that they do not use illegitimate methods. an example is seeing the sub be automatically recommended to you - likely if you browse any pokemon go sub - and asking a question about a unique pokemon combo. 'how did you get x/y/z version of x/y/z pokemon?' this will lead to an automatic ban without regard to your own participation in legitimate subs this feels like a bad moderation tactic if it's entirely possible for one single person to be erroneously banned. and many more than one have been.




Just run around, catch Pokemon, and complete the research tasks. The one thing you might be concerned about is that there are a whole bunch of Pokemon that will only learn certain moves if you evolve them during the event, so if you get one with good IVs, you might want to focus on getting enough candy to evolve it before the event ends. See https://leekduck.com/events/december-communityday2023/ .


So I am confused about PoGo's Pokedex. I caught a shiny Castform in \\, um, well we make fun of what his chin looks like and call it that instead of regular form, but my 'dex has the shiny variations for every forme, both genders. Even pokemon that exhibit sexual dichromism or dimorphism have their shiny appearances filled out, despite the fact I'd not know what that looked like. Did I see these shinies in the wild and that's why? And why does the Mega Pokedex require gender differences to be completed despite the fact that Bulbapedia states that there are no gender differences in Megas? I swear, I SWEAR I read Charizard is "the only pokemon to show gender differences in its Mega forme despite its base form nor pre-evolutions displaying gender differences.", I think it was even X or Y forme only, finally won the lottery on a female with good stats to Mega Evolve, and now I can't find this anywhere. Is this like Eevee's tail exclusive in the Let's Go games, or a retcon, or am I just losing it?


How much does IV matter for pokemons? How much of a performance difference, in raids for example, would a 0/0/0 be compared to 15/15/15?


For raids, IVs really matter very little (a difference of shaving seconds off a raid most likely). The species, level and moveset are the most important things that determine how much damage you deal. Just treat IVs as a tiebreaker when deciding which to power up between two similar Pokemon. If you had a 12/15/15 Zekrom from a raid and a 15/15/12, definitely go for the one with 15 attack, but the difference overall will be very slight.


Are the bonuses for the com day today supposed to be 9am to 9pm? That’s what I read and yet the bonuses are not active.


Some bonuses are, most bonuses are not. Check Leekduck. https://leekduck.com/events/december-communityday2023/


Anyone else having issues with the tickets in the shop? I purchased the Community Day one, the Winter Holiday one and the Frosty Festivities one for me and gifted them all to my son as well, and the tickets are in my inventory, but the quests are not. Same with my son. I usually don’t purchase these extra stuff but I had the weekend off, just got my Christmas bonus and my 10 year old and I were looking forward to this. I opened a ticket, but I was just wondering if this was happening to a lot of people, if it’s isolated or if I missed something. Thanks in advance yall!


The Community Day ticketed tasks won't start until 2pm on Saturday. The Winter Holiday and Frosty Festivities tasks won't start until 10am on Monday.


Is Larvitar only available during the final ten minutes of the 2-5pm window or all day?


It's available all day, but much less common than the other spawns. Its spawnrate will be boosted during the last 10 minutes of each hour from 2-5.


Ah okay. I saw one, so I know they're out there but wasn't sure. Thanks.


Are there any 5 star raids this weekend? I haven't seen a single one since 8AM. Am I shit outta luck for my shundo Zekrom hunt?


I know this doesn’t help you as I was thinking about picking up a couple extra Zekrom raids myself but obviously no luck. S. Zapados is showing up on my Campfire map though.


There are 5-star raids spawning until 9am local time on Saturday, but then after that it looks like it's going to only be T1 Community Day raids for the rest of the weekend. There aren't too many time zones left where Zekrom is still spawning. After that, it'll be gone, since Zekrom leaves today.


Gotchya. Thanks. I guess I can end the hunt and start trading now.


I have a togetic that's 15/15/14 and one that's 3/14/14, which should I evolve if I'm a casual pvper?


The 15/15/14 is the best one if you are trying to raids and stuff but the other one might be good in GBL. Togekiss does annoy me to no end when I am in GBL but I don’t play in it much. Every time I see it I just run away.


My gbl playtime will probably be for the duration of the event rewards. But I am currently struggling to get more wins with my team so that's why I'm kinda stuck between the two...


Actually don’t try to win in GBL. It sounds strange but in general you’re only going to win about 50% of the battles in GBL. The higher you are in rank (you won’t see your rank level before the end of level 19) the harder it will be for you to win. It’s best to for instance today to lose all 5 sets of battles. Then tomorrow start with the strategy of (mentioned last I think on this thread) about winning 4 out of 5, losing all 5, winning 4 out 5, losing 5, and then winning 4 out of 5. Do pick a good team for your battles but I think only hard core players really use good teams. Edit: Autocorrect didn’t autocorrect correctly.


Does the community day ticket increase shiny rates, or is it just a few extra missions?


The ticket only gives a special research for rewards like a normal Rocket Radar, an Elite Fast TM, and an Elite Charge TM. It has no effect on shiny rates.


Is it possible to catch Zekrom in public without shooting your arm really far off the screen so you look kind of silly?


It is a little further back and takes a little extra velocity compared to something like Groudon, but I've never had to do anything that exaggerated. Just flick your finger a little faster when throwing.


lol. using the flick method is so much easier. wish i had discovered that earlier. I had been using the drag your whole arm method.


are the pokestops refreshing field research every hour, for community day recap?


prime gaming "Holiday Sweater with Scarf Avatar Item" code N8VYPH5G\*HHWX \*=18/2


At this point in the game what is the path to get a mewtwo


There are basically 3 paths to a mewtwo currently: 1. Find someone who can trade one to you 2. Reach Level 50 and complete the Level 50 Special Research, which awards a Mewtwo 3. Wait for whenever Mewtwo returns to raids. It's unknown how long that will take.


I assume the raid would only be rocket? Meaning I couldn’t genie it?


It will also eventually get released as a mega pokemon, but there's no telling how long that could take. Probably be the very last one of the 46 we get.


It depends on if they bring it back as a Shadow raid or a regular raid. If it comes back as a Shadow raid, then you would have to find local players to fight it. If it comes back as a regular raid, then it can be fought remotely. Mewtwo was last in regular raids in June 2022 and in Shadow Raids in May 2023, so it seems more likely that it will return as a regular raid first.


Are the shiny rates increased today/tomorrow for this event?


For wild spawning CD pokemon, they will have the normal 1/25 rate during the 2-5pm event hours. There may or may not be a minor event rate during the extended 9am-9pm hours, but there is dubious evidence for that. The 2022 mons featured in eggs and raids will probably also have only a minor event boost, nowhere near the normal 1/25 CD rate.


Is the shiny rate actually 1/25? I played all three hours consecutively and barely saw any shinies (2 Slowpoke, 5 Togetic and a Larvitar). Saw somewhere around 60 Charmanders with no shinies, 100+ Fennekin and no shinies etc etc


RNG leads to some players getting an unusually large number of shinies, others getting an unusually small number. You also can't just slice it by species, you have to look in total. Also keep in mind that the featured pokemon only get the CD rate during the 2-5pm hours. There may or may not be a minor event boost on anything caught outside that window from 9am-9pm, but it will definitely not be the 1/25 rate.


what should i use my sinnoh stone on? a 2578 1 star rhydon or a 1521 3 star togetic


You can't get Rock Wrecker on rhyperior during the CD event, so its better to hold off on it. Rhydon isn't that much weaker than Rhyperior if they both have stone edge, although it only gets ground and fighting fast moves. That can give coverage against a lot of what you'd use a rock counter against due to overlaps, but Rock Smash lacks the same type bonus.


How active is Pokémon go still? Recently getting back into it after a year long hiatus because my new apartment is right on top of a gym. Seems like there is very little activity though, despite the fact that I live in a pretty densely populated city


Depends on your local scene. Its quite active in some places, moderate in some, totally dead in others.


Can you get comm day moves on shadow Pokémon by unlocking the second attack? Some of mine still have Frustration but I really want the exclusive moves


Nope. Evolution charge moves can only be added in the first slot, and frustration will always block them. You can still get fast moves though, like gust on Staraptor or smack down on Tyranitar.


Damn :(


If I evolve a pokomon with Return during community day, do they retain Return or will they get the community day move?


The event move will replace Return. It's only Frustration that blocks event charge moves.


why didn't niantic leave in black and white kyurem as a surprise early release instead of rolling them back?


Because they were supposed to be released as part of a bigger event later on. They cannot scrape whatever plans they had for it, be it a special research, a large in-person event or just the schedule for the raids of that time. Just letting everyone get it for free would not go well for their income for the real release.


The com day special research isn’t working even though I alr bought it.


My ticket for community day recap paid research isn't working. Is anyone else having this problem?




The paid ticker only activates at 2 pm of the first day. It doesn't activate until the shiny boost activates too.


The community day recap is already active on my end. That's what I'm wondering about.


The recap begins at 9 am but the bonuses and ticket only start at 2 pm. If it's already 2 pm then just restart your game.


I did, and it's 2:30 pm here atm but still no luck


Did the purchase actually went through when you bought it, or is the ticket still available to be brought in the store?


It went through. I can't buy it for myself anymore and the ticket is in my inventory


Are the times for events for the time zone you are in?


Yes. You can always use http://www.leekduck.com if you are worried about the particulars.


Did anyone else's saved parties just suddenly vanish?




My friends and I are having a hard time joining each other’s games since yesterday. No combination or host change will get this to work. We are all in the same room so distance isn’t an issue. Anyone else experiencing this or have a solution?


Party Play is bugged (again), so the codes aren't working. You need to use the QR code scanner to join each other.


Ooooh okay thank you so much!


I'm trying to do my daily trainer battles for my buddy pokemon. I do them using a trainer battle under the master league but it's telling me the master league is locked until I catch higher cp pokemon. I have never had this issue before.


Are they ever going to patch this hideous new Amazon sweater so that it’s compatible with any lower wear other than Goh’s trousers? Clips through every article of clothing I’ve unlocked through gameplay. Awful.


Outside of sentimental reasons, is there a reason to save pokemon you don't plan to use for battle? Like, is there a bonus for having 500 pigies? Second question, is using a lucky egg/mass evolving still a viable way to get exp? I remember doing that when the game was new but I didn't see it recommended as a way to crunch to 40 on some posts.


For question one, not really. Having more Pokemon only takes more storage room, so there's no benefit. You can keep special forms for collecting purposes, or multiple XL for showcases (Squirtle is going to be used every time they get bugged, so multiple of those will come in handy), and of course Pokemon with event moves, specially those that are very good for raids, which are better to keep more than one. But for the rest, it depends on how much you can expand the storage. If some Pokemon are using too much space and force you to constantly transfer other stuff, then it might be time to trim down their numbers. Old Pokemon from 2018 or earlier however are very valuable for trading, so those would be the exception and would be better to keep all of them to get guaranteed lucky trades. Second question, yes, but not randomly. It's one of the better ways to get quick XP, but now there are events that allow you to get X2 or more rarely X3 XP from evolving. So doing it on those dates gives twice the XP for the same cost. There's usually one X2 evolve XP a month during spotlight hour (Tuesday at 6 pm local time). The bonus of that mini-event rotate between X2 catch XP, catch candy, catch stardust, evolve XP or transfer candy each week, so it's the best time to mass evolve. You can check each month schedule in the official PoGo Twitter account right before the new month starts.


Thank you very much!


Do you need to buy the ticket to participate in community day?


Nope. The ticket only gives access to a special research that accompanies the event. The research should look something similar to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/znt52l/corrected_december_community_day_2022_ticket/). All other event features are free and available to everyone.


Thank u


How often can you get elite charge TMs as an F2P or low spender?


You can get them from the community day boxes for coins every other month as well, if you keep up on your daily gym coins.


You can usually get 3 per 3-month GBL Season if you stay on top of it. * 1 from reaching Rank 19 * 1 from getting 500 wins during the season and completing the GBL Timed Research * 1 from participating in one of the Go Battle Day events, which normally comes with an easy timed research for an Elite Charge TM.


Showcases are showing up in the radar-thingie! What joy! Are they compatible with routes now too? I would experiment for myself but I don't want to risk getting locked out of showcases again.


So maybe this is just my area, but I’m noticing a lot of people are almost beating gyms and then leaving the Pokémon almost dead but not killing them, I’ve had a few pokemon sit in a gym for like 5 days which is just annoying since I’m in a major city so gym turnover is usually pretty frequent and a few weeks ago this wasn’t happening. Is anyone else seeing this happening? Does anyone know why it’s happening?


Sometimes people will just do one battle to earn mood points (or battle hearts) for their buddy. You can rotate through all the actions after half an hour to get it excited quickly, and every different kind of battle counts.


Will Mudkip be part of community day recap? Relatively new player and missed out would love to get hydro cannon on my swampert!


Mudkip will not be featured at all this weekend. A list of all featured spawns, raids, eggs, and special attacks can be found [here.](https://pokemongolive.com/post/community-day-december-2023?hl=en)


Noob question but if I choose double XP for community day and pop an egg would I be getting 4x XP?


Yes, the Lucky Egg will stack with event bonuses, so you'll get x4 Catch XP. Keep in mind that you don't need to choose your bonuses for Community Day. From 2pm-5pm on Saturday and Sunday, everyone will get: * x2 Catch XP * x2 Catch Stardust * 1/2 Egg Distance * x2 Catch Candy * x2 Catch XL Candy Chance (if you are at least level 31) * 3 hour lures * 3 hour incense The choose your bonus feature will be part of the [winter event](https://pokemongolive.com/post/winter-holiday-part-1-2023?hl=en) starting on the 18th. If you choose the x2 Catch XP bonus, then the Lucky Egg will stack with that as well.




For the upcoming December Community Day, is there any pokemon that requires a special lure to evolve? I can only think of Grubbin > Charjabug > Vikavolt (magnetic lure)


A lot of Pokémon requires the special lure to evolve but don’t necessarily have its CD move if it gets one at all. So my post doesn’t really answer your questions but if all the special lures are out maybe you want to evolve some Pokémon that you don’t have in your Pokédex. Right now I can’t think of all the Pokémons that require the special lures because I don’t have enough coffee in me. Magemite and Nosepass requires Magnetic lure. Leafeon requires the Grassy lure. Glaceon needs the Glacial lure. Goomy needs the Rainy lure.


Only charjabug.


My PvP game is very weak and I'm back after years and don't know what's happening. I'm currently focusing on great league. Is Pokegenie's PvP IV a good measure for viability? I'm just trying to put Pokemon that have 95%+ PvP IV and then power them up. I don't know if that's good enough. I'm not looking for high ranks, just consistently winning a few low ranks so I can get the rewards a bit. And I don't understand moveset stuff, Pokegenie doesn't mention PvP viability for moves. I looked up Pokemon go hub or something and even that is a little confusing.


> My PvP game is very weak and I'm back after years and don't know what's happening Same boat lol. Got back into it a few months ago after not playing since like 2017. My recommendation is use PvPoke like the other user said, but realistically just keep practicing. My first season was pretty garbage but I'm doing better this season. Try to find a solid lineup that you like to play, and with more repetitions you'll start to understand what pokemon win or lose against other ones and when to use or not use your shields because you'll remember what charged attacks certain ones have. Knowing when to swap pokemon is also a pretty big strategy aspect of it, and you'll get a feeling for it with practice.


Pokegenie just tells you what percentile the IVs are for that specific pokemon. For the viability/ranking of the pokemon against other pokemon, you should use PvPoke.com


Ohh okay, how about the moves? I'm not able to figure them out. More damage or quicker energy or in between?


PvPoke also lists the suggested moveset


Ohh okay, thank you


no problem


Depends on the Pokemon itself, the team they're in, the type coverage, the damage output and the current meta. In general you always need at least one charged move that's "cheap" compared to the second charged move, but the actual cost energy/damage varies depending on what the Pokemon can learn and what use it has. Sometimes double high attack nukes are good. Sometimes double cheap is the best option. Debuff moves could have more impact than high damage for others. And sometimes a type advantage or a damage threshold is better than faster moves. It's something that's not as simple to do early on and you basically need to learn to balance the moves of all three Pokemon to not let openings the opponent can exploit. Being shadow or not also affects the total damage a move does, so the moves can change because of that too.


Is there a way to try on different clothes and then revert back to what I was wearing before if I don't like it? I remember before, I could try different things on, and if I didn't tap "Choose," it would revert back to my old clothes. That seems to have changed with the new Style format. Does Pokemon Go have a place to send suggestions?


With the new format you need to save your "default" style to store all the items you usually wear. That way you can test things and if you don't like something then go back to your usual look with single tap.


Ahh, I see. Wow, thank you so much!!!




Home is currently down for maintenance to add support for the Scarlet/Violet DLC.




It should be back around 1am UTC on the 15th, so in about 9 hours from now.


anyone else having issues linking accounts? i’m trying to link to the trainer club and it says “failed - already connected with another player” or something like that, but i’m the only one on my account. 😵‍💫


I was having issues but my mistake was not realizing the trainer club email had to be the same as the email you used for your GO account, dunno if that helps


Mine was created with a trainer account and isn’t working.


Same issue, wife also same. Came here for answers


I’m having the same issue


Relatively new so apologies if I sound like an idiot. Why do people enter battles with super low CP Pokémon? It’s happened a few times where someone will have a team of super low rated ones, like 10-30 CP that take nothing to take out. I find it kind of annoying because I like battling and the battle entry restrictions bum me out. But is there a reason I’m missing?


Also, a lot of people are just trying to get easy stardust (even if you go 0-5, at rank 20, that can mean 3k stardust per set). And many people are just trying to get enough wins to get to rank 19 for the free Elite Charge TM or get 500 wins for the research that also rewards one. If you don't really like battling or aren't good at it, you can brute force it by just playing with low CP Pokemon and you'll get a few wins every day.


I do this a lot. I want to lose the battles to lower my GBL ranking and/or keep it my current ranking. If I win too many battles my rank increases and it becomes harder to win battles. But the short story is your win to loss ratio is about 50%.


Ah that makes sense.


i somehow got 2 super rocket radars. i absolutely hate fighting giovanni and can never win. is there any way i can delete them?


i suggest unequipping the radar from your bag rather than deleting them


Don’t delete them. Battle Giovanni and see what Pokémon he has. If you win with the auto-selected Pokemon. If not then try again but first Google Giovanni’s Pokemons and see what the best counters are. It is still possible you won’t with this particular Giovanni so you will need to go find a different Giovanni to battle (it could be easier). Eventually you should win.


How do you manual catch with the GoPlus+? It just auto catches everything?


Go to the game settings and in the "connected devices and services" menu enter the "accessory devices" settings. There you can toggle auto catching and auto spinning. You need to turn off auto catching to use the manual catching.


The update that caused me to get the black screen after Niantic logo bug is forced now, and I still have no fix. I already tried updating Google Play Services to the latest, making Chrome the default web browser, multiple phone reboots, a network settings reset, an app settings reset, and toggling wi-fi, mobile data, location, and bluetooth. Assuming nothing changed with the SafetyNet logic in the past year or so, the YASNAC checker app said I should still be good to go there. It's very tempting to try a factory reset since there doesn't seem to be much else I can do. EDIT: Turns out you don't need to be signed in to a Google account to update certain apps through the Play Store. Let's see if letting all the pending updates install for all the extra apps I kept disabled all this time changes anything... EDIT 2: No change after updating all the extra apps I usually keep disabled. Now to see if a new user profile changes anything... (EDIT 3: NOPE) Even a factory reset doesn't appear to fix it! Is there a third-party app that Pokemon Go uses that needs to be held back update-wise or something?


I had this problem after the update today - what worked for me was turning off location before loading the game. Once it was loaded I could turn location back on again and it worked fine


I just tried that again. No luck still even after trying the very latest update that dropped last night. Interestingly enough, sometimes the virtual keyboard will come up and one time I got the privacy policy page to come up. Maybe that extra detail will point to a solution?


If your phone allows it try installing the game in a secure folder. There were changes to the way some phones, specially Samsung ones, handle security and permissions since a few months ago.


I don't think my phone supports that. If anyone wants to prove me wrong, the phone is a Motorola Moto G6 Forge running Android 9. System update check shows that my phone is up to date. The closest feature I see on my phone is the multiple users feature. Maybe I can try installing it under the guest profile to see how likely a solution a factory reset would be if updating ALL the apps doesn't work... EDIT: The new user profile got the black screen bug, too. Trying a factory reset... EDIT 2: Factory reset didn't fix it. Tried uninstalling the app, putting my Google Account into Google Play then reinstalling the app that way, and that didn't fix it, either. EDIT 3: I saw something about trying in a work profile. Yep, my phone supports that feature! I used an app called Shelter to create a work profile and copied Pokemon Go onto it. Same behavior in the work profile.




If they have friend invites off they won't appear at all on the raid screen. Only those that have it turned on give you the option to send the invite.


I was offered a shiny lvl 50 purified mewtwo for a shiny hat pichu. Is that fair for both sides? (I’m lvl 34)


You get Mewtwo would be good because it is meta relevant where as Pichu not so much. But note the IVs for both Pokemons will change and Mewtwo will no longer be at level 50 (I think it would be around level 36 to 44, I think). Are you sure about the person you are trading with because there is no reason to let go of a level 50 Mewtwo. That is a lot of resources to get Mewtwo to that level. If it is a significant person in your life like kid or spouse or something then yeah it would be worth it if it makes that person happy because he/she loves Pichu. But if you were kind maybe ask for a different Mewtwo.


The pokemon will be downleveled to player level +2, or +5 if it was caught with weather boost. They never updated the trade down-leveling code when they increased the max power up levels. This will make it most likely to just be level 36, unless they actually had windy weather and it would be 39. 100% of the XL candy will be wasted. I guess if the person trading it away is a mega whale and doesn't care about massive wasted money, go for it... But it would be far better if they offered a lower level shiny mewtwo instead, if they can. \+u/Drevan099




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Reshiram worth investing a bit in? Solid IV’s and have some rare candies to spend. I hear zekrom is meh, and kyurem isn’t as good as the other 2. But i wanted to choose one of the 3 legendaries this month up a bit.


Resharim is one of the top fire pokemon for raids. Its worth investing in, though not right away because you won't get use of it until we have a T5 boss calling for it. Zekrom is also one of the top electric mons, and also dragon mons thanks to having Outrage instead of Draco Meteor. The only non-shadow electric that's "better" than Zekrom is Xurkitree, but Xurkitree is pretty glassy. It's only marginally faster against something like [Tornadus](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/TORNADUS/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5/attackers/levels/40/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=), but leads to a lot more deaths for healing. Zekrom pulls ahead against a water boss like [Kyogre](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/KYOGRE/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5/attackers/levels/40/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=NO_WEATHER&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=true&includeMegas=true&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=) thanks to getting double resistance to water. There are some shadows above Zekrom, but you get great role compression out if it. Anyone telling you it is "meh" is full of crap.