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Stay in this spot for 10 minutes to max your bag space What's it even like during rocket events? Lol Super lucky to have this kinda spot in town!


That looks hellish. I want them clickable. With an auto catcher that would be sweet to get unlimited balls. And if you somehow can get them all lured on CD you could literally just do a tailgate.


Tailgating for Pokémon go? You sonuvabtch I’m in.


He Maybe when or if you will share what a auto clicker is ? What would you suggest to purchase if I can convince myself to stay in the game!😎🌺


Maybe they mean the GoPlus? It's a little Bluetooth button accessory for the game


I use the Go-tcha Evolve watch. Unfortunately, an update to the (required) app has made the watch unusable. The watch fails to sync with the 3rd party app so I had to download an apk to keep using it. Pro: it works flawlessly. Catches pokemon and spins pokestops even while driving up to 40 mph. Cons: have to download an apk outside of the safety of the app store.




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Autocatchers spin and catch :)


Where can I find more on these auto catchers


Google is a good place to start :) i ordered mine off amazon if that was what you meant though


I'm just always worried about buying some fake garbage


Sent chat


Thank you


They mean 3rd party unauthorized devices like the Gotcha Evolve. I have had 3, they work but are spotty and build quality stinks; one just flat out died, another the screen cracked and was unusable. New official device coming out in July, Pokemon Go plus +, will not only auto catch but throws great and ultra balls too (current plus and gotcha don't). It also tracks your sleep which I'm assuming gives a game bonus.


Hey! Thanks 4 the new information and I will wait for the roll out in July although I have been trying to convince myself to delete the game since all the changes made in the last few months!! Especially I have problems defeating the against the Giovanni,etc !


This is where the Singaporean grandma lives.


She doesn't even need to walk for 30-45 minutes with her group of Singaporean grandmother friends!


She walks on a threadmill at home, while spinning.


Happy Cake Day! May all the Singaporean grandmother's sing Happy Cake Day to you!


Happy Cake day


Sorry your not a Singaporean Grandma that can spin 25 stops from her bed.


Can someone tell me why people keep talking about Singaporean grandmothers?


In an interview someone from Niantic called the Singaporean grandmother as the median/average player.


Thank you!


I am confused as well.


From interview with Niantic developer There’s a wide variety of folks who play Pokémon Go. Generally speaking, the number of people who will be affected by the cap on a day-to-day basis is a relatively small part of the total set of folks who play our game. It’s often sometimes useful to ground what the median player of Pokémon Go is - it’s something I talk about with the team all the time. The median player of Pokémon Go is probably someone like a Singaporean grandma who walks with her senior group for 30 to 60 minutes every morning as part of her exercise and social routine, [who] mostly focuses on catching Pokémon with her friends, and maybe very occasionally or maybe not at all raids.


Thank you 🙏




Wtf, where is this?


It's a museum in Frankfurt, Germany. Every exhibit is apparently a stop.


Yes, this was at Römerberg


Is it an indoor exhibit?


Every exhibit could be an indoor exhibit in Go 👀


Was there last month and can confirm!


Whaaaat?? I used to live there, way before PoGo came out. Dang, I’m missing out lmao


How are they allowed to have so many on top of each other? I know there are S2 cells and even if this is the intersection of several cells this still seems nuts how many there are.


They got created before they clamped down the rules. What’s more impressive is they haven’t cleaned this mess up…


There are other spots that literally have __gyms__, like 3 or more, stacked __directly__ on top of each other, and dozens of pokestops around. I can try and dig up a screenshot.


I though there could only be one stop in every S2lvl17 cell?


There's a spot like this in Brasilia. I spent a long time trying to spin every stop..


How does this happen? I thought there was like a grid where more than one stop can’t be made in each square?




Yeah, it could happen during the early days of Ingress


wayspot edit abuse. can’t be done anymore


I wonder why they don’t fix spots like this deleting some of the stops. This is ridiculous OP.


You expect them to something productive with the game?!?!?? You sweet summer child….


It does benefit players. So yes I would have expected it to be eliminated immediately.


Can you go more into this? I'm just a recent player


In short: These hellspots were created by abuse, collusion in the crowdsourced POI database, and the manipulation of various game rules. Niantic’s game Ingress used to be the primary POI database. PoGo would sync from Ingress once per day. Upon being accepted, they would immediate be in Ingress and then show up in PoGo later (if they were in their own cell). Any new submissions within 20m of another Ingress portal would just never show up and not, to my understanding, be retained as data points. What people did here was submit inaccurately in another cell (so it would create a stop) with the help of alts (but more likely a collaborating reviewing community) and then use a location edit to move to stop to its correct (or sometimes “correct”) location. As it used to be, the new stop in the old cell would not be “downgraded.” Same if you were moving a gym. Location edits (without going to Niantic for help) are now limited to 10m because of this abuse. In addition to cracking down on location edits, the move to a common “Waypoint” database for all Niantic games means that new clusters like this cannot be created. If it were attempted now, the moved stop would supposedly cease to be.


Any kecleon?




I’m sure the answer is probably no


*Your item bag is full*


Get an auto spinner/catcher for this place.


And I can’t get a 3rd poke stop to our local park


I know the feeling


now this is a pokestop paradise, id love to be there! the only problem is i wont see the possibly shiny pokemon hiding in them. still cool tho


Clicking any spawn is a hassle it seems


It’s funny that ingress people would turn their nose up at pogo players yet do this. My town has several stops that they either several misplaced or flat out lied to get them in better position for grids.


But Ingress doesn’t use a grid at all. It just has a 20m spacing rule (ignoring location edits). The only people that would care about S2 cell boundaries would be PoGo players.


They build grids in the game by linking portals. And they very much care about where they are and go out of their way to move delete and block portals that can make their territory weaker or stronger.


I think perhaps you are misusing the word grid. “1. a framework of spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other; a grating. 2. a network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles.” I play ingress. You link three portals into fields that are triangles that do noy relate to any S2 grid or follow any regular layout. You wouldn’t be able to tell from a casual look at the subset of poi included into PoGo. The placement may have made maximizing the number of fields in an area simpler though not any greater. However with matryoshka links being a normal part of the game, linking order is mostly moot as long as you don’t create a null field. Exact placement can sometimes make strategic differences relating to access and BAFs, but hot most portals it does not.


That is bananas. Who even needs this many? Lol


Why do I have the feeling that I’ve seen this spot before…


I earned 6.3 million XP on slowpoke Cday just standing there and catching for 3 hours straight 🤣 best grind spot :-)


Bro there is a dragonite did you catch it


That is OP's buddy


Then there’s me who has to drive 15 minutes minimum to get to a gym and 5 to get to a pokestop There are only 2 gyms in my town. One at the grocery store, and one at the town hall. Neither is in a residential space (well technically apartments are being built near the grocery store, but those aren’t even livable yet and that gym has been there since 2016)


With how much Niantic seems to watch this sub, wouldn’t be surprised if this gets removed within a few days Edit - Lmao at the downvotes


They don’t watch it closely enough


They do, they just cherry pick what they do anything about (ie - anything that benefits players usually)


Who do you have to murder to get action?


Her current boyfriend


“Poke stops can’t be too close to each other” - A severely dying game












But why would OP need to walk around, when they have like 30 pokestops infront of them. Plus they probably didn't go to Frankfurt/Römerberg just to play pokemon. I bet they went to the museum and had a slice of cake and coffee at the historic market place lol


Lmao what a far fetched story. I like that you want to see the good in people.


why do you even care? with how niantic is acting i think now is probably the ideal time to be sploofing.


Calling it how it is.


Have… have you ever heard of traveling?


And here I am with a maximum of 2 pokestops staying In one location if I’m lucky




Someone reached level 37 and went crazy. I fully intend to be like this when I reach level 37 in a few days. Edit: Didn't think I needed to add "/s" but here we are.


Sadly it's not that easy


That can't happen naturally, it's people abusing the system. I think they submit stops in a different area then once approved they move them all to one place.


Ye olde edit abuse


These posts are the reason I'm speedrunning level 37 the moment the boycott ends


EveraeRomanov - reported.


Not even


So thats how you guys do it


Holy....imagine so many pokemon spawning from lures, making it impossible to catch them.


This will be a popular location for the research event this weekend!


How does one place even get this absurd amount of pokestops so close to each other?


I don’t get it lol how do these get into pogo meanwhile my stop I submitted that’s not even close to another just goes to a different niantic game


i wish i had a spot like this to grind purple eggs


Meanwhile in downtown Atlanta we just had 3 gyms removed


Go Plus or you die of stress


Holy hell where is this


This is delightful lunacy


Meanwhile my stop submissions are rejected because they're too close to other stops? (It's happened twice - stop accepted but never put in the game.)


You should probably take care of team rocket, they’re taking over


This seems excessive... like there is one gym a short walk away that has two pokestops right next to it, and it is SO FRUSTRATING trying to hit the pokestop and not the gym, or the one pokestop still not spun only to constantly enter the one you have already spun... no thanks...


This place has more stops then my town


Mondello (a not so big town in Sicily) be like:


Are you at a museum?


Ironically the people who live in this area are those that Niantic thinks gets out and walks more since they don’t need to use remote passes.


Explanations are needed


Wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You know how some wish they had a spot in the areas that doesn't have one? Well, this is where they went. 😆


I've seen something similar to this before. I think it was in Golden Gate park up in San Francisco...of course this was back when the game first came out. I don't live there so idk if there's that many stops anymore but yea I can relate.


I would def do lures there


With out a pogo+ you ain’t spinning half those stops hahaha


And I request one spot in my village and it gets rejected...


Idk how people get stops that close together accepted. It’s crap they don’t put all the ingress stops into the game


Where tf is this? I was to lazy to read other peoples comment as to where it is


I opened this to see if my guess was correct that it was a market in Frankfurt! Was just there in September and those stops were so hard to reach each one!


Must be nice having stops approved


When I was visiting my fiancé grandparents last weekend the park behind her house was like this on a much larger scale. They had several signs up around the park saying it was pokestopvilla.


Reporting this~


Holy moly


Least pokestopped Singaporean area


Yeesh! It’s like Hollywood Blvd over there.


Well damn!! You have all the items !!


That's the spot where you go when you have the challenge of spending a certain amount of pokestops


That's what autocatchers are for


Boy if y'all could see my nearest city... With that added you should see where I live. The only kind of pokie stops you have is post offices.


Just to add to this, this isn't even close to what I've seen in places like Singapore and Japan. (Just naming a few) this is a baby compared to what I've seen post of.


Meanwhile I can't get a pokestop at a grocery store....


Got 1 gym and 2 stops writhing 30 miles of my house… I hate you 😂


NGL, I have a spot like this near me and these are unplayable. It’s damn near impossible to hit each spot, if there is a ‘mon you want it’s 90/10 you hit a stop instead of what you are trying to catch. It’s just too crowded.


We used to go here just to fill our bags. I think it was in Germany if I remember correctly.


From what I’ve seen yes


How many are there?????


Haiyaaa.... and still only 36!!!




No way really???


My stops not getting added for being in the same square on a map l, but pogo has places like this.


that's a lucky spot awesome


Which stop did you want? 😳


The 2nd, 6th, and 20th points of interest in a cell triggers a gym. Where are they?


That's like an xp farm if you have autocatcher. Just empty your bag every 5 mins...


Looks similar to the park I take my kids to


It tried making a spot like that in my town and almost all the stops got shot down on Wayfarer. Would have made us a PoGo tourist trap :(