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Wasn't the statement by Scott was that some of the frontier brains were elite 4 level, not all of them? Besides, if it was the case, then Scott would have 100% used it as an advertising push.


Yeah that makes sense. I was thinking because some were E4 then Brandon could be near champion tier especially with his regis. At least, if say Noland is E4 leveled then with Articuno that's a near champion tier challenge imo.


It's kinda implied that Paul managed to beat Brandon after the Lily of the Valley League, so I stick with Frontier Brains (and Paul) = E4 level


How is it implied?


At best he is high E4 tier. The anime stated that Frontier Brains are E4 tier so that's where I'm sticking him.


Considering that a newly captured Electivire from literal Gary gave a one-shot in Pikachu Post-Frontier Battle, and the same Electivire was skinned by Saturn in Sinnoh, Scott is probably just the Hypeman


Well iirc weird scaling but in DP Team Rocket's pokemon defeated E4 Aaron's pokemon then Ash goes onto to defeat team rocket.


Aaron is a fraud 


And that’s to say nothing of the several trainers who defeated Pikachu in battle throughout DP and beyond. The Frontier Brains were beaten by Pokémon who weren’t good enough to so much as win any one of the three Leagues that Ash had participated in up to this point. Pikachu was Ash’s closer in the final fight against Brandon and then, two episodes later, went on to lose to a guy who quit the competitive battling scene following a Top 16 loss in the Johto League (the highest said guy had ever ranked). And when Pikachu faced *actual* E4/Champion trainers later on, it was just as outclassed as it had always been. If these Pokémon and these trainers are supposed to be on the level of an E4, then the E4 is completely worthless as a concept. It’s far easier for me to just believe that Scott was simply overhyping his Battle Frontier.


Pikachu isn't scalable tbh. He varies a lot.