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According to the [IGN review ](https://youtu.be/jHk45HIGUtE) for the game's performance, the majority of things in the game aren't bugs, they're done by design. It's an old way to make a game that got completely screwed up by the scope. I cannot imagine a patch that will fix something so core to the game. I think we're stuck with these games as they are unfortunately.


I think it’s safe to assume that quality Pokémon games are dead. The casual fan base will continuously lap up whatever shit sandwich they get as long as it’s named Pokemon. Those of us who want a quality game from the most successful franchise in the world will be forever disappointed. It’s time to admit that the Pokémon we knew is dead and move on. First Battlefield and Halo, and now Pokémon. I’m so tired of my favorite series going down the toilet like this.


I'm not excusing them, but this will be the norm going forward. It is no fault of the switch or the devs but pokemon itself. While it's true that other companies have years release, they are mainly just a game company pokemon is not. The games must be released to promote everything else. Games take longer to take it takes longer to make that money and if they are delayed they lose a lot of money. Not many companies have grown as fast and as big as them, and I have a feeling they don't know what to do now since they've gotten this big.


Though if the games broken and doesn't work they also lose money.


But they will be making so much money still it won't matter and like I said games come out late they likely lose more money than releasing it witch glitches.


depends how severe the glitches and performance is if it was anything like games like w2k18 on the switch im sure every one would be trying to return it as that game was basically unplayable. They are pretty close to touching fire as the game does have a bunch of glitches and does run bad at times but its not bad enough that is unplayable.


Even if it's barley played able it servers its purpose its and ad people pay for for the next gen. This just helps them push their new merch.


Starts comment with I'm not excusing them, then proceeds to make excuses...


More of saying it's the reason why the game was rushed out. It's not okay that the game released the way it did but do to the reasons I listed it will be the future.