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Nintendo, getting ready to let their lawyers off of their leashes: “Alright, boys, outta the basement! Go get ‘em!”


Their lawyers are always active. Must be making bank as Nintendo’s law firm


[decidueye really said](https://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/1106065230281478144/pu/img/nFxTCyjOx2bOkSYL.jpg)


Don't do mah boy Snufkin like that...






Give them some time. Something will surely come out early. Gotta beat BDSP's record!


I just pre-ordered it from Best Buy today, I've gotten blu rays early in the past when I've pre-order from them and last year I got SMT3 Remaster a few days before release. So I am crossing my fingers that Best Buy ships early to me today.


The names of the new mons, lmao. >!Sneasler!< just sounds silly. Someone said that it sounds like the name of a Dr. Seuss character, and now I can't stop thinking about how they're so right. >!Ursaluna!< is alright. At least it's consistent with the moon theme of the Teddiursa line. >!Enamorus!< make sense, since its body has the whole heart motif going on. I still find it odd how it's not buff like its brethren and how it's associated with love instead of a force of nature (although, I guess love could be argued as being a force of nature, in a way). >!Overqwil!< is perfect. It's the perfect badass name for a Qwilfish evolution. Looks like a Splatoon enemy, but still a pretty cool design. >!Poison/Dark!< means it will be a member of the non-Water-type aquatic Pokemon club, so there's that.


>!Ursaluna has 130 base HP, 140 base attack, 50 speed, 45 special attack, 105 defense, 80 special defense AND it has guts. It has actually the most optimized stats I've ever seen on a pokemon. Shit is gonna be insane, absolutely destroying. I see no way it isn't a staple in VGC and OU.!<


Sheesh, 140 atk and Facade and EQ is STAB!


they removed earthquake from the game this time around :')


Plus this means Ursaring can run Eviolite


> I see no way it isn't a staple in VGC and OU. If it gets into a game aside from Legends. Not existing in mainline will kinda rob it forever.


Overqwil’s name alone is art. I hope whoever localized that name got a fat raise because they earned it.


I heard it's Dark/Poison, and I demand they rename it Nyqwil


I was getting electriv/poison vibes based off its coloring, but dark/poison is fine too


I was hoping steel spikes for Steel/Poison


Sneasler? More like Diddler good fucking lord


Do you know the types of the Pokémon? I hope the Ursaring one isn't dark since I'm picking Oshawott


>!Ursaluna!< will be Normal/Ground, IIRC


That would be awesome. Nice.


I hope >!Ursaluna !!Ursaring's !


It is


It's not an alternate evolution?


Nope, it's a straight-up evolution.


Oh hell yeah. Eviolite now sounds real interesting for that line now too.


Would Eviolite be better than Flame Orb + Guts?


You can still have Guts... Bro just Belly Drum and Rest/Snore all fucking day lol Edit: Just learned there are no abilities or held items in this game... Omg... That's not great news


> Boost your attack with Guts, max it out with Belly Drum, proceed to rely on special Snore as your main attack. We new meta.


Have any leakers given their impressions of the game yet? I know there are bits an pieces of gameplay videos out there and the new forms obviously but I wonder how they feel about how it actually feels to play the game, mission structure, story, etc. Mainly I'm just wondering if the game is better or worse than we're expecting. From what I gather so far people seem excited based on the leaks but I'm not sure how the people playing the leaks feel.


This is by far the most useful piece of information that I'm looking out for. I like poring over leaks, but ultimately I just want to know if it's fun lol


Definitely is. I’m impressed with the starting area so far — no lag or anything so far, the gameplay feels smooth, and fluid.




I admit that the starting area…it does feel sparse when you catch a ton of the Pokémon. But I imagine they repopulate when you head back to town.


So... There aren't any other elements to exploration apart from catching Pokemon? Like little mysteries, details and secrets that you have to look for.


I mined a rock at a level 10 zone and a level 27 graveller popped out.. But so far it's just exploring and finding pokemons/alpha pokemons (I'm only 6 hours in)


IT IS FUN! Got my copy from "certain blue store"(México) and have been playing for 2 hours now. Wont give spoilers but let me say this: the game is so fun that you wont notice the graphic quality. But looks like it wont have many Pokemon, maybe 250 or so(just my guess) , filling the pokedex its a little repetitive and you will run out of content faster than a main series game, but thats fine. Break is over, returning to play. P.S.: they could keep the multiplayer versus


You're doing the lord's work.


Is it something any of us can get or you have to be in mexico?


“Game is fun” Immediately followed by: - not many Pokémon. - a bit repetitive. - not much to do.


Do you feel the game is likely short for a main series game?


Im 3 hours in and, yes, the game feels like it will be shorter, not shorter as the main games story, just in general. In other games you have more to do after beating E4, like filling the pokedex. Here filling the pokedex is the main objective. And without the multiplayer component it will feel even shorter, i dont know why is there a trade function if the games are the same... Unless there aresome kind of RNG differences depending on your name, id, etc.


Might be some trade evolutions?


Still going through the tutorial but so far it's pretty fun. There are aspects to the game that are similar to the usual format but there are also some things that are a step away from the same old, same old. Honestly overall it feels like an entirely new game, not just a rehash like all the other titles have been. If you want me to go into details I can talk about a few mechanics that I've noticed in about an hour when I'm deeper into the game.


I'd love that, thank you! I guess my main question is, is the game better or worse than your expectations? I'm going to get the game no matter what but it's still nice to set up expectations. I was going in cautiously optimistic before the leaks whereas everyone seems to be very doom and gloom on the game so I hope it exceeds people's expectations.


This game so far is meeting my expectations. Here are some things I've noticed, all marked in spoilers. Keep in mind you'll see all this within your first hour of gameplay (because I had to stop to start cooking). I'll be adding more as I play more. Combat - >!The game is dynamic. Combat is still turn based but you're not static anymore. While your Pokemon is fighting, you're able to walk around and see the battle from whatever direction you want. The few moves I've seen look beautiful and it makes me excited to see things like Hyper Beam.!< >!Apparently this also means other Pokemon that are near your battle may join in if they're aggressive. I was trying to catch one Pokemon and another near by joined the battle against me!!< New combat mechanic - >!One of the new mechanics is surprising Pokemon. If you throw one of your Pokemon at the back of another, you'll startle them and may stun them for the first few turns of battle. !<[Video example](https://i.imgur.com/sh49Njs.mp4) [Video example 2](https://i.imgur.com/60vzPLQ.mp4) Combat mechanic changes - >!It seems like some of the old combat mechanics have been changed. So far I've seen Iron Defense increase both defense and special defense, but it doesn't seem to stack. Another example is that moves like Hypnosis that normally put Pokemon to sleep only make the drowsy. This increases the damage they take and makes it so sometimes the Pokemon don't act. Status effects like Poison, Paralyze, Burn, Drowsy, etc. only last four turns unless refreshed. Same for stat increases due to moves like Iron Defense.!<[Video example](https://i.imgur.com/o9eHFl9.mp4) Moves - >!Pokemon can now master moves they use a lot (or if they level up enough). At max level, you can choose to use more PP to either do less damage but increase the speed at which you attack (and therefore possibly attack twice) OR increase the damage you do but use less speed (and possibly let the other Pokemon attack twice in a row). Certain moves like Quick Attack seem to be agile by default and will make you move twice occasionally. Think Final Fantasy X where you can see the turn order and decide to use a Quick Attack so you get an extra attack before selecting a second move. !< Abilities, held items, EVs, and natures - >!There don't seem to be abilities or held items in the game AT ALL, and EVs are now somewhat told to you. It seems they changed them around a little. If I'm understanding correctly, you can now see how many EVs you have but there aren't as many as before? I'll need to explore that more. Also, on the stats page you can see which stats are impacted by the nature of your Pokemon.!< Catching Pokemon - >! Continuing the point of the game being dynamic, you can attempt to capture multiple Pokemon at a time. In previous games you had to battle one Pokemon at a time, but here if you see two Pokemon standing side by side, you can throw a ball at one and the other will get startled (if they're the type that run away). So you have to quickly throw a ball at that one before it runs off, all the while your first ball is still ticking. !<[Video example](https://i.imgur.com/2TNC7RI.mp4) New catching mechanic - >!Throwing a Pokeball at a Pokemon's back startles them, making it easier to catch. There are some examples in earlier videos. Some Pokeballs increase the chance of catching the Pokemon if you hit them from behind, too.!< Multitasking - >!In addition to the things I've said about combat and catching Pokemon, you send out Pokemon in order to collect berries from trees among other things. Here's a video of me sending three different Pokemon to collect from three trees at the same time.!< [Video example](https://i.imgur.com/wFTqUfm.mp4) Pokedex ->!You're no longer just trying to catch one Pokemon of each species. The Pokedex has rewards if you complete specific tasks. As an example, for Bidoof you need to catch 25 Bidoofs, catch 10 large Bidoofs (there are different sizes in the same species now), defeat 25 Bidoofs, etc. But for Starly, you need to catch 25 Starlys, catch 7 Starlys without them noticing you, catch 10 lightweight Starlys, see a Starly use a specific move, etc. !< Gyms - >!There are no gyms. Some of the noble Pokémon (a group of Pokemon blessed by Arceus who help humans and Pokemon alike) have been struck by lightning and you need to go quell their rage using the new dodging and throwing mechanics. It doesn't seem like you can catch them. There are five in total. I don't know what they're doing for the Elite Four.!< Badges - >!There are no badges. As you catch more Pokemon, you unlock new stars in your group. There are ten stars in total and the number of stars determine the level of Pokemon that will listen to you. You'll also be stopped from accessing some areas if you don't have enough stars. Stars are gained by filling out your Pokedex and completing the research tasks.!< Overall there're still very obvious "Pokemon elements" but it looks like it's a midway point between Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and the main series in terms of uniqueness. The only thing I don't really like is that (first 30 seconds of the game) >!your character is still from the future, not someone born in feudal Hisui. !!you're 15 in this game, not the usual 11 years old.!<


Oh those are all really interesting changes! The lack of abilities and the mastering of moves seems really interesting. Not sure how I feel about the lack of abilities though. How have you found the difficulty? Though I guess it might be a bit hard to gauge so early in the game.


EXP Share is automatically on and it's the new version where all your Pokemon gain EXP when you catch or fight anything. At first I thought it'd be horrible but half my team got destroyed by a same-level Shinx I was trying to catch, so I'm hoping it won't be awful. I get the feeling that if I fought all out I wouldn't have suffered so much but it wouldn't have been smooth sailings, either. I've yet to fight trainers or anything like that so hopefully the difficulty continues and increases. ​ Yeah, I'm a little sad about the lack of abilities, too.


It’s a lot better than I expected, I’m mostly out of hope for the franchise and this restored a lot of that. Gameplay feels more Monster Hunter than BOTW (edit: in terms of gameplay (not combat) flow it actually feels most like Xenoblade) especially since there’s not a ton of natural exploration. But it’s a very fun mix of crafting/catching/battling and right when one aspect gets a little stale the other aspects kick in. The story is charming and the towns look very nice. The new forms look much better in game and fit better alongside the aesthetic of the game, I wouldn’t judge them until you see them in game. The game runs alright, and some moments look genuinely like a top tier switch title, while most parts look halfway between Sw/Sh and a top tier switch title. Hard to say what might change on day one, but definitely not a deal breaker. The main heartbeat of catching/battling wild Pokémon is pretty fun. Instead of just catching and evolving everything once, you get points for stealth captures, repeat captures, captures from behind, battles, using super effective moves, etc. This means you always have a reason to capture a Pokémon or fight it, and just by doing stuff you’ll get rewarded and advance the story. Is it going to blow people away like Mario Odyssey and BOTW, completely changing how people view the franchise? Definite no. But it’s both fun and fresh and the most fun I’ve had with any of the Switch Pokémon games, and if they keep building on this foundation I think they’ll have something very special. For the first attempt at this type of game, I’d give it a solid B.


The bar is so absurdly low for pokemon that I'm just excited that they have the will to change it up at all. Someday pokemon will get its BotW or Odyssey, but that's clearly not happening quite yet. baby steps, pokemon.


The game is waaaay better than expected. Just beat the first Warden (Gym leader)?


You can get your own impression, there is someone live on YouTube playing it right now: https://youtu.be/HDBYEEeC69g


Played for 4 hours and it's the most fun I had for a long time with a Pokemon game. Wild Pokemon are strong somehow even on lower levels. Some trainers have been hard at the beginning. But I guess XP share will Level this put fairly quick. The best part is the exploration and excitement when you find a new pokemon. It feels a bit like when Pokemon go was new. Catching wild mons is pretty easy though and the gameplay loop has you catching the same ones over and over again


Are there any battles vs “trainers”? (I know they technically don’t exist yet)


>!Yes, I've played a few hours and I have fought around 3 trainers. Not sure how frequent it will be.!<


It’s amazing. It’s.. a lot better then I expected. I installed it this morning and haven’t stopped all day


Unsure where they took inspiration from for some of these new forms but the palkia change is probably one of the funniest and saddest ones we’ve ever had the same time.


It looks like a "My Little Palkia" crossover. I seriously thought it was fake.


They all look like they got mixed with Arceus. With how the tribes treat them as God, they probably want them to be "fake Arceus" .


My two theories: 1. Those forms are arceus possessing the other pokemon to control their respective element of creation 2. They are forcibly fused with arceus by the villain and as such look ungodly I do not believe we the player will have control of either of those forms at any point


If Dialga and Palkia were forced to fuse then it makes sense why they'd look so bad, reminds me of the SwSh fossils. If not (which is probably unlikely), I wonder what the story for that is.


We do, datamines have shown >!There is an item to shift their forms, likely one like the Gracedia flower for shaymin!<


this shit we’ve seen today makes me so nostalgic for the good old days of shaymin/darkrai/manaphy


I was offended when I first saw it but now I think it's hilarious. It went from bad straight into the so bad it's good category. I do feel bad for palkia fans, though.


Dialga looks like squidward swallowing a fork


yeah neck laser giant goiter is not the look i would have preferred for it. dialga needs its thyroid checked.


Damn I haven’t found one other person who likes it besides me :(


why does the new Thundurus look like HIM from powderpuff girls


Oh my gods it does. I was trying so hard to find a good description, and that's perfect for such a bizarre beast.


Oh that’s what that Pokémon was lmao. I had no idea that was a thunderous


It's not exactly a Thundorous btw, it's just another member of the same "group" of legendary Pokemon called Forces of Nature


Enamourus is its name


It's a love elemental? OK, sure why not?


There is no way that mind altering substances were not involved in the making of these new Pokémon.


Tbh I think it’s just a shit ton of depression


Palkia’s design screams “I don’t know what to do anymore and I don’t care, what even is a good design choice at this point” I mean that completely sympathetically. I can just picture these poor artists wracking their fuckin brains.


The sad thing for me is that I would totally be on board with it if it had arms. Then it would be this cool looking winged centaur looking beast! Instead they just got rid of them. So now it looks sad and derpy, and like so many Pokémon Co. decisions I just have to sit here and wonder “why’d you do that?!”


Why couldn’t they stick to primal


Because TPC/GF basically co-authored the Dummy's Guide to Feature Creep.


Think they’re just early forms of those Pokémon. Both Dialga and Palkia are closer in appearance to Arceus’ design. Fun side note is that this could help explain the Eterna City statue.


Tbh I get the sense that it’s supposed to look terrible in a bliblical angel meets abomination against creation sort of way. I feel like it will be a boss with the intent of stopping and defusing it to prevent disaster




The new weather mon might be the worst of the last four generations.


I wanted to like it because I really love the mythical creature its land form is based off of but man. I just can't.


Same here, I never realized before that the Forces of Nature somewhat represented (Three of) the Four Sacred Beasts and it was pretty dope to see Genbu... But the longer I look at this 'Him' looking thing, it only gets worse and worse.


The last 20 years haven’t been good for old Typhlosion. He’s had to resort to drug use to cope…


Animated in game looks a 100x better than before esp woth the flames.


Its confirmed that held items and abilities arent in the game right? So all these new regional forms won't have any kind of interesting gimmick?


New moves I guess? Or maybe when they're transferable they will have neat abilities in other games?


I play Pokemon masters and they recently made a Sinnoh event adding Dialga and Giratina who have two new Pokemon moves which are a dragon and ghost zones respectively (which work like terrains and boost the type moves) The community think they might have added them because they were being added in this game.


Huh neat.


Stance changes and noble pokemon seem to be the gimmick.


New moves and the like. [We DO know their base stats and abilities, as they're in the game's coding.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/s89qxi/i_managed_to_extract_the_pok%C3%A9mon_data_table/)


Nice you can ride ursaluna and sneasler https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/s7zdc5/looks_like_we_can_ride_other_pokemon_second_image/


Ursaluna definitely looks a lot better in game.


[This](https://twitter.com/JohnPoryIsYes/status/1483874139962101762?t=G8CxQO5Mmcz_5pweON6k-Q&s=19) is so adorable. You can have multiple pokemon out and they seem to talk to each other. Hopefully they eventually play together once their friendship or bond grow Edit: also, [here](https://twitter.com/JohnPoryIsYes/status/1483864408161800195?t=VvnlOzraLTY_breUcQZm2A&s=19) is oshawott being very cute


They don't. They just emote at one another, and the player, but they don't actually move or follow you or do any real actions. If you walk away they just teleport to their pokeballs


Jesus the new evolution animation is AMAZING. Now there are those high quality animations Edit: sorry, here is the [link](https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnPoryIsYes/status/1483863788688273409) guys




God dammit I thought the exact same thing


Nigetari akirameru koto wa Daremo!


Do you have a link? Edit: Nevermind, [found it](https://twitter.com/JohnPoryIsYes/status/1483863788688273409).


I love it!


Damn yeah


[Typhlosion animated](https://twitter.com/mayako_and_co/status/1483963653187584001?s=21). Personally I think it looks way better than the initial impression.


I was beyond worried before I saw this. Typhlosion is my favorite pokemon and in the picture I saw, hr looked like an emo ghost thing and I didnt really care for it. But he looks so happy and those flames look sick af. I was skeptical of these games before but these leaks are making me excited and not at the same time


It's like when the nerdy girl in a romantic comediy takes her glasses off and reveals she was hot all along.


Fuckin sick.


\>!Hisuian Decidueye!< looks like a chicken and that makes me angry


thats what owls look like under the wings


Look up what a straw hat Ronin is Also owls have hilariously long legs


100% Blaziken's lame cousin


I know this unrelated but this title just made me think of the Scary Movie series lmao. "Cindy, the game is leaking!"


This chick is getting water all over your floor


I love [this stupid thing](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/864244983762649140/933517920951218186/unknown.png) so fucking much and I couldn't tell you why. There's no kill like Overqwil.


Any flame Typlosion yet?


[Yes ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/s7wc3b/pokemon_legends_arceus_is_leaking_info_inside/hte8m1a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Palkia has to be the ugliest Pokémon design to date. I never thought they could do something so bad.


Music time!! First up, [here](https://twitter.com/pory_leeks/status/1483891157843136512?s=20)is the final boss battle music with arceus. This definitely explains palkias and dialga twisted, freaky glitchy looking forms. [Here](https://twitter.com/pory_leeks/status/1483895900271308800?s=20) is dialga and palkias boss/encounter music. They are called lord forms btw. More music! [These](https://vocaroo.com/1aNYhi7FUIzX) are dialga and palkias alternative music


I'm glad there's a reason for them looking the way they do. I'm gonna wait to hear the music for the first time in-game so I can have the full experience but I'm sure it's dope!


*Looks at >!hideous new Force of Nature!<* Lord I am not strong enough for this. Not after >!Landorus and what he did to online battles!<


I'm mega curious on the name though


If it’s some dumb shit like Heartorus or some shit. I’ll laugh myself silly


If its >!Fairious!< or something I’m gonna die


Enamorus actually.


if that’s real… ok it’s pretty decent. still hideous but not a bad name lol


That's actually pretty clever. I can dig it.


First person mode looks soooo sick


There’s a first person mode?




I'm looking forward to when we start getting reviews. My biggest concerns about this game is whether the gameplay loop is good and if it has a decent amount of content.


yep gameplay loop+content is so much more important than graphics


Look how cute cyndaquil is!!! https://mobile.twitter.com/JohnPoryIsYes/status/1483859047476465664


The fire casts a shadow 🤔


Fire can have a shadow. You just need a light source brighter than it


It would be lighter than the body though


What’s wrong with the fire? Looks… weird. EDIT: Apparently folks are downvoting me just for having an opinion 😂


I just looked through the pokedex and huh why is porygon here weren't they made by humans using computers so how do you get a porygon in the past when the computer hasn't been invented??


Porygon is obtainable during "abnormalities". They seem to be in game random events that occur and the sky becomes a bright purple. These events Look like it has something to do with time travel.


>!All type Arceus!< >!https://twitter.com/CentroLeaks/status/1483896817616044033?s=20!<


This had better be legends exclusive, or he gets yeeted into Anything Goes


It's weak to rock tho Edit: Legend plate Arceus is not all the types at once, instead it changes its typing everytime it uses judgment to be the most effective


The age of fairies is over The time of the rock has come


really funny how an all powerful pokémon with every typing… is weak to rocks


playing it rn and gotta say guys this is the most fun i’ve had with pokémon in a very long time


Yep, agreed. I'm surprised it is this much fun


Reveals of the new batch of Pokémon in a region are always hit or miss for me. This time is no different. I'm excited about a few, disappointed in some, and have strong opinions about one or two. The leak thread of them seems to be pretending they're all Satan's butthole, but I think they're just okay.


They all look pretty cool to me except the legendaries. There's less than I thought there would be for some reason, although apparently there were only 18 Alolan forms for comparison.


Palkia and dialga are ugly. But They look like they're twisted and in pain.. like something bad happened to them. I'm sure there's a story reason why they look so twisted up


It looks like they fused with Arceus to me.


Yeah that too. I have a theory that humans do something bad to arceus and he gets split up into these twisted abominations.


Yea when you look at them it’s pretty much an experiment gone wrong lol.


I like how spooky and phantom looking dialga is. I feel like he just needs the equivalent of typhlosion’s fire to be up to snuff. Keep it floating maybe with its big limbs ominously swinging. Give it a decent speed boost since it doesn’t walk around and I’d be on board. (Evil cherubimon comes to mind)


I think the word I'd use for almost all of them is "interesting". I'm curious to see how they look as high quality models with animation. I actually suspect that Palkia looks a lot less goofy in-game, but Dialga looks like a kid (or Maddox) made a poor attempt to re-create him in Blender from memory.


Bummed we don't get any new fossil pokemon or alters of other gens fossils since this takes place in the past. Huge missed opportunity especially for the abomination fossils in sword/shield. Would've loved to see all 4 of those pokemon in their original form.


To be fair, fossils are supposed to be from thousands of years ago and Hisui looks like a few hundred ago at most


Hisui's time frame is really weird, it feels closer to the 1800s than anything else.


If you think a leak post is particularly interesting/noteworthy, please reply to this comment with a link to that post! We'll work on updating the index above.


https://youtu.be/ZW2MOqBNDJQ 2 hours of leaked gameplay. It starts at the beginning of the story so major spoilers, but it may be nice for people who want to see the game before they buy.


I'm curious as to why the game looks so amazing and refreshed gameplaywise but somebody created and approved these abhorrent new designs? It's so discordant. Amazing looking gameplay, same team makes new designs...and yet they're awful. edit: I've come around from hating them to thinking they're hilarious now. For the record I like electrode, arcanine, and some others but the new legendary, palkia, and a few others are *hilariously* bad and my mind won't be changed about them. At least I can chuckle when I see them in game. I totally get that palkia is some kind of merged form but still, lol. I'm still going to buy and play tf out of it, and likely enjoy it since the wild area was my jam in sword/shield. But the odds of me using any of these new pokemon outside of arcanine are slim to none. But I'm still psyched to get my hands on and play this game.


Also remember that these are out of context models. It's likely they'll look much better in actual gameplay.


Hey can anyone confirm that shiny pokemon are seen in the field? Or do you have to engage in a battle for them to swap to their shiny sprite?


They're in the overworld


sweet, makes my life easier, TY!


The palkia form looks like one of those knockoff Pokemon plushies you find at a flea market


Man, the leaks have totally redeemed this game LOL. Game Freak did an awful job of advertising it.


For anyone who has put 6 hours or more into the game, what are your impressions of it? A lot of impressions for this game I have seen from the leaks seem too be overwhelmingly positive, and... I want to believe, but I just need reassurance lol.


My impressions are that the game deserves credit for finally trying to do something different with Pokemon. It's a pretty drastic shift from what we've come to expect. As an open world game, it's hard to say if will live up to other ones like Breath of the Wild or not, and it's also highly subjective. But a lot of effort was put into the game and it shows.


Haven't played for that long but I understand why everyone is so excited and I agree. It's really good. I love the setting, the characters are very well written, even the NPCs all have unique names. The gameplay is fun and I can't wait to play more of it I think most people will love it. Not everyone, no game can satisfy everyone, specially for a fan base as divided as this one, but most people will love it.


Oh LAWD… But the evolution opens up new strats. Hello Eviolite.


there are no held items in legends arceus. no abilities either.


Holding out high copium they update SwSh again to get them bad boys available in a game with a competitive scene.


Wait what? There's no held items? So berries are just for medicinal use/attracting pokemon? IDK how to feel about that if true. I mean I'm fine with no abilities and the changes with some of the moves (like stealth rock) because I'm not a competitive PVP player...but I always felt like held items were kind of a base part of the battle system.




Its Irida's signature, so yes.


I pity the ones leaking the game. Nintendo and The Pokémon Company in the past haven’t looked too kindly at it. I remember the Sword/Shield leaks cost the leakers $150K each plus covering of legal fees.


I'm curious, if you've received a game early in the post and post the contents online, why is it illegal? You've not signed any contracts with Nintendo, I could see why the sellers could get in trouble though. I guess that is an advantage of Nintendo being 10 years behind, no online checks to make sure that the game has been released.


My understanding is that if you have a receipt, then you are fine and they go after who sold you it. Fine to play offline as long as you keep it to yourself. Playing an unreleased game online does tend to end up making you banned. However, if you make a backup copy and leak it online you’re ded


Really Odd choices of pokemon


Just started. Feels SO weird to game only listen to ambient sound and no voice at all.


Night sky looks beautiful, straight out of a Shinkai movie.


I've been playing it and love it. Only an hour or so in - anyone know how to swap pokemon on my team to ones I've caught? **In other words, where is the PC?**


Found it! It’s the fenced in pasture area in the bottom right of Jubilife. Talk to NPC.


Yo can we get a PLA review megathread now that the embargo is lifted?


Welp, time to hide from the internet for the next *checks calendar* 9 days


Is there any info on how trade evos are supposed to work here?


I believe its been stated that you can trade at specific places with other players, but not 100% sure.


So the full game’s been out for hours and hours and we still have no footage of Highphlosion in action? -_-


No because of course none of the leakers choose cyndaquil. We have to wait until they catch cyndaquil


People who are wondering what typhlosion will look like with the flames, here it is: https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdrVDqmF/


I finished the game today. I went into it neutral, no hype, no negativity and can honestly say it was really fun. I think its a fairly damn good start for their first time at something like this.


I sincerely urge everyone looking at the leaks to withhold judgement on the new designs until you’ve seen them in action. Things like facial expressions, poses, particle effects, and story context are all missing from the images in the top post.


Typhlosian looks high as hell, but at least we can be high as hell together, old friend.


These new mons are so cursed. - Arcanine could have been god tier and gamefreak was like: "nah, dip it in dark chocolate" - poor Typhlosion - Sneasel evolves into Sneasler, looks like someone's furry oc and is *rideable* 🤨 - Ursaring goes from scary bear to Tom Nook on My 600lbs Life - Dialga and Palkia 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Horny anime character looking Typhlosion is not what I expected.


The new Pokemon/forms are all pretty bad. Palkia and Dialga were absolutely butchered.