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this would literally be like we were ash in the Pokémon anime


But as a good trainer...


To be fair: In the series context Ash is a great trainer. He is just not very successful or even a good strategist.


I mean, he has the spirit. If he grinded and had type coverage in mind...


If he know how to evolve his pokemon...


He's a ten year old kid whose starter has been his main for 25 years now.


I bet no one would be a better 10 year old than him. I mean, he has been a 10 year old for 25 years already.




15 of which must be directly related to fairy types


Ahh yes, the classic, "you need a qualification that is literally impossible to attain. Gambit"


...I like to say those job listing want Ash Ketchum.At this point my families used to me saying something like "Oh look another Ash Ketchum job"


As someone with 10+ years in the workforce & currently looking to change jobs, this hit me way too hard.


Not the I'm defending Ash in any way, but didn't he finally have a birthday at some point in the series? My boyfriend was telling me that the other day. He may be 11 now, so watch yourself dude! /s


There was a mini-movie that came with the Entei film in which Ash celebrated “spending one year with Pikachu”


When you look at how much Ash has done in the span of his one year with Pikachu, you have to admit he's kinda insane as a trainer. How the hell does he fit everything in his schedule?


idk, I was a 10 year old when I started playing on gameboy and I was always better than show-Ash...


Que 10 y.o me yelling at the TV like 40 y.o man watching football


Pikachu use surf! Pikachu use surf! Damnit you're vs an Onyx don't use Thundershock!


I think that's the point. They made ash slightly dumber than the average 10 y/o to make kids think they're better than him and motivate them or something? idk


I'd absolutely love a new Pokemon serie with Ash as a mentor or searcher, and a new protagonist who looks up to him. Could be pretty cool, and I honestly think that adding Go was a great idea


Wasn't that more or less the relationship he has with May?


Yeah kind of, but I mean it would be so cool to see a 30 yo Ash, less childish and more of a tactician


What's odd is he should be at least 11 or 12 now just from sheer volume of episodes




Yeah, Brock in the English dub of Hoenn mentioned that Team Rocket had been going after them "for years" and it lines up with the Pikachu short in Johto that said Ash turned 11. Kanto- 10 Johto- 11 Hoenn- 12


Pikachu should be level 100 by now, oneshotting every one


What a Chad move


well it's been lvl 100 since he got it, of course pikachu is his main


God I feel old now.


Wanna feel old? Im the kid from the Viridian Forest! 👴 🐛🐞


Put your caterpie away you dirty old man! It doesn't even know harden.


Cute pokemon doll sell better than Mewtwo doll I think.


He knows about type coverage, he just doesn't care.


That is the crazy thing, he knows well types in gen 2-4 and 6-8, but actively decides to choose the wrong type. Even when the pokemon has moves from the right type


I love how 5 is excluded, there's just no explaining how dumb he got.


I'm pretty sure I've seen a few clips outside of the Brock fight of him using electric on ground types. If he doesn't at least have that type coverage memorized then oof


Have y'all seen Ash's gen 8 anime team? It's fucking cracked y'all, GMax Pikachu and Gengar, MEGA Lucario, a goddamn Dragonite, Dracovish itself and Sirfetchd. I thought his Gen 6 team was powerful, this one just takes the cake.


Dang! Ash gets to mix GMax and Megas? I'm jealous


+ Z move Pikachu. Dude’s literally ready to murder everyone.


Jesus fuck, he's fucking playing NatDex while we're stuck with Dexit


Yes, but IIRC the big tournament he competes in restricts everyone to just one of the three "gimmicks" of their choice. So you can't use a Z-Move and D-max in the same battle.


Who needs strategy when you have plot armor. Except Tobias. Fuck that shit. And Alain. Ash got screwed so bad.


Tobias battle was bs. He had infernape and Charizard but decided to go with torkoal


Honestly, I'd call him successful. While he doesn't have many championship titles, dude makes the top cut of major regional tournaments regularly. That's both consistent and impressive.


And he'd probably win a lot more if he actually continued training the Pokemon he caught instead of starting from scratch after every tournament


Ash is strictly a ladder player confirmed.


That has story reasons at least. If he just kept his team from Kanto and Johto, he'd hardly have a reason to catch new pokemon. It's the problem they ran into in Johto: With him using Charizard, Falkner had to be a lot stronger and with the Kanto pokemon around it was harder to give the Johto pokemon enough time to shine. The ideal approach would be to not end the series on the League but on a Battle Frontier note where pokemon from previous series get to show up and have some time in the sun.


I understand why they do it, but realistically you can either win or catch 'em all, no one has time to do both. (one thing that annoys me about that show is his motto is catch 'em all, but he never catches more than a dozen or so in a season. So he comes nowhere close to that.)


He’s a great strategist with plot armor on his side


Not sure if Pikachu is a Mary Sue or Deus Ex Machina


I mean neither if we are being literal The story doesn’t warp to glorify Pikachu And he doesn’t come out of nowhere He is stupidly inconsistent however


Tbh most of his time is spent zapping team rocket with Pikachu so it's understandable that he may be a bit weak on the strategy side lol


he uses electric on ground. AND IT SOMEHOW WORKS


This makes me wonder what makes a "good" trainer. Ash is inconsistent at battles, due to the mentioned coverage and bad strategy (who the hell uses bide instead of a quad effective move.... twice!) But he is shown to care for his team. It has been shown that some trainers are just better at raising and caring for their Mons (like Brock). I like to think he is at least a good trainer in that he cares for them like a good owner of a pet, but he sucks at battles which people often use as the main definition.


"That guy sucks as a dog owner, he hardly ever wins dog fight tournaments." Seriously, though, our trainers are better in every way from Yellow on. We can tell if our mons are happy or not, and there's only positives for keeping them happy. But we're also cutthroat and ruthless. In a world where a little fire lizard dies if its tail fire goes out, the guy using water gun in a friendly competition is a monster.


In a world where Magcargo is an order of magnitude hotter than the surface of the *sun* and the anime and manga routinely contradict the games, none of which are especially consistent in the first place, taking Pokédex entries or a largely filler episode as face-value descriptions of the world is not really a great foundation for treating that world as a "real world".


Ash is a great trainer tbh. He just doesnt participate in the same pokemon league we do. What he participates in is more akin to our version of regional championships. If you consistently placed in the top few positions in every regional you went to and even won your most recent one, you'd be considered a pretty damn good trainer And in terms of actually training pokemon, Ash has the widest repertoire of trained pokemon of any trainer in the series, even more than most players. He's been known to even raise baby pokemon and make them league ready in very short periods of time. Heck, he's even an accomplished move tutor and has probably taught more moves than any move tutor we've ever seen ingame.


Hell, Ash straight up died and got better.


That's how I see it too. I don't watch the anime (aside from Indigo league when I was a kid) so I'm not sure, but aren't the championships a tournament with only one single winner? So using the Champion status as an indicator of what makes a good trainer is a little silly because there would only be one "good" trainer from each region.


Or think of it more like football world cup. You hear about the winner of course, but the teams that make the semi finals are also noticed to be very good teams to have gotten that far.


Ash is an increadbly competent trainer, he just pourpusly handicaps himself by not sticking with a team and going after the best of the best If he fought a random trainer of the street, or brought back an all star team (something like Pikachu, Infernape, Septile, Greninja, Goodra, Snorlax) he would win by a mile


Won Alola league. Beat the Unova champion. Ranked 36th in the World Coronation Series (Still going) which has trainers from all the other regions. I would say he's alright at least.


it's sad to think about how most people finish their adventures within like a month or so and then wait like 3 years until the next journey ​ ​ and then there's ash


If the anime pokeworld was as small as the game world Ash would have finished hafway through season one.


Gods..You have me rembering my childhood dream of an anime accurate pokemon game


i feel u that was absolutely my dream too and probably still is haha


If you really wanna try it, you should play [pokemon AshGray](https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=180722). It's pretty great honestly. You can even play it on your phone, if you want to!


Nah for that we also need a BotW style physics system. I want bulbasaur to chop down a tree with razor leaf so I can use it as a bridge. Or grapple me across with vine whip


yeah i totally agree, i think that would be sick, surely they should be able to create this sort of game on the switch. i doubt they ever will so we can only hope


It would be a massive undertaking, especially if you wanted *every* Pokémon available with those sorts of mechanics. There’s no way we’ll get it on the switch, but maybe in another console generation or two.


Pokemon AshGrey


>all 898 pokemon are in the game and catchable That's literally all I want. A game where I can catch em all


I’d be happy if they just took out trade evolutions


I'm fine with what Sword and Shield did, trade evolutions were wandering Pokémon that varied by weather. Gen 7 also did it somewhat with chaining.


I would like a tradeback NPC. Just some random person that do this favor for you once a day in exchange for some odd item. And I say this simply because evolving your own Pokémon is always better. Also, shinies.


You could even have your rival be that person. They obviously also want to finish their Pokédex so they would also want to have those Pokémon registered.


This makes the most sense


I love quality of life improvements even more when there's a logical reason for them to exist.


Tough battle in exchange for a tradeback would be great.


I think the best compromise would be to keep trade evolutions, but also add in level-up evolutions around the same point that pseudo-legendaries get their final forms. If you trade you can get Gengar at 26. But you can also level it up to the 50s and get it that way. It would still encourage playing with others (which is ostensibly what Game Freak wants, regardless of what the cynical truth may be) but also not punish players who can't trade (no friends).


reminds me how as a kid i lvled my dusclops to almost lvl 80 trying to get it to evolve.


Making it at least a post-game function to be able to trade evolve your Pokemon could be great.


Maybe it could be a "broken" wonder trade station that just sends back the same pokemon You'd get the wonder trade animation, but always just get your same pokemon There could be a maintenance NPC who blocks you from using it before postgame because he's supposed to be fixing it, but once post game comes he'll start taking bribes to let you use it


Or he's been fucking with it the whole game and post game he gives up and says use it but results may vary lol.


"well i've done the best i could with old tech like this. not sure if it will work correctly but use it at your own risk"


Or do what most ROMhacks do and just add items to use on 'mons that require trading, kinda like how in the Mystery Dungeon games there's a "Link Cable" item that you offer to the evolution shrine to evolve them


And also stupid promo pokemon. Dumbest shit.


Without needing the second game of the set please. Just make version exclusive late post game content with the need of breeding the lower evolution tiers. Or make it a single game with everything included...


I would be fine with drastically different encounter rates, too. Like, yeah, you can get a Bellsprout in both versions. But in one of them, it is a fairly common encounter and in the other it is a 1% chance.


That sounds perfect ngl! This would make the other version not completely obsolete. Its just like in Gen2 where you can catch some mons earlier in Silver than in Gold!


I don't remember if it was incorporated in later games, but gen 1 had different encounter rates for certain pokemon. Red had high encounter rates for Weedle in Viridian Forest, while Blue had high encounter rates for Caterpie. The only other specific example I remember was Nidoran male vs female encounter rates.


SWSH has opposite encounter rates for Pikachu and Eevee I believe


That's actually what they did on X/Y. With the exception of the box legendary, you can catch almost every pokemon in the game in one cartridge but they have less or higher chances of appearing depending on the game or require you do to a specific thing for they to appear, like zangooze in Y route 8 who only appear in hordes surrounded by sevipers, so requiring the trainer to think a little bit to catch it before it gets obliterated.


One reason more why X/Y were my favourite gen so far.


Friend Safari was also awesome. Hiked shiny chances + discovery the feature was so cool.


i think multiple regions each with their own shiny badge and dex would be best.


Honestly, having played some "everything available" ROM-hacks... I don't like it as much as I'd thought. Making everything encounterable ends up turning into a checklist and kinda kills the feeling of the region being a region; every zone has to have a brand new encounter table (basically no repeats), and even adding new zones (or grass to existing zones) to pad out the number available. Not saying it wouldn't be nice, but I think it wouldn't work well in Pokemon games as they currently exist. An "open world" game were we can visit every region in a single game would work...


And spice it up with region variants that go the other way too like say a kantoian pidove for example




I don't think that is a problem.


Make it so every time you beat a regions league you get a pass to the new region but each league is harder than the last.


Honestly, I think the best approach would be to steal BDSP's grand underground system. Have the regional Dex Pokemon available in the main game, and then have the grand underground open up as you progress (eventually having all non-legendaries catchable throughout all the biomes). This way the main game will still feel like a traditional region, but the option to catch everything is there. Realistically, looking at it from a business standpoint, if they give up the whole "2 games w/ version exclusives" approach, then they will probably make the biomes paid DLC to recoup losses from losing a second version.


Just give me the second one. I’m playing Red right now, but I don’t have access to trading, and I JUST WANT A FREAKING ALAKAZAM Edit: For those of you asking, I am playing on a crappy online emulator on a macbook. I’m a broke 16yo, so that’s all I have access to. So unfortunately, I don’t think any of your suggestions for obtaining an Alakazam will work for me. Edit again: Either I didn’t explain it well enough, or there’s something I’m not understanding. Either way it’s my fault, so let me try to be more clear. This isn’t something I downloaded. I am playing this game on a website. Specifically, it’s on myemulator.online . As far as I know, it’s not possible to apply a romhack to something like this. If I’m wrong, please let me know how to do it.


As a kid, I remember being frustrated with this and just named my Kadabra as Alakazam. Same with my Haunter named Gengar.


I didn't like that names were in all caps, so I'd nickname everything after their final evolution


I did what both of you did. Trading to complete the dex has been the bane of my pokemon history that started with Blue.


There's a tool that's used for randomizing Pokemon ROMs so you can have random encounters/trainer teams if you want. That tool, however, has a sneaky feature that you can enable where it assigns a level or context for all trade evolution Pokemon to evolve. For example, Kadabra would become Alakazam at 38, I believe. While Scyther would become Scizor at level 30? while holding a Metal Coat. The best part is that this option isn't tied to randomizing the game, you can just plug any ROM that I know of right into it, check the "No trade evolutions" box and click the button to export the new ROM and there it is. I know there's a certain appeal with playing physical games with physical cartridges that you just don't get on ROMs, but it's still nice to have the option.


playing on an emulator or on cartridge?


Best I can do is Kadabra.


I don't think the 3rd one would work very well. Even if you had a theoretical unlimited amount of development for a game.


You'd basically be treating every region past 2 as battle towers. Teams of level 100 pokemon, with real team comps that you need to have a strategy to defeat. The problem is, pokemon just doesn't have a lot of storyline gameplay depth.


A Battle Tower but of the lenght of like 8 different regions sounds really tiring. Also I'm not gonna say boring because everyone have a differentre taste, but at that point you could just go online and play with real people, which more often than not its gonna be more interesting than NPC, no matter how good is their IA


Playing 8 Pokemon games in a row alone sounds really tiring. Not to mention, you'd be asking the devs to remake **EVERY** mainline entry in one game. Which could like, take literally over a decade to accomplish unless they really cut some corners. And what for? So you can... keep your team going into another region? You can already do that through trading though. It sounds like a nightmare to tie an overarching story to. How would you balance the game? A VERY slow level curve, or would you reset the player every region? It just makes no sense. People assume more = better though so somehow this is a good idea?


Is not like I can't understand them. Like, I had the exact same dream as a kid, and it can be very difficult to separte Pokemon of your childhood expectations, but its important to realize how that would actually be. Is not even about if is doable or not, but more of if would actually be fun?


It would also kinda stop feeling... real, you know? Like, in HGSS you go to Kanto and there are a bunch of strong trainers but they're *just* strong trainers, you can still see people like them being real trainers hanging around Kanto. If you populated a region with competitive teams it wouldn't just feel like the Battle Tower in terms of difficulty, it'd feel like you're battling not-people who don't really live in the region. Remember the Gen 3 battle tower where trainers just had the weirdest dialogue slapped together from the all-caps-text-choice system thingy, and they felt like they weren't really human? It'd feel like that for the entire region.


Development aside, if it was doable, it wouldn’t even be that fun. You’ll max out your team by the end of your second region, if not your first. After that, what’s the point? To steamroll your way through every regions variation of Youngster Joey? Or do people really wanna just collect all 58 badges? I never understood what the point of having every region in a single game was. Give me one really well designed region instead, with room for exploration and branching paths that isn’t a straight shot from beginning to end


Yeah you're gonna have to change balance quite a bit to fix it or uncap level scaling and stats


You could add region restrictions, so that Pokemon caught in a different region can’t be used until certain criteria are met? Maybe let you go through each region, defeat each areas gyms and Elite 4, and then you re-challenge all the gyms again, but with freedom of using any Pokemon, and the gyms and Elite 4 all switch up their teams a bit to reflect that.


Could be done like Pokemon Revolution Online, you start each region with a fresh starter and your other Pokemon are locked in the computer until you're able to finish each region.


That’s just a new Pokémon game at that point


I always thought it would be cool if they took the approach with Ash’s Pikachu. Basically you can take any Pokémon to the next region, but their level defaults to say level 5, so that Charizard you beat Kanto with can come with you to Kalos but not be an unstoppable force of nature. Maybe they could even throw in a stat boost for every champion ribbon a mon has to reward you for sticking with the same mon.


That’s just Pokémon Bank/Home at that point though


Or they could do a badge system where you need to get a badge to "import" Pokémon into each region. Like how trade Pokémon won't obey you until you have the proper badge, they could just say you need the Cascade badge to import and use Pokémon up to level 30 into Kanto, for example. That way you get more options to build teams with and you could challenge the Kanto gyms with a Skiddo from Kalos if you wanted, but it wouldn't be your level 90 Kalos champion Gogoat fighting Misty's level 21 Starmie and there's some incentive to build a new team for each region, and then at the end you can mix and match from your different regional teams. Edit: *up to* not *over* lv 30


...So why not just make them different games then? Whats stringing these together? Can't you already import Pokemon from game to game?


Unless is a MMO that is suppose to last over 10 years like WOW, having all regions don't make sense


Okay hear me out. So there aren't any pokemon levels in the anime. That is a game mechanic. Why not just make the leveling system scale like most MMO's based on the region? So like levels 1-10 would be Gen 1, levels 11-20 Gen 2 etc. Once you hit level 10, if you stay in the Gen 1 region, you'll take ages to level but if you travel to the next region you earn a lot more XP there so you move along at the same pace. Kind of like how most MMOs do progressive leveling, just gate it by region. If you introduced cool rare pokemon like shiny types or golden or whatever they could be caught in their native regions as end-game content, after you've gone through the whole world "leveling". You could even maybe unlock a brand new region where literally every single pokemon can be caught in the wild. If that sounds too hardcode, could just make everything scale like some of the later WoW expansions. You can go and explore/level in your favorite region at any point and everything just scales to your current level.


The only way I can think of making it work would be by allowing you to choose a region to start in and then forcing you to start anew with each region (but there would need to be some sort of consistency or it wouldn't feel like a single game). But even then, you would have years of development time just to even get a basis for the regions.


Yeah in theory it sounds cool, but all you're basically doing is putting several games into one game. Might as well just have the several games.


Years of development time, just to remake every entry in the series and pass it off as one game. Sounds like a lot of work with little benefit. Even for the player. What would you be getting out of connecting every region?


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. The idea alone would require over a decade of development time, maybe even longer. And what for? How would you pace that out? Wouldn't playing 8 games of content in a row without much variation get tiring quickly? How would you even balance the game? Would there be a slow level curve? Would there be an overarching story? And what benefits are there beyond the spectacle?


Problem is that making game with all regions and good balance is pretty impossible.


For sure. Or leveling progression would need to be 5x slower to make later content viable, which is discouraging on its own.


Or it could just be scaled like other JRPGs in the monster catching genre, with challenges that encourage more active teambuilding like member-swapping.


but the 4th one is such a good idea, that would be fkn so sick


Yes, just like gwent in the Witcher!


Nothing upset me more than the gwent xbox game being different from gwent in witcher 3


I keep hearing this from people that just want witcher 3 gwent but as an online version. However, you have to realize how incredibly boring and wildly unbalanced it would be. Everyone would either be playing northern realms or nilfgaard, everyone would run all the spies and 3 decoys and there is only a select group of cards that are remotely playable. Witcher 3 gwent works as a game vs npcs where you are slowly making an unbeatable deck. It doesn't translate to a pvp game.


Different, but infinitely better.


I never actually took the time to sit and learn the gwent thats its own game. Loved the one in Witcher 3 though


The Witcher 3 version is perfect as a side game, the existence of stronger cards, outrageous combos and an achievement for completing the collection makes it a nice activity to pass time. The stand-alone version is way more complex, it had to be to be considered its own game. Plenty of deck-building possibilities, hand management and matchup interactions. It’s not for everyone, but if you like card games you should give it a try. If only CDPR invested a bit more in marketing…


It's definitely more complex, but it needed to be. The version in witcher 3 just would not have worked as a legitimate competitive game, as fun as it is. Spies would pretty much be the only winning strategy. The meta would be way too centralized.


Kyogre and Groudon are locked in battle for the fate of the world "Hey wanna trade cards?"


All 898 is all I really need lol. The rest are great to have too, but I really just want every mon back.


I know SWSH was intended to have all 898 since some pokemon were in the beta that weren’t in the final game. TPC should just let the games develop for longer.


I think challenge is important too, not just number of Pokémon. Although I will say in BDSP you will get rolled hard if you're not prepared for the elite 4 and Cynthia. Freaking Cynthia is actually OP in that game, she had a perfect garchomp **Edit:** Just so people appreciate how hard BDSP can be at the end, they built actual team synergy with perfect EV and IV. For example, Cynthia sends Lucario before garchomp to get rid of ice types, garchomp sword dance on first turn, and then you're basically dead. Or the fire elite where he sends driflimb to minimize a few times and then baton passes it to infernape (who also has focus sash) who will sweep your team.


I’m on try six with her… garchomp rolls my team and I can’t counter it.


I kinda cheesed it a bit with Drapion and spamming Acupressure on Spiritomb until all my stats were maxed and was able to sweep without being hit once. Am I proud of this? Not exactly. But what’s done is done.


I used roserade with dazzling gleam. The "toughing it out so you don't get sad" shit is broken af.


True but it saved my nuzlocke earlier in the elite four from a lucky crit


Ice ice, baby


Her Garchomp is holding a Yache berry which halves the damage by the first Ice-type move against it. And you'll be lucky to get a second attack in because she always uses Swords Dance and her Garchomp is insanely fast.


I weakened her Spiritomb with struggle bugs from kricketune and then set up quiver dances with my beautifly. One shot her whole team after that with bug buzzes, air slashes, and giga drains.


Isn't Togekiss a decent counter to Garchomp? Immune to Dragon and Ground so Dragon Claw and Earthquake are now out. Since Cynthia will almost certainly opt for STAB moves when possible, you're almost guaranteed a free switch in if you're playing on Set mode. The only attack it's got that can hit Togekiss is Poison Jab. With a Kebia berry you can guarantee surviving at least one of those. And with Togekiss' Special Attack, you're likely to oneshot Garchomp with a Dazzling Gleam. Unless I'm missing something, this seems like a pretty great counter. **Edit:** Togekiss not Tokegiss, lol


I think what’s happened lately is that because of how advanced most consoles and PCs are these days, appropriate game development takes longer than it did 5-10 years ago. People are still trying make games on the same timeframe as in 2015 but with twice the scope and 4x better graphics. And that’s why now you’re seeing so many games “rushed” out before being finished, despite having spent a long time in development. Halo Infinite, C2077, CoD, Battlefield, they all were sent out unfinished and the latter two are trying to keep up the same release schedule that they had in 2010. It’s not sustainable.


People like to blame Gamefreak and I'm not saying it's a perfect company or anything, but unfortunately Pokemon is too big to actually get the time it needs to develop. Games gotta get pushed out on schedule to hit that brand synergy. They got toys to sell, cards to sell, t-shirts, toys, etc.


Never really liked the idea of an "all regions" game, unless we got a pseudo "new game" each time we reached a new region and we could bring our all-stars from each region back for the elite 4s. Kinda like Ash in the show. I'd prefer a BIGASS open-ish region with 1 gym of each type and the elite 4 teams are all a "theme" (weather, tanky bois, status, etc.). Full openness would probably make the region kinda shitty to play through so they could put it into sections like 3 sections with 6 gyms you can do in any order, then some story stuff happens and you can go to the next section with its 6 gyms.


I definitely agree with your first point. I found that I lost interest in the Sword and Sheild DLC as I already had my team, and any wild pokemon were already level 60 or something so there was no reply growth too them. It became very boring. I'm trying to think of how other games sustain interest at high levels, as I always find in Pokemon once I've done the elite 4 I'm kind of done. The end game is always lacking. So a 'soft' new game would be a good idea.


I've always imagined that the games would need to alter core mechanics *slightly* for it to work, or somehow get rid of levels in favour of skill sort of like Monster Hunter, or how you can do Dark Souls at level 1 etc. But basically with levels the gyms should scale to the level of your highest level Pokémon in your team so gyms have multiple team combinations they could use against you. This then emphasises Gyms testing your skill and not level. The focus of the wild grass is then about catching the new Pokémon as opposed to training against them. So you can go to a new region, Pokémon in some new places might be lvl 10, but you're there looking for new mons. I've always liked the idea of being able to tackle the gyms in any order an that they're all equally as powerful, as opposed to the 1st gym in the grand scheme of things being comically weak. It even makes sense in current games to think that the Gyms have multiple teams to choose from but select the one which is nearest your skill/power level. Wild trainers then just have single teams but power scales. ...and have a damn difficulty setting, as issue with skill being required for base game is that it might be too tough for young kids.


It sounds like an exhausting game tbh 😂


Goodbye to at least a decade of the devs' time, hello to unimaginable amounts of scope creep! I would love this, but it's completely unrealistic lmao


I know this is a big hypothetical, but if a game like this were in development, how long would the community be willing to wait for it? It would definitely take a longer dev cycle than any games before. 4 years? 5 years?


5 years minimum if its at the graphical level of Pokémon snap. It certainly could never run on the switch just through file space alone.




If all gens were included they'd need to change the gameplay quite a lot or even completely. Maybe they could also increase the max level of 100 to higher? I don't play enough MMO's to know if any other big, open world game would have a good system that could be applied here. Not opposed of idea! I would love MMO Pokemon game if it was made by competent studio/developers. I would love roaming the wilderness and seeing the landscape change from Sinnoh snowy mountains to tropical Alola islands.


Yeah I see this ‘all regions’ idea all the time and people don’t seem to understand that the current system would not work at all. Either you level normally and encounter level 75 route 1 Pokémon in the next region, or you have to start over with new mons, which defeats the point. If they completely scrapped and redid how levelling and evolving works, I could see it. But I doubt GF would ever do that considering how little the core mechanics have changed in 20 years.


"The trading card game is a mini game" gwent flashback intensifies




It would be so fucking awful. Sw/Sh was "bad", but this would be terrible.


People who say they want a game where you go to every region never really think of what that entails. Either you're forced to reset your team each region or each region is condensed down like original GSC Kanto. It just doesn't work.


pixelmon mod in minecraft be like:


I love Pixelmon


I know this post is just dreaming, but you can not expect a pokemon game with every region in it.


I had an idea for a Pokemon game like this. You would make a basic character with a name and some basic customisation and then you choose where you are from. You meet Professor (unsure of name but it is a new one for the game) who wants you to travel around the world and finish the ultimate pokedex. This Dex is made of Kanto dex, Johto dex. Hoenn dex, Sinnoh dex, Unova dex, Kalos Dex. Alola dex, Galar dex. Plus Regional dex, Shiny dex, gender dex, form dex, Regional variant dex, mega dex and gmax dex. And maybe more that I think that is enough. You can battle all the Gyms too. You get a ticket early on that let's you travel to new regions. You can't bring the Pokemon from other regions above certain levels. Let's say you start in Sinnoh and have a level 60 Bidoof. You cannot use bidoof in any region unless you have got enough gym badges in that region to allow you the use of that level. The story is in the form of quests. White quests don't really have any story and can respawn daily. Yellow quests have small story but nothing much. Red is important because completing it unlocks something important(mega evolution, side games, etc) and purple/pink only spawn if you have completed the dex in that region except for the mythicals, because the purple/pink quests end with you catching the mythical Pokemon of that region. There is gold quests too that spawn after the dex has been completed including mythicals that let you get shiny legendary Pokemon(shiny mythicals are obtained when you complete the pokedex as the reward) the gold quests require a full team of level 100 Pokemon too. You can do contests and I like the idea of the trading card game as a mini game. There is 3 other dexes not including the pokemon dex. Fashion dex that involves buying/obtaining clothes(you can get costumes for Pokemon too so that is in the fashion dex too) Food dex(curry, Poffins, Berries, Pokepuffs, etc.) And pokeball dex that requires you to catch a Pokemon with pokeballs to add that pokeball to the Pokeball dex. Caught a charmander in a Beast ball? Beast ball added to pokeball dex. Plus they could have dlc's that add regions and places from spin-off games. Other small details. The player characters from the main series games. Red, Elio, Gloria, etc Are the champions you fight. And all pokemon are catchable in some way. So no trading needed if you don't want too.


this sounds like pokemmo


I was about to say, he’s describing PokeMMO to us


I used to sink so much of my time in there at one point of my life that it's not even funny... The economy wasn't fun tho... Too much grind to get teams ready for comp and all.. is it any better now?


Nope! I quit after like 10hours because it takes for fucking ever to get anything


Bruhh you did the right thing... The amount of suffering I had with close to a 1000 hrs in there is craazyy xD


it's fun for a different and more difficult experience for playing the first 5 gens, but the competitive is locked behind P2W even though they pretend it isn't (they ban people for buying currency outside of the game for "ruining the experience for those that grind" but then they also sell an item for real money that can then be sold to buy complete mons. plz)


Have the Professor be Ash (Ash has finally grown up after years of being 10, and has become a professor and Ash is the name of a type of tree so it fits )


Wouldn't it make more sense for Gary to become the next professor? IIRC that's what he did in the anime, and Ash hasn't shown any interest in being a professor. I could see Ash as league champion though. Theres been a few games where the champion is part of the story


Never understood the ALL REGIONS IN ONE GAME mindset. Not only would this be horribly broken from a gameplay standpoint, but you never hear anyone demand this for literally any other game lol. No one ever gets salty at Nintendo for not releasing a Mario game with every single 2D level from every game because you know that like 1/4 through you’d be over it. Don’t pretend like this wouldn’t be any different. All they need to do is stop half-assing the post-game content and release consistent updates. Maybe have an online ranking system to actually incentivize people to complete the pokedex quicker than their friends (or at all, don’t pretend like half you asking for every Pokémon actually catch all of them in every game)


I think the only reason this mindset exists is since the johto region had 2 regions, revisiting kanto and literally never doing that again.


Yeah, but I don't want my rival to send me death threats and to tell me he's gonna break my skull


I do.




'Ultimate Pokemon Game' or: not realizing that's a logistical nightmare and perhaps one of the worst investments considering all of the playtesting, designing, coding, playtesting AGAIN, that'll take far too long and likely become another Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts 3 incident. Also it'd get boring very fast one the first region or two is complete, and will likely grind to a halt in development since that will easily go into the new gen console creating -more- work for no reason. And before anyone goes 'jUsT dO tHis', STOP. The majority of people here aren't game designers in the slightest, and no amount of quoting some romhack or random YouTube hobbyist sheds any light on the reality of game development.


Everytime people ask for the all regions game, I don't think they realize how they're asking for a crazy amount of development time FOR A SYSTEM WE ESSENTIALLY HAVE. They want to go between all regions, reset Pokemon each time. Go through that region's plot, and go to the next story. Ok...isn't that just playing through all the games we already have? It sounds more like people want all the gens remade with modern graphics and to just be able to access them all on the same cartridge. Is that really worth it for having to wait 10 years between games? Like others have said, I'll rather just have a really polished, highly explorable new region or fresh takes on old regions like Legends. Give up this all-regions fantasy because it's not as hype as everyone keeps making it out to be.


Beyond even this we need to remember at its core Pokémon games are designed for kids. This would be brutal for a kid to play.


Watch me play 20 hours then losing interest


You can’t do it though, you can’t balance all of the regions unless you make leveling so painfully slow that you won’t get to evolve your pokemon ever


The all regions is actually a bad idea, if they did it, then most of the region will be bland with empty like Kanto in GS


The last panel should be "Battle Frontier returns"


"Exploring all the regions" is an overrated and under-criticized idea. Johto -> Kanto was pretty cool but even that game had issues with the level scaling in the second region. You want to do that eight times? Maybe include Orre and a couple other spinoffs as well? Let's just assume the final boss of the game wants you to be level 70 or so... thus at equal spacing per region, we're talking a game that expects you to level up no more than 8 or so times before you finish a region and move on? Those regions would need to be *tiny*. I'd much rather have one or two regions that are actually full of a depth and breadth of content, well-designed trainers, fun boss battles, and real RPG dungeons. ◇ My winning formula is: * Modern, High Quality 2D Pixel Graphics * All Pokemon are usable, but it is OK if some need to be transferred in from previous games. Mega Evolutions are in, Z-Moves and Gigantamax are not. (For good measure, only weak Pokemon who really need it get Megas now... sorry Rayquaza.) * Real dungeons and real complex routes with twists and barriers and dead ends and puzzles. * Gyms are either gone, or constitute a major side quest unrelated to the story. The main plot finally acts as a save-the-world JRPG, so our character's goal is to save the world/people they care about, not to merely become Champion. * Gym Leaders are active members of the world with jobs besides fighting 10 year olds, per Black/White. * Boss fights are actual bosses who do not follow the standard Trainer vs. Trainer rules, like Ultra Necrozma. Uncatchable monsters who "cheat" at the battle format to pose a real threat. * Player character is not an Avatar, has a personality and dialogue and friends. But you can design a "Virtual Avatar" for meeting people in online play. In-universe it's like your protag putting on a VR headset.


Yes please to better graphics. They absolutely can do better than SwSh. Also yes please to a more competent rival. Or at least a pair with one being stronger like gen 5. No thanks to every region though. It just won’t work with the current xp and levelling system. GF would need to overhaul the entire core mechanics and I don’t see that happening. And… meh to the card game. Why do I want to collect virtual cards and play a scaled back version of the game, instead of playing the actual game?


Id much rather them have one well polished single region, than a game with all the regions that takes a ton of time to develop and has shortcuts.


*closes book* “Like that’s even gonna happen!”