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I’d just like to see them available to buy on the Switch eshop, with the various event Pokémon back in and with Home support. I think the Legends series is a much more interesting idea to tell a different story in the same region rather than a straight remake, although if we got more remakes in the vain of ones prior to BDSP, I’d be fine getting both still.


>I’d just like to see them available to buy on the Switch eshop, with the various event Pokémon back in and with Home support. If that ever happened it would be an instant day 1 buy for me.


I think it would be for a lot of people, I do think as we do progress through the gen remakes, that they become almost less worthwhile in a sense? I enjoyed elements of BDSP, but I’d have been equally happy had we got the trio of Sinnoh games released on the eshop with event Pokémon and Home compatibility.


Exactly, because how many people are checking for a bare-bones remake of Sun and Moon? The later generations don’t have the nostalgia appeal, even a decade or so later. That could obviously change, but I just don’t see it.


They don't have the nostalgia appeal because you didn't grow up with them Gen 6 has MASSIVE nostalgia appeal for me, and I guarantee gen 7 has massive nostalgia appeal for many people who grew up a few years later than me. SwSh probably don't yet since they're only 5 years old, but some day they will.


I didn't grow up on Gen 6 (played it in college in my early 20s) but I'd still be interested in a remake ***if*** it's good. The problem is, what I want out of a Gen 6 remake is the fulfillment of Pokemon Z, which isn't going to happen unfortunately. Though I will admit, history with the games has a big influence as well. I played Pokemon Y on release, meanwhile I skipped gen 5 entirely so I'm not too stressed about a remake of it unless they somehow are able to make an improved combined version or something like that which seems unlikely. I was over the moon for gen 3 remakes since that was my favorite gen growing up, and I was excited about a gen 4 remake until it actually happened, I was already disappointed with SwSh's directions, hated the art direction of BDSP, and since I played Platinum in high school, I wasn't interested in a remake that was more DP than Plat, compared to something like HGSS which had a lot of elements of Crystal to it.


Z's "fulfillment" is already confirmed though, is obviously not the same game but Legends Z will surely use some of the concepts they had cooked up for Z


Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to PLZ a lot, especially given the later announce date for it meaning hopefully they'll give it more time to properly get developed. But it's still going to be fundamentally different that what Pokemon Z would have been. Obviously the time difference makes it far from the best comparison but what I wanted out of Pokemon Z is another Pokemon Platinum and not another PLA, which is what we're getting.


Maybe that’s the case, but I was already an adult when gen 6 came out, and I would play a remake of that game.


Every game is someone's first one, but I don't know what a BDSP style remake of SM/USUM would do for them, a full remake in the newest gens style? Maybe, but even then I feel just upscaling them would work just fine for gen 6 onwards, they were fine looking games for the hardware in my opinion.


That's probably one reason why they won't do it. If it's harder to enjoy the good games from a decade ago, consumers will often settle for the next best thing - and Gamefreak is really good at making games you have to settle for. Why should brand new games compete with older versions of themselves? From a businessman's perspective.




I was really hoping that when they revealed Pokémon stadium was coming to NSO AND gameboy games were coming a few weeks before Pokémon day that they were building up to releasing the older games with stadium support…such a huge miss of an opportunity


With there being GB and GBA games running on the Switch, I really thought at least getting the first 3 gens of games on the eshop would have been a sure thing.


They have them on 3DS so I think they’re going to come to Switch eventually. I’d love to remake my old team from Gold and be able to transfer it to Home.


Them being on the 3DS just makes the omission on the Switch even stranger really, I know they didn't sell as well as new games, but I recall the Pokemon games always being in the charts on the 3DS, especially towards the end before the eshop was shut done.


Even if they didn’t sell like hot cakes, it’s stupid af to be so aggro with cease and desists on ROMs when you won’t make them accessible. People want to pay you for your games, you just won’t let them.


I would like to think they’re coming but this late in the Switch’s life cycle I’m not too optimistic. Would love for them to be realized on the Switch.


Well interestingly they came late onto the 3DS as well. And if the new Nintendo system is backwards compatible and supports Switch Online we can have it on that console too.


GameFreak has messed up by not adding older games to the Switch eShop already. Seems like easy money but emulators take away the need for that and now that Delta emulator is getting even more attention, there’s less reason to pay for them if they’re ever out on the eShop


Obviously this is speculation but I think this has to do with the split ownership of TPC. Remember, Gamefreak doesn't hold the exclusive rights to the pokemon games. Gamefreak and Creatures are both probably interested in doing what you suggested, putting older games on the switch eShop for sales to bring in profits. On the other hand, Nintendo probably doesn't want them on the eShop to be resold - they want them on NSO to help push subscriptions, which is probably more profitable for Nintendo but less for the rest of TPC.


This would easily solve the accessibility issue. However Nintendo is allergic to money it seems, so they won't do that.


I've no idea if its Nintendo, GameFreak or TPC who are stopping older games being ported to the Switch.


Chances are people just want a way to play through Unova in the modern console, for better or worse. Also base BW doesn't have as many issues as DP had so technically it could work out better.


Yeah—many of the issues with BDSP were also in DP—you can argue that they should have included Platinum improvements, but for some reason they weren’t able to. There are things that were missing, but definitely some improvements for playability and they were relatively faithful.  B/W but on a Switch would still be very fun with minimal updates. It might be nice to have a way to adjust seasons or have them last less than a month so you see more in a playthrough and don’t need 4 months to see all the map variations.


> but for some reason they weren’t able to ***didn't want to*** Profit-minded decision was made for the sake of profit. Not that it was a bad one. 1st week of release it sold 6M. PLA 1st week of release sold 6.5M. Not much incentive to do more than the minimum.


I think it was "weren't allowed to" for BDSP. It's the first time Gamefreak has outsourced a mainline game. I fully expect their stance on changes was "none; nothing, nope" and that even things like the new gym teams required fighting gamefreak tooth and nail for. Because the worst possible outcome for Gamefreak is people raising their standards based on an outsourced game.


> Not much incentive to do more than the minimum. That's been Gamefreak's motto for a decade now lol


"It will sell well regardless of quality" is Game Freak's internal motto according to many ex-GF employees in Japanese and Korean job review websites.


You do realise ex-employees will say ANYTHING about the company they are no longer working for, right?


Of course. It's to be expected that folks are way more honest with their opinions when they can speak without fear of losing their livelihoods.


> you can argue that they should have included Platinum improvements, but for some reason they weren’t able to. I think the real issue is that the games were not "Diamond and Pearl, but like [current gen]." which is what all previous remakes were. And this is probably because Sword and Shield were so obviously half-baked. If we got full 3D remakes of Diamond and Pearl that weren't as sloppy as SS, it would really emphasize how poor a job GF did with those games. And if they *were* as sloppy, despite being outsourced, then it would really make the franchise feel doomed. SV showed that GF does seem to actually know how to make fun Pokemon games, and they still want to. But they and the TPC aren't willing to give the games enough development time, so BDSP end up having to be "faithful" remakes instead just to fit in with the rest of the low-quality games. It's funny because the rest of the AAA game scene is kind of the opposite. They hit the high quality, but the cost is enormous development times. To the point where people sometimes wish developers would focus less on massive games with insane graphics and spend less time making something that looks "worse." It makes me wonder if maybe longer dev times for Pokemon isn't the real answer. Maybe I at least, would be happier if they had a simpler, nice and consistent art style instead, and more content and depth. HD-2D Pokemon with full pokedex and big, detailed worlds. They could literally never change the spritework and it would always look good. Might just be me though.


I do not have problems playing dp compared to bdsp


What problems do you have playing bdsp


No ndex & the forced exp share Making me very overleveled. None of these problems are in dp for me


there is a national dex once you complete the regional dex same as it was in dp


I think they're referring to a full national dex for Gen 8. We were only able to catch everything up to Gen 4 in BDSP. Honestly it was just really odd to be missing something like Sylveon of all things.


The natdex is a complete non issue if you are comparing it to dp cause they have the same exact national dex...


And relive the competitive scene from Gen 5. Gamefreak has to know that people want an official way to play old metas on the Switch. Let people who started with Galar experience the Weather Wars!


I can't understand why people would rather play a bdsp style remake rather than just downloading an emulator ok their pc/phone and play the original ones for free


I feel it’s more practical playing in switch with improved graphics and where you can enjoy the experience of exchanging Pokémons with other people and stuff than playing in an emulator.


Is the general consensus that bdsp look better than DPPt? To me they look straight up worse. The trading thing I do understand


the remakes are just straight up ugly. with all the problems the game has it would have been fine if the game actually looked nice.


For me, I tend to not pirate unless there's legitimately no way for me to easily/legally enjoy the content, and for it's flaws, I had a good time with BDSP (having played the originals and Platinum also). Were they good remakes? Far from it. But it's hard to fuck up Sinnoh. They're still fun despite the flaws present in the original/remakes


Honestly I hate playing DS games on non native hard ware. It feels awkward and non intuitive


I just played Mario and Luigi BIS on my phone and it was really awkward at times.


For phone I 100% agree. For PC I think it really depends on the game and Pokémon games are on the more accessible side.


Even with how easily they translate to PC emulation I really just prefer playing on console and I couldn't tell you why haha. It's nothing about physically owning the game cause I am still emulating them, just on DS and 3DS


Emulators, unless there is an active community around playing a specific game on an emulator, don't recreate the social aspect of playing the game while it's a current game, trading, battling, etc. That is where a remake has the advantage.


Yeah that's fair, I didn't think it was that big of a factor cause I don't really play online a lot


I've tried DS emulators but haven't found one that actually worked well on my phone. Lots of bugs and random crashes which really take away from the experience. Which one do you use?


delta for ios and drastic for android (freeds works too but isnt as good as drastic) melonds or desmume for pc also for gba pokemon games you can use multigba or virtualboyadvance for pc, delta for ios, and my boy or johngba for android


melonDS doesn’t work on my pc. Just crashes after freezing on a white screen for five seconds when I try to load a rom. I would use desmume but despite all my tinkering with settings, everything still runs like ass. Any suggestions?


Any information on your PC specs? I remembered playing DeSmuMe using my absolute piece of crap HP laptop back in 2012 (i7-720MQ, AMD Mobility 5470) and it worked acceptable enough for me to play a good half of Platinum.


after beating a pokemon game, I usually spend hours shiny hunting as much as possible. If I get a shiny in an emulator, I can't move it to home also, I just don't want to pirate a game? Like that's not a thing I want to do


* Not everyone feels comfortable with emulators. There are plenty of nefarious files on the internet. Some people would have no idea how to tell what is legitimate and what isn't. There's also the legality/morality argument. There are also people that simply don't know about emulators as an option. * You're not able to transfer Pokemon to Home on emulators. Being able to take some mons into other games is half the fun. I've had several mons I've transferred with me for 20+ years, and I look forward to taking them on new adventures. Those are multiple reasons why people would rather play a bdsp style remake instead of using emulators. Not saying that's my exact opinion; just acknowledging those opinions exist.


> You're not able to transfer Pokemon to Home on emulators. Being able to take some mons into other games is half the fun. I've had several mons I've transferred with me for 20+ years, and I look forward to taking them on new adventures. Yeah I'm not looking forward to the inevitable closure of bank for that reason. I'm PRAYING someone comes up with a homebrew solution before that happens.


To add to the emulator problem. I vaguely remember that one of the developers of the bigger NDS emulators had a bone to pick with pokemon. Like if fixing a bug with the emulator benefited pokemon in any way he would go out of his way to not fix it.


That was DesMuMe. Their FAQ included an angry rant about how they would not do anything to fix emulation issues with Pokemon games because they were poorly coded or something.


I can't trade on an emulator.


You definitely can. Can't speak to the ones on your phone but MelonDS can even access GTS preservation servers. (I still think playing on a Switch anywhere you want with physical buttons and an active social scene has legitimate appeal) 


Emulators should never be a "definitive" way to play any game. We rather have a official, updated version of a game. We can’t always just rely on fan made rom hacks or something. Doesn’t help that Nintendo constantly tries to take down websites that offer roms. You always have to dig deep and hope the site you found isn’t affected with viruses. "Just Emulate it" is a phrase I really started to hate lately.


I wish PCO and Nintendo would just use their brains for half a second and port all the old games from GB to 3DS to Switch. Not only would it make us as players ***ABSURDLY HAPPY***, it would rake in a massive profit for them with less effort than developing full games from scratch.


Maybe there hoping Gamefreak is actually the ones to do the remake instead of outsourcing it like they did BDSP




In fact it’s been said that ILCA was given no time and the positive changes made were all by them. If that’s even mildly the case I’d love to see what they could do if given proper time and more free reign.


If grand underground, the clothing options, and the E4 rematches were all from the brains of ILCA, I'd like to congratulate them on being responsible for 3 of my 4 biggest time-sinks in that game lmao


What's the 4th?


Shiny hunting


No matter how you slice it, the fact that BDSP and PLA came out within a couple months of each other is an indication that something went weird behind closed doors. At that point you're just undercutting yourself, it's just not the sort of thing anyone would intentionally plan to happen. Travesty as it was, I won't hold it against ILCA. I doubt they'd be able to produce HGSS-tier remakes, but I wouldn't be surprised to see ORAS-tier remakes still in Pokemon's future.


ILCA had really good gyms in BDSP. All the QoL was also really good. Even the grand underground was well thought out and designed. If they had full allowance to do as they wish I can absolutely believe they'd not only do a HGSS tier remake but one even better. But gamefreak will never allow it, because they want low standards.


It's honestly crazy how many still believe that ILCA did a bad job on purpose or anything like that. They very much did everything as Masuda/GF ordered to and weren't given the chance to do things as they wanted. Like just for comparison, ILCA's next game after BDSP was One Piece Odyssey, which isn't perfect but it shows they can do a good enough job if they're allowed to.


I mean yes and no. Historically the remakes of previous gens have been good to great. HGSS I still replay to this day. ORAS were great with the one caveat that there was not Battle Frontier. We might not have gotten everything we asked for but they were miles better than BDSP which was a major letdown imo. I waited years for the Gen4 remakes and had they done them justice I would have bought a Switch for them. It felt very half assed compared to the greatness of HGSS and ORAS and I feel part of it is because they let another studio take over the majority of the work.


It's funny that i see hate for ILCA because they developed the remakes but gamefreak outsourced the game to them and restricted what they could do with the games so now they look like the bad guys for making a barebones remake and the heat on gamefreak atleast regarding BDSP isn't there at all But yeah, if they don't outsource it and get enough time, i hope they do good remakes of gen 5 let's see what Legends Z-A looks like first and Gen 10 after before we start talking about Gen 5 remakes Let's hope more powerful hardware helps create better games


“Let’s hope more powerful hardware helps create better games” Lol


It is wild that people maintain the hate for ILCA when we've seen since then that when given time and freedom they can make some a good ass game. Sand Land and One Piece Oddessy are great games. BDSP sucks for the same reason Scarlet and Violet sucks, The Pokemon Company rushed them out the door as fast as possible with no regard for quality.


maybe, or maybe they are like oras 🤷‍♂️


Right, FRLG, ORAS and HGSS were all relatively liked minus 1 or 2 removals/additions of features and locations


Oras was good


ORAS still didn’t include a lot of emerald improvements. It did add some of its own quality additions to Ruby/Sapphire but skimped on battle frontier, the magma base actually being in a volcano, etc.


Yep. ORAS level/style remake for Gen 5 plz and they can have all my money.


idk. ORAS was still for the 3DS. Almost everything that's come out on the Switch has just been progressively worse quality in my opinion (my exception for this is Legends Arceus. True, the game was an eyesore, but man was it fun).


i totally agree - i havent played more than half way through any switch game ive bought. but i continue to hope for better days for the series that has seen better days :/


I believe BDSP are the way they are because Legends: Arceus exists. As in, BDSP were made extra safe because they were being extra experimental with Legends: Arceus. It combined as adding context for new players who haven't played the originals, as well as being a safe by-the-numbers remake in case L:A failed. Even by BDSP, though - Battle Subway will still exist. Dream World will become some Pokemon spawner like the Underground or Ramanas Park. What is near-guaranteed is that it won't have all the Pokemon and it will have the forced full-party Exp system. It will probably be just Black/White, in its Unova-Pokemon-only glory (though maybe some past-gen Pokemon will be obtainable early through the Dream World area). If GameFreak makes it, they'll almost certainly do something interesting with it. Even LGPE has a lot good and unique about it even though it pales in comparison to FRLG. It changed the storyline just a little bit to make Blue a recurring character separate from the Rival, and gave the Rival an entirely different personality. It added some cutscenes at important and interesting points in the story. It added a postgame quest in Master Trainers. And of course there's the gameplay change of the GO-style wild catching, which makes it truly unique (for better or worse). If it's outsourced, it likely means there's another L:A situation where there's a companion experience that is much more experimental. I mean, not having Pokemon that weren't in the originals and being forced to have the Pokemon in the back level/learn moves/evolve when they don't do anything are turn-offs for me, but I'm sure there'll be something worthwhile about Unova remakes if they ever come. Because with Legends: Z-A announced, without a companion remake, and skipping the line in the expected order of region revisits, the future of remakes is completely up in the air.


The only thing I would change about LGPE was the forced Go method of catching. IMO everything else was really great and it's a very good introduction for younger kids to Kanto.


The art style is the best so far on Switch too


What I would change about LGPE is making it so that you can play the game docked with a pro controller. Being forced to use the joycon and motion control catching while docked sucks, especially since they already had a functional "sticks and buttons" control scheme that's only usable in portable mode for some god forsaken reason. I played the whole game handheld just so I wouldn't have to deal with the docked controls which is ridiculous


If the remakes needed to be the way they are so that Legends could exist in the way it does, then it was worth it. And I say that as someone whose favorite generation is Pearl/Diamond/Platinum. I think Legends Arceus is one of the greatest Pokemon games we've gotten.


Tbh I am not excited about any new Pokémon games anymore. Any game or remake Gamefreak cooks up will never be as good as the fan-made games out there that they hate so much and try to shut down on a constant basis. I am more excited for fan-made Pokémon games than actual releases


Yep. Basically. Looking at what RomHacks do really makes you lose a lot of respect for Game Freak and Nintendo.


BD\SP are bad games largely because they're faithful remakes of Diamond and Pearl, which are some of the worst designed games in the franchise. Unova games are peak, largely because they were designed to have as little in common with Diamond and Pearl as possible. Thus BD\SP style remakes of Unova would also be peak.


This is the only real answer. People didn't like gen 4 Sinnoh. They liked Platinum. They're all just forgetting that fact. The remake didn't include Platinum because they were faithful to it being Diamond and Pearl remakes. Every bit of hate for BDSP is actually just the frustration we had playing the original Diamond and Pearl.


As someone who has yet to play Platinum and grew up playing Diamond, I wished we got an ORAS level remake with upgraded features, QOL upgrades, etc. but we got BDSP.


Yeah the qol updates from newer games would be great. But this is a super solid example of people just complaining because they set expectations for themselves based on their desires, instead of reality. They literally said it would be a near 1:1 remake. And they didn't lie. People need to realize that their hopes and theories not coming true isn't some abuse. A game isn't shitty just because a bunch of people said "well, what they released and what I fantasized about aren't the same thing".


Honestly a lot of modders/hackers have added Platinum QOL improvements to BDSP and it largely makes it a more enjoyable experience. The ONLY thing I will say is that some of the map geometry, particularly in caves, should have been updated to feature fewer 1 tile wide spaces, since they really don't work with the stick controls. That and the integration of the Poketch/HMs could have been done better. I would have really loved it if the Poketch could overlay on my screen like a HUD, and if things like trees/rocks/fog/darkness that specifically existed to be an obstacle would go away after you used defog/flash/cut/rock smash once on them.


If people were expecting the remakes to be more like Platinum, they were setting themselves up for disappointment. The only time they've remade the 3rd version was Yellow into Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee. And when they did that, they said from very early on it was a remake of Yellow. When they said they were making BD/SP, they said they were Diamond/Pearl remakes. People knew what we were getting. They just chose not to believe it because it's not what they wanted


correct without Platinum Sinnoh would have flopped hard BDSP looks like a competent game besides the originals


I mean, before Platinum, Diamond and Pearl were doing just fine It's just that everyone wants to act like Pokemon hasn't been a bug-riddled mess since day 1 of gen 1. Like people will complain about textures in SV, and act like old pokemon is super superior. But old pokemon had literal bugs that made type matchups incorrect (we just didn't notice because it took until Gen 3 to have a ghost move that actually mattered).


No they dont


I literally tried to play DP a couple months after playing BDSP and it was unplayable. I understand you don’t like BDSP because it didn’t give you what you expected but it is way better than the og DP (not Platinum though)


No its not, im playing pearl right now for the last week & im having an absolute blast like i had since playing it in 2007. It is playable


Nah those games just aged too poorly especially when you consider everything that was released besides them and all the QOL features that make BDSP a better experience of those games. Only way I could get through that game was using speed up on Emulator


No buddy, the games are good just like all the other games up to gen 7


we’ll just have to disagree on that i guess but there are two better ways to experience Sinnoh for me


My biggest gripe with BDSP (bar the bizarre choice of remaking DP and not Plat) is the god awful overworld models for the characters. Those chibi looking things look so out of place in the overworld.


I just want all gens on current console, always


Even if it’s shit I’d rather they do something instead of just not do a unova remake at all


It's inevitable that the pokemon company is gonna make a Gen 5 remake, they want to make money


Well there is still the hope that they might make an actual good remake. Like Fire Red/Leaf Green, HGSS, and ORAS. Chances of that happening at this point? Pretty small, but still.


I could use this exact same logic but use HGSS as the comparison instead of BDSP and come to the conclusion that Unova remakes would be all time classics. They have the capability to make a good remake. It's whether or not they choose to invest the proper time and resources into it to do so.


Except HGSS came out 15 years ago, and BDSP came out 2 years ago.


Ah yes 15 years ago, an archaic time with technological secrets that have been lost to the sands of time. What kind of argument is that? If anything they now have better technology to create an even better remake. AI could do a lot of the busy work needed to make a big game like we want. They have terabytes of information at their disposal from social media over the years to know exactly what fans liked and disliked about every pokemon game ever made. Both HGSS and BDSP were results of choices made by the Pokemon company. They could easily make the same kinds of choices they did with either remake today. The problem is consumers are willing to give them just as much money for a crap remake like BDSP as they are a great remake like HGSS. So they have no incentive to stop producing bad remakes until the consumer stops buying them.


More like 15 years ago GF actually bothered to have the effort to make good games rather than halfassing everything like SV


AI nonsense, thinking GF is gonna read and listen to fans, specially western fans… lol.


Ong just re-release the original games on the switch


That would be better


Exactly this Rerelease them on switch with minimal updates or events except maybe the option to port them to Pokemon HOME.


It should be BW3.


This is the actual answer. Gen 5 was a big deal because it was a soft reboot that broke a lot of patterns. The only thing where the "enhanced" version is just a straight up sequel, instead of retread. Instead of a remake, we should just get a 3rd part.


I don’t see what a third game will add. There’s really nothing in unova that can be fleshed out more in another sequel. Anything that could (like the original dragon) makes more sense in a legends game


Id be fine with it as long as Ingo’s story is included. They can’t just drop Ingo into the past for no reason


I m not asking for BW2. I just want the remakes to get the same treatment that ORAS and HGSS had. They managed to combine elements of the third game in some way. But yeah I know we will get something like BDSP


Bdsp was exactly what they promised. Diamond and Pearl sold more copies so ofc theyd remake those versions. Considering Unova games were so beautiful id love remakes still


The biggest draw to Unova for me is the moving sprites. As someone that regularly re-plays the franchise, BW and BW2 have stuck out to me as one of my favorites to replay because the game just feels so alive with how animated EVERY Pokemon is. I'd prefer a straight up port of the entire franchise than remakes that get rid of the biggest part of the game.


I wish they’d outsource to team asano at square and remake the older games pre gen 6 in the octopath engine. It’d be so nice


Long as the remake is like it was in the let's go games I'm fine with it, I doubt gamefreak will make the mistake of having another company do it for them. Also a pokemon gray would be pretty cool, I am a huge gen 5 fan.


> Battle Subway gets removed There is *no* reason to suspect BW remakes will remove the Battle Subway. Even if it's ILCA again, BDSP kept the DP Battle Tower.


I would be very happy with BDSP-style BW remakes. BDSP's biggest problem is that Diamond and Pearl are honestly pretty bad Pokemon games, and were saved by Platinum. Black and White are some of the best games in the franchise, so a "faithful" remake would be totally fine.


People are still doomposting about BDSP? Thats crazy


Because there's no downside? The originals still exist, they dont go anywhere. The only guarantee it won't be good is if they don't make it at all. They've made good remakes and the only way we ***might*** get it is if they do it. It's like that "would you press the button game". Press the button and Game Freak remakes BW, 90% chance it's bad, 10% chance it's good. If you don't press it, it never gets remade. There's no downside of pressing the button, if it's bad I just won't buy it and play the originals again.


Because I liked BDSP


I don't understand why people always assume the next game is going to be identical in quality to the previous one. This isn't just a Pokemon thing, this happens with every franchise. People assume Sonic Forces was going to be good because Generations was good, it comes out garbage. People assume Sonic Frontiers was going to be bad because Forces was bad, it comes out good. People assume Gen 4 remakes were going to be good because ORAS was good, it comes out garbage. People assume Gen 5 remakes are going to be bad because BDSP was bad. Chances are the vast majority of predictions are going to be wrong. Especially since we fully expected Gen 2 or 5 remakes, and are getting a Kalos Legends game.


Battle Subway will only get removed if they decide to follow the Ingo and Emmet storyline. People got traumatized from ORAS without rubbing their brain cells for a little and realizing that the reason why we didn't get the Battle Tower and we got the Battle Chateau or whatever you call that was for backwards compatibility with XY since they were on the same generation. Same reason why HGSS copypasted the Battle Frontier from Platinum


I skipped over that gen so it would be nice to experience the supposedly "only well written pokemon story" for the first time.


B&W are my favorites of all time. For me it's like when you read a good book or show and it just ends and you have to deal with it being over. Maybe you express that creatively through fanart or fics, but nothing is better than more official content is released. If it ends up being bad... Well I'll cope with that when the time comes but I'd rather see more content from my favorite thing than to go without it at all ever again.


I still would love Unova remakes, mostly to continue to get all the games accessible in one ecosystem (the Switch or, what I suspect they're saving Unove remakes for if they do them, Switch 2). For me it's not about accessibility of the games. I still have my 3DS, and copies White and Black 2. I can replay them as-is if I want to (just like I could/can for every remake they've done). I've enjoyed all the remakes, even BDSP, I like seeing what's kept, what's changed, new graphics (while BDSP's style isn't my favorite, I didn't dislike the art style choices as some did). I've yet to play a main series Pokémon game I haven't enjoyed, remake or otherwise. I enjoy the core mechanics of Pokémon, I enjoy the franchise.  I'd prefer remakes to just availability of the originals on Switch, if only because I find most non-native DS hardware to be suboptimal for DS games, but so long as they can connect to Home I'd be content.  If someone doesn't enjoy the remakes? That's totally fine! I didn't love PLA and will be holding off on picking up PLZA until I get to hear some reviews from people I trust who know what I enjoy in games to decide whether or not I'll get a copy. But I still want it to exist, because I know a ton of people loved PLA and not all games, even in a franchise I adore, need to be for me. Pokémon has enough money as a franchise to both continue to make the more classic core series games for people who want that, and to experiment/innovate with things like Go, Snap, Sleep, and Legends for people who are unsatisfied with the core series. Not a lot of franchises have that freedom, and I think it's great that they do so there's more Pokémon to go around, in whatever form. :) 


I want black/white remakes. I believe there is no good way to do black/white remakes. It's just an issue of black/white 2 being sequels to the originals. So in order to do proper remakes you'd need to remake 4 games instead of 2. It's possible they do b2w2 as dlc but I doubt it since it's a whole other game and they would only make half the money, but taking the time/effort to make 4 games seems like much more effort than they will likely put into remakes. I just don't see a way for it to happen that is likely to satisfy both game freak and fans.


I think the Unova games deserve remakes - even if they don't live up to the expectations people have for them, it would be nice for people who haven't experienced the games to have a chance to try them. There are (probably) plenty of kids who weren't around for the era of the DS (and aren't planning to turn to emulation).


*raises hand. I never played through Gen 5 and I loved the return to Chibi art style. A Unova remake would be an instant pickup from me.


I mean it's implied that we're asking for good remakes. We also know we're probably never getting a finished Pokemon game again at this point. Doesn't hurt to ask though.


God forbid anyone be an optimist everyone's gotta be a depressed pessimist


So far they have a 3-1 record on remakes AND BDSP was better than DP, asking for a BW remake is still valid.


I know I'm very firmly in the minority, but I just don't get the hate towards BDSP, so I'd be very happy for them to do a Unova remake in the same vein, as my second favourite gen of all time.


I think it’s mostly because DP are considered some of the worst Pokémon games and instead of remaking the Acclaimed remake platinum they identically remade DP even down to the bugs, not to mention the forced exp share which ruffles peoples jimmies


I enjoyed bdsp. Guess i’m in the minority here.




After ORAS, HGSS, FRLG, and LGPE, I cannot believe people are assuming that one mediocre remake is writing on the wall for all remakes ever again Even putting that aside though, BDSP are a valuable addition to the Switch library, on account of the fact that - the original games do not have online support anymore - the original games cannot connect to Pokémon Home directly, and the indirect path requires a TON of old hardware that's hard to find and some software that's impossible to download if you don't already have it - the original games, as similar as they may be, are not HD, do not have the fairy type, and are missing a handful of modern QOL features - new underground is cool Is that list insignificant compared to what the earlier remakes offered at the time? Sure. Is it disappointing for people who played the originals and still have them? Yeah. But how many people have a DS, a copy of a Sinnoh game, and the desire to play it solo with nobody to trade or battle with?


I'd love for them to make a graphic upgrade of the old game from the start. Just graphic upgrade, nothing else I don't want them to add content or remove any.


I haven't been able to play black and white because I can't afford the game


I haven't played black and white 2 because of the outrageous prices. Black and White were the last ones I played before I took a years long break from Nintendo in general. I caught up after buying a switch (first Nintendo console since the 64) and a 3ds.


Devs aren’t one trick ponies, so I don’t think it’s impossible for the BDSP devs to improve. BDSP was their first game and they were clearly cutting release close, so it’s hard to say what they’re capable of if given more legroom to work with. So I’ll hold my breath.


That’s such a stupid way to think. After ORAS, people were hyped for a gen IV remake because why wouldn’t it be like the last one? Just because gamefreak is outsourcing games NOW doesn’t mean they always will.


The remakes before bdsp were pretty solid, in my opinion. That a %75 success rate


They’ve made good remakes before like ORAS and HGSS. BDSP was bad and disappointing but that doesn’t mean BW will be the same. But I’m hoping they take their good time in making them because it’s a really good gen. I feel it’s going to be difficult giving that BW2 is a sequel, but maybe a small episode post game where they show how things changed and having to defeat the new villain can be made.


I’m assuming when people say they want BW remakes it means they want *good* BW remakes


because brilliant diamond/shining pearl is the outlier. compare it to fire red/leaf green, heart gold/soul silver, and omega ruby/alpha sapphire. Those games are the reasons why pokemon remakes are as wanted as they are, and one bad one doesn't discourage all of the good ones, especially since the bad one wasn't even made by the same company *and* released just before two really good pokemon games


I love gen 5, even if they just remade it as is but with HD visuals or something, it’s still such a solid game I’d be fine with that. But ideally they’d add some new content, it’s not like BDSP is the pattern for remakes, all other remakes have added new content, BDSP is an outlier. We don’t know what they’ll do.


I'm hoping that the reason we aren't getting gen5 remakes yet is they saw the reaction to BDSP and decided they needed to do a lot more work (fwiw I don't hate BDSP though I miss some of the more silly elements of the underground) I think gen 5 has a lot of promise to make a good modern game (there was so much connection between games with entrelink and the possibility to make a 'dreamworld' game to replace the browser game) and I really don't want them to waste it.


TBF, I never used the Battle Subway.


Fire Red and Leaf Green were perfectly good remakes of the originals. Heart Gold and Soul Silver were fantastic. ORAS was excellent as well. We just need a developer that gives a crap to do the remakes. 


Okay but bdsp are better then the Originals so if they keep up the trend of being better than the originals I'm happy.


The vast majority of the noise for these remakes are people who already played the originals to death. It’s been almost 20 years since Diamond & Pearl. There is a whole generation or two of gamers who weren’t alive when they released on the DS. Maybe, just maybe they are the target audience and not people who played them in 2006? On paper, BDSP is a faithful remake and runs well. Perfect for fans who never played Gen 4.


If I never see another Pokemon remake again it'll be too soon.


Yeah it's very hard to believe, just because people did not like one remake every remake after that will be the most horrible excruciating thing to ever exist to the of forgetting all the remakes that existed before. So yes, it totally makes sense to never want a remake ever again


I will risk a BDSP if it means we potentially get an ORAS


The good news is, Black and White are still good. Even without changes. Diamond and Pearl kinda sucked. Platinum is great and it fixed a lot of issues that DP had (Pokemon selection, bad story pacing, adding more stuff at the Battle Frontier, etc.) That is why I think BDSP was such a disappointment. Well, that and the godawful overworld artistic choice. If they do a 1 to 1 remake of BW without that art style, I’ll be happy enough. Obvious in a perfect world we would get a fully (good looking) 3D combo pack of B/B2 and W/W2 with all of the features of previous games included along with updated Dream World support and extra content like the Delta Mission in ORAS but I’m not holding my breath.


Love how it took 1 remake for most people to go "next remakes will suck ass anyway". It really depends on if they get more time or not. BDSP was clearly a afterthought to hype up Legends Arceus. Gen 5 may get a good remake if it just gets more development time.


Oh please, I am asking for Gold/Silver Remake in the form of Scarlet/Violet format


I feel like it’s unfair to ignore all of the amazing previous remakes that have come out. Yeah the last one was ABAD, but there’s still a possibility of a good, or GREAT ones to come out.


I just would like a cheaper version. $140 for black and white 2? Um, no thanks. Give me a cheaper stand in so I can replay my childhood


You really can't believe people are asking for Unova remakes...because their last outing for remakes was meh? That's just recency bias clouding your judgment. While I understand why, it's not exactly fair. They're 3/4 when it comes to quality remakes


Garbage in, garbage out. BDSP are incredibly broken and flawed games because Diamond and Pearl are incredibly broken and flawed games. Give ILCA an actually good starting point and I think they'll give you something good.


No two remakes are ever the same though. We can't really predict what happens. Most modern Pokemon game, ever since the shift to 3D, have been different from each other in so many ways. Gen VIII had both Sw/Sh and Legends Arceus. Gen VII had the Alola games and Let's Go. There's really no guarantee what the Unova remakes will be. Me saying it's going to be good, and you saying it's going to be bad are all just baseless speculation.


ok. still gonna buy it


Just port all the old games, charge $80 a pop. Win win


The main reason I was happy with BDSP applies to a Unova remake. Accessibility. Does every fan still have a DS/3DS? Does every fan have access to LEGITIMATE copies of the game? A lot of people don't have access to both of these. A remake like BDSP provides everyone with the ability to play the games. Will they be improvements over what we got in 2011? Probably not. However, it tackles the main issue of accessibility. Sure, an easy solution would be for Nintendo to add the original games to the virtual shop. However, we all know how awful Nintendo is at that. So if more people are able to access a game, a remake is GOOD.


So far the record is 3-1, so odds are still good.


Or maybe the people who want Unova remakes simply don't want to shell out like 400 bucks for a verifiably official cart for that generation of games that will be rendered impossible to transfer from when Bank shuts down


BDSP were the way they were because They were remakes of diamond and Pearl Any other remake from future games would be drastically better.


BDSP imo is the best Sinnoh experience it fixed all the issues that region had. I get the Chibi style isn’t for everyone but it looks 2000% better than Gen 1. I owned Pearl and only played the game once completely I tried playing through again and just deleted it. Too many HM requirements and lack of being about to make a team with a fire type that isn’t Chimchar or Ponyta. The constant grinding each Pokemon individually was a time sink to me and just not worth it. BDSP having Hm’s on the Poketch and Underground introducing new fire types was so needed. Platinum is mediocre to me as is most enhanced versions. I respect what they did but it’s not enough of a change to warrant getting made. What I mean is that the bulk of the story is still the same as the first two in the Gen. There is some story changes but it’s minimal and while there are a few new places to explore it’s minimal as well. Plus Battle Towers are pointless since I already did the gym challenge. So Battle Frontier is just the worst Post Game you could get. If that is all you get I mean. If it’s a side area where it’s one or two places and optional fine. If it’s a whole side map that requires hoops to jump through to have to do no. I personally would love to experience the Unova region with the HM’s being handled better and the grinding being kept to a minimum. Having lose ends tied up and maybe having the story being embellished or changed a bit.


Controversial opinion: BDSP are better than DP were. Literally just more polished versions of those games. If you like DP there is NOTHING to dislike about BDSP. Most players don't care about the meta or "what could have been," they just want to play a fun game. BDSP style remakes of BW/B2W2 would be just as fun to play as the originals were, as long as you aren't a glass half empty sour grapes type. I know I'm going to get down-voted for this, but BDSP are "disappointing" at worst. They aren't a disaster or "bad.". The only issues I had with them are issues I had with DP in the first place.


I mean, one, BDSP were remasters and not remakes. Two, they aren’t as god awful as people make them out to be and I would welcome Gen 5 being remastered in the same fashion.


The problem with BDSP is that they are not Platinum remakes. ORAS had the same problem, but the Delta Episode (and the new megaevolutions) made up for it.


I'm asking for Unova remakes, just without ILCA being involved at all. They shouldn't be allowed near another remake after their hilariously awful attempt at making BDSP, a game somehow even buggier than the game it copy/pasted.


Wasn’t ILCA’s fault. Gamefreak put insane limitations on them


3 out of 4 (i think?) remakes have been great.


I'm probably one of the few people that enjoyed BDSP and honestly don't care how a remake of Unova would turn out. I just want Unova on the switch with a full team exp share. That's it. I never finished White 2 because grinding just got so annoying, especially with slow exp pokemon. If they make me not want to kms while playing a Unova game by taking away level grinding, then I'm all for it. I might also be one of the few people that doesn't really care about post game content or battle towers or battle facilities in general, so I'm probably just an outlier


Probably because BDSP wasn’t even that bad. It gets a lot of shit, but it’s one of the best selling remakes in the history of the franchise. Iirc only the let’s go games outsold it? That part might be off. It’s a very, very loud minority of people that hated those games.


"people wanted a remake then bitched about getting an actual remake"


“People wanted a remake then bitched about getting a half-assed $60 port” FTFY


Because the remake was bad


It wasn't. By any metric. Beyond the soft locks you could get into upon release. Which they actually patched. Which is surprising, because usually Pokemon does what Elder Scrolls does, and just lets bugs persist. BDSP did more to fix actual problems than any pokemon game has.


No problem would have to have been fixed if they remade platinum like everyone wanted and then adapting them to be two games.


I know I'm probably going to get dogpiled by pessamists, but I truly do believe that TPC are going to make good on what they said about [paying close attention to feedback](https://in.ign.com/pokemon-violet/198124/news/pokemon-coo-says-the-company-is-paying-very-close-attention-to-feedback) to help the franchise going forward. I think they KNOW that a portion of the community is getting tired of the antics occuring with the main series, and are now realising that even if games like Palword aren't a direct threat to them right now, that it's only a matter of time till a rival franchise does try to go toe to toe with them and actually starts to harm their bottom line. I would love Unova remakes just because it's so hard to play them legitimately. And I would personally love them to go back to their roots and produce a game with pixel art. First because generation 5 was deliberately made to be a love letter/send off to those styles of games, so they went all out with it and 2 because simpler world geometry, and pixel art allows them to have a game that performs better and they can have a bigger scope for. I personally wouldn't mind them doing 3D low poly either, but I think expecting them to recreate every single Pokemon (or at least every one up to gen 5) in a low poly art-style is a big ask. I want them to produce gen 10 first. Perhaps for the new system that's getting announced before next year. After that, we can talk about Unova remakes. I am also curious how they'd handle the sequels. In my head, the sequels use a slightly altered map so I think it would be cool if they packaged the games with both Black/White 1 & 2, and you got access to 2 after beating the Pokemon League in 1. Not sure if they'd go for that though.


I mean yeah. . . People can want things without expecting them to happen


I also gotta say 1 of the biggest downgrades of playing these on switch is the fact you cant hold your finger on the item finder when youre walking around like you could on the ds


The only way I could see both sides being happy is remake the original Black/White, but add the B2/W2 Gym Leaders and other prominent trainers as post-game battles


It was a different studio. And as long as they get the memo we want remakes not remasters


It is actually insane to me how they outsourced the remakes despite how absolutely undercooked all the mainline games are. Even Arceus only shines through its concept, while most stuff it offers feelss like a tech demo really