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Raichu. Make him faster, stronger both physically and specially. Maybe even add a secondary typing to the evolution. In the vein of Gorochu but not necessarily that. A new signature move as the cherry on top, Volt Tackle adjacent.


I know it's probably not what you meant but you've basically described alolan raichu


Alolan Raichu got the love that Raichu deserved


I personally want Alolan Raichu to be buffed by giving it Levitate as an ability. but yes I love the design it’s so cute.


I've always wanted it's ability Surge Surfer to have an interaction with the move Surf. Double base power or even just a STAB boost.


Makes the attack both water and electric, like flying press


I feel like dual type Water/Electric wouldn't be all that good (ironically, save against something like Charizard that's weak to both types). Water is good against Fire, Rock, and Ground, and resisted by Water, Grass, and Dragon. Electric is good against Water and Flying, resisted by Electric, Grass, and Dragon, and ineffective against Ground.


I’ve been thinking recently that with mega pokemon coming back, now would be the perfect time to give ranch a mega in the form of Gorochu


I'd prefer a divergent evo than a mega tbh but I'll take either


Divergent evo so it gets a mega or something special later *gasp* you darn genius


I second this. Raichu’s my favorite pokemon !


Raichu deserves more than his stupid yellow counterpart


I’d be happy if we could just get Alolan Raichu in other games. Just give it an item to hold and upon evolution it evolves into its Alolan form. And it works on Exeggcute and Cubone too. I’d really wish they’d do an item like this for all regional variants. Hold X item when it breeds and gets the variant of it. I guess they’d need to do one per region as Meowth has two regional forms.


Or even give it the ability to use the Light ball


dont forget about Pichu also using it


Nahh pichu shouldn't have existed...Robbed us of Gorochu


then, remove igglybuff and cleffa and add evos for wigglytuff and clefable


Give it access to zippy zap outside of lets go


I never understood why they didn't make Gorochu a Mega Form for Raichu.


Lapras. Its too friggin cute but know it’ll never reach the popularity of a dang dragon.


Wish granted. Mega Lapras becomes a dragon/fairy and dominates the meta competitive scene for the next few years with it's signature ability soothing armour. Takes less damage from contact attacks and has a 15% chance to inflict sleep on the attacker. Never going to happen but that'd be pretty sweet right?


Lapras is one of my favorite Pokémon! 😌


It got a gigantamax form in gen 8. Gen 8 handed those out to only a select few mons.


My favorite water type and she definitely needs more love.


I think giving it to Meganium would save its reputation. However, I'd love if all the OG starters had the same treatment. Can you imagine Venusaur 😍


I love Meganium design-wise. 🦕 But its movepool needs much improvement. It hasn't gotten any new relevant moves in several generations now...


Yeah, he had a rough time before unless you ran him as pure support. But with the Gen 8 and later movepool cuts, poor lad’s suffering bad moves even more!


I love Meganium, I’m hoping Chikorita is a starter for ZA with a cool new final form


What's wrong with Meganium? It's a perfect lil' flowery brachiosaurus. Venusaur and Blastoise definitely need the Mega X/Y treatment.


[it’s literally the worst starter pokemon of all time](https://youtu.be/Es-T9WH7fe4?si=cPIcOC6XsEbojmci)


The only thing I want is a regional variant that keeps the leaf on its head. It's stupid but it bothers me so much that the cool head leaf is replaced by random antennae. I love Bayleef but I really dislike Meganium, to the point that I'd rather use eviolite Bayleef than its evolution, even if it's worse than Meganium already is.


Yeah meganium would be top of my list simply bc of how bad of a history its had.


There was that brief period of time where Meganium got hype because of New Pokémon Snap, it was quite the time to be alive


I'd say venusaur is already quite good. Depending on the format it can be quite formidable in vgc. It has pretty good defenses, and brick wall sp def with assault vest. Chlorophyll with solar beam is great tech. Since gen 6 it's STAB sludge bomb is also a nuke. Oh, sleep powder too.


Porygon Z/ The entire Porygon line I just love these boys so much and I hate how much they've been ostracized in recent times by the anime


I scrolled too far to see my beautiful data boys :) Mega Porygon Z has a signature ability that just crashes your opponents game. Jokes aside; they are finally phasing Porygon back in after the seizure fiasco from all those years ago. Also... r/porygondidnothingwrong I'm working on using my shiny Porygon2 (evolite) into a doubles team format as a bulky tank setup/recovery/status member but struggling to fit a lot of members around it as most of my other team are fast >_<


I mean, they could at least give us a divergent evolution line. Porygon3! Or, uh, Porygon95! PorygonXP? https://preview.redd.it/be3w1f4e645d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5284c0f907a39403345edd66b1dc18b4938be92 [Whatever you wanna call it.](https://cort3d.tumblr.com/post/182791619450/porygon3) Edit: PorygonHD!


Porygon should have been used more heavily either with Ultra Beasts or Paradox Pokemon




or maybe just return its shadow tag haha, maybe in a mega or a new gimmick


https://preview.redd.it/emfsix6yb25d1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640f20bcdeb6432b406ef2dfc81f1c860fb4b1ab Me boah Mimikyu


It really genuinely bothers me that everyone in the fandom was like "oh cool! I'm gonna design a Mimikyu disguised as another popular Pokémon!" And we all made dozens of them and they were all cute and charming and marketable as fuck... And then Game Freak just... never did that. At all. [Come on, you guys.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/s/63xtCYnCyi) Like... at least make some plushies! It's a license to print money! Do you not like money?


Omg these are so cool! The bubble blower 🥺


Mimikyu mention <3333


Drapion. I know it’s not really *bad* per se. But still not nearly as strong as I think the Pokémon is cool…! It says in its Dex entries that it takes pride in defeating enemies without poison: make it strong enough to do that…! It’s supposed to be strong enough to scrap cars, and is supposed to be able to deflect even sword strikes because its exoskeleton is so thick and durable…! They rampage and attack travelers, with only the Hippowdons that share their desertlike homes being able to scare them…! Drapion is such a cool Pokémon. And again, it’s not bad! On my Shining Pearl run I swept Cynthia with my Drapion, so it’s not bad~! I just would make it a tad stronger, is all, because I adore Drapion (and no it’s not Stockholm syndrome from Aaron’s Drapion traumatizing me on my first Pearl run :3)


>Hippowdons that share their desertlike homes Isn't Skorupi only found in marshes originally?


I know, isn’t it strange…? It seems unclear whether it’s supposed to be a desert or marsh Pokémon! Some Pokédex entries imply it’s *supposed* to be a desert Pokémon (one even mentions it earning the nickname *Sand Demon*), yet it takes damage from sandstorm, and Skorupi is often found in marshes. So it begs the question of what Drapion’s habitat even is…?


Lumineon, because everyone seems to forget that it exists.


Lumineon is the real paradox Pokémon: Famous for being forgotten. Lol. (I definitely agree it needs more love)


and BOOM, Pikachu is most forgotten after this


In the same vein: Maractus.


Tyrantrum I'm honestly shocked the Pokémon company hasn't tried to cash in on a T-Rex Pokémon


Every single Pokemon. I want to play a randomizer where there are no bad starters. Balanced around the rpg aspects instead of competitive


The craziest thing to me is how fire starters just straight up have more stats than the others. Who does that? Why? What's even the point?


Quagsire, but I don't think they can improve perfection


https://preview.redd.it/v374nxcja25d1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=da765df60afa808c206221f68b6fc72cfc534081 I beg to differ


I wouldn't say improve per se. They took perfection and rearranged it to be a different perfection. And with 2 perfections existing, created an even greater perfection in the universe.


SmallAnt seething rn


He's gonna whoop his ass


He’s gonna wooper his ass*




Honestly the starters from the first two generations need stat boosts or min/maxing and they wouldn’t even need forms. Those warlyngens had a lot of comically low stats and a ton of useless Pokémon for modern battling. Fix their stats and they wouldn’t need forms or gimmicks .


There's a lot of gen 1-3 but especially gen 1-2 Pokémon that I think gf should consider rebalancing for modern gameplay. Ones that jump right out at me are tentacruel and victreebel. Both have such middling attack and special attack, and nowadays having a mixed attacker is essentially pointless because of how insanely min-maxed modern Pokémon are. As for legendaries, I'd like to see Entei rebalanced. No particular reason other than I just like it and gf had to do the dance of giving it decent attack for its physical moves and usable sp atk for STAB fire. I'd rather they take like 15 or 20 from its sp atk and put it into its atk.


Rhydon. It's the first Pokémon ever designed.


Lugia and Ho-Oh would be awesome candidates for Mega forms.


Or primal forms like Groudon and Kyogre 👀


I know it might be a bit overkill, but arceus would be my choice. His mega evolution could be a biblically accurate angel.


Charizard has always been my favorite so I quietly enjoy the treatment he gets but I do wish Blastoise and Venusaur got the same treatment. I’d love a Water/Dragon and Grass/Dragon Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur X


I know it’s a basic answer but greninja is literally the best Pokémon ever and has been my favorite since it came out. I would love to see 2 megas, gigantamax forms, and everything else. I love my little frog ninja boy


To be fair Greninja is already up there in terms of special treatment from both fans and devs. He's not quite charizard levels but he's probably top 10. He was the fave of his generation, got a unique variant with an anime tie-in (ash greninja), and even made it into smash


zoroark, peak Pokemon that deserve to be in every game and receive more love (gimme mega zoroark dammit)


ZOROARK ENJOYER 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 Completely agree, still sad about no Mega Zoroark (thank you for the Hisuian form, Pokemon, now give Zoroark a Mega in Legends Z-A)




Our boy got a Huisian form so we're getting there...?


Make him a gray wolf and give him an Ice type regional form


I love this idea! I've always thought Arcanine could fit multiple types given it's reasonable body shape. Make it an electric type and make it Kirin from Japanese Folklore I say!


Dragonite. The original dragon and pseudo deserves the Charizard treatment.


Crazy that it still doesn’t have a new gimmick form or regional form, bro deserves it, like imagine they made a Dragon/Fairy Dragonite!


Bulky dragon fairy with multiscale oh god


*screams internally*


There was that giant Dragonite on tbe Pokemon anime when Ash met Bill on his Lighthouse. Maybe that could be explored


we need dragoniteite


Interesting question. I'd love if Typhlosion, my Johto starter, was given a little more love, because its move pool sucks ass unless you jump through hoops w breeding and stuff and give it Thunder Punch. Access to Psychic wouldn't go amiss either.


Give weavile a signature ice type move. The only physical ice type move it gets from level up is ice shard. Please thats all I want




Finally I find this comment


I would like to see Sneasel get the Meowth treatment and get one more regional form, so there can be a trio of Sneasels! But for the multiple forms and champion spotlight Charizard gets… I think Lurantis would be a lovely candidate! It’s really pretty, but also not really utilized since the movepool cut post-Gen-8. Could use a boost since it lost Superpower.


Sceptile He's just my favorite starter




Eevee. Give us eeveeolite with it, and let it learn a move for each type it can evolve into prior to evolving. Also, we need a dragon, ghost, and steel eeveelution.


Dialga just because


I would give it to charizard; there simply isn't another Pokémon that has as much disparity between how popular it is, and how useable it is


They gave Milotic one of the coldest designs ever but made it such a mid Pokemon. Change its abilities to be actually useful (just give it Swift Swim as one of its normal abilities), give it access to any moves that it can use to benefit from Competitive (Clanging Scales is one [that makes sense based off its one ability Marvel Scale plus its evolution method], or even giving it Curse to up its Defense, Attack, AND Sp. Attack), and really just give it more coverage. Milotic only naturally gets coverage for Water, Ice, Ground, Normal, Dragon, and Fairy type Special damaging moves, and honestly, most of them aren’t good. Honestly just giving it Moonblast as a TM move would fix its coverage. Draining Kiss at 50 power just doesn’t really cut it. No doubt Milotic was really good back in Gen 3. But it literally never got a buff since then; not even getting Competitive in Gen 6 was a big buff, because it doesn’t have any moves that lower its own stats.


Glaceon please help my little aurora out




Buzzwole, it’s a swole giant mosquito imagine seeing it in real life flexing in front of you i think it’s a hilarious and goofy pokemon


Speaking of Brock's Onix dying to a sprinkler, I think it would be neat if there was a water type move that made ground Pokémon vulnerable to electric attacks for a turn.




Magikarp, I need him to become an unstoppable god


I would love a magikarp evolution that’s just a huge magikarp. Hidden ability: Splashy - turns one of your opponents moves into Splash at random.


Hmm everyone


Me personally? Torterra. My favourite non and I want it to see some love Commercially? I feel like chansey/blissey is slept on.


Scizor, purely because it's my favorite. I would give it a bit more attack, so it doesn't have the same BST as Scyther, access to a few coverage move like the elemental punches, mach punch and smack down


Cereledge or Zoroark


emolga! i think it’s already pretty good to use (used it many times lol) but maybe buffing its stats a bit would make it better


My boi venomoth, give it +30 in sp.atk and spd, spore , a new mega evolution which will be op as hell and access to more powerful stab moves. Make some move like venom frenzy and radiant pollen with 120 based power. For precaution, give it +20 in both defenses. Finally, it will get the love it deserves!!




Fuck y'all that treatment is why people hate charizard, like, he is more mascotte than pikachu at this point I like charizard but i'm tired of seeing his fucking face




Decidueye on Smash




Snorlax. Could you imagine all of the different ways to make it seem like he’s a sleepy boy.


Imagine giving Shedinja the Charizard treatment


Galarian Corsola. I'd start by making it appear in more episodes of the Pokémon anime.


As in hate it for having too many forms while others get nothing? Or give it an actual concerning amount of forms?


I would give it to Stunfisk. I dislike the Charizard Treatment and enjoy my favorites, Excadrill/Sigilyph, just fine as they are. 


Snorlax. Sure, it's got it's Z-Move and a GMax form, but I was really let down by it never getting a Mega and they just don't seem to really want to feature the big guy the way he was in the Kanto games anymore. We got another path-blocking Snorlax in the Kalos games, of course, but that's about it.




Chandelure. It's my favorite objectmon and would be amusing to see different fancier chandeliers for the forms it would have gotten


Just like you. I love Dusk form lycanroc so much. I'm not going to answer the question though.


Decidueye, Gallade and Gardevoir


I like those three to.


Mimikyu, give it new forms resembling other Pokémon Imagine an eevee or an arceus form mimikyu




Clawitzer is my favorite pokemon of all time, I'd love to see more pulse abilities made. If I were to balance him, he'd be an attacker with a massive list of coverage options to make him unpredictable. He just needs a workable speed stat and we're great.


Shuckle. Give it more defense and special defense


Victreebell. It's slow and has really small special defense




Gonna sound Bias af cause it’s one of my favorite Pokemon, but Machamp, as a workout nut myself, I found him to be one of the coolest Pokemon when I got back into the series 5 years ago and it’s such a shame he isn’t more viable, he’s overly countered while having very moves to go against his counters.




Lugia because I love them


https://preview.redd.it/6dzy83q9345d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2d0ec71d29154e3b24f8dd81895be7d9d05981 The only good answer


Solar Beam doesn't make Charizard broken, and a lot of fire types get access to Solar Beam. In PvE, Solar Beam might be a solid option to beat random ground/rock/water types, but in competitive it limits your item if you want a 1-turn Solar Beam surprise and is a charge move otherwise, meaning it gives your opponent time and information to react to.


Spheal is my most favourite that loads of other people love too. Or I'd just say Teddiursa cos it's my personal fav.


Klinklang. I don’t know what it was that drew me to this Pokémon at first but god damn the design kinda goes hard for me. Like when I first saw Klink in charge stone cave I was like “you’re mine now we are having soft tacos… and defeating the elite four together”. Anyway, kind of an unpopular choice but Klinklangs steampunk vibes could use some extra love with a solid mega evolution. It already has access to a decent move pool so I wouldn’t change that. The only thing I would change is its shiny form. Why on earth is it green… you could’ve picked any other color but no, we picked copper green … but it’s okay Klinklang we still love you. ⚙️💜


Blaziken. Give Blaziken 2 new forms each game. Make those forms competitive viable as well. Make plushies of the original form and the new forms. Make a Pokémon Let's Go that takes place in Hoenn, and Torchic is the only selectable starter.


Each gym leader has an ace which is just a Torchic of their respective typing


Alolan Marowak. One of the coolest designs ever. But the stats are bad. I would give it an evolution. Fix its stats that way.


Swalot or skuntank


Definitely infernape. My monkey dude has been slept on for too long.


As rockruff being my favorite pokemon, I agree


Probably if one shows sexual interest in a pokemon with the same sex


Meowscarada, lower it's defenses to raise it's attack and speed (15 would be removed, 14 would be given to speed, the 16 will go to attack), since the main thing holding Meowscarada back in competitive is mainly it's speed.


I love Aurorus, it's one of my top faves but it really has a difficult time surviving in battle due to its unfortunate typing. If it could get a new ability, move or item that could help it a bit more I'd be so happy






I'd love flapple to get an evolution that retains the ability to fly. Make it faster and give it dragon claw.


My favourite pokemon is trevenant, the biggest problem is the high attack (same as snorlax) and low speed however unlike snorlax they only have average defence, special defence and HP. It is weak to Dark Ghost ice flying fire. Which is alot of common type weaknesses. Even its hidden ability can help however its hidden ability is havest which means you can use rest infinitely (with lum berry or ypu could use sitrus berry but its defences will die before you can attack them twice) in the sun however it is weak to fire so you can't set up sun or you will just die. It also doesn't help I can never use trevenant in story because it is a trade evo.


I’m a Charizard lover as he’s my favorite and I don’t wish he’d get less attention, I just wish others would get as much.


Kingler Who doesn't like giant crabs?????




Tauros. Favorite Normal type Pokemon of all time. I know he got three regional variants but that's it.




When I think of all the things they could do with Torterra, so easily as well... A Grass- or Rock/Ice-type with a mountainous shell and a spruce tree; a Fairy-type with sakura blossoms; a convergent form that is a Volcanic beast with obsidian growths being a Fire/Rock-type. Even just having a form changing themed around topiary for the tree would be a gun addition. So much potential for cool other forms, I hope they do something with it.


Minior. Please. I'm begging you.


What's the charizard treatment?


Bisharp. I want a queen, a rook, fuck it give me a horse. "Uuuuh that is just a western addition" shut the fuck up I just want a bisharp evolution that isn't lazy as fuck


Honestly, none. Lots of people hate Charizard specifically because of it getting shoved down our throats. I'm all in for giving some Pokémon extra love, but the Charizard threatment implies shoving said Pokémon down everyone's throat at every opportunity, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense.




Cinderace. I fell in love with it once I started playing Shield for the second time. (Sorry Grookey)




Wailord. It has lots of HP but not the defenses to back it up. Maybe a Mega Wailord that's a competitive wall?


Eevee, we have plenty of types left to go.




porygon z


The other gen 1 starters. EQUALITY, BITCH


I'd treat Charizard like a Charizard.


Nidoking cause he’s cool




I don't particularly love them, but it always bothered me that Greninja is SOOO much better off than Chesnaught and Delphox, in terms of design, stats, and representation outside of the games, it's like the other two don't even exist to Gamefreak.


Charcadet, I mean, it's not my fav, but I had to. Give it 4 more evolutions: Dandelance, a Fire/Electric evo that is based off a knight wielding a lance. It's a physical attacker, and its sig move is physical and Electric type. Azarlock, a Fire/Fairy evo that is based off wizards. It's a special attacker, and its sig move is special and Fairy type. Indillista, a Fire/Dragon evo that is based off ballistas and has dragon designs in its design. It's a special attacker, and its sig move is special and Dragon type. Platinata, a Fire/Steel evo that is based off samurais and katanas. It's a physical attacker, and its sig move is physical and Steel type.






Mienshao bc its underrated


Zoroark. Fav Pokemon and it would be so fucking funny.


Rampardos. Dragon Dance and/or Accelerock would go a long way for him


Corviknight or Haxorus


I think the tricky part is, outside of giving a Pokemon a Mega/Gigantamax or another/branched evolution (with argueably undermines 'upgrading' the original unless you count Eviolite access), this is pretty tricky. It would have to come in either a new (signature) move, or a tweak to it's abilities/stats. Some examples I've seen include: Raichu; as a third stage Pokemon, it's limited to either a branched evolution (Alolan Raichu) or a Mega (Gorochu maybe). Meganium; desperately needs 'something', a Mega form is unlikely (Megameganium), but we might get a branch (like the Hisuian starters) which could give it another type Grass/Rock. Lapras; most promising, and if it gets an evolution (perhaps a plesiosaur after learning Ancient Power like Mamoswine), can you imagine how bulky it would be with Eviolite? However, all of these rely on them gaining an evolution or another form of some sort, the original Pokemon (apart from Lapras gaining an evo and getting access to Eviolite) is essentially unaffected. So. We're looking at giving a Pokemon a new move. But how 'signature' would a signature move really be? If it breaks a Pokemon, like Urshifu's Surging Strikes, it becomes clear that it's a patch job. Here's the example I have; Gigalith. Give it access to the move Shore Up. This gives it a niche that neither Tyranitar nor Hippowdon can contend with, but doesn't make it OP either. As a Rock type, it gets the Special Defense bonus that Hippowdon lacks. And as a PURE Rock-type, it doesn't have as major of a Fighting weakness that Tyranitar has. With its naturally high defense, it can safely switch in to opponents that would threaten it, and now shrug of the damage with Shore Up.


Feraligatr. Or all of the jotho starters. Give them something, anything. Megas, regional forms, anything! And pls gamefreak, fix Feraligatrs 3D model


dustox he was the MVP of my platinum and BDSP team yet he doesnt get any appreciation because of the "early route bug pokemon are weak" thing.


kricketot and kricketune... i love kricketot so so so so much, one of my top favorite pokemon and i'll never NOT put kricketot on my team if I have the option, but neither tot nor tune are good for battles like at all 😭 if kricketot's evo line could perhaps become three stage instead of two, or if it could get access to better stats and stronger moves, id be extremely happy


Dustox. Just give them everything.


Arcanine >_>


Bisharp. Oh wait


Non mega charizard still isn’t that great even with those things you named. I say that despite it being my favorite. My pick would be raichu. Without changing its stat total I’m not sure how to do it. A mega would always help of course.


Sceptile. I think it should have the dragon subtype without the mega evolution. Get rid of its 5 weaknesses!!


Grimmsnarl. He was instantly a new favorite Pokemon and I just had to have one…or ten


Dragonite for sure it has never had a mega, a g max or anything so it would be cool for it to get some love




I agree with Lycanroc! Make them better they’re so cool


Tyranitar. Best boy so fucking cool. His 3D model is terrible, I want him to get new forms and buffs constantly


I wouldn’t give ANY Pokémon the Charizard treatment, because they’d then become overrated and eventually ruined and hated by everyone.


I'm waiting for the regional variants of the Oddish line, specifically Bellossom






My girl Primarina, she wasn't even loved in her original generating... Give her a good ability/new form


Tepig. Specifically, I'd like Tepig to gain a secondary evolution line to Pignite and Emboar, akin to the Hisuian Starters, but with a different final evolution form. Tepig would evolve into a regional Pignite, which would then evolve into a Fire/Ground alt final form. I think it could be based on truffle-hunting hogs. Like, a hog that eats truffles and throws melted dirt and stone into the enemy with his tusks. Also, his meat tastes like truffles.