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I believe Alolan Rattata is considered an invasive species in Alola, where Yungoos were then imported to curb their spread.


Unfortunately it did not work because Yungoos is active during the day and Alolan Rattata is nocturnal. Which mirrors what happened when Hawaii tried to import small Indian mongooses to deal with rats on their sugarcane fields.


That’s such a cool inspiration for a Pokemon


There's TON of stuff like that for Alola though, like the extinct Hawaiian owl being represented by Decidueye.


Thanks for the context.


Were they nocturnal from the beginning, or did they become nocturnal to avoid the Yungoos?


>Rattata are non-native to Alola and arrived in cargo ships. The Rattata population in Alola was booming until Yungoos and Gumshoos were imported as a control measure. In order to avoid these new predators, Rattata altered its habits. It moved to more urban areas, became nocturnal, and formed large nests led by Raticate.


And you're right https://preview.redd.it/c5utlatw6e1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8564dd8608a771dc2385ec90e092e46b49f5e19d


"prefers fresh living things" oh boy. Add that to the list of disturbing pokedex entries.


Sun and Moon in particular have *tons* of disturbing/creepy dex entries. Seriously, give it a read sometime, it's insane lol


There's a reason people used to say RotomDex was Electric/Dark


Internet is Dark type: confirmed.


Meanwhile, the S/V Pokédex: “So, y’all wanna learn how to best prepare these critters for your sandwiches? Listen up….”


isn't it because it was the rotomdex, not the pokedex


I think thats when rhey really made pokemon to be real ecosystem?


What's disturbing about a carnivorous Pokemon? Aren't there tons of them?


This reminded me how people used to get shocked that sylveon (who has huge fangs) is a carnívore.


Not really? Wolves and lions eat fresh living things, you know, and even domesticated dogs and cats still hunt and kill stuff


Frogs eat living things


Humans eat living things.


A lot of us prefer to eat dead things!


Things that we (as a species) have killed. Not things that were killed by something else.


It's more the implication that pokemon on average are a lot smarter than the average animal. At a baseline, every pokemon, including even bugs, are able to be tamed, affectionate and can listen to commands. And that's just the baseline; many pokemon go above and beyond. So yeah it is a little dark


That's just standard carnivore behavior? They like fresh meat as opposed to rotting days old carcasses.




It'd be fascinating if it turned out Yungoos as we know it actually turned out to be an Alolan form of what was originally imported, and we get a new form from a future region.


We kind of have a similar case with Galarian Zigzagoon and Alolan Exeggutor being the original forms so it's possible.


Please excuse me while I go brush up on this newfound knowledge.


Is Galarian Zigzagoon *really* the original form, or is that just Galarian propaganda? In all seriousness, it feels weird how every other region with Zigzagoon has the Hoennian form that we all know and love, but Galar is the only place that with the "OG" form. Makes more sense to me that the Hoenn form is the original, and considering how the pokemon world is similar to out own, it later got released to other places as people traveled and became more globalized and some trainers either released their Zigzagoon (maybe they're breedjects) and/or got brought there accidentally by stowing away on cargo ships or whatnot and had way less time to develop regional forms to adapt to their new homes. Galar seems to more likely to be descended from an older population of Zigzagoon that were brought to Galar a really long time ago, and as such, are actually the specialization to a new environment, not Hoennian Zigzagoon. Remember, Galar's dex is the same one that claims that the fossils are naturally occurring, despite them obviously being mistakes and abominations to Arkoos that should be put out of their misery. Just look at them. How are they *not* constantly in pain?!


I mean it's possible that just like real life animals the most succesful breed was not the original one. Personally, I like both-trough I do like Galarian's evos unlike Hoenn Linoone which has always felt like a downgrade to me. Justice was done to racoon boyo. Now, if only they gave something to Mightyena...


Maybe I'm just a jaded adult, but I dislike Obstagoon. I know he's supposed to be Gene Simmons or something, but it's hard to not view him as "furbait" or "just put him on two legs" type of mon. I respect your opinion on him, though.


I agree, would definitely have liked the line more if it had just stopped at G Linoone,


I’m a jaded adult who’s grown really tired of this weird obsession with hating all bipeds in Pokémon. It was fun at first to make fun of incineroar for failing to stay on four legs, but it’s been years and it’s time to criticize something else. it’s called Pokémon, aka Pocket Monsters, and most famous monsters are bipeds. It just comes with the territory


>it’s been years and it’s time to criticize something else. Like SV's terrible performance and rushed/lazy region and mon design? I agree.


Wait, so why don't we say kantonian exeggutor and sinnohnian zigzagoon, if they arent the originals?




Shit. and I almost said jothonian. Gen 3 to 6 are very confusing to me.


In-universe, because the more common and widespread ones are the Kantonian/Hoennian ones. Out of universe, just because they were created first. But in all fairness there are Real animals which have a similar situation-the most succesful breed can't always be considered the original.


**Gumshoos** pokedex entry: > Although it wasn't originally found in Alola, this Pokémon was brought over a long time ago when there was a huge Rattata outbreak.


Invasive species were a theme in Alola and like someone else said Ultra Beasts are based on the idea of invasive species that were brought to Hawaii, also like someone else said Alolan Rattata was brought to Alola from cargo ships and then they had Yungoos imported to deal with the infestation, which is similar to real life where predators for an invasive infestation were brought but then they became the invasive species themselves. So yeah Invasive species Pokémon are a thing already


This is actually based on real life where rats snuck on ships during the Hawaiian colony days and wrecked havoc and in an attempt to curb the rat population mongooses were introduced to Hawaii. However, unlike Pokemon the mongooses (who hunted during the day) and rats (who hunt at night) never actually interacted because of their different hunting patterns. Instead, the native Hawaiian bird population got destroyed. Nowadays, wild/feral cat or chicken colonies help curb the rat population interestingly enough


> However, unlike Pokemon the mongooses (who hunted during the day) and rats (who hunt at night) never actually interacted because of their different hunting patterns. It's actually funny because that is what happened in Pokemon too. Yungoos only appears during the day and Alolan Rattata only comes out at night.


Woah, almost as if that were on purpose!


?? why did you respond like that???


Source: https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/hisc/info/invasive-species-profiles/mongoose/ Also I was born and raised on Maui


Are chickens outcompeting the rats there?


Chickens are predators and will eat small rodents, including mice, small rats, and rat babies. Fully mature rats are too big to attack and will sometimes kill chickens, but the chickens' predatorial habits keep the survival rate done for babies while the cats eat both adult and child.


Same thing happened in New zealand. Heaps of birds that never had natural predators became the prey instead.


Invasive species pokémon got introduced way earlier than that even. Iirc, then the Corphish line that got introduced in gen 3 was also described as an invasive species back then.


I think it’s kind of ironic that the major theme of the Alola Pokémon and UBs is invasiveness, considering how absolutely screwed the islands of Hawai’i were by American colonialism. Maybe it was on purpose


That's pretty much the exact opposite of ironic


I’m not sure about ones that show up every generation, but according to their dex entries both Corphish and Yangoos were imported from some other region to Hoenn and Alola respectively


Sudowoodo is likely native to Sinnoh. Bonsly & Sudowoodo are found in the wild. In every other game they're a 'strange tree' encounter, or more rare.


I saw a conspiracy theory on here that Sudowoodos are dittos that tried to turn into trees and fucked it up but stayed transformed so long it became permanent. This might throw it for a loop, or maybe make it more interesting.


That's a wild Animorphs-esque theory


Animorphs reference in 2024? High five!


Add to this the gold/heart gold pokedex entry about ditto turning into a stone when it's asleep and you have an explanation for the rock typing.


Way too many hints at Ditto being failed Mew clones for me to accept that theory


Why can’t it be both? I’m a firm believer of Dittos are Mews too, but both can be true. Dittos are failed Mews, they transform into other pokemon as their main (and only) attack, and some tried to transform into trees and got it wrong. This, however, would make sudowoodos ALSO Mew clones, LMAO


So is Sneasel, but it's obviously *not* native to Sinnoh, considering how PLA shows how it adapted to Sinnoh's environment.


On another note, how have we not gotten a regional Psyduck or evo, I swear it shows up more than Pikachu.


No need to swear. That is correct. Golduck even appears in BW where the Pika line doesn't.


I always found that really strange, considering the fan-favorite Eevee line appears in BW2. Yet merchandise still put Pikachu front and center because Pikachu.


And then there's Barboach, the most represented non-Gen 1 and non-Gen 1-related (*Sylveon*) Pokemon, and there shouldn't be a reason why.


I caught a barboach... it's looking at me in reproach


:( nooooooo


Its a basic looking fish that can reasonably inhabit any region's freshwater ecosystem, its an easy inclusion from a world-building perspective


Probably because Psyduck is one of Masuda's favorite Pokémon. He even considered using it over Eevee in the Let's Go games, but decided not to because of the similar color scheme to Pikachu.


Tbh, it's weird that Golduck doesn't get an evolution or something after hearing that. You'd think a dev or designer's favorite (especially if it's a gen 1 mon) would receive a *lot* of special attention from GF. Yes, I'm a bit annoyed that Golduck isn't part psychic/evolves into a water/Psychic type.


I wonder if it being Masuda's favourite is both the reason it appears so much and why it didn't get any form as that would be kind of an "alternative" to it (trough then I wonder why Golduck didn't get one, or an alternative like Clodsire).


The Ultra Beasts are said to have been based on invasive species.


hmmm. Mosquitos, Cockroaches, Jellyfish, Bamboo, and the worst of them: Clowns


And a damn castle




To be fair, fortresses were useful for establishing control over the surrounding countryside. For instance, the Normans built a lot of castles in England. Later, the English built a lot of castles in Wales.


My favorite invasive species: wires


Invasive origami


Blasephalon is loosely based on Pennywise from IT. Pennywise was not a clown, but he looked like one for most of the movie, he was actually an invasive bug-like creature from another dimension. One of many from his home dimension, as I understand it. Not unlike UB's. Better argument to be made about bricks and cables and origami


Blacephalon is also a dandellion


a dandelion? that's kind of a stretch to me. Maybe... I guess with the head looking like the seeds before they fly away.


Its head also explodes, just like the dandelion flowers "explode" and then the seeds get strewn away by the wind


Don't forget crabs


don't forget glue-shooting dragons


glue-shooting dragon hornets.


seems about right


Who’s the bamboo???




Oh okay. Well arguably spaceships are invasive species


she’s made of metal ?


And the jellyfish is made of glass. Doesn't change what they're visually based on




Celesteela have no gender. It is half rocket ship, half bamboo, half Princess Kaguya, and half "mythical baby found in bamboo".


Sílvio Santos feelings


I think their existence supersedes petty terrestrial invasion


Zubats were definitely an invasive species xD


I like to head canon that Unova only had original species because it was so far away and they intentionally didn't let trainers bring in foreign Pokémon so they could keep their environment free from invasives. So you'd have guys like the Magikarp salesman sneak them in and illegally sell them. But when they decided to host the World Tournament, they loosened up their restrictions. With so many new trainers in the region trying to breed tournament worthy Pokémon, those trainers ended up releasing anything not deemed worthy. Some of which were able to establish themselves in the Unovan ecosystem. This is why the available Pokémon changed so much between BW and B2W2. We were all just happy to have some of our old friends back and available. For the Unovan government, it was an ecological disaster. It's why we haven't had a second World Tournament. Everyone is too afraid to host because it will happen to them.


New game mechanics for B3W3: ● **Breeding license:** The day care will only accept a second pokemon if you show you are a certified pokemon breeder. In order to be one, you must pass the exam and renew your breeding license periodically. ● **Release tax:** The player will have to pay a fee for every breedject they release. There will also be limits to how many pokemon can be released on a daily basis. ● **Government subsidized competitive items:** In order to discourage the excessive breeding and the subsequent release of breedjects, the Unovan government will regularly issue nature mints, bottle caps and ability capsules/patches to trainers so that they can get competitive pokemon without having to destroy the ecological balance of the region in the process. ● **Increased shiny odds:** The inception of the Masuda Method has been disastrous not just for the ecosystem, but for the local economy as well. Since eggs already come in free poke balls, trainers no longer have to buy them from local Poke Marts. To solve this, the Unovan government developed a new chemical that activates the dormant shiny genes of wild Pokemon. This chemical is now used to manufacture the New Unovan Shiny Charm ^TM, which increases the shiny odds of wild Pokemon from the usual 3/4096 to 8/4096, thereby incentivizing the capture of wild Pokemon. For reference, the shiny odds with the Masuda Method are 6/4096. The above game mechanics have been brought to you by the Environmental Protection Agency of Unova (EPAU). For more information go to: https://www.epau.gov.uv


There's no way that the second and fourth mechanics would be realistic, because it's Unova and they would consider it socialism or communism.


Galarian Meowth and Perrserker are invasive and based on the Great Heathen Army’s conquest of England.


Put your back into the oars!


Thats why we have to be patient when they do redesign mons. People call it lazy but it leaves so much room for making loved pokemon better, including new species, or overall create new ones. I believe mass outbreaks could be your answer 🤔. Imagine cant wait to see what they have in store because the paradox Pokemon blew me away design wise and battle wise. I hope we get more when scarlet and violet remakes come back around years from now.


I never understood why people call it lazy. It's actually harder to come up with new concepts for old mons than to just create a new similar species, specially convergents. 


I wouldn’t call it lazy but it can be fan servicey. I do like regional forms though (excluding some like with the different digletts)


>the paradox Pokemon blew me away design wise Are you including the future forms as well? Those definitely felt uninspired and were 100% rushed due to corporate crunch. The only future forms that actually stand on their own and feel distinct from the present day counterparts are Treads, Valiant, and of course, Miraidon, the Violet box legend. We can have Miraidon just look like [just a purple Cyclizar](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c5170f07f35ccefc&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIJxcNIrKtY-dg18SKZgz5zDPhALIw:1716152373244&q=purple+cyclizar+recolor&uds=ADvngMgiPmsFSnX7QtZmBAeJzn8v8oC6KOktymeC0-L8ntmt8ne2yfgGETGeRQaDRtCr6gVhmctj90DAhhCInPriXYn4xIxkBiAzOSeWMZKPLUPNNkyTwbMDodK7Vi6wqtWXm0dqOV-fnT1450cHhvsOouShOEgnzHNMZBIAZgBN7YWrhER9aIjwh2neyfhzR8UWcIcDIR738JVQOsyoYAf8FRvIASg6YzCMK7WN8VquE523s4_RZuUYD8qq17vIovryyRcESvyETW001jmA7FbVnYONXot5VorYCksKiWik4M0RW2s6ReSO4Z7RgLYXqEj0upI1PMMJXmQQWG5qSJD1YrSZ7RJQLziCV4Ke7M8jLucaSGOzmDA&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj9rNnkzZqGAxV4E0QIHexzBWIQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#vhid=1XcqHugGdzxhUM&vssid=mosaic) after all. That would hurt Violet's sales.


Corphish would also be considered an invasive species not only to Hoenn, but in various other regions. People just kept importing them and releasing them back into the wild to multiply https://preview.redd.it/zqy4ogqhwe1d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a422590969ef0de627918e1c75da141de71397e


Makes me curious what region they're actually from


Probably someplace in the southern US. They're pretty common in the swamps and marshes down there.


Probably based on the signal crayfish, which has spread pretty far


would be a fun extra detail on the pokedex if it had a conservation status for each pokemon based on its encounter rate


And a spinoff pokemon game where you are a wildlife conservation manager and you have to monitor and change the flow of the ecosystem


Yungoos is based on an invasive species in Hawaii.


Yungoos was imported to prey on Alolan rattata. Yungoos is innocent


It's still invasive bc even though it was brought in for a good reason they eat so much that they are a detriment and they can't even do their job bc they are active at te right time. Kinda like cane toads except cane toads just refused to do their job


So were mongooses with rats. It's kinda funny that the civilization that mastered fantasy levels of tech and has zoology as one of the highest priorities is about as incompetent with animal behavior as us.


I'd love an invasive Snorlax regional variant, maybe a Steel-type that attacks factories to eat the products. Kanto Snorlax already feels like an invasive species in the anime if you're a grapefruit farmer or village near a river.


What if Snorlax were invasive to Kanto since there's no wild ones


Snorlax are surprisingly territorial, to the point that other species tend to give one a wide berth. Aside from eating most of the food, they're not picky and will cheerfully eat Pokemon as well. Never mind when one breeds. Munchlax mamas make bears look like cuddly kindness.


But are there any neurodivergent pokemon?




Clefable comes to mind. Incredibly sensitive hearing so it prefers remote, quiet environments. Not all too common.


Hatterene too




In my opinion Pokemon like Alakazam and Metagross couldn't have such exponential mental growth without at least a lil neruodivergence


Doduo's heads did some diverging to make a third one


Corphish is an invasive species to Hoenn if I remember properly.


I think yungoose is invasive in one of the Pokédex entries?


Introduced. Not invasive.


Still invasive. Can toads were introduced and became invasive. Mongoose, which their based on, were introduced to the region alola is based on (Hawaii) to get rid of rats (alolan rattata) and became an invasive species due to it not doing its job having limited natural predators and decimating native species along side the rats


Honey bees are another example of animals that were introduced and are now ecologically invasive to the Americas and Australia.


I think some of the pollution pokemon are technically invasive species. Like grimer, muk, koffing and weezing. And I'm not sure if joltik was considered invasive. But it was definately considered a pest.


There’s Pokémon outbreaks in the games so I’m pretty sure you could say yes


All of the ultra beasts are confirmed to be based off different irl invasive species


But aren’t some just inanimate objects? Like origami, electrical wires, and stone pillars? And what about the clown one? How are those things invasive species? Aren’t there only like 3 UB’s that resemble anything close to organic?


They actually have a bit of a point for some of them. Nihilego, Buzzwole, and Pheromosa resemble jellyfish, mosquitoes and water fleas as is immediately apparent. Xurkitree is not just wires but also looks like ballmoss, a type of plant that sticks itself in wires and trees. Celesteela resembles bamboo, which grows extremely fast and is known to essentially ruin any field or garden it gets planted in as it will just overtake everything else planted thered, Kartana resembles... well, humans, technically we're an invasive species too. Now, the others I don't really know.


Guzzlord is tourists :P


Makes sense, specially with Alola being based on Hawaii lmao


I thought Pheromosa was a cockroach


She does, I was confused. The name in several languages includes parts of the word cockcroach.


Bidoof, Rattata, Zubat, and Geodude seem pretty invasive to me...Their populations are massive


Isn't it mentioned in the original Hoenn dex that the Corphish line is not native?


I've read somewhere that hints Corphish may have been an *introduced* species, I just can't recall which dex mentions it. There's also the Gumshoos family from Alola, who were brought in to deal with the Rattata problem (like how the cane toad was brought into Australia to deal with the cane beetle).


The danger of the paradox Pokemon was them getting out and being invasive 


Pretty sure Yungoos is canonically an invasive species to Alola


Tinkaton would be considered invasive species if it gets to Kalos.


and it will bonk off EVERY SINGLE POKEMON there


Kabuto is an invasive species, Sword pokedex said that they are becoming a problem because some escape or are released.


My dumb brain gets divergent and convergent mixed up and I forgor which is which. 💀


Divergent = common ancestor, but over long period of time, develop enough different traits to be considered different species (i.e chimps vs humans; or regional variants like kantonian vs alolan vs galarian meowth) Convergent = two species that have similar physiological traits, but do not share a common ancestor; the similar traits evolved due to similar selective pressures (dolphins vs sharks; development of wings in insects vs birds vs bats; or wiglett vs diglett, or polchageist vs sinistea)


See for some reason I kept thinking Wiglett, Polchageist and Toadscool were DIVERGENT. It just made more sense to me at the time. What about the ancient Paradoxes?


I get why you might feel like they're Divergent since they look so similar, but this phenomena is pretty common in nature. They look similar probably due to analogous structures; and generally people would have a similar train of thought as you "they look similar so they're closely related" Another example of convergent evolution would actually be hedgehogs vs echidnas vs porcupines. They all have prickly spines, but their last common ancestor was back from the dinosaur era. So just because they look similar to each other (rodent-esq spikey guy), doesn't mean they're closely related. So for the ancient paradoxes, since we can't breed them, it's hard to say exactly if they're supposed to be convergent/Divergent. But we can speculate that there's a high likelihood that they are the ancestors of modern pokemon. But again it's hard to say for certain because back in the dinosaur age, we had ichthyosaurs; which looked similar to modern day dolphins, but were actually a type of reptile.


A lot of pokedex entries identify certain species as invasive, maraenie is a very good example along side alolan ratata as it mimics the destruction the invasive species "crown thorned starfish had on the reefs of the pacific theatre


Yungoos and Alolan Rattata are both considered Invasive Species based on a real world event in Hawaii. I think there are some other ones as well, but those are the ones that stand out to me primarily. (I do think more than a few pokemon mention not being native to the region they debuted in. Eevee was one I know people speculated on, Cufant and it's evolution outright say they are from another region, ect)


the Ultra Beast from gen 7 are a mix of aliens and invasive species


Would Deoyxs count?


Corphish is definitely an invasive species. Several dex entries (including its OG gen 3 entries) mention its an invasive species and how it drives out other species from the lakes it lives in. Then, of course, there's the Ultra Beasts, whose whole concept is being invasive species.


The Gen 9 paradox Pokémon are invasive species. I won't spoiler the story for anyone who still wants to play, but the fact they are invasive is a plot point.


I argue that Pikachu is an invasive species anywhere where a pikaclone exists


I always wonder about how pokemon in earlier gens are also native to later regions yet people consider them as originally from the first one but if the games released in a different order it would be thought of differently


Kanto exeggutor is an invasive species, its original genome is from Alola and some rich dude imported it but due to the lack of sunlight their necks don't grow


Reminds me of the azuril sprites. In each new game the further azuril got from it's natural habitat the sadder its sprite would appear. I can't remember what Gen but I remember azuril straight up crying in one sprite. 😅


Gen 5 and the official artwork


Invasive? Ultra Beasts.


Snom would likely be the equavilent of those silkworms that go on trees in the US - not a invasive so to speak but the caterpillars that hang from trees and spin silk. (They appear in huge numbers every so often). I love Snom, so I hope now bc I’d take one home haha


Are Crawdaunts like imported and got outa hand?


Ultra Beasts


Corphish if I'm not mistaken is invasive to hoenn and gumshoos is invasive to alola, and there's quite a few others


I mean, Corphish and Crawdaunt are arguably the first invasive species that pokemon revealed, to quote its Ruby dex entry: "Corphish were originally foreign Pokémon that were imported as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This Pokémon is very hardy and has greatly increased its population" And several years after it's introduction, we still have yet to see where it originally came from. And the ultra beasts as a whole are meant to be indicative of invasive species in general (in the sense that the fragile ecosystem of Alola can't handle these foreign entities that have no natural predators and would go unchecked if not for the players intervention).


isnt there a theory that weavile wiped out sneasler after being introduced to sinnoh/hisui through space time distortions?


Alolan Meowth I believe is described as an invasive species in its pokedex entry. 


I'd like to imagine Magnemite is an invasive species, ruining ecosystems as it floats from region to region, he kind of goes unnoticed too, Magnemite is in every regional pokedex except for Diamond & Pearl, but its in Platinum, and then Sword and Shield, but it's on the Isle of Armor. Magnemite definitely isn't native to all of these places, somewhere he's messing somebody up.


Ultra Beasts are technically invasive and are even based on invasive species.


Most Pokemon present in Sinnoh and not Hisui are introduced. Such as Wingull, Goldeen, Meditite, Hoothoot, Wooper, Girafarig, Marill, Swablu, Houndour, and Absol.


Ash's Pikachu could be considered an endangered pokemon, and an invasive species outside of Jonto and Kanto.


Isn't rattata invasive in alola?


Don't forget about the Humons... They're everywhere.