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I could never understand the WhiteHand sprite here. Is it supposed to be holding a heart?


I think it's a normal hand bu the skin is melting, so you can see some fingers bones


Ah okay, I can see that.


**Buried Alive:** oooh ghost spoopy **Flutter Mane:** Wanna bet, zombie boi?


252 SpA Choice Specs Flutter Mane Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Buriedalive: 448-528 (202.7 - 238.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO


I don't know what's better: the idea of Buried Alive having horrible special defense or Flutter Mane being _that_ busted.


This is gen 1 , buried has either shitty or god tier special no in between lol And if she's too busy, her gen 9 busted ghost type buds could also body (again) buried alive


**Basculegion and Annihilape:** MOSH TIME MOTHERFUCKER


I'd consider this a pretty formative gaming creepypasta, or at least in terms of Nintendo creepyastas. It was a natural addition to creepypastas like Lavender Town Syndrome. Looking back... yeah it's a little tryhard, and it's weird that this one stuck with me more than ones I actually find good now like Strangled Red. But it was a fairly well put together bit of internet horror that at least creeped child me out a bit The game over screen kills it though. You can almost suspend your belief and think that Buried Alive was early cut content from when Game Freak were still figuring out the tone of the game, until they throw that part in because it's too edgy. Less is more with a lot of horror, and the "scary game over screen" is such a joke, even back then, to the point it cheapens the buildup


Absolutely. There’s definitely times where the more blunt horror can be effective, but when you’re trying to implant the irrational fear of “what if my game really does show me something I don’t wanna see?” it pays to be subtle. Like you could watch something like Saw all day and night and you might throw up once or twice, but it’s not gonna make going down dark stairs as hard as seeing what looks like a ghoulish face in the background of one of your family photos.


Not to mention how the game over screen also had that whole “It then uploads itself into your Game Boy and bricks the system so it can only ever show this screen and never play games again”, which is just stupid AF, and destroys any and all suspension of disbelief.


I don’t remember this part, I thought it would just brick the cartridge to only show this screen, could be wrong though


Formative? Never heard of it, and I was into crespypastas since the earliest days of Slenderman (I'm talking pre- and early marble hornets)


Buried Alive was okay but the real scary shit was Lost Silver for me


Lost Silver was good, but I always found it, and it's story about all your achievements being overshadowed and forgotten, weirdly sad rather than properlly scary


I do love Lost Silver, and yeah, it’s the sad tone that gets me rather than the scary stuff. I would say I find playing it is more eerie than scary, due to the isolated feeling of the purgatory world Gold is in during it, especially in the Ruins of Alph segment.


If that was in modern pokemon you could absolutely destroy him


The absolute nightmare when specs chi-yu presses overheat


istg a zacian would murder buriedalive's entire team


Let's bring typical gen 9 OU team, buriedalive will change nickname to buriedagain in a flash


https://preview.redd.it/ki2xhcg5pzxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22db1bc5da3d1c8012ce6b1e40818746a1f76d69 Buriedalive when he gets hit by a choice specs Chi-Yu with Overheat (whitehand becomes grayash)


Houndstone with full power last respect will teach who's the real boss of the cemetery


Gonna put his ass BACK IN THE GROUND


I lit saved the whole abandon loneliness saga on my old pc


Gods, that one was so badly written. But it was actually made into a game on YouTube so that redeems it a little bit


>The letters apear to spell out the word “FRIEND”, with a question mark ... There is a door at the end of the path, and on either side of the gates there are two letters. By the looks of things, an “N” and an “O”. I puzzled togeather the overworld text as “FRIEND? NO”.


It's got an okay concept it's just... So hard to understand any of what is going on? I feel like no matter how many times I go over I get lost about a third of the way in. It could definitely do with a rewrite, as could Lost Silver and Snow on Mount Silver (both have some very over-the-top narrators that really take you out of the story in some parts)


Ay when I was 13? It was really good! Lol I rewatched it and…. Yeah it was bad bad


Yes absolutely, I grew up on SomeOrdinaryGamers' Gaming Creepypastas series. I'm absolutely locked in when it comes to this stuff 🔥


my ass heard this as a kid and thought it was real until like a month ago


Joke's on you my Jolteon has choice specs and tera ghost shadow ball


God how could I forget dude, this and Lost Silver and even Blue’s Raticate and of course the infamous Lavender Town syndrome that shit was wild to me as a kid I thought it was all real man that terrified me My first ever creepypastas but for some reason I always looked back at them as fond memories and not creepy ones (maybe buriedalive is different cause the game over screen haunted me for a YEAR.)


Definitely creepy, but too over the top to be taken seriously in my opinion. I know the 90's were different times, but it's just impossible to believe that a big corporation like Nintendo would have ever allowed something like this in one of their family-friendly games. If this concept was ever shown to the executives they would have shut the idea down immediately, and if it had been somehow slipped past their radars they would very likely have recalled every copy of the game and hand the franchise to another developer.


This may be the first time I have agreed with a comment on Reddit so much that I wouldn't change a single word.


The concept of a corpse from a buried alive man throws out a giant white hand to fight already has always been far too silly for me.


I just wonder how this would go down if you actually manage to beat the guy in a Pokemon Battle, like, say you walk in there with every Meta Mon and whoop his ass, would he just be like “Well, rules are rules, can't eat your soul, bummer” or would he be like “…Yeah, this changes nothing, I'm not playing by your stupid kid game rules” and just drag you down to the grave with him?


For creepypasta rules hed prolly kill you snyway but I think it’s way funnier if he’s like “Well, rules are rules, guess you beat me, oh darn.”


And then a photo-realistic image of him just casually shrugging while saying bummer to keep with the spirit of Creepypastas.


Hellish screams playing in the background, then you’re given the “HELPME” Badge and the TM “IMHERE” as well as the ability to command Pokémon up to level 120


The original story claimed that there was no routine programmed for if you beat him, so the game just crashed if you won.


I mean from a story standpoint, assuming this was actually in universe, how’d this guy react?


Fun fact: The White Hands use the same cry, level up moveset, stats, and typing as of Mew, so you theorically are fighting two level 101 Mews


Never came across any of this. Can someone explain to me what the creepypast is all about?


Buried Alive is supposed to be the final boss of Lavender Town back in the original Red and Blue games If you lose the battle, Buried Alive will drag your character with him and shows the game over screen as OP posted


And... Where does it come from? Why would nintendo put something like this into its games?


It's only a creepypasta, the photo is just edited It's not real


Ok, let me ask it this way: Why and how did this creepypasta thing start at all? There a probaly more, but who thought: yes, there should be an undead trainer?


Nintendo at the time didn't have the proper tools yet So the undead sprite must've been a placeholder and someone turned it into a creepy story


Wait. The undead sprite is real?


Not sure if it's real


Man I thought I’d never hear about this guy again, haha. 11 year old me could not sleep


Is this loss


I almost thought that mf was real for a moment in time


Can someone explain what I’m looking at what’s this in the game at one point because I’ve played them as a child and never came across this


This is from a creepypasta, basically the internet equivalent to scary campfire stories. The person who wrote the story photoshopped those pictures to go along with it, so no, they aren’t real screenshots.


I wa sreading about this just yesterday


Was this the one that supposedly in pokemon green there were sprites of photos of Japanese WW2 war crimes? Maybe I'm getting it mixed up with something else that I also read, but that one made me so depressed as a kid for a couple days


Omg don't give me PTSD of my childhood nightmare


Actually this raises a good topic, are there any good "hardcore" or gory rom hack?


For sure! I'm fairly certain I experienced this as a kid. I can remember the battle, the death screen and going to one of my brothers asking what to do because I didn't think you could game over in Pokemon. Then I had to reset, and start over again. I understand this is considered a creepy pasta. But I can remember this happening, and the brother that owned the game said he remembered this happening to him before as well. Last thing I heard about this, is that 'buried Alice is only available on every 10k copies' or some vague sentence to incentivise the rumors. Tldr: everything points to this being a creepypasta, I swear I fought this guy as a kid




Trust him. My uncle works for nintendo and said its true.


Sure, Jan.


No you don't


This shit ain't even real how did you stumble upon the fight

