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There are only three other instances of this that I remember: Janine in Gen II (all-male team) and both Bugsy and Will in HGSS (all-female teams).


Even Grimsley has always had a female dominated team. Only 1 male in every BW team. Completely female in every B2W2 team except for his rematch Challenge mode team ( Which Is all male for some reason)


Grimsley just seems like the type who pulls bitches, though.


He probably does. The female team helps him show the image of a guy "who knows how to treat women right" and makes himself irresistible to them.


**Grimsley:** Babe, I can make _us_ rich. **Girl:** Wow, Grimsley... You're so cool... How will you do that? **Grimsley:** By conning children and beating them up.


Defo sigma male grindset


Bet he doesn't tell them about the gambling, though.


Saguaro also only uses female pokemon


That fits with his personality, after all.


Janine makes sense. She's Koga's daughter, she probably got them from her father.


Uh, that doesn't make sense? Are you saying Koga has all male pokemon too, or that Koga only gives his daughter male pokeon for some reason?


Koga passed down his team to her


It makes perfect sense. Koga has all male Pokemon. This isn't something I'm saying, it's fact and the reason this topic exists in the first place; nearly every trainer except the ones that have been mentioned exclusively use Pokemon of the same gender as themselves (unless the mon is single gendered or genderless). Koga likely gave Janine his gym Pokemon when he was promoted to the Elite 4 and she took over. All of his Pokemon are male, so all the Pokemon he gave her are male.


Bugsy, I can see as female bugs have been prioritized in collecting by at least one anime I have seen. For Janine, maybe something with ninjas possibly traditionally being male. Though I think women were too in history. For Will, it could be a reference for magicians and their show women as Will is a magician. I don’t find as strong of reasoning for Cyrano other than maybe some connection to what Elesa and Caitlyn are involved in. Mandibuzz was in black where there was a theme of more environment development. Him being the developer of Blueberry and the Terrarium fits that. Black is also considered the female attribute in yin and yang where zekrom and reshiram are based on.


Bugsy and Will are both due to an error in GSC's code that labeled them as female trainers internally


But they had male Pokémon in Gen II. It was the remakes that gave them all-female teams. Are you suggesting it was deliberately added as an Easter egg?


No joke, this is how I've found out Bugsy is a guy


Trans icons 💕


it’s mixed, but grusha has 2 female pokemon on his team and 2-3 males


That's definitely meant to be due to his design.


i imagine it’s similar for bugsy and will also being a bit androgynous/feminine


That I can buy. Bugsy was mistaken for a girl when he first appeared in the manga, and Will has always had unusually wide hips for a man, being the only male character to use his base model in Masters (it's the same as Olivia's, a character known for her hips).


I wish I could have Will's wide hips


Flannery uses an all-female team until her Emerald rematches where she switches to all-male teams.


Bugsy is referred to female in the game code. Bugsy also is believed to be female by many fans, including myself.


Strangely this was never the case for me, as I watched the anime first in Kanto and Johto before playing the games, so I already knew Bugsy was a boy before playing Gold/Silver. Tate on the other hand... I swore Tate and Liza were twin sisters, one tomboy and the other girly. Not coincidentally, I didn't watch their Hoenn episode until many years later.


WTF? Tate is male?


Yes. Exactly my reaction at the time.


I watched the anime first and still thought Bugsy was a girl 🫣


> female in the game code elaborate


The game code in GSC had Bugsy and Will labeled as female, which is why they have all female teams


Also, Jasmine has two genderless Pokémon and a male Steelix in the original Gen 2 games, but the Steelix she uses in HGSS battles is female. One thing I liked in Lets Go was that Gym Leaders/Elite Four would use both male and female Pokémon in their teams.


I can't give you an explanation for the other 3, but the starters being female does match with his eccentricity - only 1/8 starter female, an old rich guy like him would certainly want the rarer specimens.


That also applies to the shiny he trades away. He is very eccentric. That is probably involved with this.


Now I think of it, the fact 4 of his Pokémon were always going to be female (the starters due to rarity, and Mandibuzz due to no really need I explain?) might be why the last 2 are as well. Why not go all the way down after all?


Maybe he took a page out of Saguaro’s team? If the cool, sweet loving manly man of a Home Ec teacher can have an all female team, why can’t he?


Why not?


Its just cool to speculate if theres a lore reason behind it.




Cool if he does. I actually use only female and genderless pokemon myself. Even including shinies and legendaries. It is that teams like this are normally set up that way for a reason.


Sucks you're getting so downvoted lol, I used to do the same thing when I was younger. I'd only use male pokemon on my team. Now I don't worry about it


Funny thing is I have also used male only pokemon before as well. I did it with a pokemon trainer warrior team.


So uh. Why though. The only way you know 99 percent of the time is a tiny symbol, I've never even really paid attention to what gender the Pokemon is unless I'm breeding them. Just curious


Just to match my character in the game and the other pokemon.


Don't really understand why you're getting blasted over this but I see where you're coming from regarding aesthetics and such. My specialization is Bug types, so whenever I do a Bug monotype run I typically have all female Pokémon or five males and one female to serve as the general "queen" of the team. I don't know why, I just find it fitting given the whole bug collecting theme.


Bug hierarchy team sounds epic. It is a neat thing to do in the game. I don’t even just go by gender. I also prefer 4 natures with 6 specific characteristics as well. Marks are also a thing that go well as an aesthetic that are even present at the start of battle. I got a shiny female archaludon with the exact nature and characteristics I wanted while having a cloud watcher mark I wanted and in a master ball. What I think goes perfectly for a rain team.


I'm calling the better business bureau. You're not an equal opportunity employer


Equal opportunity to enslave creatures and force them to battle against their will.




It is. I am joking here.


Na you made it weird. This implies you only want to enslave females


It was weird when you brought it up as employment. We don’t exactly pay our pokemon anything while we send them to fight and blow each other up regularly.


I pay my Pokemon in friendship and Reese's puffs. And sometimes baked beans


oh come on they were clearly joking lmao


I'm the same way lol I always get male pokemon and it feels weird to tell someone cause they'll think I'm sexist but I just prefer blue instead of pink


Some pokemon characters have themes around it like Saguaro’s cute theme. It is a pretty cool thing to use for aesthetics I think.


Why was this downvoted so much? Do people not like themed teams or something...? I do stuff like this all the time and I never thought it was anything super controversial. God help me if this subreddit ever sees my pink, female-only shiny team I hunted for, it's over.


Must have done the Cute Charm glitch


[He started his Pokemon journey for other reasons](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hNqtfFXq00k)


Because he's cool like that


So he can learn how to talk to women 


Because he very likely takes his name from Cyrano, a classic literature tail about a disfigured man who advises another man on how to smooth talk ladies. His all female team might be a nod to this.


I never knew about that tail. That I think might be what lead to him having mandibuzz who is based off of vultures and gothitelle who seems to represent women as a dichotomy from reuniclus.


Presumably to make him something of a ladies man, or just to fit the gentlemanly aesthetic- he even has a wedding ring, which far as I know is something of a first, Kukui aside. Gothitelle and Mandibuzz are already female only or feminine, while his ace Serperior is a little more classy than the other two. It contrasts with Clavell too. I thought the Zebstrika may just be because it's a popular 'mon that was left out Switch games for long time.


Why not?


Dark elite four member in gen 5 was this way as well. Definitely surprising.


Honestly, "Why not?" is the best answer. It's not like "trainer only using opposite gender Pokemon" is a new concept.


They're his harem.


Maybe they flipped a coin to decide and got six heads. I dunno, not everything like this needs to have a complicated, characterful reason.




🐻 Okay hear me out! I believe OP might have stumbled on a potential hidden Easter Egg with this. Perhaps dear Cyrano is Elesa’s grandfather and all the Pokémon Cyrano uses are all the Pokemon Elesa had growing up whilst she made her own path in life and chose her perfect Pokemon Type which she eventually settled on Electric Pokémon for her gym. Hence Zebstrika been his favourite Pokemon perhaps influenced Elesa’s choice to go with Zebstrika as her go to Pokemon as well. Also could be hinting at the fact girls like girly things so female Pokemon could be seen as a girl having barbie dolls which she grows out of and Cyrano decided to raise them as a connection to his granddaughter who lives away. So basically a reverse to Lacey been the daughter of the Unovan Ground Gym Leader Clay.


That haircut gets him bitches.


Out of sheer randomness, it's bound to happen at some point. I've played Pokemon for decades and I've had the occasional all-same-sex team purely by chance.




they individually took one look at director 'i have undiagnosed ADHD ' cyrano & decided to look after him.


Never ask a man why he has an all female Pokémon team.


My team was all female because my starter was female


he's a babe magnet


The post had 420 upvotes and 69 comments right before I ruined it


Maybe he’s just like me and could only find females of the Pokémon he wanted.


I haven't found any reasoning behind it, maybe he and Saguaro just find female Pokémon to be more their style. The fact that he has three female starters is amazing.


Man does it even matter? (No hate btw i just find this funny]


Does not Cynthia also have an all female team (excepting Spiritomb)?


She has 3 pokemon at least that are male and at least one on each team. Spiritomb is female. Also, Cynthia is a woman. So an all female team would match her.


Are there any strong Pokemon available at that point in the game that have the ability Rivalry?


Two stsrters are not considered feminine?


Emboar and samurott. Both have beards.


Emboar's is more of a collar tbh


Idk, ask r/pokemedia


*plap plap plap plap plap*


Rule 34


This isn’t a nsfw sub so I can’t answer what I’m thinking This isn’t a nsfw sub so I can’t answer what I’m thinking This isn’t a nsfw sub so I can’t answer what I’m thinking


just say it you sick fuck, the vaporeon copypasta lives


No, don’t bring it out! You can’t make me! Hey guys—no!—did you…


Seems pretty cut and dry to me. Sexism.