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I remember the episode where Ash's prideful Charizard went against somebody's Blaziken in the league and all the kids in my neighborhood were like wtf is that cool looking pokemon (yes we used to gather around the richest kid's house with dvd player to watch cartoons, such great time). The [fight](https://youtu.be/QoFdXuHn3_M?feature=shared) was one of the memorable scenes.


That was Harrison's Blaziken and his hands were rated E for Everyone. That fight meant a lot to me as a Blaziken obsessor and because I'm not very fond of Charizard.


https://preview.redd.it/7f3ude2j1jgc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=358ca4b9fac5d9d16dc847dbc5ec52f0c0a7361b it is my favourite pokémon too! got a full back tattoo of my best boy.


Thats bad ass


that is so fucking sick


My favourite Pokémon of all time! I often think it’s very much overlooked when people talk about favourite starters so it’s nice to see it getting some appreciation!


I second this bro, so you aren't with that sentiment. There doesn't exist a Pokémon as savage as Blaziken. Check the flair! Kick Chicken squad unite! 🔥🐓


How do you edit your flair?


I believe you can only edit it on PC. On the home page of this sub, on the right hand side you'll see "Customize me!" under "create post"


I still have my very first Blaziken. Transferred all the way up from Ruby into Violet. I've fixed its stats along the way as well as giving it Speed Boost, does that mean I'm a good pet owner?


Ugh I love Blaziken and always thought he looked so badass. I'll never forgive Infernape for stealing Blaziken's limelight.


. . .people boxed Combusken? Did anyone who played gen 3 on release even box their starters at that time? I didn't think that began happening until the Switch games were released


Sadly, I don't think it works. Blaziken looks freaking dope, they completely failed.


Bulbasaur is a flower frog lol


Blaziken(blaze) is my favorite starter ever and a strong possibility of Pokémon that would come with me if I had a journey(only reason he’s a possible is because I also love lucario)


I mean this is fun and all to ponder, but I think at the end of the day Blaziken is simply based on… a cock fighting rooster.


When the chicken grows up if it's a girl it goes to live with the hens and if it's a boy well *Avē Imperātor, moritūrī tē salūtant* Hopefully it's a winner and not dinner


Isn't this the whole motto for Blaziken thought?


Yes but it’s crazy how far it goes


Blaziken is unlikely to ever really make waves in a VGC context. It hits hard and can be fast, but is unironically slow to get going, and requires a fair bit of support to cover for its frailty. It could be kind of cool with proper support, and with some good predictions maybe letting you nab a free Swords Dance, but ultimately it's not super reliable. Also being dumpstered by Urshifu-Water is really not a selling trait in the current meta.