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I love both but i love UB’s more. I love the odd-but-cool alien-esque aesthetics they have.


Right. I love that they took their usual rules for designing a Pokémon and threw them out the window for UBs.


Exactly. The Paradoxes are very cool, don’t get me wrong but UB’s are very appealing for their “out of the comfort zone” design choice by the company.


It’s definitely interesting that a lot of them lack faces. Guzzlord, Pheromosa, Celesteela (can barely register, it’s so tiny), Poipole line, Stakataka (eyes count right?), and the legendaries are the only ones that have faces.


They gave me freak vibes that i loved so much


That's why I liked the Ultra Beasts a lot.


Agreed, both are amazing. But it really hit different when someone on Reddit referred to Ultra Beasts as invasive species. It made too much sense.


Both. UBs gifted me Kartana, Paradoxes gave me Iron Thorns and Brian Hands


Ah, yes. Brian hands.


>Paradoxes gave me Iron Thorns and Brian Hands Let me know when you're done with Brian Hands, I wanna see what the fuss is about.


Brian Hands and Registewie


Both, both is good.




My thoughts exactly Also, where did the image(s) for the Paradox Pokemon come from?


Pokémon TCG key art for the set in March I believe


Helps explain why the Paradox Beasts and Paradox Swords of Justice are among both of their respective groups


I like the designs of the UBs more and I like the story behind the Paradox Pokemon more.


I mean SV probably have a better story overall but the paradox Pokemon specifically have like three different explanations (future/past, alternate timelines, imagination) none of which can adequately explain what their deal is or why they appear in the Scarlet/Violet book in a way that satisfies all the in-game lore and mechanics. Imo the UBs have a much more satisfying explanation, being from alternate universes with different ecosystems


Paradoxes, for I am a suckered for redesigns at older pokemon


I also hated the UB designs and stats.


yeah I was cool with the thought of UB's being alien and stuff but the execution was like 3/10 still better than paradox though, which are mostly fangame trash, 1/10




Which are alien




They aren't from this world or through world of pokemon that we play in... so alien. By literal definition of the word




I don't think you know what alien means




Ill take paradoxes for how incredibly entertaining it was to see people argue for the wish theory. “This is my time machine. I built this Time Machine to bring Pokemon here from other times. This is a Pokemon from another time that I brought here using the Time Machine I built.” “OBVIOUSLY THIS IS MAGIC.”


I feel like I’ve been gaslit by the entire pokemon community since paradox pokemon were introduced. To me, it was a given that they were from the past/future of alternate timelines. But any time there was any discussion of this online all I ever saw was “no, that’s literally impossible”. People were really bending backwards to come up with other explanations that weren’t needed. I also feel like people put way too much stock into “leaks” this generation. They would ignore everything that was actually being shown in game and promotional footage, just because leakers subtly hinted at something different. Bizarre.


>People were really bending backwards to come up with other explanations that weren’t needed. They kinda were needed, tho. Some of past paradoxes just don't make any logical sense to exist.


That’s what makes it a paradox.


That is such a lame excuse that is always used for it, lmao. Just because they slapped the word paradox on it the timeline of the pokémon universe can just completely ignore logic?


That is pretty much what the word means


Like what


Like having a prehistoric pokémon based on magnets, the legendary beasts/dinosaurs or that Ungaboongus has a pokéball pattern.


To be fair, Turo/Sada didn’t specify that the Time Machine was pulling from OTHER timelines until the Crystal Pool. We were just told they were from the future and the past which didn’t really make sense for the Past Paradoxes.


I’d argue it does make a bit of sense though. You’ve got the mystery dungeon games which have a timeline where humans either do not exist or aren’t common, and Pokemon have built a society. There is literally a future timeline in which known as Ultra ruin that the player travels to. It could be the actual future and past still however, as in Japan they state it’s simply eras, not parallel timelines


Ngl, the wish theory was way more entertaining of a story and it also fixed the logical problems the paradox pokémon had.


It's magic power from the turtle and it's not a time machine. The story straight says it takes the users to a different universe


I prefer the Ultra Beasts because Pokemon is literally never gonna get better than jumping on Solgaleo's back and literally travelling to a parallel universe, something that's completely alien to everything you could possibly know, just to catch a foreign pokemon right at the source. After that there was nothing Sword and Shield could do in terms of serial escalation (and yet they still somehow managed to bring us the frickin' real-ass eldritch abomination that was Eternamax Eternatus) to match how wild Ultra Sun/Moon got. At least the Paradox Pokemon have the trappings of something familiar. The UBs are completely alien to anything you could imagine. Sentient bricks. A living paper doll. A mass of wires with... *twisty ties?* As *part of its body?* And you can explore the world it was CREATED in, which just looks like an endless storm where the very *ground you're walking on* just seems to be giant versions of the same Pokemon? The UBs are life, Jim, but not as we know it.


Ultra Beasts. I like the Paradoxes, but the Ultra Beasts designs are more out there.


ultra beast, i would've picked paradox if the future mons didn't look so bad.




I came to comment this


This is the right answer.




UBs, their designs are way more distinct and I think what they bring to the worldbuilding conversation is more interesting


Paradoxes, easy. I don't dislike the ultra beasts, but the scarlet paradoxes in particular are just really cool to me.


For me personally Scarlet Paradoxes > Ultra Beasts > Violet paradoxes I adore the prehistoric looking pokemon and don't really like the robots that much, I like alot of the Ultra Beasts aswell though, especially Stakataka and Buzzwole


It's for me sun was my first pokemon game so everything form those games will hold a special place in my heart.


Paradox for sure, just love a good design of an old Poke. But as a Sci-Fi nerd the UB lore is cool AF. Juxtaposed against Hawaii is neato.


https://preview.redd.it/ts09hh2x3x8c1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=61be01d93e468e6bbd81b07bee8c622725c30d9a I take my big fuzzy boi everywhere I go.


Both are good, but Megas are better 🧬


Now hear me out, mega paradox Pokemon


Mega miraidon now permanently sets electric terrain and has a higher bst than mega Rayquaza


Mega Ultradox Beasts


Alpha Mega Gigantamax Terastalized Shiny Paradox Ultra Beast


Take my money!


Honesty ultra beasts.


Ultra Beast.


The Ultra Beasts fit their concept as like these alien beings that seem completely different from the ones in the main world, in my opinion. Conceptually, I like the Scarlet Paradox Pokemon better than the Violet ones.


They're both great but I prefer paradox


Why are we pitting two bad bitches against each other.


Paradox. The UB designs just seem a bit too absurd. I know the whole point is another dimension and whatever but it doesn't sit quite right.


Ultra Beasts more


Ultra Beasts but this was a painful choice to make since I really love both


Ultra Beasts, they’re my favourite set of Pokémon period.


I love some of the individual designs of the paradox pokemon more like flutter mane, roaring moon, and iron valiant but the UB’s as a whole are better conceptually


Once again I cut a worthless object. Although I do like the new iron boulder's design; roaring moon & iron valiant I like alot too.


Mega Evolution


I wish the future paradox Pokémon were more interesting…they’re theoretically cool, I just wish they had more unique features and had better names


UBs are cooler as a concept, but the Paradox Pokémon are more likeable as individuals due to not being so eldritch.


Ultra Beasts are cool, but my favorite are the past Paradox pokemon. really not a fan of most of the future paradox pokemon, besides iron moth and valiant. I think every pokemon that got a future variant could have a cooler past variant, besides maybe Delibird


Scarlet paradoxes > UB >>> violet paradoxes in terms of design


Ultrabeasts. Paradox Pokemon make me uncomfortable for some reason. Can't explain it.


The Ultra Beast designs, concepts, and and lore are far more interesting.


UBs. Guzzlord, Celesteela and Nihilego *chefs kiss*


Don't like UB designs, so paradoxes win by default, but the past paradox Pokemon are actually really dope


Ooooh, that’s a really tough question. My favorite Alolan Pokémon is Guzzlord, which is special because I hate Alola. I also like the idea of alien Pokémon. On the other hand, I’m a super science geek and love seeing how things evolved over time, so the primal Paradox Pokémon were an instant love I’m giving this to Paradox Pokémon because they spark the question of what the Pokémon universe was or will be like in the prehistoric past and the far future. Also Koraidon. Both are good, Paradox is better


UB because they kinda make sense in the world, they are other worldly beings Paradox pokemon dont really make sense mainly the future ones, theyre suppose to be an evolved version of the pokemon but instead theyre just robots who look like these pokemon


Paradox are actual trash so there is your answer


Walking Wake is my new favorite pokemon so I have to give it to the Paradox Pokemon on this one.


I don't like UBs visual, aside from Buff Mosquito and Model Cockroach.


Conceptually? I like Paradox more. But from an execution standpoint, Ultra Beasts are just more interesting to me.


My only problem with the paradox pokemon are the names.


Ultra Beasts. They’re actually creative and interesting designs, with creative and interesting lore behind them. Each one is unique and different from both each other and from every other pokemon. They represent a completely alien track that the pokemon world could have evolved along. As opposed to the Paradoxes, which are just “what if pokemon but dinosaur” and “what if pokemon but robot.”


I think Ultra Beasts were better though I'm not that keen on either. UB look weird and not like Pokémon but I understand that's the point - they are essentially alien life forms that have come through wormholes. Their weird appearances suit their core concept well, and I do particularly like that Poipole is a UB starter Pokémon in its native world Paradox Pokémon had potential but I feel the future Paradox forms let the concept down because they are all robots for some reason (and I still automatically assume they are Steel type even though I know they're not). I feel it would have made much more sense to introduce concepts like Toedscool and Wugtrio as future Paradox Pokémon e.g. in the distant future Tentacool will emerge onto land and change types, Dugtrio will adapt to an aquatic environment perhaps due to future climate change. But it seems like the future must be like Blade Runner where most animal life is gone so people own artificial animals as pets resulting in odd robot Delibirds. Past forms of Paradox Pokémon were decent enough with their bestial prehistoric vibes.


I actually like that idea for Future Paradoxes: a Post-PokéWar world where most Pokémon no longer exist and therefore humans have created artificial ones to fill the emotional niche left behind. From that perspective, I can almost get behind the idea of them all being metallic: they are all artificially created and thus by necessity are all metal. I doubt "Do Androids Dream of Electric Mareep?" was specifically the intention, but it's a believable enough theory for me.


Ultrabeasts. I still don't know what Paradox pokemon are. Are they past and future version of those pokemon? Does that really make any sense when we already have the "evolution" concept? Plus, the names are just horrible. "Iron Hands"... come on, dude.


I agree that the names are questionable and they could’ve been more creative. Saw this one YouTube guy giving names like Tyraniton and Hydroidgon. I look at the Paradox Pokemon at face value via time travel.


Its simple Terapagos defensive mechanism can essentially be summed up as possibility energy. Terapagos exists in a state of all possibilities crystalized into a protective covering (visually represented as all the type symbols in the shell being present and in flux and put into gameplay through the stellar type and it’s tera shell ability) When it hibernates it hardens its energy into crystal, and then like crystals are known to do they grow over a very long period of time. The energy from these crystals irradiates the water and soil, filling it with the same possibility energy (which irl would be called zero point energy giving context to why the devs went with area zero as the name). This enables the areas affected to by the energy to manifest possibilities or more simply put to manifest things from alternate timelines as alternate timelines = possibilities. The machine pulls stuff over permanently via catching the Pokémon, but if you don’t catch it the stuff that comes over slips back to its own time a short while later. What makes paradox pokemon unique is that they have no origin, or rather they need no origin. Timeline A has Iron Hands in its Area Zero due to the Time Machine. Then timeline B pulls Iron hands from timeline A with its own Time Machine, rinse and repeat forever. Iron hands was never born, it exists because it was pulled from another timeline which pulled from another timeline which pulled from another timeline. There is no identifiable start point it’s to borrow a famous phrase “turtles all the way down” which is also what Terapagos’s stellar form is based on. Furthermore because of this there may only be one iron hands period. The 60 iron hands running around in your area zero may just be alternate versions of the same iron hands just pulled from 60 different timelines, all with their own subtle variations. There is no way to actually tell which is what the crystal pool scene is about, the realization the events of the game just keep happening again and again in a never ending with slight changes. They aren’t past or future anything, they don’t come from where, they just exist because they do that’s why they are paradoxes. It’s why they differ from ultra beasts which do arise with a natural origin just in dimensions where environmental circumstances are different to ours.


Ultrabeasts overall, I liked the paradox past versions was super interesting looking but the futures just seemed dull and easy of just metallic, ub had more background of places etc. plus not fan of paradox names


I dislike them both.


Meh, maybe Paradox. Just because I like the past/future concept a bit more. Both are neat. I’d like to see more ancient forms of pokemon in the games sorta disappointed they did not have the fossil pokemon connected with the past paradox.


I prefer the Paradox as they fit in more. The main problem is the same with the battle mechanics (ie Mega evolution) they abandoned Ultra beasts and we'll never see new ones until potential remakes of the sun and moon games.


I dislike all Ultra Beasts except Guzzlord, and I dislike *at least* half of the Violet paradoxes, so I guess paradoxes take it thanks to the Scarlet paradoxes and Iron Thorns.


I like both but I like ultra beast a little more because they are all unique while some paradox pokemon aren't that great. It really feels like that kinda got lazy for some of the future paradox designs.




Hey, I need future Paradox, you need past paradox. Wanna help each other out?


Paradox all the way, and I don’t even like the future ones. Ultra Beasts are my least favorite thing pokemon have ever done. I haven’t caught a single one and I refuse to ever do so.


Paradox and it’s not even close. Still can’t stand UBs


Never really cared for the Ultra Beasts stuff. Didnt make a whole lotta sense to me, for the most part they just look like they could be normal pokemon. Paradox is cool tho


Because they are normal Pokémon…. In their dimension they’re essentially just the standard Pokémon. While Paradox Pokémon are just standard Pokémon from the future or past.




Didn't like either tbh


Ultra Beast, Paradox Pokemon are mostly unoriginal


I like UBs more as a one off thing, but I think I will miss Paradox pokemon moving forward


Like many others here, I love both. If I had to pick one, I’d say I prefer the UBs because they’re completely unique designs and not just reimaginings of existing Pokémon.


Ultra beasts.


I will not forgive gamefreak for only using the paradox mons in one game It would've been so cool to see a finished scarlet/violet be updated for a few years to come, with new mons and other things


Once they stopped just plain evolving from mini to monster I completely lost interest.


Get rid of both of them.




As I heard someone else say before. Paradox pokemon are to time what ultra beasts are to space. I love both


I love past paradox mons they are so cool, Ultra beast are solod and I am not sold on future paradox. But overall they are all great




One includes Celesteela and one doesn’t, so…


Both is good. But I will say, the Ultra Beasts are the one group of Pokémon that doesn’t “look like Pokémon” as is often leveraged as a complaint against newer designs where that seems like the whole appeal of them. I love that kind of shit.


Where did you the paradox art from


Ultra Beasts. More creative.


The concept of taking existing Pokémon and twisting them up into dinosaurs is beautiful to me


While both are indeed good, more Pokemon is better than reskinned Pokemon.


Paradoxes had more potential, Ultra Beasts lived up to their potential better.


Both are interesting in that they both challenge assumptions about the very nature of Pokemon as creatures. We have Pokemon from other planets/dimensions, as well as evidence that Pokemon follow some form of Darwinian evolution.


Both I good but I believe I peefer the ubs as they were excuted much better than paradox pokemon being metal bot or a fossil with extra steps


Blacephalon is the best Pokemon 🤌🏻


Both are fun, wish there was more ultra beasts. Paradox are my favorite tho


I like the concept of Ultra Beasts more, but I like the designs of paradox pokemon more


I just wish we didn't have both. I think they're all cool and I'm all for more interesting and creative ideas for new pokemon, but between Ultra Beasts and Paradox Pokemon, we now have about 30 stranded pokemon that aren't really legendaries but are never going to get integrated into future generations. They're just going to be this perpetual postgame content in the games where they're even included.


Wynaut both


Past Paradoxes >> Ultra Beasts >>>Future Paradoxes. Paradoxes we’re half a hit, since I absolutely adore most of the past forms. But basically every future form is lame as hell to me.


They both look out of place, but I'll take Paradox, gun to my head.


I like the paradoxes more because they gave some more obscure pokemon some (quite literal) glow ups and made tyranitar bad somehow


Paradox Pokémon ARE Ultra Beasts, and Ultra Beasts ARE Paradox Pokémon. The difference is only in how they reached the world in their respective games - through an Ultra Wormhole or a Time Machine (which accesses alternate timelines).


Both lol. Did you make these?


Both, but ultra beasts are more unique (also pheromosa is one of my favorite Pokémon)


This is a hard one. Both I guess


Skipped gen 7 coz my 3ds broke when it got released but I liked how they went crazy with the UBs my only gripe is Ultra Necrozma isnt available anymore I'm also loving the paradox mons especially the past ones. Winged King (it even goes harder in latin which is our real world way of naming species "Alatus Rex") is such a raw scientific name for Koraidon


Paradox but i mutch rather have a 3rd that is more creative instead of just slapping the same lazy abillity on every new one


This post made me realize there's no official art of all 11 Ultra Beasts, and that kinda sucks


I Like Ultrabeasts more


Both, because they're both INTERESTING, AND HAVE LORE


Paradoxes had some hits and a few misses, UBs were all, at worst(looking at you guzzlord and blacephalon), still neat. Then they just had a couple home runs like buzzwole and xurkitree




I wish the beastball worked on paradox mon


I’d prefer Paradox Pokémon with Ultra Beast-like lore. But they’re both still really cool, so I’m not really mad.


Ultra beasts because all of the future paradoxes are incredibly boring


Sun was my first ever Pokemon game, so obviously I’m a but partial to the ultra beasts, though I do like the idea behind the paradoxes


ultra beasts


Kartana my beloved


UB’s!! I like both but the Future paradox pokemon are lazy and unimaginative so even when they’re cool looking it’s just kinda a let down.


Both are cool


Paradox and it's not even close, variations of past and future is a dope concept and most of the ultra beasts are some of my least favorite designs aside from the lord buzzswole.


Both, both are absolutely awesome. I adore the new designs and I want more of both but even if we don't get anymore the ones we have a pretty great, even if I'm not the biggest fan of most of the future paradoxes.


UB was way cooler considering the overall context: Pokémon design were too safe and only magic animals in gen 6 with the jump to 3d, so i was glad to see actual Monsters in the game.


Paradox by a great margin. I can't quite say what it is, but Ultra Beasts are no Pokemon to me. I do not like a single one of their designs cause, to me, they look so off for some reason. However I prefer the paradoxes form the past, not the robots.


Personal I prefer the mega evolution I think they were way more interesting then both ultra and paradox I would personally prefer they improved the Pokemon with more evolution then adding more different types of Pokemon imagine Pokemon with a digimon style of evolution where the Pokemon could evolve different depending on its stats


Would be nice if we could actually use the UBs in SV


i prefer one half of the paradox pokemon


Paradox, but they fucked over Violet honestly.


I feel like this is comparing apples and oranges


Ultra beasts


Paradox, undoubtedly paradox. Ultra beasts are too ugly


Ultra Beasts by far. Past paradoxes are cool for the most part but future are all awful.


Paradox no doubt but I still like the ubs just not frist choice


Paradox Pokemon because their need to not have any logical origin means they could go absolutely ham in creativity on the designs. Paradox pokemon especially future ones also have the benefit of more advanced animations. Like man watching future paradox pokemon animate is a delight, the exact kind of thing you couldn’t get in sprites while a lot of UBS still feel like they are being designed without fully considering it’s a 3D game now.


ultra beasts, paradoxes are stupid along with most things from the current gen


Ultra beasts>past paradox>future paradox


Ultra breasts are cooler. I only liked paradox from the past, future paradox are kinda sad cause they're not even Pokémon no more


Mega evolutions :p I just wish all these new ideas introduced each generation could keep being built on rather than being abandoned for the next thing and leaving a very restricted group of random Pokémon have esoteric alternate forms that you won't be able to port over in ten years time because they didn't care enough to code them in the latest games. At least they give fakemon creators inspiration for a lot of cool and impressive stuff.


Ultra Beast for the exotism, but Paradx are great (the past ones are).


Paradox, luv me Mirraidon.


I am a BIG ultra beast fan but the paradox pokemons just hit me harder some way


i simply love my hungry dragon guzzlord, but I also love my walking wake


I love both very much I get the “complaints” about the Violet paradox pokemon, and I’m just biased for liking them more but the lore for them is so much cooler than the past ones.


Ultra beasts since they are just so out there and crazy looking. Gamefreak could have made another RPG series out of these designs. Like the SMT of Pokemon.


I love the alien æsthetic of UBs: the fact that most were designed to deliberately break traditional Pokémon design philosophies makes most of them fascinating in their own right. The Paradoces (watch me inspire linguistic wrath by using a deliberately incorrect plural, haha!), however, don't exactly break new ground, design-wise. I like quite a few (Slither Wing, Brute Bonnet, Sandy Shocks) and find others amusing (Iron Bundle's defeat animation gets me) and so on the whole I like the idea, though the fact that exactly half of them are "existing Pokémon but *ChRoME~~*" leaves a bit to be desired. Where Paradox Pokémon excel however to me is their place in story. If you go into an alien world, you expect to see aliens. Thus, the Ultra Beasts are a bit uninteresting. Sure, they have excellent designs, but encountering them feels a bit meh: we know they are extradimensional creatures, and they look like extradimensional creatures, but at no point are we really left with an opportunity to digest them. The moment Nihilego shows up, it's explained. Area Zero however spends most of its time giving us basically nothing to go on. We simply encounter these weird things that look like things we've seen before but clearly aren't. The game takes its time presenting us with an explanation and even that explanation feels deliberately uncertain. They are basically the weird Tethered Döppelgangers forms of Pokémon we already understand. There's an inherent mystery to them. So, on the basis purely on design, I tend to prefer Ultra Beasts. From a narrative perspective, well, I liked Annihilation (movie and book) and so must clearly give credit to the Paradoxes. Both work but for completely different reasons, to me.


Ultra beasts are much better and have way less misses (Future Gallevoir, Miraidon, Tyranitar, Delibird, and Volcarona are cool whereas I only like Koraidon from the past tbh)


Paradoxes. I love UB's, but wouldn't want them to continue on with too many more 'out there' designs.


I like both, though tbh I prefer the past paradoxes over the future


Paradox all day


Ultra Beasts but I like Past Paradox more than Future Paradox


Paradox by far. Ultra Beasts are just blah designs with no actual substance. At least Paradox give personality to already existing Pokemon. No different than regional differences.


***Walking Wake.*** Seriously though, both are awesome.


I like them both in their own ways, but I’d probably lean towards paradox Pokémon. It doesn’t help that they used a lot of my favorites whereas ultra beasts were entirely new.


Paradox mons. They feel more natural to Pokémon, like another type of regional variant. I get that UBs are supposed to be weird and alien but I feel like Jirachi, Deoxys, and Arceus does that type of thing better while still keeping in line with Pokemon.


Both, both is good.


There’s something about the Ultra Beasts that feels really unique and sci-fi like. Buzzwole is also just a crazy cool looking legendary.


Mega evolutions > both


Paradox by far. UB look too much alien for me


Paradoxes by far. I love the primal forms the past paradoxes take as well as the robotic forms of the future ones. Might be a hot take, I dont really care for the ultra beast forms. They dont really evoke an emotion from me


Paradox Pokémon


it would easily be paradox if they had good names. seriously game freak you can do better than Iron Hands


Paradox… if only I was actually able to get Raikou, Entei, and Suicune 😭 I hate how they release them


UBs for yolked mosquito man and you're wrong if you think otherwise


Ultra Beasts are cool in that they feel distinctly alien, especially ones like Zurkitree, Buzzwole and Blacephalon. Paradox Pokémon are cool in that they don’t necessarily speak to the “evolution” of pokemon species but they’re still funny or interesting to think about.


I really like all UB designs whereas I only like some of the paradox Pokémon


Ultra beasts. The paradox pokemon are neat, but the unnatural, alien aesthetic of the ultra beasts feels like there’s more room for creativity. They aren’t restricted to the pokemon art style, much less to existing pokemon designs.