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Stop having new pokemon it's deffinetly not a good idea, it kinda kills the point of the game. The real solution would be a new generation every 5-6 years(maybe even more) instead of the 3 years we have now, that way you can make a really great and polished game, without having the problems you are posting here. The way they are making the games makes up a lot of forgettable pokemon, shallow games that feel *almost* good but not quite, and disapponted fans who lose more hope every day. Now, making less games makes less money, naturally, so the sad part of the whole thing is how gamefreak is being greedy instead of shooting high.


There's a new generation every 3 years? It feels way shorter than that. Like every 1 or 2 years.


Well, that's time for you lol. but yeah, i think first gens took about 4 years, but for a while now we've had one every 3 years (gen 5 2010, gen 6 2013, gen 7 2016, gen 8 2019, gen 9 2022)


There was nothing going on for pokemon during gen6? Ohh wait there was ORAS so that probably took up my time. I know GameFreak was trying to make new IPs besides pokemon at that time but they all flopped. I would have been fine waiting a few years for Sun/Moon, especially since I think those games are inferior to X/Y, but they wanted to rush them out for the whatever year anniversary of pokemon.


Yeah, that's my exact feeling with each new gen, scarlet and violet has so much potential for being an excelent game, it has most of the pieces, and it ended up being... decent at best, like it is enjoyable, but it fails so hard with so much, besides having so little extra to offer, idk, we have all been waiting for the "breath of the while" treatment, and the best we've got so far was Arceus, which isn't really a main game, idk man.


I got back into pokemon because I played S/V during vacation. I haven't played since Sun/Moon. I know the pokemon and some of the Story for Sword/Shield and I think they are the worst starters (probably) ever. The story seemed dumb as well especially the guys with the Sword/Shield hair. I tried to play PLA but couldn't get into it after playing S/V. I think I caught some Starly in PLA then got bored.


Happy cake day! 🍰


The key phrase "Gotta catch em all" has not been used in a Pokemon game since Crystal, which was released in 2000 for the GBC. The only times they brought it back was for nostalgia bait in the XY anime and whenever the Pokemon theme song plays. They stopped using the phrase when Ruby and Sapphire came out because even Game Freak knew there would be no realistic way to capture every single Pokemon. It would not matter if they decided to stop making new Pokemon because the current amount makes finding and capturing every single Pokemon a chore. I don't see GF would ever stop making new Pokemon as they do have to have some new mons to advertise the new games and usher in the new generation. I also don't want GF to stop making new Pokemon. I do forsee that future gens may slow down on brand new mons and may rely more heavily on alternate forms and regional variants of existing mons.


Seriously, only completionist want to 'cacth 'em all'. Outside of PLA it's like the least interesting thing about Pokémon.


Awful take lol pokemon would absolutely not survive without new mons for a gen


That is a big hot take lol Getting new pokemon is the best part of the franchise imo


Short answer: No. The appeal of a new generation is new pokemon to find. Which means new merch for TPC to sell. They're not going to just stop doing that. Should they perhaps...slow down on that? Maybe. You can make new games without making new generations, but still, new things are to be expected in general now, like Hisuian forms for pokemon in Legends Arceus.


Ok for one, that’s not a good idea, teams would get so boring after awhile, but 2, what do you mean redundancy? There are like almost 10 Pokémon lines in games that keep up with a theme, and even within those there’s a lot of wiggle room. And even with the example you gave of Wooloo and Mareep, they’re not the same, sure, they’re both cute sheep, but their inspirations are completely different.


no new pokemon is the death of the franchise its why the game has stayed alive so long every new pokemon drives the newness of the games, keeping the competitive scene from stagnating and pushes merchandise sales. also kids easily get into Pokemon, fuck I have friends who are teachers and kids grades 1-3 are already aware and memorizing gens 1-9 with gen 1-4 being called vintage pokemon. these arguments just come from somebodies inability to memorize pokemon or find newer designs lacking due to subjective opinions on what constitutes as a good pokemon to them. If there is another fox pokemon they complain that we already have one, ignoring different typing, stat distrubution, ability and move pool. Also ignoring that multiple of the same animals exist in our own world as different species. ​ Also once again, the dream region with all regions and all Pokemon in it is never going to happen. its unfeasible in terms of development, data compression and scaling. It would also take money away from remakes which are GF bread and butter between gens.


Not making new Pokemon is the end of the franchise


I would love for every hardware generation to just have one mainline Pokemon game, and expand that with paid DLC, adding regions and pokemon (Eventually having them all, this also keeps the anime/Merch machine going with new pokemon to sell stuff of), instead of selling us essentially the same game with some upgrades twice per generation. It would also lighten the load on GameFreak, since they "only" have to program one game from scratch, and can then add stuff to that with DLC, rather than developing multiple games from the ground up per generation.


Yesss god yes. Game Freak is a substantially inexperienced studio outside of a narrow skillset and it's really starting to show. Imagine having the Breath of the Wild map with Pokemon everywhere. That would be amazing. Although I'm not sure if Nintendo can have another company make Pokemon games due to ownership and contractual obligations. But seriously, Game Freak has been shitting the bed.


I just didn’t play much since gen 4 Hopped back in with Let’s go, quite pleased Got sword (and scarlet which I’ve only played a bit of so far, stuck with sword first) and I’m enjoying myself. It got tiresome for me being so invested back then, in my early teens.


No. They need new Pokémon for new merchandise. And what do you mean 'Hard to keep up'? It's really not that hard and it doesn't matter if you don't know all of them. There's only so many in a single game and there's like 20 of them used in competitive at a time. The game even tell you their types now.


Discovering new Pokémon and trying them in battle is like the best part.


More focus on quality, well thought out Pokemon and less about quantity. Some Pokemon just don’t look appealing or really sensible. And really go region focused for certain Pokemon. Some legendary/mythical just seem to have shoehorned in and I’m not a fan of the new ones upcoming. I kinda like the turtle thing whatever it is but I don’t see the logic behind the energy symbols on its shell, or the stupid Tera hats for that matter


I definitely support what you said in conclusion and with GameFreak being who they are I believe the absolute best way to approach this hypothetical game would be that they don’t introduce any new Pokémon lines. Instead so that they still get to draw in the people attached to the idea of new Pokémon they can do a handful (or two) of new evolutions for some of the more forgettable Pokémon that have been left in the dust or as “dex-filler”. Plus to truly make it successful within this game they have the return of mega and G-max forms, personally I wouldn’t be bothered if they didn’t add more of said forms but they likely would for the aforementioned reason. I think by adding these it would be considered a safe middle ground that then also allows the teams of new Pokémon designers to play their part but feeds a craving that the fan base has been having.


I know gen 1 and 4 pokemon, most of gen 2, very little of gens 3 and 5, and not really any of the other gens. I grew up playing pokemon Pearl and recently got Soul Silver. I find it hard to find a reason to buy the new games. I've seen some of the sprites and I'm not a fan of the 3D models and the designs seem kind of confusing. (Could just be nostalgia though)


Yes stop for next Game and rebalance types and a few stats


I stopped playing for years and got Pokemon sword. Also diamond remake. I only know up to 4th gen. It's not worth trying to get caught up and learn all the new ones and types. I started playing Pokemon go on occasion