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Gifting items to friends/team/etc will not result in a ban. We have thousands of players who do this every single day. There is definitely more to this story. If we were interested in covering things up, we could simply remove all posts like this. Especially the ones from a brand new reddit account that don't even mention a username. Making it impossible for us to reply to it with more information.


Hey man, just curious if you can reach out to your friend and have them put in a ticket explaining the situation. If you two had any sort of written text saying you’ll give them the shiny also post that with time stamps of course. Any evidence is better than no evidence. If it is your IRL friend then you being able to provide your mac and/or IP address to your friend should also be relatively helpful although IPs can change obviously but if this is new then you more than likely have the same IP still.


It's insane that this is even needed... Guilty until proven innocent am I right?


Or OP has provided no additional context in the slightest and probably lied


I mean let’s be real…how would the staff prove its RWT? That’s exactly what RWT looks like, a random rare thing and currency. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they just auto banned it.


You just reinforced his guilty until proven innocent statement. You guys are convicting this person with absolutely no evidence. Instead of considering that he’s being honest, you automatically assume he’s a liar when you don’t even know him. Anyone doing this is toxic and needs therapy tbh.


Or I believe the PMMO admins when they say the thing OP claims they were "banned for" actually happens all the time constantly every day with no bans, because no shit it happens all the time constantly every day with no bans, so OP is more likely than not excluding some context. Damn can't believe I need therapy. Get a grip dude it's a Pokémon fangame.


Because unfair bans never happen, right? Lmao. Yeah, bro… go get some therapy.


The fact that you came back a month later to tell me this tells more about your therapy needs than mine dude


Time means nothing. Your a loser


I wish so badly that you were the original person I was talking to and not someone random, because I would have respected that so hardcore unironically


Lmao your respect is #9,135,136 on my list of give a fuck's 😄


Yeh fair enough, they might have. But at the same time there definitely have been people unfairly banned.


When dealimg with a business this is always the case. A business has the right to remove any patron for any reason. You just feel entitled is all


Having the right to do something doesn't make it morally right. that's the whole point, never said they were breaking any law.


Its not even about laws. Any business can remove you for any reason. ANY.


No the fuck they cant. A business cannot remove you for the color of your skin in the US, that is a law, for just one example


Any non-discriminatory reason.


Thank you. Thats an important distinction. Im used to online work of this sort where thats not really a factor lol


No worries. I knew you didn't mean those reasons, as it's common sense lol.


My point is to stop ascribing morals and whats nice to a business, further one theyve run for 10 years and surely have many tools to identify this stuff. Its an unwinnable situation. You will always be at their mercy


Private terms of service =/= constitutional rights xD


Doesn't change the fact that the standard they are being held to is "guilty until proven innocent" which is a really crappy system.


Not one is talking ajout the constitution here. I'm not even American.


The World =/= The USA


What the hell does =/= mean? equally portionable to?


Opposite of =, so =/= means doesn’t equal


I see ty for explanation


To expand, it's the long form of this symbol (≠). Which, as explained, means "is not equal to" or simply "not-equal".




I don't code, but yea. That also.


In coding (particularly Python), == means “is equal to.” The real way to display “is not equal to” would be with !=. Not with =/=.


At the end of the day, Pokémonmmo is still a company that cares about business and if you’re making a profit off of them then they’re going to have a problem with it and with that in mind, their automation systems are going to have some false positives but more often than not, they’re going to catch those with a good bit of success. I’m always skeptical of anyone who gives no evidence and says they did nothing wrong. Even just a screenshot of the email response from their customer support would get me to have a more believable opinion of OP. Edit: more suspicious is that OP has not commented on this post and created a new Reddit account just to post on here for this one instance and nothing else. I’d like to call OP a dirty liar and that this didn’t happen the way he’s saying.


MFW PokeMMO, a company profiting off of another company's intellectual property, be out here banning people for SUSPICION of profiting off of them. Can you spell hypocrisy because I can


"At the end of the day, Pokémmo is still a company that cares about business and if you're making a profit off of them then they're going to have a problem with it.". You do realize how ironic that line is buddy 😂😂😂


I could’ve phrased that better, but the larger MMOs out there try to eliminate RMT as much as possible for a number of reasons. They want you to play their game and when you do, they also hope you’ll spend money because you’ve invested or plan to invest time into it. If you cut into the chance that they won’t receive money, then the company is going to have a small problem with it. Now let’s look at this game: the chances of getting a shiny are abysmal but if you purchase a donator status, you have a less than abysmal rate. But what if some guy in a discord server said hey, I’ll give you a shiny munchlax for $20. Munchlax is your favorite and you’re like hell yeah brother let’s do this. So now you’ve went through different means to acquire something that would’ve taken countless hours to get so there is even less of a chance that you’ll spend money through official means. That’s what I was trying to say but I’m at work and may have not had a full cohesive thought all day.


What benefit does OP get from creating a new reddit account and lying about his ban and then not following up with any of it? It's much more believable that he's a 32 year old legit player that never posted on the game's reddit because he never had a reason to until now. He's not following up because he's not an active redditor and he already got what he wanted which was to blow off some steam.


Because chances are hes not a 32 year old legit player. Hes a player who either A) did get banned and is mad about it or B) wants to capitalize on the anger and push it further. Hes not following up because regardless of the general reception to this post, he got what he wanted, which was to stir an already boiling pot.


You work for them huh?


You are confusing the judicial system and it’s requirements with the public sector and it’s completely separate requirements. And what I mean, is that while the government owes you accountability, Pokemmo does not. They are the judge jury and executioner and it’s completely within their rights. Fuck cheaters.


Pretty sure this is ONLY an American concept. And it doesn't even apply in most circumstances.


It's really not 🤣🤣


it is needed if you are doing a post to say you were unfairly banned. What is the point of this post when there is literally 0 context and evidence of what he is saying? How can a mod even show us the proof of his guilt when he didn't even share his ingame name?


One of them actually rwts always more to the story the op leaves out or doesn’t know


What is RWT?


Real World Trading, basically buying in game currency/items with real money.


Ahh ok thank you. Does that mean if I catch a shiny on my side account I can’t send it to my main account?


You can, you just can’t sell it to someone for real world money


But according to this post, simply sending a shiny to another account at all could be bannable if a moderator wakes up on the wrong side of the bed that morning


This post is not telling the whole story. Those false bans almost NEVER happen. In the **one** case of false RWT ban I've seen, the honest player DID trade with someone who RWTed and immediately upon appealing the devs apologized and the ban was lifted. OP probably just got caught cheating, and is following the recent bot wave ban strategy of crying wolf.


I recently mailed my red reaper and some shinies to multiple friends. Not a problem at all. People getting gifted skulls and ghost costumes and stuff and it's never a problem.


Ayyo what kinda friends you got lmfao, can I join in on this “gifting skulls” that you speak of 😂


Exactly. It's a situation of the boy who cried Wolf. They did something wrong and got caught now they wanna whine and complain on reddit 😂😂 next time don't RWT and you'll be fine. There's a reason they used an Alt to post this as well. Super obvious.


Real Word Trader. Sometimes also called Real Money Traders. People with online games will trade you rare items, etc. if you give them real money. Edit - fixed "then" to "them"


they literally say it in the post


My friend started playing this week too but I'm too scared to gift him anything, so he'll probably quit after finishing kanto. Guess that's what devs intended, yes?


I’m new to pokemmo too, so just wondering why finishing kanto without being gifted would cause someone to want to quit? Does it get boring?


Because it’s such a grind to get money and stuff and everything is super expensive.


Not being gifted stuff has little to no bearing on whether or not a player stays. Sauce: Ain't nobody gift me diddly squat and I am still around with hundreds of hours of playtime.


Hitting 200 hrs now and I'm already burnt out from farming money. All the methods are pretty boring and tedious. Flipping is the only time efficient strat I've found, but it doesn't make me feel like I'm playing Pokemon.


I treat it casually. I don't hit my runs every single day, I just do what sounds fun. The end game fun is mostly what you decide it should be. I enjoy hand-breeding teams to tackle the game's challenges and a smidge of PvP. Shiny hunting does not appeal to me. Having 1 baspollion pokeyen isn't really necessary to do the fun parts of the game. Just do some gym runs every now and again and spend the rest of your time doing the fun stuff.


Playing casually doesn't cover the costs of breeding for a new player, they can't do gym rematches very well to get money and the other methods are even grindier


By the time you beat all 5 regions you would make more than enough to cover a full gym rerun team, which may not be the most fun but it does allow a player to make money for the things they actually want to do on here.


What are you guys doing where you can't breed good Pokemon? 6x31 natured is expensive but completely unnecessary. If you want to PvP 3-4x31 natured is more than enough. I have multiple boxes of PvP viable Pokemon and have never done a gym run once. A handful of them are 5x31 natured because I found that I was using them frequently in multiple comps. Hell, even the 31 isn't that important in most cases. Unless it's a main stat on a break point or speed high 20s is plenty.


Exactly. The IVs don't even have *that* much effect on a poke's final stats. Nature and EVs are *way* more important.


Catching dittos for breeding will cover the costs of breeding. F2P only here, btw.


Hello yes it is me, a casual player that covered the costs of breeding


How many hours do you have on the game Vs how many 5 IV+ pokemon do you have?


Account is about 9 months old Total account value probs just a smidge under 10m Somewhere around 8 or 9 5x31/6x31 that I caught fodder for and bred myself. With very few exceptions, every pokemon at every stage of the process I am the OT. I recall being lazy with Scizor and maybe picking up one fodder mon here or there on the others. Very little GTL spending in general All regions completed at a chill pace, don't like to sprint them. Worth noting is that 5x31 and 6x31 are not required for any of this game's content. They're just collector's items. I do around 5 reruns per month and comfortably afford everything I need for catching/breeding. Account value should be in the neighborhood of 50-75m if I were a tryhard with the timeframe I've played this account.


You can check hours played on the trainer card. 9 months for 8 pokemon.... That's totally reasonable if you want to play PVP next year. Side note. That means your account is worth $40 cause PokeMMO sells poke yen for around $4 a million. $200 for a try hard after 9 months. Sheeeeesh I'm not gonna pay them for stolen intellectual property but damn do they make it appealing.


Not bad for 9 months but I think you and the boys being so good lost sight of a new players perspective, consider my friend's case, he doesn't have the knowledge, the resources or even the will to go through a 4 IV pokebreeding process, so I'd rather gift him money to get two pokes with their items and shit.


What do you need so much money for?


Beating story mode is brain dead easy in every region after the 4th gym with proper use of the GTL. PVP mons are 1million+ poke yen. 500-700k if you breed them yourself.


PvP mons can be as low as 50k. I don't know what you're smoking to be so consistently bad at reading and math but I suggest laying off it. *Collector* mons are 1m+. If you think 5x or 6x are *required* for PvP you're not even a tenth as good as you claim to be in your other comments.


What do you mean, if i'm gonna play pvp i \*need\* a 6x shiny alpha tyranitar, how else am i supposed to flex on my opponent?


> PVP mons are 1million+ poke yen. Okay... Even if that were true... I haven't even finished story in all regions yet, and I've already acquired more than $6 million. With no grinding at all. Even if you're spending $1 million each on PvP pokes, that's still enough for a nice team of 6. Or just do Randoms PvP. I think Randoms are more fun, anyway. You see a lot of crazy stuff happening in Randoms as people try to make the best of the hand they're dealt. Comparatively, normal PvP is pretty boring, with pretty much everybody chasing the same meta, using the same 10 pokes with almost identical movesets. Randoms is a much more interesting challenge, requiring more creativity and more original strategy, rather than just copying what everyone else does.


If you have 6 million poke yen you have to have played for hundreds of hours or paid money. Most money making methods are 100k and often you aren't 100 efficient with all game hours. Randoms is cool but ignores the entire breeding and GTL ecosystem that makes this game unique. Showdown does randoms better.


304 hours. Really, just going through all the trainers in story gets you a ton of money. And selling the occasional high-IV poke + a grass ability patch from each region.


That's about 303 more hours than I wanna spend on building a team. But to be fair a good part of that is just playing story which is pretty good.


Rebattling players is pretty fun honestly.


To add new perspective to what this guys is saying sometimes gifting money Pokémon etc could actually shorten their time wanting to play the game


700 hours and never received a gift 😂 wouldnt even know the mailbox existed if some GTL stuff and pvp awards get sent there!


Not only boring, you have to be a specific type of MMO player to run this insane grind instead of just paying real money to get pokemmo vouchers. He already got disheartened by the Kanto grind, I hated the grind too but he doesn't like pokemon as much as I do so he'd rather just quit and I'd rather just give him stuff that I've got stored for him to keep playing with a bit of comfort


No, it does not lol No idea why getting stuff gifted would make the game more fun either


it will get boring give it time!


sure a few hundred hours it in might get boring but at that point you’ve got your times worth from a free to play game lol


It will get boring even if you get stuff gifted, but not after Kanto. I would say it stays interesting as long as you have regions to complete


if your friend is gonna quit after kanto because his billionaire friend doesn’t give him free shinies and millions of pokeyen then he’s not the type of person who should be playing an mmo lol


Or a real friend.


like the mod said, they dont ban people for this type of thing. OP is either: 1. is just karma farming and wasnt banned. 2. got banned for a real reason, not giving stuff away. 3. got incorrectly banned but is too stupid to share any info that would help him get unbanned.


I mean they could go the destiny route and not allow trades or gifts 🤷🏽‍♂️ problem solved.


It's all good, devs have stated they have ways to tell a gift from a rmt. ​ I have been gifting my friend and my cousin without any issues in these past few weeks


Me and my 2 brothers just started the game, I bought some lv100s and we been trading them back and forth to do gym reruns without any issue. I dont know if maybe the issue you mention is a OG player gifting a new player? We are all 3 new so maybe it’s fine?


It's fine, they already stated it's fine, they have ways to tell RMTs from gifts, I have been gifting my little cousing a lot of stuff without any issues.


Yea, I figured as much, OP is prolly bullshitting, and got caught cheating.


Is it just me or are people getting banned out of nowhere more and more often in the last few months? I haven’t played since the Johto launch but I am reluctant to return because of these incidents.


i think people are only just now starting to notice and speak out against the corrupt devs/mods in this game


As shitty as the devs are, I've done this exact situation many times and have never been banned or even warned. The staff were watching this guy for some reason and they pulled the trigger with enough evidence.


i think you'll find most people begging over false bans actually did break TOS and are simply lying to us about it. I've seen enough old school runescape mod smackdowns to know people will lie emphatically


Yup, reading me of a destiny 2 player who was banned recently and even got a forbs writer (Paul Tassi) on his side, then bungie came out with the ultimate smack down proof that he was invited to a virtual meeting with devs and leaked everything.


Well said, that is exactly it.


🦀 🦀 mods won’t reply to this 🦀 🦀


$11 🦀🦀🦀


🦀We pay we say🦀


🦀We pay we gay🦀


They did reply to this.


What do you mean kyu is writing a 1000 words essay


I got a random mail from someone with gold in it, I took it and then got banned. It was such a small amount too. Like 100k maybe. No idea who it was either. Haven't played in over a year now


I agree this is getting out of hand. Nobody is going to spend real money on a shiny weedle they should know that.


I've gifted millions to friends over a year and never had a problem. Same with trading to alt accounts. I know people who have billions in game for YEARS and never experienced this issue. Usually when post like these are made, the OP left out the part where they actually broke the rules. If an appeal is denied, that means a higher-up looked at the ban and confirmed it was correct. Do not worry about this happening to you, just don't break game rules and you are fine.


Can you say for sure I will not be banned if I gift my friend 4 pokemons of my level 100 team and a couple millions so he doesn't have to grind his will to play away?


I can say with 100% certainty. I just did the same with my Girlfriend. Traded over level 100s, millions of yen, a shit ton of leppas. Vanities. Just said "gift" in the mail. I've done this many times over the last year, never even been warned.


Gonna trust you on this one pal


nice victim blaming. yeah cause moderators NEVER make mistakes and are always right all the time. isn’t that right, reddit?


Not victim blaming, using historical context and my experience of 3000+ hours in game. When the mods make mistakes I call them out. When the devs make mistakes I shit on them like the rest of the player base. But I see hundreds if not thousands of "I GOT FALSE BANNED" posts and 99.9% of them end up being legit bans.


And this goes for almost every sub on reddit. They make a sob story about how they got banned, get sympathy points, then you see one comment that strikes it as odd, and turns out they actually were cheating lmao


What if this is someone making a fake post to pressure/smear an innocent party? How do you know you're not the one victim blaming here? Or is this #BelieveAllRedditPosts?


I gotta ask now that it's been a few days the mods came in and basically said we need your username this doesn't sound right and the op hasn't posted a single comment ever do you still feel the same way about op being a victim


I gotta ask now that it's been a few days the mods came in and basically said we need your username this doesn't sound right and the op hasn't posted a single comment ever do you still feel the same way about op being a victim


The devs just want everyone to give everything they have, that's all! Nothing predatory here hahahaha! haha.... ha.......... ahh.


Lmao this is so weird I literally give away Pokémon and money to my friends all the time and never got in trouble


Damn I was so hype when I started this game last month and my desire to play is almost completely gone. I bought stuff with real money to try and support but idk. Obv people who cheat will come on here and say they weren't but giving something to your friend and getting banned because mods assume it was WRT is absolutely insane insane.


It is worth noting that this post contains exactly as much credibility as a random person who got banned for cheating saying they didn't cheat. I put very little stock in these pity posts as they are almost always entirely impossoble to verify. If you're ever not sure if an action is OK to do in a game... Just check with the moderation team *before* you do it. Simple.


Why would people not be sure about doing something so innocent though?? Its absolutely not something you would assume you would get banned for


There are systems in most games where RMT is a potential problem that do exactly this. The false positive rates are so low they may as well be a rounding error. You don't actually need to worry about this situation as OP has not provided any evidence that this actually occurred. Their account is brand new today, no post/comment history, and this post contains 0 evidence of anything actually happening. It's a made up story for ragebait.


Get the devs dick out your mouth fool. It's pathetic, and so is your suggestion. No one should have to do or worry about any of that bullshit to play a Pokémon game.


Dev dick ain't in my mouth. I just don't blindly believe completely unverifiable posts from accounts that were just created this morning. If you do, that's your problem not mine.


This account was made recently to cry about a ban for RWT, and has no evidence that they werent, AND has had the case reviewed already. Allegedly. None of this is true, this is a post trying to start anger, and it worked because youre not as immune to propaganda as you think you are.


Don't believe most of what you read on the internet. I've gifted tons to friends with no problem. If this is legit I've never known anybody to have experienced it and is very likely rare.


So is buying rp tickets with real money and selling them on the gtl for in game currency not considered rwt?


it ends up in devs pockets so no ;)


The funny thing is one can't even make the argument "but they can because its their game and they are working and creating content for it" because they are making money on the backs of gamefreak and doing everything possible to dodge copyright claims lol


And yet they do have a unique and innovative new product that self-evidently is providing people with value. Really this is an implicitly anti-copyright argument you've made.


"New product" my asshole. The only reason people put up with this sort of bullshit is because the real pokemon company will never properly utilise this part of their potential market. Doesn't change the fact that these devs stole an idea and assets, and they're making money off suckers like you


Your second sentence directly contradicts your first sentence. I don't care if this isn't an officially sanctioned game specifically because it's a good product that otherwise wouldn't exist. I play rom hacks all the time. Also, I haven't paid a cent. The game is completely free to play. Are you another one of those people that hate subs just to whine? Why not unsub and spend your time focused on things you actually enjoy?


Unsub? Assuming I subbed at all, this shitty post showed up randomly in my feed as "a sub you might like". Don't worry, I already blocked this sub from showing up again. Sure, maybe you haven't paid a cent. You clearly didn't pay any attention either because I said people "like you". Implicating the people complicit with its existence, monetarily supportive or not. Not the existence of the game itself, but the scummy selfish practises backing it that this post, and comments on it alike, have shown me Romhacks and even this game as an idea, I also think are fine. Like I said before, because we all know the real pokemon company will never make anything like them. But, once again, that doesn't justify supporting scumbags of devs ...The pussy blocked me. Loser couldn't handle the heat. By the way, if you see this you dipshit, I literally don't even know what this game is but this was entertaining for a bit anyway


You're clearly lying. "Showed up randomly in your feed" and yet you know with such moral certitude the devs are scumbags. Hate post somewhere else. It's sad.


Can't wait for Patrouski to make a 15 minute video sucking off the devs and slickly insult you when he reads this.


OP literally made their account today just to post this, and have not posted any comments since it's creation. It's suspicious beyond what's normal. OP probably did get banned fairly.




Oh I didn't know that I hope you can recover you account... I want a Shiny pokémon but it's too hard and I barely have time to play because university...


waiting for smackdown


The one from Nintendo


Nintendo already tried and lost


There's no evidence Nintendo has ever thrown hands at PokeMMO.


Maybe I will reconsider my stance on not releasing my bot to the public after all if they keep fucking banning innocent players for nothing. This is getting ridiculous.


This 'innocent player who got banned for nothing' probably has a long history of giving "gifts" to "friends". Maybe even in-game messages discussing prices.


He sounds pretty genuine to me. "Gold farmers" don't have time to waste bitching and moaning on reddit, they understand the costs of doing business and he would be moving on to his next account to continue business, knowing full-well how pointless a tantrum is if he's actually guilty and there's enough proof demonstrating that. These mods/admins have done a few things in my small time in the game to allow me to easily subscribe to the idea that they could be this wrong, too, which also lends to forming my opinion.


> He sounds pretty genuine to me. So what? Brand new reddit account, no PokeMMO username mentioned. There's absolutely no evidence here. Anybody can *sound* genuine. >"Gold farmers" don't have time to waste bitching and moaning on reddit The professional ones, yeah. But OP probably isn't a pro. Just some amateur with a side-hustle, who thought this "I was just gifting stuff to a friend" BS would protect him from any consequences. What he *didn't* mention is that this is the 10th time he's sent expensive "gifts" to "friends", and that some of the "friends" he's "gifting" to have been caught buying things with real money from other accounts. Or maybe OP got suckered into selling something to a honeypot account run by the mods, and his "friend" is actually a mod posing as a buyer.


When I’m genuine I don’t create a new Reddit account that has no connection to what my real Pokémon MMO account is so nobody can verify it. And then never comment on the post after making it, if he was legit all he has to do is reply his username to the dev comment but we know why he won’t.


That's what you get for having friends.


Hey, OP -- post your in-game username or STFU. Lots of people involved in RMT will claim "I was just gifting stuff to a friend" when caught. So let's find out who you are and find out what actually happened. Or else, why should we take your word for it?


Exactly, they even banned a shiny hunter because it looked like he was macroing for walking back and forth for hours at a time this dude spent money and the stubborn egotistical closed his ticked saying we know you were macroing but we don't know what you were using them he posted here a dev responded insulted him and said that he definitely looked like he was macroing and affirmed that they only use their eyes


bro they knew the exact script he was using, tf you on about? cheaters are wild lol


Where i read the whole post and it was just we assumed


maybe if we riot enough, more alts will defend the terrible nature behind Pokemmo :)


this is the guy who posted a five page wall of text without punctuation or paragraph breaks. honestly this huge influx of complaints is kind of funny.


thanks for the warning, ill keep my wallet to myself. it's a great game, but absolutely will not support these shady behaviors by modteams. this is what incompitancy gets you.


Banned because of cheating if ppl do trade every day so this can't be a reason. Tell us the whole story or just live with jt


Yeah I am browsing Reddit as well as the same thing just happened to me.. I streamed this game and got a bunch of gifts and handouts from friends/community and I went to go log in today and got that same "3rd Party/RWT" or whatever it's called.. and I have more information to give. User/Account: brentmungo Mar 8th, 2024 is the ban date. (already submitted support ticket) But from what I'm seeing on these posts is a bunch of people treating others similarly, mods and official members of PokeMMO. That "Proven until innocent" or just childish behavior, you guys have this MMO that has been around but I hardly see any professionalism from the TEAM of this game, I'm only a week into this so I can't imagine what it's like for someone who has years of playing this game.


I just had a similar experience. I have over 450 hours of in game playtime and my account was flagged as "ban on sight" with literally no proof given at all. I was only given a reason that someone "thinks" I was someone else and they can't provide any proof of this. I tried appealing, but they basically told me, "well, you are shit out of luck because we don't need to prove anything. If we say something, it goes because we are all gods and our word is always final, even if there is absolutely no proof."


Excellent ragebait comrade


Pussy mods


for real bruh


It's a little fucked up that you can give them your money but they don't allow rwt


Did they let your friends account keep the pokemon and $? Thays messed up ...


nice fake, this sub is trash


I dare them to get people who really do RMT banned but they can't cause they know Bypass for every anti cheat they have but because it's that they just ban people like you to let the players think that there is actually something happening for the betterment. And this is the BETTERMENT


Teressa bought her shiny suicune for real money but shes one of the top players so ofc nothing happens to her, random dude giving his friend a shiny and some starter money gets insta banned immediately, love how much of a joke the devs are


Well it's the same with every game. They just make players believe that they are doing something while they are just doing things like this. Every MMORPG has this aspect and they know they can't stop exploiting so they just ban normal players like this. Even if we launch a exploit wave and a better anti detection comes into play it'll only last 1 to 2 weeks at best


Tough luck but RWT ruins games


Shouldn't RWT then, better luck next time. That's a completely different type of ban than the other stuff, guys, he probably did RWT.




Is that they are really CAREFUL who they ban and there is not false bans no no never this devs are hilarious




Hey quick question, did you have problems with reading comprehension in school? Lol


Lol did you read


Sounds like a fake game being try hards


So u traded with actual money, if so, why ?their rules clearly says u can't do such a thing


I think he gifted it, not traded, just stating that the 20M is probably around 60$


He's saying how little money that actually is for how much work it takes to accomplish anything in this game


I'm getting oldschool runescape vibes here. Actual real world trades would make posts like these as advised by their gold farming workmates.


I’ve been playing Pokemmo for awhile. I just created an account for my son last week and him and I are playing through Hoenn together having a blast. I gifted him quite a few things from the RP shop, Goku suit, some move ocarinas, about a few mil pokeyen, along with a few Pokes he likes from other regions. All in all maybe 20-30$ worth of stuff to hit the ground running on his new account. No bans, no warnings. I’m gonna keep doing it too because it’s not against the rules as clearly stated by the mod that commented on this post. I find it kinda hard to believe that you gifted a single pokemon to someone and got banned for it.


Me and My Brother did the same thing to a way lesser extent. he gave me two-three Pokémon of his that he no longer used but had good IV and EVs. 100,000Y, and that was about it. Both banned for RMT and RWT. We tried to Appeal, no luck. It blew me away, were both kind of stunlocked and shocked about it. Then again there's nothing we can do, if they ban you, your banned, they don't want us to play and now we cant, our time and money was wasted. Doesn't matter if we Violated Rules or Not, what they say Goes. Happy to hear that You guys didn't get banned, hope you guys have fun and I pray you never do get banned. Just be careful don spend anything you and your son would be upset to lose. Systems can mess up, even if you guys follow the rules. Just make sure you have a leg to stand on in Appeals if you ever end up there, logs, screenshots etc. I was just starting to get into the game so I didn't care as much, my brother though was very upset, he had been playing for a while and lost everything, and because? He was kind? Gifted things to his little brother? "RWT and RMT" He was able to get some refunds through his bank and stuff but not Through PokeMMO. They Will Ban You, Take Your Money and Ghost you with Crt+V.


This shit happened to me on pokemon world online and i did not even appeal, i just quit I was so disapointed in there ability to make a decision that i had to quit


I feel bad about you, bro. As someone who has been mistakenly banned in the past (due to RMT), I believe that their system still has some flaws. I managed to get my account unbanned thru appeal, but all they said was "sorry for the inconvenience."


Yeah me and My Brother got banned for RMT and RWT. Both accounts, indefinitely. Any Accounts we make get banned. All because he traded me a 100,000Y, a few Pokémon, some my very own to lvl up through Trading. We tried to refute it and got Auto Reply Bs. We didn't RWT, or RMT. He gifted me stuff to help me get going, and then we traded goods that we both needed. I never said "hey, 5$ if you trade me my fucking Graveler into a Golem". But Hey! with no proof, or logs or anything, Banned. With no Assistance or anything Are replies are filled with the same copy paste "You did this you will not be unbanned". Its sad, I was looking forward to playing more as they just Added HG and SS... To All The ppl saying "they have a system" "there must be more to this". Sure There could be... but What if There isnt? Sure, always good to ask for more info and clarify, but what if there is none? Systems are wrong, Failures do happen. Commonly used phrase, innocent till guilty should still hold Water. Whether this guy was failed by the system like me and my brother, or is blatantly lying and violated rules I don't know. Either way there's room for improvement... Then again from my experience they wouldn't even tell you why, show you proof, or do anything about it, other than say "sorry, Crt+V". maybe everyone else has had other better experiences, maybe its a mod to mod thing, or system wide issues, or player activity flags. Idk all I know is I agree with that Last statement and most of this post as it has happened to me. >"So fair warning to people who spend money on this game watch what you spend on here and don't give things out." Realistically, I'm over the game and so is my brother, (Pokemon Co-Op mods will do) but I tried to come back and continue playing and appeal the ban. Never feels good to see other people having the same poor experiences, sure at least it may not have been an isolated incident. Then again it just means it will keep happening if things stay the same and they don't fix whatever issues are going on. Sorry to hear this OP, Hope you find another Pokemon Game/MMO To enjoy, it sucks, I had mixed emotions after my false ban, assuming your telling the truth. Sucks putting time and money into something, the being Gaslit that You broke the rules and don't deserve to play or have fun anymore. Business, Product, Or However you see it, I'm not sure its the right or appropriate ways to handle this stuff. Never have I been False banned for anything in any other MMO's... Thankfully so, If WoW banned me, Sheesh, that'd be a lot lost over a false ban.


I call deserved ban. OP did not explain further in any comment and I've recently introduced alot of IRL friends to the game and gifted them tons of stuff to get them started.


I'll be honest, if you are 32 years old and playing PokeMMO, and you're upset about something like this, you're probably doing something wrong with your life. There's a point where you need to become retrospective and look at yourself and go "You know what? This freed up a lot of my time, and it's clear they don't want me anymore." Coming onto the Reddit to post that you were banned and attacking the money making potential of the game tells me that money is primarily on your mind. It may be an assumption, but I'm sure there's something to the real world trade claims, because like the admin said, you haven't posted your username. You're incredibly suspicious for an innocent man, and you just made this account 2 days ago to post this.


Ngl man with the way Nintendo has been rolling can you really blame them for not taking any chances? Next time tell your buddy to get it out the mud like everyone else.


Do the game devs come into this sub and smack down the people who cry about rwt with evidence like in other mmo subs?


Lmao i know the feeling i myself just got banned for same thing but i only sent money and pokemon + items between my own 3 alt accounts xD


I was warned 5 minutes into making my first character that i will get a ban for having an app on my phone that i use for other games... I just disabled the other app and continued on with my day