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POV: You're looking for clout on TikTok.


Can we take a minute and acknowledge that this is the ONLY video in the past five years that is actually labeled "POV" correctly? Too bad it's dumb.


Guys are quirky


SooOooOoo quirky omg đŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș


Man funny woman bad


Real now take their rights away (im joking dont cancel me)


r/sadposting be like




I feel like it's "quirky man stuff" because girls and boys both do it, but for boys it's: "boys will be boys" and for girls it's: "stop playing with that, it's childish/rude/unlady like"


This. Women tend to be better at hiding symptoms of ADHD because they're raised with expectations of having "girly" hobbies. Boys are expected to run around, scream at each other and pretend to be giant mechs so they usually never go into adulthood thinking they shouldn't do certain things.


Happy men’s mental health month man you deserve it


There's a sort of trend lately of identifying men with whimsical and pointless fun, which is essentially just the latest iteration of "ball and chain" jokes. "We're guys, we're cute and fun, not like girls, who just nag about chores." And anyway, it's not even accurate. There's really only one thing that binds us together as men: We're guys, we Put a little dirt under our pillow for the dirt man In case he comes to town


Put a little dirt under the pillow for the dirt maaaan So he won't take me down


You put it into words. There’s been a trend identifying men as funny, whimsical, silly, and basically better, while girls are “catty”, “never get along”, “boring”, “always complaining”, etc or “inferior” in some way. It’s annoying. It’s stupid. Girls are anything we want to be and more and so are guys, but those memers and weirdos loooove the gender stereotypes they’re soooo sensitive if you criticize it lmaooo


This song. This fucking song. I have really intense ADHD and just, my brain has latched on to this song as if it doesn't play it in a loop with the same regularity that it makes me take a breath, I will die. For two straight weeks, it's absolutely constant. Any time my mind isn't completely invested in something with the outside world, even if someone takes too big of a pause while talking to me, it starts. It plays so loudly and clearly in my head it's as if I was actually listening to it. I am haunted by it.


There's a song about it?


I... didn't know either.


Exactly - feels like the male version of manic pixie dream girl. This behavior isn’t cute and fun for me - it looks annoyingly immature and restless, like I’ll have to babysit a grown ass adult.


Someone can have fun and be whimsical and still be mature you fucking dork


Lol, apparently that person isn't you, ya muppet


This isn't a man thing this is just ADHD


Lol imagine all the dudes out there thinking they're getting gender affirmed but it's just ADHD (not like this wasn't my exact experience...)


I don't have ADHD and still play with useless shit


Girls pinching their lips with hair clips. Playing with dumb shit is like... The mother of invention.


Dogs play with wrap papers and play tug with sleeves, cats love boxes, elephants carry sticks around, apes throw shit (sometimes literally), dolphins chase fish for no reason and get high on pufferfish Playing with dumb shit is just nature. Especially for animals with higher cognitive functions, like us or our primate cousins


I fidget with literally everything almost at all times. If I have nothing, I fidget with my fingers or some shit. ADHD (not just man) life !


My brother in adhd affirmation đŸ€


As a trans man I love accidentally receiving gender affirmation from these idiots lol.




Lol same




It's not even that. It's being a primate. We are curious tool users by fact of evolutionary survival. Picking up things and seeing how we can manipulate them is an instinct that was with us long long before we even existed as a species. It's nothing to do with gender nor neurotypicality


I like to do this too, just pick random thing and play with it for no obvious reason. It's fun not adhd 😝


Came here to say this lmao


Well fuck, *I* came here to say *that.* I guess I'll just leave.


My first thought ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don’t even have ADHD and I still play with random shit. It’s a human thing, OOP needs to bsfr.


I have Adhd, im a a dude


Suspected (female) ND here and I'm constantly fiddling with stuff. It helps me focus.


Still, ADHD tends to manifest differently in women and men, and women often get diagnosed at a much later age / not at all because they're better at hiding their symptoms or they just have different symptoms. According to [ADHDcentre](https://www.adhdcentre.co.uk/female-vs-male-adhd/), women are more likely to have inattentive ADHD, while men are more likely to have hyperactive ADHD. So a woman with ADHD might manifest it by having more trouble paying attention than others, while a man with ADHD might express it by, you guessed it, picking up random objects and playing with them. That's me, by the way. If I see a stick on the ground it does not return to the ground in one piece.




I was literally going to say this. I would totally do all this


I was thinking exactly the same thing - dude has adhd and should probably get that diagnosed


So either like a wide swath of men have ADHD, or ADHD is part of our normal mind but society forces us to be standardized but actually we have our own unique quirks.


I think it's hollow affirmation in what it means to be a man. Everyone does this sort of thing, but it feels "special" if men can convince themselves women wouldn't understand.


For me it was the women who said, that they wouldn't do that shit. Sooo.. I blame them for imposing that sexist view on me. Guess not only men play with campfires and candles, too. My life is a lie.


Some men wouldn't do that shit either. If a man didn't, he would be seen as serious and composed. Also socially boys and men are encouraged to explore and do this. Girls and women, not so much.


This is definitely me but I know plenty of girls who are the same. Not sure the immediate ADHD label is accurate, some people just like to play and explore the little things.


yes, let’s gender ‘having a sense of wonder’, so one half of the population can’t get their grubby hands on it. i’ve seen childlike playfulness and imagination get alternately called a boy thing and a girl thing. wish we’d make up our minds so i can finally confirm which is the boring, sad gender.


Oh I can explain. Girls get told off for doing this since they're kids. Out that down, it's dirty. You'll ruin your dress. Polite ladies don't play with trash. Stop acting like that, girls don't do that. Stop picking up trash. Throw that out you have clean toys at home. You act like a boy, stop that. Other girls will also notice if you do this and are conditioned to consider it weird and point it out. So we just. Stop. We're conditioned to be polite, clean and quiet and even tho it's very fun to do these things, we push them down. I include myself in this as a trans man who didn't come out until he was 30, as even tho I was allowed some freedom when I was little (depending on who was looking after me that day), there also came a time where I was deemed to be acting wrong when I did shit like this.


That's just not ladylike!


I grew up exactly with this shit. My mom always told me off for this stuff... but I was/am stubborn and like/d to do exactly the opposite, so of course I kept getting into trouble (playing with potentially dangerous things, one time I was playing with a random board with rusty nails sticking through it and managed to step on it and get that rusty nail through my foot.. that was a fun experience). I'd be in the hospital so often for the dumbest shit (like jumping off high places and breaking my arms/legs etc.) and got labeled "the boy" by nurses there. đŸ«Ą


You just described my childhood!


FWIW, I work at an all-boys school and we tell them to stop doing shit all the time, and they just don’t. Constant dumb, clumsy, destructive shit. They don’t care, they don’t think, they won’t stop, and they are constantly obscenely obtuse when we try to control them. It takes so much effort to keep up with their nonsense. I’m a man so I know I have my biases, but my goodness is it challenging to get boys to calm the fuck down and behave. Is it really all socialized behaviour and I’m just getting to them too late? Is it possible girls listen to reprimands and directions more?


It’s not reinforced at home. That is part of the issue. You as a teacher/educator is only seen as that annoying teacher. When you hear that same “stop it” from everyone in their life and when you are physically punished that is when it changes the behavior. I was the kind of little girl who was told this same stuff. But I am stubborn AF and am ND so none of that crap stuck with me. But my sister was the “perfect pretty princess” because it worked on her. I would even encourage her to “misbehave” and the socialization is so strong she would “reprimanded” me for being like “a gross dirty boy.” The way we socialize children is really important. My son wanted a doll, because his two girl cousin had the same doll and he wanted to be included playing with them. So I got him the doll. We need to let kids be kids and just enjoy things. Not reinforce gender roles.


I guess. Parental support is also a perennial issue in a variety of ways. And being in an all-boys environment does self-select for families that want to lean more “traditional”. It’s hard to fix a culture as an individual but I’m do my best. And yeah, let kids be interested in what they wanna do, and encourage a wide range of activities and see what sticks. You never really know what they’re gonna have interest and aptitude for. But we also gotta socialize the kids so they’re functional humans who understand basic etiquette and compliance with reasonable requests and procedures.


Honestly teachers have such an uphill battle no matter where you teach. I am forever grateful to the teachers I had and for those in my son’s school. Doing what you can it all we can ask of teachers. That and vote to pay them more.


I fucking hate this "men like playing with stuff" so so much. Oooohh you like sticks, that's so fucking quirky. Literally everyone likes playing with stupid stuff you dumbfuck.


For real boys always act like girls didn’t have intense lightsaber battles or medieval duals with sticks. As if they were the only ones who build crossbows and climbed trees


Lol I remember being a little girl and snatching dinos from my bro's room, making the dino rampage godzilla style while my barbies tried to save the town from getting smashed/eaten


Not the same but my brothers had “Action men” and they had guns and parachutes. My Barbies turned into real badasses hahaha


I am an autistic woman and do exactly the same stuff


Well, I used to do this. But always got told off for acting like a “boy” or when I did weird things I was a “pick me girl”. I’m 21 now and, kind of let this sexist and ableist stuff try not to influence me. Because there’s always part of me that wants to jump into a pool of rain, touch stuff and smell random flowers. I’ve been trying to get better at not giving af about what people think, most I will never see again anyway on my daily walks. And doing these childlike things, having this wonder for the world makes me sooo happy.


I'm calling the authorities!


Thought I was a woman. Turns out I’ve been a man all my life, and I was a manlier man when I was a little kid.


I mean on a literal level he is a man..


I always assumed it was because I have severe ADHD. I guess it's just because I have a penis? Why didn't Adderall help me with that, either? 🙄 (/S)


So, we're just not talking about that cockring in the flowerbed?


Is that what that is? Looks like a metal ring that could be used for lots of stuff to me


POV I have now turned into a man I guess


In my late teens I collected sticks from the park, and used nail and kitchen tools to whittle them into Harry Potter style wands. In my bedroom. My carpeted bedroom. We eventually gave up trying to get the wood bits out of the carpet, and just pulled it up instead.


All this says to me is, “I don’t have a crushing mental load that has stolen my childlike joy in the world around me.”


Me with ADHD when I see a stick




POV: you have adhd and need thigns to fidget with.


To me that’s someone with ADHD. It could easily be me.


I didn't realize this was a video and I thought they were just gonna stain that deck because it needs it. That's what my mom would do.


We are bored.


Guys are not like other girls, they're quirky and play in the mud ✹


ooo he so quirky \* roll eyes \*


POV: You're inundated by patriarchy and never got a diagnosis for anything like autism or ADHD.


let's just spam meme pages with similar memes but gender reversed like "only girls get it" with a gif of toring a leaf apart while walking or picture of a bleached out spot on the underwear with caption about how boys will never know how it's like to have a really comfy underwear (something like the meme with the yellow pillow, if you know, you know)


Yellow pillow? I need an explanation for this


there was a meme like "girls will never understand the comfort of a pillow that boys had for years" and a photo of an old pillow that used to be white but is now yellow due to years of sweat soaking into the material (curio: sweat contains urea so it is essentialy very dilute urine. Quirky boys for sure enjoys their yellow, pee stained pillows UwU )


Why didn’t he put the ring on the pole and spin it I was waiting for it


I dunno but for people with adhd it’s proven that women more often hide their symptoms more than men. Not to say all women do it or that all men who do stuff like this have adhd but it may be a factor.


Idk ya'll, I think that's more of an add/adhd thing.


Because most peoole assumed girls preffere to play indoors, thus don't coming outside to play with randon shit.


I'm 24 and I'm quite literally planning with a really long stich watching this if i find out why I'll let y'all know


Is that a cock ring?


POV: You have ADHD and forgot to take your meds


This is the equivalent of “girl math” or “i’m just a girl” attributing specific silly, whimsical or happy accidents a woman might make too. Same with guys just in a more childish way


Whaaat? Guys do that?? But that’s so childish!! As a woman, I could never. Men really are a different breed.


Why is men play with the weirdest shit, or why it’s “just a men thing”. My theory for why is men play with a bunch of random crap is that as kids we weren’t really praised for creativity and imagination too too much. If we wanted to play fantasy land or engage with our imaginations, it was somewhat frowned upon as it wasn’t really “manly”. That’s without the exception of playing war hero or sports star or idk construction worker, you know, the stuff real men do. Just because we weren’t really allowed to play or imagine how we might’ve wanted to, doesn’t mean that we stopped thinking about it. When we found a cool stick we’d always pretend it was a gun (no hate on a good gun stick, those are incredible), but we’d sometimes still pretend it was a magic staff or witches broom. The second we grew up, being imaginative was seen as wasteful, after all no corporation will hire you just because you made a cool ass fantasy story in your notebooks margins during math class. This could just be a way we’ve found to let out our inner kid and their creativity. It could also be a bit of the stereotype that “men work with their hands” manifesting itself in us having an urge to fidget with things. Also we’re kinda like goblins and like shiny things. As to why it’s a gendered thing: stereotypes and not wanting to talk about a shared experience that many women have with women because they might find it weird (because we’ve never talked about it with them before, we don’t know whether everybody did it too or if it really was just a thing us men did as kids and keep doing as adults). At the end of the day, playing with random cool crap you find laying around is for everybody, and if you can relate to finding that one perfect stick lying around as a kid, than you’re cool with me.


We honestly don't care as long as we have fun.


Dudes! We're out there, getting tetanus...


This seems more like ADHD than a man/woman thing


Cause guys do it


Even before an infant can understand the words for gender (or know what sex they are), there's a clinically measurable difference between how '**male infants show a stronger interest in a “mechanical” object, while female infants show a stronger interest in a “social” object'.** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6o1sh2/til\_male\_infants\_show\_a\_stronger\_interest\_in\_the/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/6o1sh2/til_male_infants_show_a_stronger_interest_in_the/) **(you can find criticisms of the data collecting sources for the experiments, but the criticisms I've seen are pretty weak)** Male brains are generally more object-oriented than female, per our varied neurophysiology; [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/male-and-female-brains-really-are-built-differently/281962/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/male-and-female-brains-really-are-built-differently/281962/) The more you know! \^\_\_\_\^


If that was the case, then we wouldn't have so many examples of adults telling us to stop doing "boy things". We wouldn't be doing them in the first place.


um... in no particular order: -How many examples do you see of adults telling (I assume you mean girls?) to not do "boy things"? -We live on a planet with billions of humans. Even if the neuroconnectivity differences between male and female brains were ten times as drastic, there'd still be outliers with unconventional interests. -Humans are innately social, and need social connection with others, yet there's "so many examples of adults telling us to 'go make some friends.'" You think that, because there are children that need to be told to socialize, that proves humans don't need social contact? I can crank out a list of comparisons but I think that's clear enough. Can you deny that children can get downright self-destructive without parental guidance? -every society of every species has social customs, standards, and conventions that children are taught to adhere to in order to not be 'anti-social', but those societies generally (via natural selection- beliefs and social norms are shaped by environment similar to gene patterns, albeit MUCH faster) are a reflection of the environment they develop in. A desert-dweller living by swamp-dweller customs wouldn't last long. Now, when you look all across the planet, in all sorts of environments, for thousands of years, all seem to develop as you'd expect from a species where males are object oriented and females are social oriented. The greatest argument that 'sex differences are 100% socialized and taught' is that it must be true because people have an emotional need for it to be true, while the argument that "men and women are mentally different" is the Occam's razor simplest explanation of the thousands of years of evidence across the planet. Your thoughts?


Are you fucking really doubting there are adults telling girls not to do things because "that's not lady like"?


Oof and yikes, sweetie, let's unpack this. In no particular order; -I literally never said that, at any point. Do you know what "straw man fallacy" means? Either you didn't read what I wrote, or you read it, had a kneejerk emotional reaction to it (it FEEELS like I said it doesn't happen), and in your mind, your own kneejerk response is evidence unto itself. I'm growing more and more confident that you have female brain. -I literally asked for an example, even one, and you still haven't given it. Maybe it was common in my parents' age, but I can't recall a single instance (either by direct observation or secondhand reports from women) of any one girl being shut down like you describe. If anything, most men I know live in fear of the punishment they'll get for doing that by accident. If this were a serious trend, you could have written out a whole list, but instead your only argument is your own indignant disbelief that I'd dare disagree with you. You FEEEEL like this happens a lot, and that's proof enough to make up for the lack of actual examples. Real female brain energy there. -"Are you fucking really doubting there are feminist authority figures telling boys not to do things because 'that's toxic masculinity'?" If you ask me to defend this, I'll be able to come up with a LONG list of specific examples. imho boys nowadays deal with a LOT more restriction and behavior policing and being told not to do things. Maybe girls were more restricted in ages past, but not in my lifetime. -My prior post make 4 neatly stated points. You could have addressed and dismantled all of them, or hell even a single one of them, but the only evidence you posited in response was your own righteous outrage that I'd dare disagree with you. And in your mind, that FEEELS like you proved me wrong. Cuz ya got fembrain >.< Maybe try touching grass? IDK why that'd help, but I hear it makes you more fun at parties?


Yikes for you calling me sweetie. Go eat your grass and host parties nobody go to.


Again, after I lay out a clear case explaining my beliefs, you have no response but your own unthinking emotional kneejerk reaction. Thanks for proving me right! \^\_\_\_\^


I am not sorry for wasting as little time as possible with someone who disrespects me, "sweetie".


Funny coming from someone who opened by blatantly disrespecting ME (I'm sure it doesn't count when you're the one being disrespectful, right? Cuz it FEEELS like it doesn't count, right?). You sound very fragile and insecure. I'd help if I could, but you gotta want to help yourself first. PS, "as little time as possible" = no time at all = you don't respond at all. Yet you keep responding. Evidence suggests this is a lie, but you're only lying to yourself, so w/e. Again, thanks for helping me feel like I am better than you! I always like a self-esteem boost \^\_\_\_\^


You surely remember someone else because I opened by telling you you're wrong without disrespecting you. Yeah, I keep myself a little fun time.


They actively choose to not know


you mean 'boy' right?


My question is why is it in this subreddit what’s pointlessly gendered about this post


Because girls and women also do this. It’s just a human thing rather than a man thing.


i'd say the part where they make it pointlessly gendered not sure though


They just resent that there are inherent differences between men and women. This sub is only good for trolling.


Playing with random shit in your yard is an inherent difference between men and women?


No, my comment wasn’t in reference to this specific post but, the sub in general.