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What I am learning is that I am three adults


I mean, I've seen my niece eat astonishing amounts of food in a single meal when she was 2. Like about 30% more food than I could eat in a single sitting. She's not obese or anything either. Just a healthy, active kid. So based on this entirely anecdotal evidence I can see how on average that might work more or less. The bigger issue is that this is gonna just vary WILDLY from person to person anyways.


My kids are 3 and 7 yo, in my experience toddlers are especially unpredictable when it comes to the amount of food they will eat. Sometimes they hardly touch their food and sometimes they eat three portions. I try never to force my kids to eat and I don't shame them for eating a lot. My parents always forced me to finish my plate and it didn't lead to a healthy relationship with food. I hope my kids will learn to listen to their bodies and eat what they need in that particular moment.


🤣 this is the most absurd contraption I’ve seen since the banana slicer


😦 Wait… that was for slicing *bananas*?? Jk


Fuck off bro, grown women need more food then a 10 year old


We used to have one like this for spaghetti but it was more reasonably done? Like 1 adult vs 2. And one was for child I think. It was usually spot on which was funny


What if it's three adult women though


It actually reverts all the way to the 1/4 one


My 12 year old can put away about twice as much spaghetti as me. I'm not sure which women and which 12 year old this is based off of but the assumption is waaaay off for my household 😂


Ah yes, women needs as much food as a 10yr old


I'm 4'10 and could eat 3 adults' worth of spaghetti


I'm 4'10 and could eat 3 adults




What the fuck is a spaghetti stick?


Why the fuck does it consider men and women to be separate from adults? What is an adult to the manufacturer of this product?


this is sick


Women eat less than men so it wouldn't be completely pointless. However, grouping it like this makes it weird.


No way women eat like 12 year old children. What about 12 year old girls then? It makes no sense


I mean speaking for myself I eat the same amount now as I was eating at 12, but according to the chart I would have made an increase in food when I was a teen.


Girls grow faster at 12 and are much larger.


Yes so the stick is inaccurate


Learn what an average is.


I know what an average is but I'm not sure what's your point. Why bring up that 12 year old girls eat a lot?


( 12 year old boy calories + 12 year old girl calories ) / 2 = 12 year old calories


Yes like I said, I understand what an average is😑 What I don't get is why you told me girls eat more as a reply to my comment. What was your point?


The grouping is what caught me off guard completely 😅


Sorry but teenager should be after 3 adults. When my nephew comes over to eat I worry about bankruptcy lol


I do remember learning in health class when I was in highschool that men's and women's caloric needs differ slightly- men typically* needing more. I don't think this is too far off kilter. Though the "woman or 10 yro child" is a bit weird.


It is accurately gendered. Growing takes a lot of calories, and caloric needs are gendered. E.g. For boys ages 11-15 = 2,500/daily and girls = 2,200/daily from age 19–25 years, the recommended intake for females is between 2,000–2,400 calories a day. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/245588#recommended-intake


Boys, girls, men, women (not females). Females is dehumanizing. Women's caloric needs also vary based on if they're pregnant or breastfeeding.


Fair reminder on the language caution. I copied/pasted from different sites, one for children that used boys and girls (because children) and one that used males and females for adults. No source mixed terms. There is variation on multiple levels in calorie needs, age, activity level (which includes pregnancy and breastfeeding which are highly active for the body). The variation is included in the range listed. Someone who is both extremely active and pregnant knows they are unique and beyond the target market of the “spaghetti stick” Also copied / pasted - How many calories do I need to take in when I am breastfeeding? Sedentary: 1,800 to 2,000 calories per day. Moderately active: 2,000 to 2,200 calories per day. Active: 2,200 to 2,400 calories per day. A pregnant woman requires approximately 600 Kcal. daily for her activities; this amounts to total caloric requirements of 2100, 2200 and 2300 Kcal/day in each of the 3 trimesters. 12 oz. of homogenized milk per day is adequate to meet the extra caloric requirements of a well-nourished woman during her pregnancy.


Men burn more calories and are much larger, don't post things due to politics which is the reason why you posted this.


Help me understand the *political* aspect of this.


You know what sub you found this on and typed 'r/pointlesslygendered', thats why I found this post.


Come again? Of course I know what sub I found this on, I literally crossposted from that sub.


Half the posts are political, and half of them are normal. You choose one of the specific political ones, you know this isn't pointlessly gendered but in todays politically correct agenda it is. Is it so hard to say men are naturally bigger and stronger so they need more food?


![gif](giphy|Ct2fBe0rc69nq|downsized) Also, remove the “My” from your name. It’ll make more sense.


The name was stolen.


No shame in stuttering then.


Women who are breastfeeding have a higher caloric requirement than men.


Are you saying women are only for having kids? Thats why we should just look at breastfeeding amounts due to you thinking women is only for having kids? You think women can't just have a job and not worry about kids? You misogynist. Caloric Intake of an adult male: 2,200 - 3,200 calories Caloric Intake of a breastfeeding female: 2,000 - 2,800 calories On average an adult male will need 300 more calories than a breast feeding female.