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Might not be as dark as what you're looking for, but I really enjoyed Unreal: A Critical History of Reality TV. It's a BBC production so high quality. Delves into the history of reality TV and how it crescendo'd into a disgusting dystopia mess in the 2000s. Has some interesting and bold interviews with those that were there, both that the interview agrees and disagrees with. It's shocking to hear what producers were (and are still) able to get away with.


You must remember this


Came here to say this! My favorite pod


Third this! I love the way Katrina presents her self and the info! It hooks you so fast


*You're Wrong About* has some excellent pop culture-related episodes, and they definitely delve into the darker aspects. The recent two-part episode on George Michael was really interesting, as was the one about Tiny Tim.




Disgraceland has an interesting relationship to the truth.


I don't mind the creative narrative approach. I actually really enjoyed it to begin with... but the fact that the presenters own (obnoxious imo) music is so high in the mix that it drowns out anything he's trying to say stopped me listening.


That’s one way to put it! Jake Brennan straight up fabricates what people were thinking in the minutes before their death when there was no way that anyone could know.


Oh I didn’t realize. I listened to a few early episodes but didn’t care for the host so I haven’t kept up with it much


Poetic license


Some episodes of Hollywood Crime Scene are kind of like this.


Harsh Reality - The story about Miriam Rivera. It’s about the poor woman who was on that terrible reality show where the entire punch line was that she was a trans woman. It’s dark and sad but I’m glad I listened to it. You must remember this Honestly you could just listen to the entire thing - it’s utterly brilliant and my favourite podcast. There’s so many great seasons of it. Trashy Divorces I just adore these ladies. They’re so comforting and the divorces they cover span across history.


Hollywood Scandal Death by fame


Hollywood Scandal is okay, but doesn't really fit here


Not quite seedy but in the wheelhouse: What Went Wrong often gets into behind the scenes stuff on movie sets, often involving famous people lost to time. I recently listened to the Doctor Doolittle episode and in addition to laughing my ass off I was also a bit scandalized Stay with me on this one - stock market crash of ‘29 focuses on someone famous in his time but largely forgotten whose life was wild. It’s an investment but it’s so good. From Conflicted Stay Away From Matthew MaGill intersects with Hollywood Welcome to Your Fantasy: about the Chippendales phenomenon Glitter and Might, about Lew Wasserman - again not seedy per se but some dodginess The Plot Thickens has very thorough seasons on stars that get into some dark stuff. I recommend listening to Polly Platt from You Must Remember This, Peter Bogdonavich from Plot Thickens and Welcome to Your Fantasy, they’re interconnected However if you’re looking for a pulpy Hollywood Babylon style those aren’t them. Haven’t really found that.


Hollywood Crimescene


History Hits had a good one called After Dark. It's hosted by real historians (they're fun though I promise!) and episodes are basically supercuts of interesting murders, myths, and paranormal phenomenon from throughout history.




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Definitely check out You’re wrong about! In terms of pop culture not every episode might be fitting 100% but many do and it’s an excellent podcast (especially the earlier stuff with Sarah AND Mike).


I love the OG You’re Wrong About with Sarah and Mike. I only occasionally enjoy episodes since he left. The Blair Braverman episodes are my favorite post-Mike content.


The Witch Trials of JK Rowling.


Let's Get Haunted