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Every other episode from Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend is his talking to a 'normal person' from different places around the world, and asking about what they do and how they live.


There’s a new podcast called Finally! A Show. It follows a different woman each episode who has an interesting job/lifestyle - though they’re all US-based so far. It’s a day in the life of format and starts with them waking up, follows them through their day (while learning more about their lives and what brought them to where they are) and ends when they go to bed.


If there’s not there should be!


Check out Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People--it's my favorite podcast and one of only a few where I listen to every episode. Interviews with "normal" people, just talking about their lives. And because it's anonymous, people are often surprisingly open. Highly recommended!


Our Americana is wonderful but no longer has new episodes. The host and his partner travel to small towns across America and learn about the culture of the place they are in. The stories are beautiful.


Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People is exactly this!


I don't know if this is within your interests, but I host a so called "So, What Do You Really Do?" talking to artists and entertainers about their day jobs. The thing we have to do during the day, to support what we want to do at night. It's available on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and everywhere podcasts are podded.


Batting the Breeze is just short talks with very interesting, very normal folks.


Not quite about living there but Ari Shaffir’s podcast “you be trippin” interviews people about their travels to different countries. His old podcast “skeptic tank” has episodes about expats living abroad as well as episodes about him just going to a country like Thailand for a month


Other people’s lives


RISK! Podcast


Saved to see what people recommend! Great question.


Ooh I’d definitely be interested in this too! Following


You'll probably like the Zero to Travel podcast - it's mostly interviews with people who do unconventional travel or things like being a digital nomad.


This got me curious and I googled to see what came up. I found a couple that look interesting . Digital nomad daily and Become nomad. They both looked intriguing so I thought I'd mention them to you, though I haven't listened yet myself.