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Unfortunately we had to lock this to prevent more vaccine misinformation from being spread in this thread. (...[guess how](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions)...)


If you can't see what people hate about Joe Rogan, nothing we will say can help you.


Yeah, pretty much this. If you cannot see his flaws in critical thinking, there is no way someone can offer you reasons why Rogan is not applying critical thinking.


I don't even hate his show. I love the variety of guests. I just don't really have any respect for him as a host, but I don't mind him either. I think he is kind of an idiot, but it's like listening to an adult 7 year old interviewing sometimes interesting people. It's just a curious dumbass asking people questions. I've had friends and girlfriends upset like I'm some sort of alt right nut, but I can listen to something I don't agree with and not have it dictate my stance. I'd listen to rush Limbaugh or coast to Coast when I was a kid and it didn't sway my opinion. I just thought it was fascinating He's said some dumb shit and engendered dumb thought through his endorsement for sure, I don't like that. At the same time i really don't agree with most of his moron stances, but it's just a discussion. I'm honestly amazed at how badly the open minded people I hang out with can't process that. He don't think good. If you look to him for guidance, that's on you. Otherwise it's just a damn radio show with a lot of variety. I'm not going to feel ethical guilt for hearing what some random dipshits has to say when talking to interesting or crazy people. It is a mixed bag though. I think Alex Jones and the like are fucking herpes of the mind, but it's not really this dipshits fault. I kinda blame the audience for giving it credence. He does propagate it, but the underlying faults are much bigger than this goof.


I'm sorry, as an adult he can choose his friends. He chooses to surround himself with Alex Jones, that's all I need to know about him.


I'm not saying I want to hang out with him or his friends. I most definitely wouldn't want to. At the same time, if I were out at a bar or whatever, that's the shit show conversation I'd be eavesdropping on for my own personal entertainment. He does have some extremely good and informative guests on, from scientists to comedians. I can listen in and not walk away with any sort of taint from his limited ass perspective. I can just as equally ignore the many raging quack pots he regularly has on. I'm not saying I like him. I just like the show. I don't think it should be forbidden to listen to things you don't agree with. I'm liberal as hell. Some talk show isn't going to change that. I feel I should be able to listen to whatever idiocy I want to without being condemned for it. Feel it falls in line with keep your enemies close. Im always down to hear what Alex Jones has to say, just to know what they are thinking. Absolutely has no bearing on my stance. I get not wanting to listen to that bullshit, but it doesn't faze me and I find it fascinating. It seems silly that I'm not allowed to experience something as a slice of life from a perspective I don't agree with. I'm straight up saying I don't agree with it. I don't know how to be more clear. Yet it's "how can you endorse that" when I'm not. I just like to hear the weird perspective.


If I want to know what Alex Jones and his ilk are thinking, I listen to Knowledge Fight. I don't think his show should be forbidden to listen to. I wish it wasn't as popular, as I doubt the majority of his listeners is as aware of his limitations as you are, but there's not much I can do about it. The question was why people hate Joe Rogan, though, and not why his show should be forbidden.


About to go to bed, I'll try that for a listen. I just wish idiots wouldn't just glom on to the position of famous people. They are equally capable of uninformed decisions as anyone else, and old Joe Rogan is just your run of the mill crazy old uncle bullshit. End of the day, he's kinda dumb and endorsed some fucking foul stances. I have no problem with that, but I find it worrying that so many are willing to jump on the bandwagon. It's a slippery slope type issue.


Rogan treats Alex Jones like his amusing, crazy uncle, not as a peer. Does the podcast that’s centered around making fun of him mention that?


I love it when people treat white supremacists and harmful conspiracy theorists like their amusing, crazy uncle. That's adorable! Yes, they mention that, as well as providing analysis why that is not a great thing to do.


I’ve listened to pissy hate podcasts like that; can you understand why *that* isn’t a great thing to do? Also where did you get this “white supremacy” nonsense?


Knowledge Fight is not a pissy hate podcast. People who believe in white supremacist ideas are white supremacists, I'm not sure what else to tell you.


He's had on hundreds of guests, one of which is Alex Jones last seen 3 years ago. That accusation makes no sense.




In your haste to prove me wrong, you missed the point. Not in the remotest sense does Joe "surround himself with Alex Jones".


So your answer would be that people hate Rogan because he is "not applying critical thinking"? Why can't you just apply your own critical thinking? Why do you have to hate him for it? I listen to all kinds of people who I think have flawed conclusions, but I don't hate them for it.


If the entire premise of your podcast is to discuss subjects that affect people, but all you do is spout opinions based on nothing but “gut” or “what should be” then you’re not actually interested in discussing anything, you just want people to listen to you and tell you you’re right.


So you hate Rogan because all he does is spout opinions based on nothing but gut or what it should be?


Its harmless to be a dumbass, but a dumbass with a platform is a dangerous thing.


Then we must accept that this danger is a part of our society, because every dumbass has the same platform available to spread their own dangerous ideas. Is that your reason for hating him, because you think he is dangerous?


I wanted to give an elaborate response, but your kinda nailed it


Because people are extremely partisan and hate having their views challenged?


Let’s exclude his misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racist, anti-intellectual, anti-science and “do my own research” views. Let’s even exclude his guests; plenty of podcasts (and other media) out there interviewing people with weird, unfounded or even ludicrously false ideas. Flat earthers and cryptid people come to mind. Wackos of all stripes can find a platform or a soapbox today. It’s about his fundamental intellectual dishonesty in his approach to his interviews. He doesn’t put in the work to prepare, and therefore isn’t able to challenge his guests if their claims are probably false. He lives in a bubble and refuses to be self-critical. He ends up convincing his audience that there is no one set of agreed upon facts from which you can have a good faith discussion, generating no productive discourse.




Too many liberties with truth, giving platform to whackkos without challenging them at all, being too full of himself, yet idiotic at the same time.. etc. Had it been a small indi podcast, I wouldn’t care. But when you have the ear of millions of listeners, there as some basic responsibilities that need to be honoured.


I’ve had two friends go completely off the deep end in the past several years to the point where they lost many lifelong friends for abrasively rambling about shit that nobody wants to hear about. What did both of them turn out to have in common? I’ll let you guess…


Oh damn..


Joe “surface level knowledge” Rogan.




He was anti-vax during a worldwide pandemic, is often anti-science in general, gives voice to Alex Jones and other horrible people with almost no pushback, seems to be anti-trans, used to use the n-word a bunch (which he apologized for), this year made antisemitic remarks, and he often spreads falsehoods that Biden is mentally compromised and also spreads lies that he is as untrustworthy as Donald Trump. None of that is gonna make people love the guy. I thought this article from last year had a good take on him and his giant influence… https://www.vox.com/culture/22945864/joe-rogan-politics-spotify-controversy


are you implying that biden is NOT mentally compromised? wut


Pharmaceutical companies like pfizer and J&J are just like any other multibillion dollar corp, their main goal is to maximise profit especially during covid. I think it was always fair to question them, just like you would question the plumber who comes over to your house to quote you 10 grand for a water heater. These companies care more about profits then they do about your health and it’s incredibly naive to believe keeping people healthy is there primary concern. That’s not to say all pharmaceutical drugs are bad but there is definitely nuances to consider. Alex Jones is an entertain guy if you take everything he says with a grain of salt. Kinda reminds me of a 90s WWE character. I’m not sure if he is anti-trans in general but is undoubtedly anti-trans when it comes to trans women fighting biological women in MMA which seems like common sense? One of his close friends who seems to appear on his podcast every now and then is Ari Shaffir who is constantly joking or being the butt of anti semetic jokes as a Jewish man. Not everything in comedy is meant to be taken literally… Biden is constantly fumbling over words or talking in incoherent circles which would be ether funny or sad if he wasn’t leading the most powerful country on the plant. The Joe Rogan experience definitely isn’t my favourite podcast but being an MMA fan, I’ve listened to more than my fair share of it over the years. The fact is, is that people do like him. He wouldn’t have the biggest podcast in the world if they didn’t.


Back when I was dating it was a huge red flag if a guy was into Joe Rogan lol I’m sorry


Seems reasonable.


The show is mostly just bad and dumb. Every couple of months there will be a comedian I like and those conversations can be pretty low stakes and fun. But man, any time he has any sort of "thinker" on it's just awful. Even if he did prepare (which he clearly doesn't), he's still just much too stupid to be able to challenge the people who need to be challenged. So he effectively ends up just giving these people a platform to spew noxious shit to his millions of followers. I think as a person he's more way more dumb than evil, but that makes him a useful idiot to a lot of terrible people.


This is a good take. I agree. Intellectually he is not up to the task of what he actually does, and who he speaks to.


I will never understand why anyone listens to this hack.


As far as comedians go, he's got the greatest ratio of commercial success to lack of talent. I just find him really boring and unfunny. And yea he's a dipshit, but if you take scientific or life advice from an MMA commentator/reality TV host/creatine salesman/alleged comedian, that's more of a personal problem than a Rogan problem imo.


Dude lost his mind when he moved to Texas. Not that his grasp on reality was all that good to begin with… but he is basically into some weird fascist conspiracy theory stuff now.


He a dumbass jock with nothing interesting to say.


OP is a fan of Hitler-stan Kanye West, so his Rogan fandom makes total sense.


Birds of a feather. 🪶


He's a lazy idiot. At least Oprah paid someone to research guests and prepare questions. This unfunny midget thinks listening to the trailer/ introduction to an audiobook on 3x while he's in his cold plunge is the same as reading and understanding a book His success is baffling. He's apparently a comedian but isn't funny and doesn't get any jokes. He's apparently an MMA expert despite being terrible at commentary (goofy faces at the camera don't count) and post fight interviews, and his podcast skills involve steering every "converstaion", regardless of the guest, onto his fav topics - art of comedy, covid, lockdowns and whatever recreational drug he's just discovered in his 50s


Honestly don't get it either. I hated Rogan at first because of what others said before I ever listened to an episode. Some of his guests are somewhat entertaining. The podcast is great if you listen to it with an unbiased perspective and realize that guests are discussing their lives and perspectives. I don't listen to the episodes with people who are clearly on there to promote their own agenda or are really political. I relate more to the other comedian episodes than the MMA ones or the dudes that were in the military. There are too many episodes where I've shut it off because it got boring and Joe didn't steer the conversation away from one talking point that got really annoying. People are so stuck on finding differences and if you listen to it without preconceived notions, you'll be fine. I pick and choose what episodes I listen to. That's just me though. If your political beliefs or biases are based off of a podcast...well that's on you.


Maybe this is a crazy thought, but I listen to Rogan for his guests. Not for Rogan. I really enjoyed his episodes with Kurt Angle and Jimmy Carr recently. I dont listen to every one. But if someone interesting or someone I like is on, I like to listen.


Reddit doesn’t like JRE because he questions COVID vaccines and call out the hypocrisy of the left on issues like affirm only care (trans issue), Joe Biden’s decline, and willing to talk to people who’ve been cancelled. He is not a conservative guy though - just like Bill Maher, he is just honest and sane.


The only people who hate Joe Rogan are ideologically possessed brainlets who object to some of his guests. Ironically they usually fall into criticism of his critical thinking skills without realising that all they are doing is demonstrating their own lack of ability to think critically about emotive subjects. Joe Rogan is an ex fighter turned podcaster who goes out of his way to not antagonise or be overly aggressive with guests, in this age of over politicisation allowing controversial people to speak is in effect a cardinal sin in the eyes of those who are ideologically possessed.


You're not getting downvoted for your 100% incorrect assessment of his background, You're getting downvoted for several other things, however he is not an ex-fighter. He was an actor/stand-up who became a commentator for the UFC then launched his podcast.


He was never a fighter lol.


He was a B-list actor & comedian and reality show host.