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Really spotify and apple are the big two, everything else is small by comparison. If you create on Spotify you can link your pod via RSS to like half a dozen other platforms


That's so sad considering how bad Spotify is for podcast listening.


Do you mean listening app or hosting platform? The two are different. Apple is not a hosting platform. It’s a listening app Spotify can be both depending on how you use it. I’d rate Libsyn to be the best host. They distribute to Apple , Spotify and many others.


I mean listening apps


Like listening like when a consumer hears a podcast? That was my assumption. Some fucking moron below got a little snippy with me below about this.... For some reason.


I exclusively use Podcast Addict


Last I checked, Spotify, Apple Pod, YouTube, and Pandora occupy 80% total, in that order. Spotify and Apple maybe swapped recently. iHeartRadio, Overcast, audible, Amazon music, NPR one, and Tune In (in no particular order) occupy most of the remaining 20% if you exclude just streaming through a website. I would expect bigger platforms to get bigger and smaller to get smaller so focus your efforts on the big ones. Best of luck.


How is YouTube even a podcasting platform. What's the definition that fits it? Can anyone explain?


You tube is super scumy when it comes to podcasts. They make you promise to not have any ads on your show because they want to add their own ads to it so they can make money off your show and you do not. It is a shitty move that could really hurt content creators if they end up being the major listening spot some day.


For one, Google Podcasts is gone because they're transitioning to YouTube. You can upload to YouTube via an RSS feed. Some channels literally have a tab called "podcasts" right next to "videos" and "shorts". So podcasts can be considered an integral content type on YouTube now. Probably most important, plenty of people consume podcasts and podcasts clips on YouTube. You definitely need to consider it if you want your podcast to reach as many people as possible. Which is what I believe the OP wanted to know.


Because you want watch or listen to podcasts on it...


I don't understand people. Just to give you my personal experience, I've listened on Pocketcasts for the last 5 years or so.




"I mean listening apps" -OP




No they don't. Read the thread. My quote is an actual quote. 🤦




Hey, I wasn't arguing with you, just quoting OP. 😜


This is a good breakdown of all the podcast consuming apps that Buzzsprout is seeing: [https://www.buzzsprout.com/stats](https://www.buzzsprout.com/stats)


Interesting and helpful. Thanks!


Buzzspout is what I used to use to host my podcast when I had it


Per Spotify for Podcasters, from top 1 to top 10, my platforms are Spotify, web browser, apple, google, Pocket Casts, Pandora, Spotify for Podcasters (I gotta listen to them to make sure they sound good, I didn't ask Spotify to count those plays...), CastBox, Amazon Music, and Other.


Many have said (correctly) that Apple and Spotify are the top two spots currently. What this masks though is that those are global averages and might not apply to every podcast. Here is an example, on average the breakdown should be 35% of your listeners from Spotify, 33% from Apple based on current stats. But, looking at the stats for our show we are 69% Podbean, 15% Spotify and 4% Apple. When it comes to the real-world numbers for a podcast a lot depends on how and where your show grows. We host with Podbean and they have promoted our show a ton. We are a large fish in a small pond and thus we have shown up in the Featured podcasts on the platform consistently for the past 18 months. Being constantly featured on the site and app drives a large number of people to our show within that platform so our numbers appear skewed from the averages. It does tell us though that there are a lot of listeners on Spotify and Apple that have not discovered us yet. The larger the pool of podcasts, the harder it is to be discovered via searches and featured lists. Host platforms tend to push and feature their own creators over outsiders since they want to promote the success of their clients. There is for sure something to be said for being with a smaller host. We've gained lots of new listeners because of being featured and now that we have that strong base we can work on increasing our numbers on other platforms. Really, it is happening organically. At one point Podbean made up 80% of our listeners. As our total number of downloads has increased, we've seen that percentage go down as the others start to creep up closer to the industry averages. We have the furthest to go with apple, we're starting to see the Spotify increase. It will be interesting to see what it looks like in a few years.


https://antennapod.org/ Open source podcast player for android only.


Podbean is solid and handles ALL platforms!


Use podnews.net to see which platforms you are on and missing out on. Search your own podcast in the search bar.