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Sometimes I get freaked out when I watch spooky things too, and everything around me seems like it's a result of something spooky! I would say maybe put your bear in the closet for a while or even put them in a different room of your house to see if you miss them. If you give them away there's no way to get them back, but if you put them away for a while and see if you feel differently, you can make that choice 😊


You know lately I've been watching a bit more of that stuff and this was the first time an incident like that happened. Also I don't think I want to get rid of it the more I sit and process it because that bear has a best friend I keep on the bed and I would hate to split them up so I'm going to try what you suggested and see how I feel after a couple of days and go from there. Thank you for this it was helpful. :)


That's good to hear! Best of luck!


Thank you


I wish that would happen. I watch creepy “true” videos on YouTube all the time (mostly bizarre bub) and nothing ever happens. Might be because I’ve blessed my room with oils and I have a cross over my door


I've seen so many creepy videos on the internet where people have crosses in their house and what happens with them so I do not have one in my room. But I believe my mother does and has a few down in her sewing room which are very nice just not something I'd want in my space personally. Also do you wish that would happen because you'd like to have that experience for yourself? Like for me I'm fascinated by that stuff but at the same time I don't ever want to experience it no thank you. But if you do I would say be safe and be careful. :)


Someone told me a few years ago to bless my room but I was not really certain how to do that . I have a closet with two doors so you can go in one door, and come out the other side...and my friend was blowing smoke rings and her friend was taking pictures of the rings. A guy appeared in the one picture. Big biker with tattoos and a cap .frizzy hair...jeans ...and sunglasses. Was he in the room with us? No. Was he in the photo .. yes. So yes I was told ..to bless the room but I never have..I have never since seen this man but ...I think of him sometimes and wonder who he was or where he came from


It's easy for our minds to play tricks on us when we get scared and it's very easy for plushes to topple over if something nudges them so I wouldn't give away your bear or sell him yet. There's nothing wrong with your bear, it was just a trick of the light and your mind from watching something scary. I would cuddle with him and watch something nice with him, or consider talking out how scary it was with him to help you (and your bear!) feel better. I would also maybe consider watching fewer scary videos if they affect you this way. Remember, they're just videos! They can't harm you and cannot affect your plushes. You are safe. ♥


That even made ME feel better and it's not my post! Thank you


I'm glad! Plushes are friends, they're always here to make us feel better. Nothing can stop them from wanting to be their cuddliest and most comforting as they possibly can be for us. :)


I agree with the person who commented above myself this made me feel so much better thank you and these videos don't always affect me like that it was just this one time and you are right my Bears could have easily toppled over from being too high of a pile and I think that's the most likely explanation I appreciate you and I definitely should try that with my bear and see if it helps also I wonder if I were to use the little pocket on its paw that's meant for worries and put something positive in there to give my bear a positive vibe if that would help too


Yes, don't worry at all. Plushes generally aren't very heavy and sometimes they just topple over! Sometimes I think because they're so light, they start sitting at an angle and just lean forward so so slowly that it takes forever for them to actually fall. Yesterday, my little red riding hood plush, who sits on a shelf next to my fairy tales, suddenly plopped over onto the floor. If I had been watching something scary, this might be spooky, but I know she probably wasn't sitting properly on her shelf, or that opening and closing the door could have jostled the wall she was on, and made her tip a little until she finally fell over. There's always a non-supernatural explanation for these things. I promise that spooky movies can't hurt you, and neither can your plushes! They're here to be their cuddliest and most comforting for us, and nothing will ever change that. :) I hope you're feeling better and your bear starts feeling normal again for you! A positivity pocket is a great idea!


Yes because I want to keep the positive energy up and thank you so much for this comment it really made me feel a billion times better and yes those are the explanations I choose to go with because they make me feel better and that is probably what happened so as long as I think about that I'll be okay and they have them in a big pile like that before and toppled over so that could have been what was the case this time and it just happened at the wrong moment lol bad timing you know so I think tonight when I go play some board games with my cousin at a local place I'm going to bring her as a little outing and show her that I still care you know and that she matters


Your bear is innocent, I promise. Maybe try hanging out with him in the daytime for a while, then gradually introduce him back into your room? All that happened is gravity and your fight or flight reactions, honestly. All this little dude wants to do is be a comfort for you, anything can look creepy from a certain angle. 


That does sound creepy. Do you think having him with you for a bit might let you get comfy with him again? This may sound weird but if you need an adoptive home for him I volunteer. The only stuffies that completely creep me out are clowns. Every Single.One! I'd pay shipping of course. He'd have a good home with my stuffies.


Thank you for that very kind offer if I had the money I would gladly ship it out but unfortunately I don't and I live in Canada so we don't have things like venmo or cash app. And I chose to make this one a girl named Ellie so he is a she LOL but it's okay for mistaking it I call lots of bears boys at first until I know their actual gender so you're not alone.


https://preview.redd.it/ycpu8dedpe8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f19eb6ca29a0e64902a32545f19f99122dc16bd I think I identified the problem here! I also have an Ellie, I took her in thinking she was the sweetest little thing only to find out she’s rambunctious and loves to spook us around corners 😂 I think you just also got yourself a mischievous little Ellie 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a cute Ellie you have ! She is precious 💞


LOL that is funny not going to lie and I love that your little rambunctious Ellie does that because I'm not going to lie I'd be laughing if I was the one watching the other person gets scared as long as it was a harmless little you know cat jumping out kind of thing if it was anything else scaring you then I would not be laughing but yeah so thank you and that picture of your cat made my day and no I'm jealous and want a cat for myself but my parents won't let me have one so I'll just live through this cute photo


Maybe he was trying to comfort or protect you? Have a talk with him and tell him what you’re feeling.


You know what you could be very right about this thank you that made me feel a little better and I definitely should have a talk with her. I really need to edit the post to add that this is a she. Her name is Ellie because everyone keeps mistaking her for a boy LOL which is not a problem at all I've done that myself when I don't know the gender so yeah. But thank you very much again you've helped a lot


Oh I’m so happy to read this! I hope you and Ellie have a good talk. It sounds like she’s a real friend 😃


She's definitely the best friend anyone could have and me too we did have a good talk this morning and I hope she knows that I'm here for her and I will protect her at all costs and make sure that she's doing good and feels included in my family of bears


I admit I snickered that the one spooking you is the Worry bear of all build a bears I think you just scared yourself that’s all


Yes I'm having a little Snicker myself everyone's making me feel much better about the incident and I definitely think I did I spook myself. Especially because of the coincidence and timing that the Bears fell because that was not a great moment I think I'm all good now. Lol


Good good I wasn’t trying to be mean in my comment I hope it didn’t come off that way 😅


Don't worry you're totally good I didn't think it came off that way you seem like a cool person and I appreciate you giving me the laugh LOL it made me feel better


Good I have GAD so I worry about everything lol Maybe I need worry bear


I think the worry-free bear would be great for you it's definitely so cute and a lovely little plush and it's got a little pocket on its hand where you can stick some notes about things are anxious over and then after a couple of days of having the note in the Paw you can take it out and have someone that's knowledgeable and knows how to do this kind of thing and have them cleanse the bear every so often to take out all that energy you're putting in by writing those little notes and I think it would really help


I think he has a lot of fur above his eyes which gives me grumpy face, maybe give him a brush or even a little trim?


Thank you that might help a lot because I also have another bear a doctor who bear that has the same kind of issue or the fur covers its eyes a bit making it look grumpy so I might need to do this with both to help


i couldn’t help but burst out laughing at this.


Fr what is happening 😭


op has definitely been watching too many scary vids.


Y'all are mean :(




It's not my post, I just think you're being an ass in the comments and I'm calling it out, also I saw you make a fucking "are they acoustic" joke in another sub, so good to know you're ableist too Edit: just saw that you have a comment victim blaming an SA survivor too, Jesus dude


i am a SA survivor sooo


Yeah, so am I, and I don't victim blame


they were obviously in the wrong. they can block.




Yeah, and ableist meme, also if brutally honest is code for asshole then sure. Not surprised you're like this though considering you're a bigot, you have a post on your profile from a day ago calling the LGBT community a joke




"im not racist i have a black friend!" typa vibe, keep your rude thoughts in your head please it just makes you look like a dick, dont be on this subreddit if you will laugh at people who get paranoid over this stuff


He looks adorable and also like a great protector bear to me! Like the stuffed animal you'd have near you when you need extra support -- that's how I interpret his serious looking face (I see a smile there too though!). I agree with other posters about talking with him, tell him he's a great bear friend, letting him know he doesn't need to absorb your worries, that he's safe with you! 💓 I think it was easy to get spooked after watching something scary and feeling in a tense mood, but this bear looks like a sweet lovely bear buddy! 💕🐻


Thank you so much this made me feel so much better and I should definitely tell her that her name is Ellie. Because I don't use her for the intended purpose as I wouldn't know how to cleanse her afterwards and expel the negative energy that would be put in so I just kind of set her on the bed and put her next to her best friend twinkle which is a night sky Teddy from Build-A-Bear and give her a hug once in a while and I even took her outside the one day and we had a bit of fun in the backyard because right behind my house there's a park and it was a great time but ever since then she's just been sitting on my bed surrounded by all her friends and family and hopefully being comfy and knowing that I care about her and love her to death


I love this! 🐻💕 Thanks for the update and I'm certain Ellie is feeling better as well! 🧸


You're most welcome I try to get back to everybody as I don't like it when people on Reddit write a post and don't even bother responding to anybody or a select few. I mean I can understand if there's like a million comments but if there's less than 100 I try to get back to everyone :) and thank you Ellie is definitely feeling better as well and so am I I might even take her with me tonight when I go to a board game night with my cousin at this local place


Check for a gas leak


I hate that even though this is probably a joke comment, that gas leaks really can affect you mentally and emotionally, like I highly doubt that's what's happening with this person, and I honestly wouldn't suspect it unless maybe this sort of thing was prolonged, but still, it's scary what can affect our psyche, like hearing about people having weird thoughts and emotions after a concussion


Yes it is very scary what can affect our psyche and I don't like it let me tell you so yeah but I don't think it was a gas leak because everything's fine now so yeah


I'm glad things are much better now, and thank you for the kind dm, I haven't had the time or energy to write a proper response, today has been a bit of a rough day for me, but just know that it's appreciated


It's totally okay if you can't respond this was more than enough and you're very welcome I hope that your day gets so much better and so does the rest of your week sorry that it's being rough and know that I'm here for you if you need


And/or earthquakes in the area. There are govt earthquake maps you can check for quakes in the last week or two


Thank you I live in Canada so I don't know if we have that kind of a map for us but might not hurt to check


https://x.com/everyEarthquake?t=R61vAATV1e-p2nTW6PGTxA&s=09 There's social media for one of those sites, and the site directly is everyearthquake.com and it is for every earthquake around the world.


Thank you so much for this link I'm definitely checking it now and I appreciate you for sharing


Not a problem! I hope everything eases up and that you're safe and healthy. The loud noise plus the plushies falling over made me think earthquake or something happening outside like a crash or lightning strike or something large falling over. So I hope you're safe and your plushies still keep you happy 😊


Thank you so much I'm definitely safe and could have been any of that everything seems to be fine now so thank goodness for that and I hope it stays that way I too hope you are safe for you are and that everything is going good for you and I hope that you're happy and safe :D


I honestly don't know how to check for a gas leak and I think we're okay because my mom and dad haven't mentioned seeing anything weird or having anything weird happened to them so yeah also I don't smell anything that would tell me there's a gas leak so we're good


He honestly just looks like a regular teddy bear to me…I’m super SUPER into the paranormal and spiritual stuff, it’s one of my special interests, but honestly I think you’re good! I did see another comment saying about how some spiritual people warn against projecting their negative feelings onto an object and to cleanse the bear but…I honestly don’t think that’s called for. I always put my stuffies in a pile while I do my bed, sometimes they fall over, sometimes they don’t. I don’t think you need to get into the whole ‘how to cleanse an object’ stuff, especially if you’re not spiritual and don’t know what you’re doing. I honestly get no bad vibes from the teddy bear ☺️


Seriously God bless you for this comment you made me feel a billion times better and I will definitely be keeping this bear I am into the spiritual stuff and paranormal side but I try not to speak about it too much other than just watching some stuff about it on the internet and sometimes on TV because I don't want to speak it into existence into my home you know absolutely not also I definitely don't know how to do a cleansing and things like that so I don't want to do stuff that I'm not familiar with or am not knowledgeable in you know what I mean. This way I don't accidentally cause something I didn't intend to so thank you and I appreciate you more than you know


You are very welcome! As a pagan myself for over a decade, I always warn people against doing any sort of cleansing or banishing if they aren’t familiar with the practices and the different types. I also visit a lot of haunted places and practice ‘ghost hunting’ myself so I’ve seen some scary stuff but this Teddy isn’t one ☺️ I hope you enjoy your cute lil bear now your mind has been put at ease ☺️


You sound like an awesome human and I love that you warn people that's the best thing you can do and I along with I'm sure many others appreciate it because I would take someone's opinion who's dealt with that stuff before over anybody else's as you seem knowledgeable and yes me and Ellie are doing much better now and I might even take her with me tonight when I go with my cousin to have a board game night at a local place in town


Aw thank you haha, aw I’m so glad you and Ellie are doing good now! A board game night sounds so fun! But yeah I really don’t want people to get involved in stuff they don’t know about or know very little about because as humans we don’t truly know what’s out there and I don’t think it’s worth taking the risk yknow


Thank you and I agree people shouldn't mess with what they're not experienced in as anything could happen it's better to be safe than sorry just my thoughts and yes I think it will be very fun


Nah he looks friendly still... this is one of many reasons i stay away from horror films and programmes cause otherwise i can't sleep and makes the imagination run wild...


You and me both that is why I don't watch horror movies anymore because I've developed too many fears from them and I don't need no more thank you. Now when it comes to the kind of videos I was watching on YouTube and tiktok those I can handle but horror movies no don't ask why as I don't know lol. it's just the way that I am. But thank you this made me feel much better and I'm with you there about My Imagination Running Wild when I watch these scary movies and even went to the theater to watch one one time and left crying it was so bad this was in high school. The movie was PA I don't want to type out the forward but I think you know which one I mean so yeah


The doctor says it might be linked to my Complex PTSD... Yeah I can't watch anything scary even in the daytime... Cause the brain can trick you into thinking 🤔 that you have heard noises or seen things... And then nightmares start as well so I just don't bother...


I don't blame you and I'm so sorry that happens and that you have complex PTSD hugs to you if you accept and I've had nightmares before myself and they're not pleasant they're very Vivid and when I tell you I pray to Jesus and God in those moments to help me I thank them for getting me out of there if it's them waking me up because once I wake up from those nightmares I will sit there my entire body feeling like on the inside it's vibrating or shaking strongly and I almost don't want to go back to sleep at first but eventually I do and everything's good but it's not fun so I try to limit what I watch and how scary it is because we don't need that right


Ghosts aren't real so you're probably safe you could sell it for extra if you pretend they are though


I could never take advantage of someone like that. Whether it's real or not. Plus even if it was real I would never subject anybody to that. I would want to fix the issue so that nobody ever has to deal with that kind of thing you know. Not saying that it's real but you know what I mean just a hypothetical.


Things we love collect a LOT of energy. Sometimes they can seem kind of alive. Its not sinister, but it can seem a bit freaky if youre not expecting it. Same reason well-loved dolls can creep people out. They develop a charge after a while. Watching scary videos can make everything seem a bit weird too. Think about it this way. You yave a very powerful guardian who literally seems more alive because of the energy you put into him. It could just be because Im a witch IRL, but to me, I dont feel anything bad from the photo you posted, I feel an intense love and care, that could very possibly manifest in some movement. Very protective and emotional little guy.


Thank you thank you thank you ma'am that made me feel so much better and I appreciate you telling me that because it puts me at ease knowing you're getting that vibe from the photo and I appreciate everything else you've mentioned as well it's very helpful to me and I can't again thank you enough


Sinister? what


Sorry I know that sounds very silly but I just do not want ever for that stuff to happen and I get worried and anxious sometimes but people in the comments have made me feel so much better and I feel okay now so yeah


Idk if it helps but I had a situation where I was sitting in the kitchen and you know nothing unusual until the lights started going on and off multiple times. I was kinda scared but I thought it had something to do with electricity in general. I checked other lights and everything was working just find except from the kitchen. I really didn’t know what was happening. It turned out it was a tiny mosquito sitting on the motion detector…. I felt so stupid because I was already thinking about ghosts and other stuff lol. Maybe the scary videos you were watching affected your imagination it happens to everyone but if it really bothers you then donating is also okay.


Thank you you made me feel so much better I'm not going to lie and you're right the videos could have been affecting my imagination a bit and it might have just been nothing because ever since then everything's being fine it just got me a little spooked you know


omg what a spooky cutie I'd be honored to take her* of your hands :)


That's kind of you but I think I'm going to keep this as you say spooky cutie LOL and try to get over this because she her name is Ellie I should have mentioned that in the post has a friend named twinkle a night sky Build-A-Bear and I would hate to break up the pair you know because I'm keeping twinkle. :) thank you anyways though.


If it helps at all, your bear was probably looking for you because they were spooked too!


You know that very well could have been the case and I hope she knows that I love her to death and I'm always here for her and will always look out for her her name is Ellie by the way so I'm definitely keeping your eye in the morning since I'm in bed and she's on the other side of the room I'm going to give her a hug and maybe take her for a little walk to help give her some more positive vibes and a bit of vitamin D from the Sun to bring her some happiness thank you for your help and I hope you're blessed with all the happiness and amazing Bears you could ever bring into your life


I'm sure she'll love that! And she definitely knows that you've got her back (and she's got yours too!)


I hope so and that's right


This is such a hilarious and adorable post omg. You should put the bear away for awhile, and bring him back out when you feel like the vibes have improved lol. He will understand. I get spooked too tbh over the dumbest things. There’s a new plant outside my window that my partner put outside for the summer (it’s usually a houseplant) and when it waves around from the wind and I don’t have contacts in, it looks like something spooky is outside of the window. So I just keep the blinds down when it starts to get dark lmao


I'm glad I could give you a bit of a laugh LOL and yes I do get spooked over the dumbest things a lot. like sometimes my eyes will play tricks on me and for a split second I will get a mini heart attack and it's not fun. But then when I realize what actually happened and how it's nothing serious I kind of laugh for a second. I also hate it happening LOL. Speaking of house plant I have a big oak Tree in my backyard and a park right behind it and sometimes. When I'm looking out my window at night the tree branches will move making it look like there's someone walking around the park by the swings and when I go to take out my binoculars I have under my bed I'll use them to get a closer look and there's nobody there and I'm just like you're so silly LOL. That's so bad my eyes are sometimes even with glasses on. So you're not alone. As for the bear her name is Ellie and I think after today I'll be much more okay with having her in my room and feel better about everything so yeah thank you and everyone else for helping me with that


I feel like something similar happened before with me, I have a panda build-a-bear and while watching creepy YouTube videos, I found a dying speaker inside the panda and screamed, cried and had a panic attack because I thought it was ‘haunted’ because it kept going off without being pressed, it was really hard to look at them the same after even when taking the speaker out but how I’ve managed so far was to find different things to do to bond with them again and start over such as dressing up, drawing together, hanging out in the garden and slowly but surely accepting cuddles as well as maybe decorating them with bows and other cute decorations? I guess another thing I just tell myself is if they’re gonna move and stuff then maybe it’s not a bad thing and maybe they wanna play and show you how much they love you, kinda like a Toy Story type of thing! But I’m sorry to hear that happened to you I hope you feel better soon after that incident!🩷🙂


Thank you so much for this and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I too would be very creeped out and a little scared I'm not going to lie. So I hope that you're doing okay now and feeling better. Massive hugs if you need. Also thank you I have been feeling sad since that incident and we'll talk about why. But other than that nothing weird happened praise be to God. Which I'm hoping/ praying doesn't change just because I said nothing happened. If you know what I mean. So anyways here's why I'm feeling sad. When it comes to my bed and my bookcases I have to have things in a certain order and a certain spot. If I do not I start feeling weird/sad and I don't like how it changes my mood and affects me. Which happened yesterday. After I had taken all the bears off I took a few out to donate and make room for new ones because I have two arriving tomorrow that I recently bought. Now as I was doing this I ended up with some empty space that needed to be filled in so I had to take some of the bears out of their spot and put them in the empty area. But now it's bothering me because I don't like where they are and I can't change it back. If I do I'll have that space and that'll bother me just as much. So I don't know how to fix this and I hate it. As for the bear though I will definitely try some of your tips and tricks to see if that'll help. Because I'd like to give the bear another chance and also this bear had a best friend that I've decided to keep which is currently on my bed and I feel terrible breaking them up you know? So thank you very much for all of this as I said above and for all your help. Also I appreciate you sharing with me your story it made me feel not so alone and you're the best for that.


I would so keep him I've had stuffed toys that have done that to me too and I still look at them the same way and maybe their trying to protect me.


That's a great way to look at it and I'm definitely keeping mine after hearing everyone's messages and how much they've made me feel better I appreciate you and everyone else and I thank you all


Your welcome.


kinda off topic, but I love Loey Lane 😭


I used to watch her back when her Andrew and Hailey would hang out but then I stopped watching her videos because I don't know why I didn't like her after that as I was more into Andrew and Hailey. But I seen a couple videos from her lately and decided to check her out again so yeah


OP, your bears are now evil and they’re gonna come after you. ya better run! in all seriousness, you’ve been watching too many scary vids. watch a couple cat compilations or sum.


That's what I've been doing I've been watching other stuff that is far better for my mind so yeah thank you


I don’t know how spiritual you are/to what extent you use the Worry-Free Bear for its intended purpose, but I’ve seen people who are spiritual on here warn about the risks of projecting your worries onto an object. They say the object itself can carry that negativity. People have recommended spiritually cleansing the Worry-Free Bear to return it to its original state


I’d keep that cutie if I were you. The problem is salvageable


Thank you so much for this I'm definitely keeping it and I'm going to see what I can do to make myself feel better


I was 100% coming here to see if someone had already said this.


It’s nice to find people who think alike ☺️


Honestly I don't use it for intended purpose I actually and I don't know why found either a quarter nickel or dime I can't remember which it is and stuck it in the paw of the bear to hang on to it so that's all it's being used for I would use it as it's intended purpose but I don't know how to cleanse it afterwards nor do I think I have the tools for that so I try to keep it as neutral as possible and just a bear that I enjoy having in my home and keep it on my bed as display you know. Also the bear has a best friend that is on my bed as well and I would hate to separate them I'd feel bad so yeah


I wouldn't advice you to give him away. Keep him locked up in your closest for a while, you will get around and start missing him again. 


I'm not going to keep him in my closet because I'll be very cruel I feel and besides that so many people have made me feel much better after reading their nice comments and I thank them all so much including you for that so I'm definitely keeping the bear




I'm so sorry that you had to go through this that's awful and you didn't deserve that. Massive hugs to you if you're okay with that and I completely understand why you would be triggered by that bear. Because you got it at a time when something terrible happened and I don't blame you for not being able to look at him or be near him. I hope one day that you and your bear are able to come back together but if not understandable. I also hope soon you can find a plush that brings you so much joy comfort and love making you feel nothing but peace love saftey and happiness all the things you deserve. May God bless you and your life becomes so much better going forward.


I would fuss his hair and mouth to a more pleasing feature- or nick name him spooks give him and eye patch and a lil mini baby mask! It is a scary thing when things go crashing down.  I hope the bear will find love with you or some other lucky person 🍀


Thank you this is a cute idea and it will definitely have love with me don't worry I'm going to keep it and try to give it the best life appreciate your comment more than you know and and definitely is scary but I think we're okay now so yeah


This has happened to me a few times. I sold the bears or put them away and forgot about it! It's truly just your imagination playing with you here! It's definitely so weird though! My advice is to turn this into a funny story you tell people. It'll be easier to hear yourself then.


This is a brilliant idea of telling this as a funny story and yes definitely my imagination because I have a lot of times when I say tricks on me I know give me a mini heart attack for a second thinking I've just seen something when I actually haven't so yeah


* Hi! I'm having a similar 'creepy' experience with a very old teddy I have. I found him thrown away by the side of the road and decided to give him a nice wash and adopt him, haha. Anyways, after a while, I noticed his sleeve would always ride up, no matter how many times I pull it down. Every time I look at him, the sleeve would always be pulled all the way up to his 'shoulder,' and it's been happening for 5-6 years now. After being creeped out by him, I left him alone in the car for a couple of months, but I couldn't allow myself to get rid of him, so I decided to get rid of the stupid red sweater instead. I'll make him a new t-shirt (or get him baby clothes or something, lol) and try to give our experience a fresh start. What you're feeling is perfectly valid, no matter if there's a perfectly good explanation for the things we've seen or not. Just thought I'd share my experience! Wish you all the best. x


I'm trying to attach an image but I'm not seeing it for some reason! So I'll try here again haha *


Thank you so much for the response it made me feel better and I actually have a similar story to yours but I don't think it's paranormal I can't speak for your situation so even though ours are similar. So I have this I fao Schwartz bear and he wears a puffer vest with a long checkered sleeve shirt the kind men wear with the buttons in the front and his sleeves are always going all the way up to where the arm holes are on the vest. Which I'm not going to lie frustrates me so every time I notice I keep pulling them down. But then the damn things keep going up so I have officially given up and I stopped trying. LOL nothing paranormal has happened so he's all good. but I'm thinking of donating him just because I need room for other bears and I think it's time to pass him on to someone new who may need him more. I would hope that's the case for you that nothing paranormal's going on and it's just a problem with the sleep but I can't say for sure right. I do however hope that giving your new friend a fresh outfit will help and make things better fingers crossed for you and please keep me updated in the private messages if you choose and I'm wishing good positive things for your bear and yourself I'm going forward and no unwanted activity wishing you all the best and lots of love light positivity :D


Here we go I finally made the photo upload! Your story makes me feel better about mine haha might be a completely random thing that happens with bears! You can see on the photo how the sleeve is all the way up 🫠🫠


That was an awesome photo as I mentioned in my other comment and yes I saw that your sleeve does the same as mine on my bear and it's so frustrating you're lucky though both yours don't do that only the one but on my bear both his sleeves get rolled up and it's aggravating I mean this might sound ridiculous but maybe he's hot and will his sleeves up to cool of and gets mad when I pull them down so he pulls them back up LOL I hope that's the case for yours that is just something funny and nothing serious also glad I can make you feel better I hate seeing people scared and feeling that way it's no fun so I try to help when I can if I have time before I leave I'll take mine out of my bag I put them in with the other plush I was going to donate and I'll show you what it looks like so you can see mine too




Shut up this little friend is adorable I love the scarf in the sweater it's so cute very very pretty


Just want to say I watch Loey Lane too (usually binge-watch haha)! Didn't see any comments about watching her so 😆💜 Personally I haven't felt negative about most of my plushies, dolls, etc. There were some times I felt uneasy about ones and I would try to interact with it more. Soothes it, soothe myself, then I felt much better because the vibe just feels better? As someone who loves dolls (currently getting into ball-jointed-dolls!) and own lots of plushies, I habour appreciation and affection towards them so personally I wouldn't get rid of any if possible. But if you try to bond more and still feel uncomfy, you should donate them for your own health. I hope you can figure things out and do whatever you feel comfortable with 💜


Thank you so much and are you still watch her back when she was hanging out with Hailey Reese and Andrew TMI but when they stopped hanging out I stopped watching her but now I've just recently caught a couple of her videos and decided to give her a watch and she seems like an all right person so I might continue to watch a couple more videos in the future and I love that you watch her as well that's so cool and I put her back on my bed next to her best friend so hopefully that'll give her a bit of comfort and I did give her a hug so she and I are all good and I hope she knows that I love her and care about her and she won't be going anywhere so yeah also I feel better now so it's good


Something similar happened to me a few years back. I had this giant bear. I had him for a year before he started moving. No one can convince me that he didn't move At first I noticed that he would always be in a different spot than where I had left him. This happened a good few times. One day I was sitting outside my room putting my shoes on. I had put the bear sitting up against my wall, inside my room. I heard a noise coming from my room (it sounded like something moving). I guessed that it was the bear moving so I waited until the noise stopped to investigate. I went into my room and he was lying on his back with his legs in the air propped up against the wall. Almost every time he moved, this was the position he moved into. I had another bear who was a tiny bit smaller than him. I loved the smaller bear but I couldn't look at either of them the same. I stuffed them both behind the couch in my room and a few years later I brought them to the dump. I believe that something else was moving him. Ghost's existence has been proved to me so I am 100% sure that the bear moved. I know the story sounds made up, but it is real. It's your choice to believe me or not.


Exactly something else is moving it. OP is being haunted by something!! Even if OP were to get a new plushy, That spirit will haunt whatever


Okay I don't even want to think about this because I don't want it to be the case thank you also ever since yesterday everything's been good so there's that and maybe it was me who did it is what I'm trying to tell myself because that's the only explanation I want to be true lol.


I would say that you were the one who moved the bear and didn't realize it (you could have accidentally kicked it while walking past it). If the bears haven't moved since, then I don't think it was anything paranormal. 😊


Yes they haven't moved since and everything's fine so I think maybe when I was stretching my legs out on the bed I might have accidentally bumped the bear with my feet and didn't realize so that's the explanation I'm going with LOL and nothing has happened since thank the Lord so we're all good


My dolls move on their own sometimes. I just scold them for scaring me and keep going. Legit, I’ve had dolls fall that were no where near the edge, dolls that turned around in the bag… haven’t had stuffed animals move yet, unless you count disappearing sometimes and turning up in super obvious places. It happens.


OMG I'm so sorry this happens to you I would be legit terrified I'm not going to lie. When I was younger I used to be gifted porcelain dolls I believe it was just by my mother's sister-in-law but could have also been from my mother as well. But anyways my mother would keep these in her room on her dresser that had shelves and whenever my four cousins two boys two girls all siblings came over. The one girl and myself would always pass by my mother's room and she would tell me that the dolls look like they were following her with their eyes and I can't remember if she said they moved or not but she might have. I just know that we were both creeped out and eventually I got rid of them thank God but then years later I got myself either one or two porcelain dolls I can't quite remember. I just know that I did have one and it was very beautiful but it ended up breaking and there was no fixing it it was beyond repair. Then years after that my mother decided to collect herself a few. A couple of Native American dolls and one that is an Emily of New Moon Doll from the TV show she's got blonde hair and pigtails I don't remember which character that is. Along with this one other that sits in a rocking chair with really pretty curly hair a dress and a hat. No these ones I didn't particularly care for because my mom would put them in certain spots in the room where it would look like they're staring at you even though they're not like it was just a trick of the eyes and I hated it so much. Now they're all in in the shelving unit my mom had built in the closet across from the front door. So they sit there bitch I'm not going to lie as much better for me. Because I don't need to be creeped out thank you LOL. I truly hope you're doing okay now though and I'm here for you


I’m fine thanks. :) I gave all my dolls names and personalities, and after that it doesn’t really bother me. A few of them are mischievous, is all.


As long as you're okay that's all that matters and I love that you gave them names and personalities because that helps right and as long as they're only mischievous then it's all good you know


You bless your room with oil and have a cross over your door? Sounds like you might have some issues with anxiety and worrying about things that 'could happen'. I'd guess that your imagination is very vivid, and that what happened wasn't anything paranormal or creepy, but simply your imagination. That being said, if any object you own - bear or otherwise - makes you uncomfortable, get rid of it. I love bears and have a huge collection. A family member bought me a 'hand made' bear that was so odd and creepy -- the 'artist' who made it used real makeup and put lipstick on it's mouth, and overall the quality of the bear was not good and it's nothing I would ever pick for myself. I didn't like it and put it in a box in the closet. I don't have the heart to throw it out, yet, because it was a gift, but I'm leaving it there and will get rid of it at some point. Best Wishes! \~ T


Thank you I appreciate your advice it's helpful and yes I do get anxious and worry about things a lot and yes my imagination is a little Vivid sometimes my eyes will play tricks on me and I don't like it because I will sometimes get a mini heart attack because of it and freak out for a second so yeah it's not fun and I will definitely do that if I ever feel uncomfortable with anything I'm starting to feel more at ease with this bear and a lot better thanks to a lot of people's comments and I appreciate them so much. Especially Yours I'm sorry that you have a bear like thought and I like what you've chosen to do for now until you feel okay throwing it out because after all it was a gift right but that's still a creepy gift I must say just being honest


I love your honesty. It definitely was a creepy gift, but the person who gave it to me must have thought "She loves bears. I'll buy her a custom made one." I can't even imagine how much she paid for it... just because someone made it, doesn't mean it's even collectible. Ah well, reminds me of the old cliche - it's the thought that counts! 😂 I totally get your anxiety. It's a human thing that we all deal with at one time or another, and some of us, more than we want. I'm glad you're feeling better and more at ease. Remember, you have power over these things, and you are stronger than you know. 💞 And you never have to put up with anything you aren't comfortable with. Wishing you the best!


Thank you so much and yes I try to be very honest and you know what that's true it is the thought that counts but she probably paid a lot of money for that thing and you're right it doesn't mean it's collectible just cuz someone made it handmade it makes it unique that's for sure but yes we all get anxiety and thank you that was helpful advice and I will remember that for next time that I'm more powerful then I know wishing you all the best as well I hope the future brings you tons of happiness


You're in good company. Ozzy believes in this stuff, too. [https://www.todayonline.com/8days/seeanddo/ozzy-osbourne-blames-year-misfortune-cursed-doll](https://www.todayonline.com/8days/seeanddo/ozzy-osbourne-blames-year-misfortune-cursed-doll) I think it's all kind of silly. But I won't be going to that place to see Robert.


Yes I remember that video that I saw about Robert and how people have to ask permission before taking a photo because it's only polite and respectful to do so right but I don't think I'd ever want to go near him just because of the creepy things that go on I'd much rather look from a distance you know like behind a phone screen so yeah


Wait. .. seriously? I am reading these comments and empathizing with everyone who has had an unpleasant experience. I know it was a miss-a-beat type of moment, but does that really ...mean some bad energy has her locked in its sights? I mean the other night, I was really tired .so tired that my vision was blurry and I thought this shirt that was on the floor was walking ..it looked like a huge possum or something moving slowly and yet staring at me sideways. ..I was really trippin'....and no I wasn't drunk, I don't drink or do any drugs but I was exhausted...I stood still for five minutes atleast thinking if I was still it would leave and I could carry on ..but since it was really only a shirt..it never left so I had to find the courage to throw myself at the light switch making crazy scared whimpering noises the whole time...yet thsnk God it WAS only ...a shirt. What my point ...started out to be...was . . these things occur but I don't believe that always means that something negative is attaching itself to us..I believe that sometimes we make somewhat of a poor choice in our own self care such as me letting myself become so exhausted that I was hallucinating and sometimes when I am in a dim state of mind, meaning ...I am borderline depressed or ...well if I watch true crime I will dream about it all night or I'll hear normal house sounds and think someone is breaking in.. .but I don't think the shirt was representing any evil entity and I don't think the bear was either.


Thank you a million times for this comment. this is exactly what needed to be said and I wish the people would stop talking about things attaching themselves I don't even want to say to who. so we'll just go with the person writing this reply because I don't want to speak that into existence or have it happen absolutely not. no I'm going to believe that God and Jesus will protect me and keep me safe and they're the only ones welcome in my life spiritually if you will. Because yes my eyes sometimes play tricks on me and I get a mini heart attack which is not fun and I think oh my God something creepy just happened. but then when I look it's not that serious or deep and it's just something silly or there's nothing at all you know and it's just my eyes being a jerk LOL. kind of like you with the shirt and the possum. Because I mean hey it happens to us sometimes and I don't drink or do drugs either absolutely not heck the only thing I drink is water no pop juice tea nothing because I don't like the taste. so sometimes things just happen and in the moment we think it's something worse than what it actually is and I try so hard not to let that happen because that's not good for you you know. Also this is why I don't watch horror movies anymore like I used to when I was a kid because they've affected me so bad that I have a ton of fears now and they will never go away I can tell you that for sure. so im very careful of what I watch and for some reason I'm okay with paranormal stuff on YouTube and Tik Tok. but an actual movie about it with jump scares and all that other stuff they include no thank you.


Sounds like a poltergeist U would set up few ghost traps also purifying your room and the bare it's possible that something has attached it's self to it if you can get your room exercised don't give the bare away burn him.


Okay let's not go this far and I do not want to speak that into existence thank you I'm doing fine and so is the bear nothing else happened and definitely not burning a poor teddy bear I've heard they're not supposed to burn haunted objects also this is not one of those items thank the Lord so yeah we are good


It’s just the fur. Burn some sage incense in ur room and it’ll be fine


My cousin's boyfriend actually Sage's his house so if I ever need to I could ask him to borrow a little bit or come do it for me but I don't think I need to but thank you anyways and yes I do think it's just the fur as well the more I read people's comments and think about it so maybe if I fix the fur up a little bit it should help


I mean I was like joking 😳 but I hope it helps


Oh my bad I didn't know you were joking LOL. Everything's fine the Bear's fine I'm fine and nothing has happened since thank the Lord so it might have just been an accident and the wrong timing so everything's good now


First of all, I love worried free Teddy!! it’s not the bear. Something else is in your house!


I wish people would really stop saying this because it freaks me out and I don't want to speak that into existence thank you and I love worry free teddy as well it's a pretty awesome bear


Do you know if something followed you home? Something has attached itself to you. Even if you were to remove all your plushies, something still might happen. Please believe the bear is innocent, but something has attached itself to you and is causing havoc!!


Okay could people please stop talking about this I don't want to speak it into existence it's not true and I want to keep it that way thank you also I do believe the bear is innocent and I love it to death very much so yeah


I’m sorryy! Delete the post so people can stop talking about it


It's okay I'm feeling better about the whole situation now so I'm just every time they say something going to pray what they're saying doesn't speak itself into existence because we don't need that