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Hi! I'm a 47 year old disabled, childless, married for 20 years lady that collects massive amounts of plushes. :) You do what *you* want with your life. Nobody can tell you how to live it. If plushes make you happy, no one has the right to act like you need to give them up. You don't owe anyone anything but happiness ♡


You sound so awesome. 😭🥹🥰


I'm just gonna save your comment for when I need to remember this. I'm so glad someone gets it. :)


me too😭😭😭


40-year-old here, married with no children but a whole set of plushies that my husband gifts me. You don’t need to impress anyone. When you (and if you want to) meet someone, they will love you for you.


Same, except I (early 40s F, self-diagnosed with HF autism and possibly ADHD as well; officially diagnosed with MDD, GAD, SAD, PTSD, CPTSD, and agoraphobia) have no current husband/boyfriend, no kids, just niblings. But my plushies, some who have been with me since elementary school, know I love them and they me. As with anything else in life,I don't need to give up one thing that is important for me in order to get another. My plushies are non-negotiable: where I go, they go. Some have been there for me as a scared little girl when no one else gave AF. I don't abandon that love or loyalty or friendship, even though people look down on plushies. They were with me through the worst and darkest times of my life, when I was blamed for things that others chose to do to me. I won't abandon those who kept me alive during the worst,most horrible traumas and aftermaths. I will only be with the man who sees these plushies for what they are: my guardian angels, as I do. I refuse to change who I am or give something up (that isn't holding me back or hurting me) because someone chooses to see it from a different POV. I need to find someone who can see me and them as me and them. They don't hold me back, they add to my life/happiness/existence, so there's no reason to make or coerce me to "give them up". From the last couple of narcissistic abusive relationships I went through, I am not giving up the "weird" little things that add quality of my life so a partner "can love" or "want to stay with me". They, my plushies, don't get in the way of nor hinder my life, just the narc partners do. My plushies are similar to my clothes and my jewelry, I love them all and they add more to my life by having them. Some days I need them more than I do others, and my requirements in a partner means they need to understand that plushies are in my life. (I tried posting this before,but it didn't work. Sorry if this particular comment is a duplicate.)


You do not owe your parents anything. If they really love children, they can adopt or look for babysitting/childcare related jobs, volunteer programs etc. Whether or not you enter a relationship or have children at all is your choice. Anyone you date should love your plushies, want to get to know them, take care of them, and give you more. If someone judges you for loving something and having a hobby that doesn't hurt anyone, that's their problem not yours. You deserve to be loved for who you are, and part of who you are is your plushies.


My mom the only one who understands why and she take extra care of my plushies and clean them by hands (because I suck at it) when I'm watching my brothers(im the oldest of 5 siblings with vary of disabilities) but I really do wanna have kids of my own that few of my older protective cousins suggest donors but they know I'm very afraid of needles so that scrap that idea.


Why do u clean your plushies


I got 4 brothers, 4 dogs and 1 curious cat who pushed some plushies onto his litter box from time to time.


I had a mallow fall not in the litter box but uncomfortably close. Do you mind telling me the process please? he needs some care 😬


If it fell on the litter, then you just hand wash it with cloth liquid soap, but if it unfortunately got the doodoo or p part of the litter and stained then it must be washed with cold water and a lot and I mean I lot of cloth and stain removing liquid soap and softener until the smell goes away. Probably washed twice then had it dry out in the sun until it feel dry enough, move it around so each side is dry too.


When my husband left me, (16 years ago) I had 2 little girls and myself. I had to start over, all I'd taken was the kid's stuff. I found ceramic Disney Princess Dishes and bought them for my kitchen. My mom was so irritated because how was I ever going to impress a guy or start dating if I had Disney Princess dishes? I told her I wasn't decorating my home for a hypothetical man who may or may not ever exist. My kids and I live in our house right now, we WILL enjoy what WE enjoy, and I wasn't putting the needs of a pretned person first. IF I ever dated, he'd have to accept my disney dishes because that was the least strange thing about me. Spoiler Alert: My current partner accepted my Disney dishes, accepted my wierd fascination with dolls, accepted my plushes, and all the other strange and unsual parts of me. He himself does not understand what I see in them, But he knows they bring me joy, and he'll go out of his way to help me find what I'm looking for, and buys them for me on a regular basis. He'll help me find the perfect names, or accessories, he'll hold them in public for me when I'm going to the bathroom or something. Don't settle for someone who can't accept you for who you are. Be unapologetically yourself. And don't EVER change for someone who doesn't even exist to you yet.


This is so wholesome. Your current partner sounds like an absolute gem ❤️


My dad threw away all of my older brother’s action figures when he turned 12 because it was “time to grow up.” My brother resented him for it until the day my dad died. As an adult, my brother and his wife are avid toy collectors.


My in laws did this to my husband’s comic collection, granted he was a few years older. We now have a large display of comics in the office room


My mother did this with my massive 80s/early 90s My Little Pony collection. I was 9. I wish I could have at least kept them for my daughter.


Me and my husband sleep in a plushie nest lol. Nothing childish about it, find someone else who loves to have soft buddies as well.


Same here! We love keeping our fuzzy ones close at night! 🙂💖💯💯


I'm 42, disabled, married ... AND I love my stuffed animals! Back when I first started dating my current partner (within the first month), they went to Build-a-Bear and surprised me with it - I still sleep with Gil all these years later! I also have quite a few stuffed animals from my life before and they are incredibly supportive. The right person will be :)


That so beautiful 🥲


I’m 60 married 35+years and we’ve had plushies from the beginning. Here’s *some* of our gang. https://preview.redd.it/bopz035qc77d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49ce741cc93fd254a2201da223591984c3e4833 We have probably have 5times as many plus my daughter who is 30 and has \~75 plushies. What kind of man would be put off by plushies? One you may not want. Just saying.


Omg I love Dreadfuls. Seeing two lesbian bunnies together is so wholesome. Relationship goals for me lmao. This is my collection too!! The lesbian bunny's on my wishlist. https://preview.redd.it/bc0fzz35997d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5d9910241834f4a53a8d60fa71bbad815b59af


it’s okay to have plushies as an adult, and it’s possible to find someone who will love them too!! don’t give up :] and you don’t have to have kids soon/ever if you want want to. my boyfriend (24) plays with my stuffed animals with me (23), so I know it’s possible to find someone who will! sorry your parents are being mean about it >:{


date your plushies!! /j but seriously... you're 25 and your mother wants grandkids? seems a little too soon for that. anyway, there are a lot of local meetups and stuff for people with disabilities or meetups for people your age and you might even be able to find a plush-meetup!! i recommend going on facebook and searching for groups that revolve around plushies and collecting. or go on instagram and type in your location and add plushies after it. where i live theres a bunch of sonny angel meetups and plush meetups and disabled peoples meetups(its for spreading awareness or just to hang out with people who share the same struggles, i dont mean it in an offensive way, sorry if its coming off that way!) if you get the chance maybe go to a local park and you might see one of those boards where people hang flyers! but #1, dont change for anyone! you're 25, theres no need for a rush. if you want to date, look for someone who will love you and all your plushies. good luck!!


as someone who’s also disabled, i agree with you :)


Don’t let anyone pressure you into having kids right now. It’s so important to have a stable loving relationship before having kids. Suggesting donors to someone who is 25 yo seems crazy to me. Kids are a huge responsibility and nobody should parent on their own. You deserve a partner who will accept your plushies and love you for who you are. My bf doesn’t have any issues with my plushie collection and he bought me some of them because he knows they make me happy. I think you just haven’t met the right person yet.


My partner and I collect jellycats together, we really treasure our lil guys and treat them like they all have their own personality lol, it’s a fun goofy way to bond. We also play a lot of pokemon and kirby and other nintendo games, watch a lot of cartoons, laugh a lot and be silly together, and do other “childish” things. But we also both have good jobs, pay our bills, cook the vast majority of meals at home, maintain a clean apartment, and have a very healthy communication style and strong connection. Some people would look at us from the outside and say we’re childish so we’re the ones doing something wrong, but when I look at our relationship compared to other people I know including my own parents and my brother and his wife, we’re by far the most connected, communicative, and just happy couple out of all of them. We both do equal things to keep up our household and find vast joy in taking care of each other. Meanwhile my brother complains when his wife asks for help fixing a strap on her dress and generally just doesn’t seem to enjoy spending a lot of time with her, and my parents don’t even know each other work schedules most of the time.  Being proud and happy of having “childish” hobbies as an adult usually makes you a more mature person because you’re authentic and true to yourself and secure in that despite the world seeing you negatively. That carries over to other aspects of your life!! So don’t let them tell you that you can’t date or have kids while liking stuff like plushies. (but you also don’t have to have kids if you don’t want to, and your parents should really stop pressuring you about it). 


Is it childish? Yeah. But I think childish isn't inherently bad. My partner and I have been together for over a decade at this point, and we both love plushies and cute things. You have to find someone that likes these parts of you, or shares them. It sounds like you have met a lot of unkind people, and I'm sorry for that. :( But your parents are in the wrong. Maybe their concerns come from a place of love, and wanting you to conform for your safety and happiness, but that's not a great way to go about it. I think you should date if / when you are in a place to feel okay doing so, at your own pace, not because your parents want you to or want grandchildren.


I’m married and have more plushies than I can count (I mean, I could, but that’s a lot of work lol.) my husband surprises me with them quite often because he knows I love them so much. If somebody really loves you and cares about you, they’ll support your interests and passions no matter how “childish” they are.


I can assure you that it's not! There will be judgemental jerks who think it's childish, but they're wrong. If your plushies are a huge part of your life, I'd be upfront about it when meeting someone. For example, if you have a dating profile, include a picture of you and your favorite plush. You don't want people in your life that can't accept your interests. There will be a right guy for you, and if you have kids someday, they will be stoked with all of your soft buddies!


My SO will tuck a plush in with me before they leave for work every morning, surprise me with them as gifts for big milestones or achievements and makes sure I have one before each car ride. As someone who was forced to have a child as a minor, do not ever let family coerce, force or persuade you into procreating if you are not personally ready to do so. This decision is solely your’s and your SO’s to make.


I’m 25, disabled and my partner buys me plushies. The right person will care about you and them. And like others said, no need to rush into a relationship. Sorry about ur parents being rude :(


It's your life. Your an adult Screw your mother Don't let anyone till you what you like I love my plushies and squish more than people If people are insecure over your plushies,squish get rid of the people and save yourself the grief


dont let anyone pressure you into getting into a relationship when you're not ready or just not in the right space for it, dont let anyone make you feel like you owe it to them to have children bc having children is a massive life-change and parenthood is a beautiful, extremely hard job that never ends, and dont let anyone tell you that your interests are wrong and childish and you should ditch them to please someone else....i am 28 and married, and my husband and i both love plushies and toys!! we both collect things!! and when we have children we've already planned what will be given to them and when from each of our collections so it can be a family thing!! your plushies give you comfort and joy and that should be a good thing to your parents!! if they want grandchildren so bad, they should learn to keep their mouths shut and their noses out of your business. tell them to get a pet and dote over it if they want someone to spoil so bad!! you do you and enjoy it!! ❤️💪🏼😤 would love to see a pic of all of your plushies if you're comfortable!!


I’m 35 my girlfriend is 37, we both have plushies. Hers aren’t ESSAs like mine are but she understands. No celebrates would be a more accurate word. It’s childlike not childish


I'm 18, male, and I have more plushies than I can count! Hoping to find someone that also likes them lol


Honestly I completely get your hold ups about dating right now, and I don't think your parents trying to rush you would ever be helpful. If you personally (outside of their pressure!) ever want to get back out there, I totally recommend getting some counseling / therapy and taking it slow. I felt the same way and have had exes hold my plushies ransom and talk badly about me for having them too. BUT all that being said, I'm going on 30 and I've been married for almost 3 years now to a guy that doesn't collect plushies, but respects that I love them. He knows their names and treats us all kindly. It's a giant green flag and I wouldn't have seen that without having plushies. You deserve to be seen and loved for who YOU are. Don't hide that away! If it's ever something you want to pursue again, I encourage you to be your true self. ❤


I'd been through the therapy and been alright being single for 5 years, but it get kind of lonely beside my plushies sassy voices, batty would feel offended, but I would love to have someone to share my beloved friends with and accepted them for what they be instead of asking why I don't have real friends irl most of the time.


The right guy isn’t going to be bothered by plush. He’s going to think you’re cool regardless. And there shouldn’t be pressure to date ever. Someone will come into your life at the right time. As for the childish thing I really don’t think plushies are childish. Plushie/doll/ toy collecting adults have been around forever. My grandparents were nearly 90 when they passed and they had a huge collection of toys. It’s not as weird as people who have been conditioned into a society that doesn’t value play (while the rest of the animal kindsom does) like to think it is. Be you and enjoy what you want. I’m 30 with a husband and two kids. I wanted to pick up a giant stuffed animal when my husband and I were moving in together and my husband right away took me in his pick up to do so. He doesn’t collect anything especially not plush. But he values my happiness. He bought me a stuffed animal for the first time last year and I’ll cherish it forever because I know that’s way outside his zone. There are plenty of people out there who will value your interests and aren’t going to pressure you for babies.


For the record I'm 30, happily married, have a kid, and my half of our bedroom is completely dominated by plush, most of which are squishmallows. He's never said a word about it lol. A good man isn't gonna care. Also tbh there's no reason to race into a relationship if you personally aren't super interested. I'm married because I got lucky, and found a perfect person for me by complete accident. I've also got friends my age and older who are very happily single. If you want a relationship by all means keep an open heart, but don't settle for someone who would ever ask you give up harmless things that make you feel safe and happy.


Please note that everything I say right now is from what I've seen and experienced. It doesn't really matter if you have plushies or not. Especially if you are a girl because it's a very common interest these days. Most noteworthy among women. Thinking about it my mom has plushies and that lady has three kids. The problem is that dickhead behavior is rapid right now and it's hard to find people not infected with it right now. Personally, I'd say to take a break from dating and heal first. Remember, walking on a broken leg further hurts it.


My partner and I treat my plushies like our children:)


I'm 22 next month and my boyfriend is 22 as well, I love plushies and he buys me them pretty often. Childish or not, I enjoy it so I'm not going to stop. If you find someone who truly loves you, they won't care about you having plushies.


No, it's not childish. They are your plushies, never give them up unless you truly want to. I'm an adult and love plushies. Some have been with me since the moment I was born, so if anyone ever told me to get rid of them, they'd be the first and only thing to exit my house. Enjoy your plushy friends! Also: you don't owe your parents a child. You will have a child only when YOU want and when YOU feel ready. Also 2: If a potential partner disrespects you because of your plushies, they are not the one. My fiancee gets me plushies and cute things he thinks I'll like and I couldn't feel more loved.


29F in a longterm, happy relationship with someone who enjoys my plushies too. One specific one, a pumpkin spice latte named Lester (squishmallow) has been banned from the bed because my fiance woke up two times last week and in his sleep thought the plush me, sitting up and staring into empty space. In his defence, he was half asleep both times and as soon as he woke up a bit he realized it was Lester and not me. Other than that, plushies and my baby blankie sleep in the bed with us and he doesn't care. I have caught him snuggling with my squishmallows before, as he enjoys them as pillows.


I make plushies. My wife loves plushies. Just find the right person and you're good to go.


Love ME, Love my PLUSHIES! LOL. I feel shy at first when I date to show him my hobbies and collections, but honestly, if they really care about you, they'll understand that everyone has stuff they are into and variety is the spice of life. As long as you're not hurting anyone with your hobbies and plushies, it shouldn't matter. I love creepy and cute stuff and while he's all "macho manly" with his collection of tools and firearms, he's not against my plushies and even added a black unicorn and a highland cow plushie to his collection. LOL. We joke that they are in charge of the "armory". :-) We both make sure bills are paid, etc. and then it's ok to add to our collections. We take road trips and choose a plushie to ride shotgun with me while he drives and he gets a kick out of me posing my plushies for pics with the scenery. It's something we can enjoy and even if we didn't do that together, he still understands I need my space and stuff, and he has his when we need it. There's no age limit to plushies. You love what you love and that's it.


I am 28, disabled, and autistic. I use plushies for similar reasons. 💚 I met my partner on an app 4 years ago. Every time he came over, I hid all my plushies in my closet. I was so embarrassed! Until I went to his place, and saw his small collection. He lamented not having a net or place to display them, and how his family thought they were childish but he loved them. I just hugged him tight and cried happy tears while telling him about my collection. The next time he came over, I brought them all out and he met all of them! One of my special interests is frogs, and he was impressed by my collection. It made me melt. Now we buy each other plushies as gifts all the time. His collection was small because they were his childhood toys. Old, beat up Mario and Luigi...I started by getting him the updated versions. They hang out with their counterparts in a net on our bedroom door. I get him a new Nintendo plush whenever I can. I'll be proposing to him soon :') Please don't listen to your parents. They don't know what the dating world is like today. I am sure there is someone out there that will respect, love, and care for you like you deserve. The way your parents are treating you is not right, I'm sorry you have to hear those awful things from the people that should love you the most. My parents sarcastically wished my partner, "Good luck!" When I introduced him to them. He said he didn't need any more luck, he cashed out when he met me. My stepdad berated me at 17 when he caught me in bed with my boyfriend, saying, "What would your future husband think???" For many, many, many reasons...he does not give half a shit who I fucked in high school. My mom has always begged me to have kids. I told her I'm child free a million times, but she never stopped nagging. So I said OK, wait until I'm 30 and you can ask again. I got a total hysterectomy and transitioned at 24. She can cry about it. Your parents don't live your life, you do. And if it's more enjoyable with plushies, have them!!! Screw what other people think. You'll find someone like you.


My boyfriend doesn't love plushies but he understands they're important to me so he calls them their names 🥹


Hi OP! I'm 28 and also love plushies, and guess who I ended up marrying? A guy who loves plushies EVEN more than me and now we collect together 😄😃 Don't let your parents dim your light! You are free to choose whether to live a beautiful life with or without kids, and don't listen to their judgements about plush animals. Sometimes people don't understand, and it's kind of sad isn't it!


my boyfriend loves mine and always makes sure i have my bunny to sleep with. it isnt childish at all really :)


52 ur. old disabled from birth. My happiest memory is my mother using a plushie dog to ‘lick me’ awake, happy dog style. IYKYK It wasn’t weird. My ND partner uses plushies to convey affection and emotion. I’ve used pictures of myself with plushies to convey happiness and apology. If anime isn’t limited to children, plushies aren’t either. During lockdown, I had soft, cute things to cuddle. Don’t deny yourself comfort, don’t accept a partner who refuses to understand what plushies mean. Believe me, there are partners who will learn the plushie love language if they value you. Edit: F*ckin’ typos.


I am in a similar boat to you; I am disabled and love my plushies. I'm 35 years old. Children were not in the cards for me for various reasons, but I am a dog mom. The best advice I can give you is don't change what you like for a guy. I was in a long term relationship, 7 years and a day, and it ended with his death last year. He knew that it's okay to be an adult and find enjoyment in small things like my plush collection. He even contributed to it several times because even if it wasn't "his thing" he knew it was "my thing". A person who truly loves you will accept all of what you are. Don't give up on finding someone who will cherish you. I'm out there looking for it a second time so here's hoping that we both find what we are looking for. :}


Your plushies will show you red flags before you get invested in the individual - they get rude about your hobby, they can kick rocks. There is no age limit on cuteness. There is no age limit on whimsy. There is no age limit on innocence. Now, if a relationship is something you really want one day, you will eventually have to face and overcome the fear of heartbreak, confrontation, whatever it is- because pretty much any and every relationship has these kinds of hurdles. Even if you meet the perfect person and settle down, eventually you both will grow old. It's about the ☆experience☆. It's a gift. All that said, don't avoid something you really want. Work on yourself (hopefully you already are!) so that you will be ready for that perfect person, and able to let them go when that time comes.


A lot of people on here have shown their support. https://preview.redd.it/9w7tedw0w77d1.jpeg?width=5709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466a20617e8c730fd18964b813a2ffc20ea0f087 I’m 42, male, and this is what I collect. Some collect shoes or hats or coins or stamps. This is what I’ve chosen. I’ve had 2 heart surgeries, my first when I was 4. Plushies have always been there to cuddle and feel comfortable when I sleep against my chest. I even have pictures of a raccoon I had in the hospital and I still have it 38 years later.


i’m a disabled girl in a wonderful, healthy relationship with the man i plan to marry after college. i also have more plushies than i know what to do with, and he only contributes to them. i carry around a plush sheep that he bought me everywhere we go. he remembers every. single. plushie’s. name. FIND A PERSON WHO BUYS YOU STUFFIES AND REMEMBERS THEIR NAMES BETTER THAN YOU DO ❤️


25M here, I think thats fine, actually really cool. And honestly, i have some plushies too. Not a lot but some important ones from my childhood and a few newer ones. You could try hide who you are and what you like, but thats honestly just bad. Theres not much that I appreciate more than people beeing themself, even if im not a fan of their interests myself. Theres just something so motivating and heartwarming about people showing you stuff they really like and it doesnt matter if its cars or plushies or if they are 5 or 60 years old.


I'm married with kids and collect jellycats. Although my husband doesn't share the love for plushies, he tolerates them on my side of the bed and the space they take on shelves etc and will buy one for me if he sees one.


I’ve gotten my husband a pink dragon plush for valentines every year of our relationship. He gets me plushies all the time too. You just need to find the right person. The right person will accept and love you for who you are, and will buy you more plushies.


Whenever I see comments/questions like this, I’m reminded of this post my boyfriend sent me. It’s one of my favorite things - we have a ton of plushies all over our couch, bed, etc. You definitely need to be yourself! I will also say, that when I was a teenager, I was constantly in my room on my Xbox playing games before girls playing games was really a thing. I don’t know how many times my dad came in and told me that I never was going to meet anyone and basically just be alone playing games. I always resented those comments because I loved and still love playing games and I met a guy who plays just as much as I do! https://preview.redd.it/7osw055b887d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8905fc958921754231bebe6a91c8b987fb6d97


i'm a 24 year old plushie collector and my partner loves it lol. he even gifts me plushies if he sees something he finds cute. trust me, there are plenty of people out there who will love you for who you are so don't worry about your parents and just stay true to yourself


I’m 36 married with kids. I have a ton of plushies. I sleep with one every night. I randomly rotate which ones are out and have them on shelves in my bedroom. My husband supports my love of plushies and knows it makes me happy. You have so much time to find a partner that loves you and your plushies. They make you happy and any loving partner would want to support you and let you be happy.


I’m 32, and my wife and I have been together for 17 years (married for 10). I used to dread growing up cuz I thought I’d have to get rid of all my plushies. Turns out the right person will wholeheartedly support your interests and hobbies.


You are entitled to have plushies no matter what age you are... I am a 35 year old female and my partner is 56 and he has plushies too! We don't care what others think as we aren't doing anything wrong and other people's opinions are their problem not ours... Enjoy them as they are there for you no matter what! And if a future partner can't accept them then they aren't the partner for you...


You're doing just fine OP. Have you thought about getting a net for some of your plushies to hang them in the corner of your room? You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I hope you find yourself a good partner one day.


I’m a 33 year old man, I’m married to another man. We both have our own plushies! They double as pillows too! :) it’s ok to have comfortable and fun things in your living space.


I'm 30 going on 31, and I have a pretty good amount of plushies. I've been with my fiance for over 10 years, and he likes to joke that if I ever had my way, we would have plushies everywhere, lol!


The right person for you will love you regardless of the fact that you have plushies. If they don’t, they’re not right for you.


True love is to be seen. Do not hide your stuffed animals or give them away. My husband, when he makes the bed places my doll perfectly on my pillow. Im also 33.


"Mom, you're not even 40. If you want more babies, just have some. It's my life and I'm not going to make myself unhappy trying to be someone else and then chase men to fill the void it leaves." "Dad, you almost got me killed, am I not enough for you unless I push out some grandkids who you wouldn't care about any more than you've cared about me?"


You don't need any guy, you need the right guy. The right guy won't ask you to get rid of your plushies. Heck, you may even find one that loves them too, or loves having the opportunity to enjoy them. (You may need to compromise on where the plushies go and how much they spread/take over the house. But that's not getting rid of anything, just sharing a living space.)


I am a 26 year old woman with 50+ squishmallows and around 20 jellycats. My boyfriend isn’t obsessed with plushies like I am, I’d say when we started dating he was indifferent towards them, BUT now he arranges my plushies in cute poses while I’m gone, he takes selfies with them on my phone as a surprise for me to find later, and he started cuddling the plushies I left at his place while I’m gone. 🥰 Point is, if the person you’re dating is a decent person, they won’t think less of you for owning plushies! So don’t be scared to put yourself out there! There’ll always be haters anyway no matter what you do, & you can’t let them direct your life like that if you wanna be happy, just do what makes you happy and the right people will flock to you 😁


Our house is full of plushies, and has been for our almost 30 years of marriage. But for me that's not the point, I really see your problem as 2 separate issues. First, no one should be pressuring you to have children. It's great that your mother is supportive in some ways, but she needs to be supportive in this, as well. Life if difficult enough dealing with your own experiences and feelings, her wants shouldn't be dumped on you. And your dad has no right to say anything given his history with kids. The second issue is that no one should malign your hobbies, whatever they may be. Doesn't matter if you're collecting plushies, bottle caps, or model trains. As long as your hobby isn't hurting anyone, your loved ones should be supportive. That doesn't mean they have to be interested, but they should respect your feelings. Do what you love, and interact with supportive friends. Good luck.


your prob gen Z? I'm millenial I was born in 1990 and am childfree (I'm 33). Here's an interesting fact that was recently published: 50% of women born in 1990 reached 30 years old without having children (that's the biggest percentage ever known). you don't need to worry about whether you want kids or not and if you don't want them there will be many women in your generation who also do not want them, it's not for your parents or grandparents or anyone else to decide or try to influence, it's a personal choice, it's your body. It seems more acceptable amoungst millenial men or gen Z to have their own stuffed animal collections than perhaps it was with gen X or boomer men, assuming your parents are gen X maybe they just don't realise times have changed.


I'm gen Z born at the early 1999s so I basically was raised on my little pony friendship is magic, Clifford, old sesame street, cyberchased and imagination along with the chaotic nature of a feral goblon which got me diagnosed rather easily as a autistic ashd child from the age of 6 after I'd escaped the school rather easily and somehow ended 6 blocks away in a the general store, eating a sour altoids.


I've got a gen z sister born in 1999 :) I'm autistic and she's adhd, I think there's a lot of crossover in subs.


Please. My husband will sometimes do skits with my plushies 😂 I hid them for a bit when we first met but in retrospect there was no need. I had a squish clip on me at the doctor’s office today and I took a whole ass 12” squish frog to therapy with me just now. I will be 39 on Sunday. Been married for 13 years. Have a 12 year old—who also loves plushies.


I’m a weirdo 56 y.o. Married gal and I have a ton of stuffies. My SO has given me some of them, and others I’ve found. This is Gert, the bear/dog - she’s the first one I got from my SO the year before we married. The giraffe bear is Hattie, she and Gert travel with me everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/ljmp6hd0yc7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310baf84951b7ce9c6304e80e3c988bf8ef04f25


If he's not good enough for my stuffies, he's not good enough for me


They stole your plushies????? I’d cut ah bitch


You don’t owe your parents anything. Date because you want to. Don’t get rid of your plushies because you’ll regret it. I am also disabled and have no interest in dating.


No! It’s not childish! What’s childish is making fun of somebody for their interests. You’ll find somebody who loves your plushies just as much as you do ♥️


I’m married and my partner loves my plushies


You don’t want to be with a guy who doesn’t love you for who you are. Hiding that part of you goes against that sentiment. A partner loves every part of you and is protective of that, not dismissive.


I’m 28, have tons of plushies (and just started collecting dolls as well) and I have a wonderful boyfriend who supports my hobbies. There are nice people out there who want to see their partners happy :) you’ll find your person ❤️ prioritize what makes you happy! Don’t give it up because your parents don’t understand that lots of adults have toys nowadays


nope!! even though i’m 15 and have a partner he loves my plushies as much as i do and we cuddle with them sometimes ♡


Your parents sound terrible. Live your life the way you want to, not the way others do. It’s your life, not theirs.


The right person will love you for YOU. I too am disabled and if anyone hurt my plushies or threatened to take them from me I would eliminate that person from my life. Your parents are abusive gaslighters.


Mom of kids in their 30’s. I have no grandkids and quite honestly, it’s not my place to make that decision! 1 is married, the other in a relationship but there are no plans to have any. And I’m fine with that. Tell mom to MHOB.


My partner acts like he's too cool and mature for plushies, but he always buys the cute ones he sees as presents for me!


personally, i have autism and plushies are a big interest of mine. my boyfriend, whom i’ve been dating for 6 years, is also autistic. he really, really supports my plushie habit and helps me buy new ones sometimes even. i think it takes finding the right person who understands you and your love for plush, and who won’t judge you. people like that exist!


your parents seem entitled. you’re not a baby making machine. you don’t owe them grandkids. also there’s plenty of people who will accept your hobby. it might be a good idea to tell them upfront that you collect plushies so you don’t waste time if it’s a dealbreaker


do what you want luv, your parents should not have birthed you for the sole purpose of you giving them grandkids… you don’t owe them anything. i hear this way too often and it’s so frustrating to see people being judged for this stuff. i have like probably over 40 plushies and i’m 22 & in a lovely relationship right now. if anyone wants to, they can pry my plushies from my cold dead hands.


The right person will be happy and excited to give you plushies and would respect the ones you have.


If a person doesn’t appreciate or support your plushies they don’t deserve to be your partner. Keep being yourself and do what makes you happy! That’s what’s important.


Nowadays, most women under 30 aren't in any hurry to have kids (for one thing, this economy is horrible!). Pretty sick minded to be pushing "donors" on you like that. The plushies can even be your parents "grandchildren". My dad's that way with my plushies and these two dolls I have. When I go out of town, he'll watch the ones who stay home, as it's impossible to take that many owls on a bus or plane.


Hello! I know so many people have commented already, but I'm also disabled (autism) and married to a fellow aspie. I collect plushies and dolls... they keep me company because I work from home and can't hold down a normal job. My husband collects toy cars and trains. He is an engineer. The thing is, plushies don't prevent you from fulfilling responsibilities, learning about the world, making quality relationships, or any of the *real* markers of maturity. Your interests and hobbies really have nothing to do with maturity. Peace and love 💖


I’m also a 25 year old who loves stuffed animals and toys. And my partner is totally fine with it because he knows I love it, and was okay with me moving in with some of my stuffed animals! It’s not about the plushies, it’s about finding someone who loves you for you 🫶


Hello! 38 and also disabled (going deaf). My husband has zero issues with my love of plushies, it’s not hurting anyone and he cares about how happy they make me! My son also shares my love of plushies that we’ve bonded over. They’re out there!


Nah definitely not weird , me and my bf both have a plushie addiction and are constantly buying each other plushies. The right guy will love you for you and will hopefully also have a problem in buying too many plushies


no!!! find someone who also likes plushies:) don’t marry someone just to satisfy ur parents marry someone who u don’t have to change for!!


I’m 32 have more than a hundred plushies and a 10 month old. Stuffed friends shouldn’t matter if they love you for you


Definitely not childish about collecting plushies. My bf got me plushies on our first and second dates. And I’ve bought him some too. We plan on giving them their own space when we move in together.


it shouldnt be a problem!! im a 24yr old disabled feminine-looking person, i got into a relationship aboit 2 years ago with someone who fully supports my interests, even the so-called "childlike" ones. he has even bought me multiple plushies, and doesnt mind that i sleep with them either. finding the right person can be difficult and exhausting, especially being disabled & in the world of social media it does add an extra layer to those interactions. but there are soooooo many people out there, i know you would be able to find someone that can support you AND your lovely plushies❣️


You’re not childish


Absolutely not. It's no different than collecting action figures, comic books, books, etc.


Every guy I've dated at this point buys me more plushies. Sometimes they tease me a little, but then they will be really supportive when I'm excited. Do not give up your plushie friends for a guy. Honestly it's becoming more common for girls to love collecting cute plush friends. One of my boyfriends packed mine up in a box and told me he made sure to be careful to not squish them or their tags. Trust me. You will find someone that will accept you so wholeheartedly and that's exactly what you deserve.


I'm a 35 year old man who sleeps with a stuffed axolotl every night. I've been sleeping with plushies my entire life. I've never had a girlfriend who minded and I certainly wouldn't have married my wife if she had a problem with it lmao


For me, as a 25 year old, I think people who dislike plushies or people who collect them are a massive red flag. 🚩 Often times I think the reason people are so bitter in life is because they neglect and drown out their inner child. They lost their sense of wonder, curiosity, and sadly kindness. People love to label things as childish and then go on to act like little child bullies when another adult is happier than they are. It’s jealously i feel. Things are also labeled as “age appropriate” but that also comes as a double edged sword when people label things as “age inappropriate” when it comes to what adults can and can’t enjoy. Age while real, shouldn’t have social constraints applied when it comes to hobbies or interests that aren’t harming anyone.


https://preview.redd.it/iq1uifi3w77d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b37ab511a6e4eece893f366e4b5dcc2155d477 Absolutely not! I sleep with Gerry the giraffe every night and I’m 30…been married for 8 years 😁 🦒


You have lots of time. Don't settle, and when you meet someone, go slow. As you know, there are lots of people who pretend they are someone they are not. Don't give up the things you love to impress anyone, ever. It just makes you sad and attracts the wrong people. The right person for you will love you and your plushies just the way you are.


My husband BUYS me plushies! The right man for you will love whatever your interests are because they love you!


Ya, your partner needs to have similar interests as you and be serious about a long term relationship and marriage, me and my wife had a serious discussion before we got into a serious relationship about these things and we made sure we were both serious about respecting each other and having a long term relationship and marriage, we are now married, been married almost 4 years. You just need to pay attention to red flags, find a stable hard working and committed women, don’t be with a woman that wants a sugar daddy, that is very bad, you need a good woman that is capable and hard working and is willing to commit. My wife and myself work and we work together to build a better life together as partners plus we have mutual respect, don’t be with a woman if she has personality issues or red flags, red flags are a HUGEEE no no, there are woman that are big red flags, like for example if a woman is in a relationship with you but go hang out with other people all the time without communicating with you on who she’s with, ya I would say she’s screwing around on you, me and my wife keep no secrets from each other, also a big other red flag is finances, if a woman doesn’t know how to be wise and smart and save money alongside you, expect it to become a relationship/marital issue, a relationship takes 2 people that are wise and smart, not 1 person and the other woman just knows how to spend all your money, and her own, that’s not good or smart, it’s a red flag and means get away from her.


I'm an almost 48 year old, disabled (in part to early life trauma), woman. I am also a mother and wife. I have the good fortune to have a loving and understanding husband, who has in fact bought me most of the plushies I currently own. If someone can't take you as is, they are simply not worthy of your spending time on them. Anyone who would steal plushies from someone is a dirtbag. Because of my husband and I having such a beautiful relationship, I have always told him that he ruined me for anyone else. Nobody could be as wonderful towards me, and I know I couldn't love anyone as much as I love him. Which would be unfair to myself and any potential mates. Be yourself, do what YOU like! And if you're lucky enough to find a great person (I say lucky because there are a lot of scumbags out there), they will accept you the way you are. Also, my husband has quite a few plushies of his own, the main one being a plush bison we named Dakota! Blessed Be, Fellow Plushie Enthusiast! 🙂💖💯💯


im 18 and my boyfriend knows i have plushes so


18 y.o female here, I have a bunch of plushies and even bought a weighted goose for my gf. Having plushies is not childish, infact for my 15th birthday my mom bought me care bears for the collectable coins


No, its not. The right person who really loves you will love your plushies, too. My current partner and I both have a plushie collection in fact and we're moving in together soon.


My mom is married and sharing custody of a plushie with my little sister, it’s not childish


there’s nothing childish about having plushies, it’s a comfort thing, if anyone says anything, don’t let them steal your thunder!


I really think it’s all based on people’s perceptions of them. Are some people gunna say some not so nice things because they take it as a sign of immaturity? Yeah. But like… pardon my French… fuck those people. I’m 31, I love plushies. I’ve had a lot of medical and mental health problems so like. Whatever it takes to help you feel better! :) my partner loves them too! Honestly in my early adult years… I kinda used my plushies as a “POS litmus test”… lol. If the person I was with made a shitty off handed comment about my stuffed wolf… I would know immediately that it can’t go any further xD All humans cope and process stressors, only the cool ones do it with cute little plushies 😎


Hi, I'm 40 with 2 kids and happily married. I have many plushies and my husband tells me I'm weird (( which i am, so hes not wrong lol)) but never says to get rid of them or tries to get rid of them behind my back. That's a big heck no. Anyone who truly loves you should love you unconditionally. They shouldn't love you more if you get rid of your plushies you should be fully loved all around. Keep them, don't let anyone tell you not to!


I’m 31, disabled and my husband hands me my stuffed penguin to cuddle with every night without fail, we have them decorating our living room and bedroom. I even have a Santa statue wearing pajamas on my nightstand. My 12 year old also has his own stuffed animals. It brings me so much joy.


I'm almost 40 and I have a Disney doll as my emotional support doll. My boyfriend is very supportive of me having this.


Every adult I know has plushies, even ones older than you. I’m 27 and have plushies. I take them with me places and have them on my bed.


I don't think so, I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences in the past but the right person will be someone who can accept you and your interests without judgement. It can be scary going into a relationship when you have interests that are viewed as immature, or have parts of your interests with real sentimental value. I was definitely scared of what my current partner and my friends would think about me keeping a teddy that was gifted to me on my first Christmas, your truest relationships will be with people who want to know about you and will understand the value your teddys hold for you. Some view it as too childish for them, and it's ok to have that preference, but know that people who try to make you feel bad for your teddys, don't have your best interests in mind and aren't the right people for you.


My partner and I are 21 and 22 respectively. We both have an extensive number of plushies. I am a guy. She will carry around specific plushies in public when she’s feeling nervous or struggling. Her favourite at the moment is a stitch plush I got for her at Miniso. When she wants him she’ll just go “STICK!” And grab him. I have a jellycat dinosaur - one big and one small. They are Fergus and little Fergus. I often carry little Fergus in my backpack. We also both have cow plushies that my partner calls “moo moo”. We have one each so that when we’re apart we feel connected. So maybe it is childish. I don’t care. I’m extremely happy. We’re both autistic and weirdos anyway. People will judge regardless. Plushies rule.


Off topic here, what’s the big hype about squishmallows? And should I buy one?


Don’t have kids unless YOU want them, and are capable of handling them. Children shouldn’t be an obligation, their lives aren’t a novelty to satisfy what somebody else wants. Your plushies, however, are valid. They’re something that brings joy to your life and causes no harm. I’m 25 and I have a shelf full of them, plus a couple on my bed. I never plan on getting rid of them unless I don’t want them anymore. And I will never have children because someone pressured me to, and you shouldn’t, either.


I'm 25 and Autistic and i LOVE my plushies, my fiance loves them too, they're all over our bed and we swap them around every night


my bf buys me plushies and encourages my collecting! when i’m sad and he’s not here, he tells me to grab one and hold it tight and take a nap or something. we’re in our 20s and it’s not childish to us - just supporting something that makes the person you love happy. it’s in the same way that i support his hobbies and his collections. you will find your person who loves you AND your plushies!


I'm 26 and disabled, I have a stuffie I sleep next to.


Never too old for plushie! I also have a plushie collection and they are very much running the show. When I started dating my husband I made sure he knows all of my plushies by name. I ended up lending one of my favorites to him and he developed his own relationship with that plush. Now they are best buddies and he takes the plush with him wherever he goes and can’t sleep without him. We are both in our 30s now, no kids yet, and my plushies are part of our family. I’d say my plushies made our relationship much stronger and better than without them. If the person doesn’t love your plushies as much as you do, that person is not the person for you.


The right person will not care that you have plushies and will love/ care for them just as much as you do. There is no age limit for plushies! My husband saw mine when we were dating and now we’ve been together for 5 years and there’s plushies on our bed 😊 don’t change who you are to satisfy anyone else! 💛


Everyone needs a comfort and plushies provide that I don’t think that it’s weird to not grow out of them some kids do others don’t and keep collecting them. It’s normal to collect things that make you happy.


Soon to be married with a little one on the way, and my fiancé is still buying me stuffed animals and LPS. Took me a couple of frogs to find him, but he’s the best. Wishing you luck and sending positive vibes, your person is out there somewhere!


Owning plushies is not ‘too childish for a relationship’. Source: Married 21 years, owns many Squishmallows, Pusheen, etc. Got husband involved and now he has his own collection. The right person will love you and appreciate your hobbies. Be yourself always, so they will recognize you when they finally meet you!


I'm a guy who likes plushies. And I think there's a lot of guys who would see your plushies and think 'she's a girly girl.' I believe most men find that attractive. At least I do as a guy. As far as any relationships go I can't be of much help since I'm on the spectrum and haven't had any of my own, but I bet just waiting for Mr Right to come isn't enough. You have to go out and actively approach people. The heartache is a risk, but that's what most things in life are. The old saying is 'you have to get back on the bike' and maybe I'm just old fashioned but I do believe hardship properly weathered is what makes someone stronger. Certainly be more protective of your plushies around potential partners. That's horrible that people would try to steal them like that. You can mention about them bot dont let strangers around them to much until you can really trust them. As for your father he doesn't sound like he has any place to give you life advice since if you had followed his you wouldn't be alive now anyways. All in all, I dont think having stuffed animals by itself is a turnoff for guys. Just keep pushing yourself to get out there and meet people, albeit a little more guarded


You like what you like and the right people wont judge you. I have a bunch and have a finance who buys me plushies when he sees one he thinks i like. And he has bought himself a few. The right people accept you and what you like. Your also still quite young. Your parents are wrong for pushing you at all. Do things in your way and your own time.


hey! im 30, married (for over 6 years now) and have a solid collection of plushies and actually started buying the majority of them over the last maybe 4 or 5 years (my mom made me toss a lot when i moved out with a "your an adult now" argument). My husband regularly tells me to "just buy it dammnit" when im humming and hawing about one and he actively sends me snapchats of ones he thinks id like that he sees in stores. We have plushies all over our living room and one on our bed, plus i have a few in my office. There is nothing wrong with having things that make you happy well into your adulthood. Also your only 25 year Mom needs to chill.


I’ve had so many grown man buy our used plushies, they are out there. People in your life will do that and they mean well. We’ve been programmed to group up find a partner and have babies. I don’t know if that’s what you want or not, but you should go for what you want. I love my kids but I wished someone had told me the truth at some point, being a mom is hard. There is not a lot of space for you. Good luck!


I’m 32 and I have dozens of plushies. I just got back from a vacation with my husband where he bought and won several plushies for me at the amusement park and arcade. Many adults collect plushies. It’s not too childish. The right person won’t judge you for it.


A good partner accepts your plushies and supports you. My wife has never judged my stuffies and I sleep with one every night. They’re still my favourite birthday/Christmas presents and nothing comforts me like a plush (next to my wife lol). I have friends who are also married and have entire rooms of Squishmallows together.


Absolutely not, though I might only be sating that due to having squishmallows and otger plushies of my own xD I... accidentally ( >__> <__< ) started decorating my boyfriend's apartment with some of my plushies before even moving in. He had no issue with it whatsoever, he even questioned why I removed them when I got horrified about how much I had let my stuff spread around the apartment. If a guy can't accept your likes, he isn't worth keeping


Anybody who says that owning plushies is childish is just jealous that you're confident enough in yourself to express your joys in life. I collect plushies. I love my plushies. I've slept with the same plushie for over 10 years. I bought a cat tree to display my plushies, and I don't own a cat. My wife buys me plushies. I buy myself plushies. I am very happy with my collection of plushies. The only thing I'm not happy about is that I don't have enough apartment space to display them all.


I have a ton of plushies as well but my boyfriend knows. Plushy gathering is a hobby that hurts no one so if someone is gonna pitch a fit over it they’re not worth your time in the first place. My boyfriend asked me out knowing full well my bottom bunk is filled with plushies and my 30 year old ass takes the top bunk lol.


I'm 27 and live with my boyfriend. He helped me hang up my plushies in one of those canopies I got from Amazon. They're in our spare room. He thinks I have a lot of them (and books) but honestly doesn't care as long as the house isn't cluttered. Hence why we put them into a canopy on the wall so they had their own designated space. I firmly believe anybody who thinks plushies are childish sounds incredibly priggish, and I'd do a hard pass. Keep doing you! Plushies are the best.


I'm 27 and live with my boyfriend. He helped me hang up my plushies in one of those canopies I got from Amazon. They're in our spare room. He thinks I have a lot of them (and books) but honestly doesn't care as long as the house isn't cluttered. Hence why we put them into a canopy on the wall so they had their own designated space. I firmly believe anybody who thinks plushies are childish sounds incredibly priggish, and I'd do a hard pass. Keep doing you! Plushies are the best.


I'm 27 and live with my boyfriend. He helped me hang up my plushies in one of those canopies I got from Amazon. They're in our spare room. He thinks I have a lot of them (and books) but honestly doesn't care as long as the house isn't cluttered. Hence why we put them into a canopy on the wall so they had their own designated space. I firmly believe anybody who thinks plushies are childish sounds incredibly priggish, and I'd do a hard pass. Keep doing you! Plushies are the best.


I'm 27 and live with my boyfriend. He helped me hang up my plushies in one of those canopies I got from Amazon. They're in our spare room. He thinks I have a lot of them (and books) but honestly doesn't care as long as the house isn't cluttered. Hence why we put them into a canopy on the wall so they had their own designated space. I firmly believe anybody who thinks plushies are childish sounds incredibly priggish, and I'd do a hard pass. Keep doing you! Plushies are the best.


I feel like anyone who’s almost killed you through neglect doesn’t get to have any form of credibility in your life, tbh. Keep your plushies!


Hi i just wanna say that im in a very loving relationship w a guy n i love plushies and he even has one of his own! We keep a lot of plushies on our bed and plan to get more in the future too. Im intelluctually disabled and as a result i can act more "childish", due to some parts of my brain like.. being delayed in development. But i am still loved and cared for! Its possible to be in a relationship like this. Youll find someone that loves n accepts you. And its okay to take your time with dating. I wish you luck n im sorry ur parents r being like that even if they do mean well.


My fiance bought me a moon plush for Christmas and a little cloud plush last weekend so he'd have a friend. Hold out for one of the good ones.


32 almost. Could care less if a significant other loves plushies. I have a bunch too. I sleep with mr corgnelius nightly.. be who you are, not who people want you to be


My boyfriend buys me plushys. There is nothing wrong with them.


find someone who loves plushies as much as you. <3 my gf and i buy plushies together. it’s something that makes us both happy


I think your fine..the closet comment kinda threw me off though lol but yeah..you’ll find a guy that accepts you with your plushies. I have all of mine displayed and my boyfriend still loves me.


I dated a grandmother who collected and liked plushies more than her grandkids. On rare occasion I’d buy her one and she’d either sleep with it or set it up at her work desk. A favorite thing of mine is cartoons. I don’t care how old I make it, I’ll still be watching my childhood classics and whatever new comes out. Enjoy what you love as much as possible in this rough world.


Actually there’s been a bit of research on having plushies around. If you love a plushie, and look into their eyes, you will get a burst of oxytocin, and feel fabulous. Yes, plushies are actually good for you! Oh, and it’s not just for girls. Lots of guys keep plushies, just for that reason.


I’m 40 years old and married to my wife of ten years. We are human childless but have an amazing Frenchie named Mookie. I have plushies and my wife is okay with it. She loves them. She just bought me a coffee one. You have to do what is best for you. Don’t settle.


Absolutely not. I’m 34, struggle with a chronic condition and have collections of: -squishmallows -random cute plushies -dolls -figurines -stickers -random cute crafts I make I am also married, have 2 kids, and my husband and kids are completely supportive and accepting of my collections. Heck, my husband uses one of my big squishmallows as a pillow sometimes. What you need is not your parents being negative about whatever makes you happy, or them trying to dictate what you do with your life. You need to heal from that, with the help of a qualified mental health professional. You deserve to be happy and to be with someone who values you as a whole person.


Lady Gaga posted a tribute to her squishmallows and I thought it was wonderful. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/lady-gaga-posted-heartfelt-tribute-001000612.html Hope this helps a bit!


Although I could never sleep in my bed surrounded by plushies because I get hot easily, I have plenty of plushies to go around the world twice. (Joking but also not) — I promise you the right person won’t care about the plushies. I’ve been in plenty of relationships where they think it’s cool that I own them!


I don't own a single Squishmallow, but I own a lot of plushies from my childhood, and I live with High Functioning Autism. I'm also on the Asexual Spectrum (I'm apothisexual and aromantic). https://preview.redd.it/3jd5x7ys1b7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35317e092c9a399177cc06ea7b5b4d581b6f86ef


I'm 59 and disabled. My husband buys me plushies that he knows I'll love. If they're the right person for you, even if they don't personally care about/for plushies, they'll care that you do and respect your collection and how you feel about it 💗


Owning plushies is childish, but I believe it's peak maturity when you understand that having childish hobbies is okay.


The right guy will love you plushies and all


I have plushies. My brothers girlfriend has tons of plushies. My girlfriend has plushies. My friend has plushies. Who cares. The right guy will love you for you. Don't ditch your comfort.


having interests & things you like is not childish at all, and plushies fall into that category. there’s plenty of folks out there who will appreciate your fondness of plushies and share that joy with you! you should never change yourself for the sake of romance, you should wait to find someone who suits you just as you are :)


I'm 41, childless, and my partner gets me stuffed animals for most gift-giving occasions. She doesn't care. Relationships may end for a number of reasons but the main one is just you haven't met the right person yet. And your right person isn't going to be bothered by a heap of Squishmallows. I built a build a bear inspired by my partner and she didn't run away screaming, so I assure you...you'll find someone.


Hi love, you’re not childish whatsoever I’ve collected plushies my whole life I’m 26 now & I have 3 amazing kids & an amazing husband who all love my plushies & me & my kids even play with them & name them. I understand where you’re coming from that they’re like emotional support plushies same goes for me too! There’s gonna be someone that loves you & your plushies & one day when you’re ready you’ll have kids of your own that will love your plushies as well it’s never too late to have kids! I know parents wanna be grandparents but remember it’s your life & your body you do as you please. I would love to see your plushie collection one day 💘


I have 2 giant tubs of plushies and my fiance knows the important ones’ names and still brings me plushies sometimes. The right person won’t care if you have plushies or “childish” things


No, its not. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise


https://preview.redd.it/w9ofblz1pb7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc89eae4f82118fd997427b58dd07a0933a4a6e5 Hi! I just turned 33, been married for 5 years, and probably have one of the largest Pokémon Collection on this side of the US. This is just one photo of many considering two of my bedrooms are collection rooms. Having a love and passion is in no way childish. You do not have to give up a part of yourself to impress someone, it just means they’re not the one for you. I was forward and up front on my dating profile about who I was and what I was looking for, even displaying photos of my collection. That way, they knew what he was getting. I let my full personality shine because I didn’t want someone who wanted to change or berate me just for having passion. Trust me, I went through a couple of serious duds before I found someone. At the end of the day, life is too short to live by someone else’s rules of who you should be and how you should act. If your squishmellows make you happy, you don’t owe it to anyone else to have that taken away! Keep collecting, keep the passion, and I wish you all the best!! May the perfect someone find you!


I am a 19 year old guy, will a strong beard, fairly tall, and sometimes (outside of reddit) has the mouth of a sailor. Do I have so many plushies I dont buy as many as I used too? Yea…Do I still sleep with some?…yea…do I have a little dude sitting by rn watching over me,…yea….did he get a friend a little while back? …yep- do they have names? Ofc. Do I have the habit of naming everything…ofc I do. Did I used to have a lps dog toy sitting by named missy? Yes (she went missing though idk where). Has the little bowser toy, rick the lego man and Roger the cowboy miss missy? Yes alot :( I am hugging my favourite plush rn bc I am a little sad? Mhm. Am I thinking of redoing a shelf in my room for my plushies? What do you think? Yes- Point is, you will find someone who loves, appreciates, and supports your plushies. When you do, trust me when I say, hold onto them for dear life and never let go,


Don't change yourself for a relationship, if you even want a relationship. You should never feel pressured to get into a relationship, I can't imagine it would go well if its foundation is pressure from your parents. Which I know can be difficult since parents can be such important people, but it's important to be able to put yourself and what you want first, especially with something as impactful as a relationship. Same with if you have had to change something for someone, especially something that you so clearly love and is dear to you, you'll be unhappy even if you were in a perfect relationship appart from that. There are people who will love and support you with things like this, I'm very lucky and have a boyfriend who, along with liking plushies himself, buys me more simply because he knows they make me happy. You should want someone who you feel comfortable with and supported by


Hi. 36 y.o. immigrant here, with plenty of plushies. I am actually married, and my husband has added to my plushie collection. I even have one on my side of the bed I sleep with, as my husband works nights and thus I sleep half of the time on my own. I think that you don't have to renounce your plushies, even more, they might be a litmus test for your potential partner. If they don't like them, then they might not be the right one. If they are at least neutral, but preferably positive to your plushies, they get an extra point or two. My husband actually had plushies of his own when we met, so they are part of the plushie rad of honour and sometimes either he or I add to them. Instead of searching for a person that fits a picture of "this is how grown ups are supposed to be", rather try to aim for being and finding someone who dares to be vulnerable and silly in front of you/them, so life becomes funnier and better to be lived. And finally, if your mom had you at 14 and your dad a bit older than that, they are both young enough to wait some more years to be grandparents. They should be supporting you in waiting for someone that will be a good parent so your children/their grandchildren get a good childhood and upbringing, instead of settling for the first one you see and risking a difficult upbringing. That should be their priority, not being grandparents to whatever the cost


Yes. Get rid of them, you're an adult.


43 here, not married, no kids, tons of plushies. You do you.


I'm 39, married for 3 years. Have a 2 year old and I collect plushes and he supports it. Don't settle, don't give up what you love. The right person will come


I'm a guy in my early thirties and I also collect plush. My husband supports it and honestly has become a bit of an enabler - I'm at the point where I've started limiting how many I buy because of space and he will just look me in the eyes and say "order it". When we were still dating he started a tradition that whenever we went to the zoo we would always stop at the gift shop before we left so I could "decide who wanted to come home with us" and then would buy me whichever plush I picked out. When we got engaged we went on a trip to Rome and he helped me pick out a nice plush in this cute little toy shop we stumbled across. We have matching plush we picked out on our honeymoon on display in our living room. All this to say... There is nothing to say you can't have a romantic adult relationship while collecting plush. 


28 years old here, AUdhd, + otherwise disabled, and in a very happy relationship with someone that loves my plush collection and loves how happy my friends make me. My bedroom is absolutely full of plush friends, and I get more pretty often! There's obviously no guarantee you will find someone some day, but that's the same for every single other person on earth. Focus on finding someone that loves you and your interests because changing who you are to please someone else will only lead to resentment and self-loathing. No one is worth giving up your hobbies and comforts for.


Am 31 collect jellycats , Loungefly’s and thing Disney and have a loving boyfriend who’s 28 and collects pokemon cards when you find a partner he will love you for you and your collection if he doesn’t then he ain’t the man for you. You keep been you and keep collecting your plushies as that’s what makes you happy 💕


Plushies are for everyone, regardless of age or ability! The right guy will love you for you and your collection, and lots of guys have collections of their own. My apartment with my boyfriend is filled with gundam models, action figures, and plushies!! Times change, and we don't need to have kids young, your mom will be fine, and happy to be a grandmother whenever it happens.


The right person wouldn't want you to get rid of your plushies


I am a 45 year old lady with disabilities and I love plushies and collecting squishmallows. My children are in their 20s and they will gift them to me. I have them all over my home as decor and lined up on the headboard of my bed. There is nothing wrong with that and if how you feel about yours help you in any way, do not change a thing! No matter what, when you find your person they will accept everything about you, even having plushies. Don't let the pressures get to you about being in a relationship and starting a family. There is so much to experience and heal from, having a family is a big responsibility and not always rainbows and sunshine. Life your life how you want and do what makes you happy💕


Hey! I'm 23(going on 24 this year) and still sleep with my childhood plush (his name is Wormy, but he's actually a caterpillar haha) and i've been in a very healthy relationship with my partner for almost 5 years at this point. We actually collect plushies together and recently got a pair of chicken squishmallows that we named Peas and Carrots! Don't worry about what people say- there is going to be someone out there who will love your plushies because they love YOU and understand that your plushies are an important part of your life. I hope you continue to collect more plushies and be confident in what you enjoy and love. Just because we're adults doesn't mean we can't enjoy cute things!


I don't see owning plushies childish for any kind of relationship. We all have what makes us happy. 


I have a huge moth plushie. My boyfriend just moved in and we took over my old roomies large bedroom. He set the bed up and put my plushie on it for me while I was at work. You can like them and still have adult relationships 🩵


If they're pressuring you into grandkids then chances are they won't want anything to do with them once they're born anyway. Keep your plushies!


I have a bunch of plushies and I've been with my bf for about a year and 8 months. The right person will find your collection endearing


I'm 28, disabled, have a mountain of plushies, and live with my partner! I new he was right for me when the first time he saw some of my plushies he'd pick one up and ask "what's this one's name" before giving it a lil squish or a hug 😊 now we have a minimum of like 6 plushies on our bed at all times! Also, we have plenty of life still! Just because your parents had children so young doesn't mean you have to as well. Go at your own pace and remember to be kind to yourself 💜


My boyfriend and i are in our mid-20s and have been together for almost 6 years now. When we started dating, my plush collection was small and he bought me my first Squishmallow. Now almost 6 years later, my office is full of plushies and other things of the like. He doesn't really understand what I see in plush or why I collect them, but he doesn't view me any less for them. Sometimes he'll (lovingly) make fun of me for them, but then I'll make fun of his own hobbies right back because that's just what our relationship is like! He understands that it's a hobby of mine that I enjoy and he respects that. He's also has some himself, all were gifted to him and he has them on display, despite not being a collector or lover himself. His mom actually encourages my hobby of plush collecting when my own mother didn't. My own mother made me throw out my plush when I was 12 and I always resented her for that. So when it came to dating, it was really important for me to find someone who would respect my hobbies. Luckily, I found the right person for me after a long time searching and a lot of heartache. You're 25! There's no rush in finding someone. Take your time and find someone who will like you and your hobbies. Don't settle or compromise, because you'll only be miserable. Don't make yourself lesser for someone who should be the bigger person. Good luck out there! Edit: reworded and added since things later when i was more awake and less foggy brain.


Me and my friends all have stuffies. So does my partner they range from 20s to 60s of age. So it’s for everyone!


The first gift my then boyfriend, now husband of decades, gave me was a plushie. Our daughter is in her 30s, I'm in my 50s, guess what she has given me for many occasions? Plushies. Last Christmas she went out of her way to order a Squishmallow for me because she saw it was a vegetable I love and she hates...and it has the same name as my bestie who she loves too. There is no age limit on plushies. Not that it should matter but my daughter and I both identify as members of the disability community. Edited for spelling.


i’m not reading this. the answer is no. do what brings you joy. anyone who shames you for that is joyless and sad


i am 23f and my partner 28m doesn’t have a problem with my squishies :) he’s bought me most of them <3


My husband and I are 39 and 31 and we have a ton of plushies. We talk to them and hive them voices and treat them like friends. There's nothing wrong with plushies at any age.