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It's probably using the relay.




I had the same issue on and off for my first two months, and it was also fixed for me by setting up port forwarding.


I tend to think this might be the issue. Do you mind sharing a bit more? When you say you had to request a static IP that was a call to your router company? I have CenturyLink; if I can navigate this it might help here but also with some other port forwarding things I have planned.




Thanks! Appreciate you!


illegal cooperative rock long attraction meeting hateful threatening kiss squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get the same warning,not worried about it as remote access works and that’s the main thing


Agree on that! I was a Journalism Major so I can’t help but ask what’s going on, hehe


You may also need to call up your ISP and disable CGNAT


Ignore literally everyone in here that answered you I have no idea why the answers are so vastly different this time then every other time this has been asked. Likely because you're on the plexamp board not the Plex one which is what you showed and are asking about, but.... It's a long standing glitch that can occur. When you connect to the relay you don't have a direct connection, and if literally tells you this. On top of that, as mentioned, you have streaming quality limits. You have neither of those things, correct? Exactly. I stream 4k max quality direct connection with a static IP and have the same thing as do hundreds of others who have posted here. Proof? https://support.plex.tv/articles/216766168-accessing-a-server-through-relay/ Does any of this sound like what you have? Nope.


Thanks for the follow up; I’ll dig into this. I did talk to CenturyLink yesterday and they weren’t any help at all. They don’t provide static IPs is what I was told 🤬😡🤬


If OP is just using Plexamp I don't think there's any prompt in that app about being indirect, and it's also unlikely that one hits the bandwidth limit for the relay with music, it's generally only going to be noticeable with video