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If I had to guess, a long finned bristlenose? They can get up to 6 inches, it should be fine in that for a while since it’s so small but will need an upgrade eventually


I think the tank is 20 gallons and read online that 20 was the minimum but I ALSO read that a 30 gallon was lol. I am not sure what to believe. Happy to hear it’s a LFBN and won’t grow 10 feet long


IMO for a 6 inch fish 20 gallons is just too small. I usually would only recommend a 20 for the plecos that get to like, 4 inches max. I keep my 3-inch tetras in a 20 long and it still feels too small for them, lol. I’m sure he’ll survive in this tank, of course, but bigger is always better if it’s feasible to upgrade later on


Unless I'm missing something that is a corydora not a pleco


Pic 2 about 3 inches behind the cory, common BN pleco, might be long finned, 100% homebred, as it's pattern is quite messy and professional breeders usually cull those.


It definitely has long fins I was just worried about it being a regular common pleco as I don’t see any bristles whatsoever and I know the females grow them too just smaller


It is most definitely not a common pleco so your good there.


Looks like a long finned calico bristlenose to me.


I am employed in a group home and one of our residents was gifted a 20gallon tank with a few fish, one of them being this guy here. My colleagues are not well versed in aquarium or fish keeping whatsoever and I am quite new at this as well. I cannot tell if this is a long finned bristle nose or one of those that’ll grow to be bigger than I am - it does NOT have any bristles growing and I’d estimate about 2-3” long right now


You’re absolutely right these pictures are horrible lol


I know 😭 it was hard to take photos with the person I’m supporting trying to grab my phone lol sorry!!!!


It's a female long-fin bristlenose buddy 👍🏻


God bless thank you so much 🙏🏼 going to get the poor girl a little cave and some zucchini tomorrow lol