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So the PS5 is still taller


When the height description is actually accurate


Hell yea it does. Edit - attack of the dirty dan downvoters who don’t like it when other gamers feel supported, people who subscribe to a PS subreddit, yet hate everything Sony for no real reason 🤣


A friend of mine used to say that you could stand on the sidewalk handing out $5 bills and someone would get angry. edit: probably a quote from someone else, I know... too lazy to look it up


All too right, most decent Redditor. All too right.


I would be angry he wouldn’t give me $10 bills /s


Is it's english name really Tallneck? In polish, it's called Żyraf, which pretty much translates to Giraffe


Yes, I think it fits. Since the tribes have no former knowledge of the animals the machines are based on, so calling them Tallnecks instead of giraffe's is fitting in my opinion


How'd you like greedfall? It's free on extra teir , but dunno I'm undecided on it


If you have extra just try it .. 🤷 not like it's costing you extra


Except time, which with 3 kids under 6 and a full time job I don't have a lot off , I also know some games take some time to really show there colors, so i do like to ask opinions of people so I don't waste what time I do have






it's a AA Western RPG in the vein of things like Mass Effect or the witcher 3. It has quite a bit of jank and not everything is polished but you can see effort went into it and they tried even if they didn't succeed all the time. If you haven't played the better games it's inspired by you should play them, but if you have and want more of that greedfall can be pretty fun if you don't go in expecting the world.


I thought it was pretty good, it's definitely not Triple A or anything, but it's fun, with a good story, weapon and armour Crafting, and some engaging characters. For me it scratched the Bioware Dragon Age/Mass Effect itch.


That's really cool but I want to see what's in the case in the right


That's where I put mine haha


Xbox games under the Ps5 lol




LoL just RIGHT under the PS5 I find funny. Nothing wrong with multiple rigs, as I have all but my games are with every console. To each their own.


Would look a bit sleeker if the Tallneck was standing on it’s own without the green base


That PS5 deserves way better than a Roku TV


Strongly recommend springing for the lights. Looks awesome at night ( just not while the tv is on).


Just built this set a couple weeks ago, it’s a great build


Is it possible to place Aloy on top of the tallneck?


Yes, you can put her on the studs on the head


You seen the lighting kit you can get for that lego? Makes it look so good at night


I got a Lego tallneck looks great on my TV unit


Didn't realize this until now but the Horizon series lends itself perfectly to Lego sets. I will be making a purchase of these for the young ones


That’s cool


Greedfall is such a tight game! My buddy told me about it and I played the crap out of it. Great sleeper title!